Cairan sel yang mengisi ruang antara membran sel dengan inti sel adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Sitoplasma
The correct answer is Sitoplasma. The question asks for the fluid that fills the space between the cell membrane and the nucleus. The cytoplasm is the correct answer because it is the gel-like substance that surrounds the organelles within the cell, including the nucleus. It also contains various molecules and nutrients necessary for cell metabolism and function.
Pada tempat-tempat tertentu, tilakoid bertumpuk-tumpuk,membentuk badan seperti tumpukan uang logam yang disebut ...
Correct Answer
A. Grana
In certain places, thylakoids stack up, forming a structure resembling a stack of coins called grana.
1. Stroma 3. Dinding sel 5. Mikrotubulus
2. mikrofilamen 4. Vesikula
Dari pernyataan di atas yang bukan merupakan bagian dari sel hewan adalah nomor ...
Correct Answer
C. 1 dan 3
The correct answer is 1 dan 3. The question asks which of the options is not a part of an animal cell. Stroma is a part of a chloroplast in a plant cell, not an animal cell. Dinding sel refers to the cell wall, which is also not present in animal cells. Mikrofilamen, mikrotubulus, and vesikula are all components of animal cells. Therefore, options 1 dan 3 are the correct answer.
Organel yang berfungsi untuk sintesis protein adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Ribosom
Ribosom adalah organel yang berfungsi untuk sintesis protein. Ribosom terletak di sitoplasma sel dan juga terdapat di dalam retikulum endoplasma. Ribosom membantu dalam proses translasi, di mana mereka membaca pesan genetik dari mRNA dan menghasilkan rantai polipeptida yang membentuk protein. Mitokondria adalah organel yang berperan dalam produksi energi, retikulum endoplasma berfungsi dalam sintesis protein dan transportasi intraseluler, kompleks Golgi berperan dalam pemrosesan dan pengiriman molekul, dan nukleus berfungsi sebagai pusat pengendalian sel. Oleh karena itu, ribosom adalah jawaban yang tepat untuk pertanyaan ini.
Berikut ini adalah ciri dari sel eukariotik, kecuali ...
Correct Answer
A. Belum ada pemisahan yang jelas antar organel sel
The correct answer is "Belum ada pemisahan yang jelas antar organel sel" because all the other options are characteristics of eukaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells have a clear separation of organelles, contain a reticulum endoplasmic, have a nucleus, and undergo protein synthesis in ribosomes. The only option that does not apply to eukaryotic cells is the lack of clear separation between organelles.
Yang bukan merupakan proses transfor pasif adalah ...
Correct Answer
E. Eksositosis
Eksositosis is the process by which cells release substances from their cytoplasm to the external environment. It involves the fusion of vesicles containing the substances with the cell membrane, resulting in the release of the contents outside the cell. This process is an active transport mechanism and requires energy expenditure by the cell. In contrast, filtration, diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and osmosis are all passive processes that do not require energy and involve the movement of substances across a membrane either due to a concentration gradient or a pressure gradient.
Peristiwa perpindahan zat dari larutan berkerapatan rendah ke larutan berkerapatan tinggi disebut ...
Correct Answer
E. Osmosis
Osmosis is the correct answer because it refers to the movement of substances from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration through a selectively permeable membrane. In this case, it specifically describes the movement of substances from a solution with low concentration to a solution with high concentration.
Jika tekanan osmosis didalam sel hewan melebihi tekanan diluar sel , maka sel akan ...
Correct Answer
B. Mengerut
When the osmotic pressure inside the animal cell is higher than the pressure outside the cell, the cell will shrink or shrivel. This is because water will move out of the cell to the area of higher solute concentration in order to equalize the concentration on both sides of the cell membrane. As a result, the cell will lose water and decrease in size, causing it to shrink or shrivel.
Berikut ini adalah fungsi dari komplek Golgi , Kecuali ...
Correct Answer
B. Transport protein
The correct answer is "Transport protein." The Golgi complex is responsible for modifying, sorting, and packaging proteins and lipids into vesicles for transport to their final destinations. It also plays a role in the synthesis of complex carbohydrates. However, the Golgi complex does not directly function in the transport of proteins across the cell membrane. That is primarily the role of the endoplasmic reticulum and the vesicles it produces.
Perhatikan ciri-ciri berikut!
Di bentuk oleh kompleks golgi
Berisi enzim - enzim hidrolitik
Memiliki sistem mebran tunggal
Organel yang mempunyai ciri di atas adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Lisosom
Lisosom adalah organel yang memenuhi semua ciri-ciri yang diberikan dalam pertanyaan. Lisosom terbentuk melalui kompleks golgi, berisi enzim-enzim hidrolitik, dan memiliki sistem membran tunggal. Lisosom berperan dalam pemrosesan dan pemecahan molekul-molekul organik yang tidak lagi diperlukan oleh sel.