Bertambah besarnya akar dan batang tumbuhan disebabkan oleh . .
Correct Answer
B. Bertambah banyaknya sel di dalam jaringan
The increase in the size of roots and stems of plants is caused by the increase in the number of cells in the tissue. As the plant grows, more cells are added to the tissue, leading to an overall increase in size. This is different from the other options, which focus on the size or thickness of individual cells or the size of the cell cavity.
Perkembangan pada tumbuhan biji dimulai sejak . . .
Correct Answer
A. Sel zigot
The correct answer is "sel zigot". The development of seed plants begins with the fusion of male and female gametes, resulting in the formation of a zygote. This zygote then develops into an embryo, which eventually grows into a seed. Therefore, the development of seed plants starts with the formation of a zygote.
Pertumbuhan raksasa, terbentuknya buah yang besar dan tidak berbiji, dipengaruhi oleh hormon . . .
Correct Answer
B. Giberelin
Giberelin is a plant hormone that plays a crucial role in the growth and development of plants. It promotes cell elongation, which can result in the growth of larger plant structures such as giant fruits. Giberelin also influences the formation of seedless fruits, as it can stimulate fruit development without the need for fertilization or pollination. Therefore, it is likely that giberelin is responsible for the growth of giant fruits and the formation of seedless fruits.
Pola pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada makhluk hidup (tumbuhan dan hewan) diatur oleh . . .
Correct Answer
D. Gen
The growth and development of living organisms (plants and animals) are regulated by genes. Genes are segments of DNA that contain instructions for the development and functioning of an organism. They determine various traits and characteristics, such as physical appearance and behavior. Genes play a crucial role in controlling the timing and sequence of growth and development processes in living organisms. Hormones, food, and light can also influence growth and development, but they ultimately act upon or interact with genes to produce their effects.
Bagian akar yang pertumbuhannya paling cepat adalah
Correct Answer
B. Bagian paling ujung
The explanation for the correct answer "bagian paling ujung" is that the tip of the root, also known as the root cap, is responsible for the rapid growth of the root. The root cap protects the delicate growing cells behind it and secretes lubricating substances to help the root push through the soil. This constant growth at the tip allows the root to explore and penetrate the soil for water and nutrients efficiently. Therefore, the "bagian paling ujung" or the very end of the root is the part that grows the fastest.
Perkembangan makhluk hidup adalah proses . . .
Correct Answer
B. Berubahnya sel untuk membentuk struktur dan fungsi tertentu
The correct answer is "berubahnya sel untuk membentuk struktur dan fungsi tertentu." This is because the development of living organisms involves the transformation of cells to form specific structures and functions. As organisms grow and develop, their cells differentiate and specialize to perform specific tasks in different tissues and organs. This process allows for the formation of complex structures and the functioning of various biological processes in living organisms.
Pertumbuhan pada tumbuhan terjadi pada . . .
Correct Answer
D. Jaringan meristem ujung tunas dan ujung batang
The correct answer is "jaringan meristem ujung tunas dan ujung batang". This is because meristem is a type of plant tissue that is responsible for growth and development. The meristem at the tip of the shoot and the tip of the stem are particularly important for plant growth as they continuously produce new cells that elongate and differentiate into various tissues. Therefore, the growth of plants primarily occurs at the meristem of the shoot and stem tips.
Bayi pada tubuh ibu terletak di dalam. . .
Correct Answer
D. Uterus
The correct answer is uterus. The uterus is the organ in a woman's body where a baby develops during pregnancy. It is located inside the body, specifically in the pelvic region. The vagina is the birth canal through which the baby passes during childbirth. The indung telur (ovary) is where eggs are produced, and the tuba Fallopi (Fallopian tube) is the pathway through which the egg travels from the ovary to the uterus. However, it is the uterus where the baby is located during pregnancy.
Menstruasi pada umumnya terjadi pertama kali pada masa. . .
Correct Answer
C. Pubertas
Menstruasi pada umumnya terjadi pertama kali pada masa pubertas. Pada masa ini, tubuh anak perempuan mengalami perubahan fisik dan hormon yang menyebabkan terjadinya menstruasi. Pubertas biasanya terjadi antara usia 8-13 tahun, tetapi bisa juga terjadi lebih awal atau lebih lambat tergantung pada individu. Selama pubertas, ovarium mulai melepaskan telur dan rahim mempersiapkan diri untuk kemungkinan kehamilan dengan membangun lapisan endometrium. Jika tidak ada kehamilan yang terjadi, lapisan endometrium ini akan dikeluarkan melalui vagina dalam bentuk darah dan jaringan, yang dikenal sebagai menstruasi.
Cairan dalam rahim untuk melindungi embrio dari guncangan adalah. . .
Correct Answer
A. Cairan amnion
The correct answer is "cairan amnion." The amniotic fluid is a fluid that surrounds and protects the embryo in the uterus. It acts as a cushion, providing a protective barrier against any external shocks or movements that could potentially harm the developing fetus. It also helps to maintain a stable temperature and provides a medium for the fetus to move and develop properly.