Sebutkan faktor-faktor yang memepengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman!
Jelaskan hubungan antara cahaya matahari dengan pertumbuhan tanaman!
Sebutkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi denyut nadi seseorang!
Jelaskan hubungan aktivitas manusia dengan denyut nadi!
Sebutkan ciri-ciri makhluk hidup! jelaskan!
Ilmu pengetahuan alam adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Ilmu yang mempelajari gejala alam
The correct answer is "ilmu yang mempelajari gejala alam." This answer states that natural science is the study of natural phenomena, which includes the study of the physical and biological aspects of the natural world. It excludes the study of social phenomena, the relationships between humans, and focuses solely on the natural aspects of the world.
Pengertian sistematis adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Sesuai urutan metode ilmiah
The correct answer is "sesuai urutan metode ilmiah" which means "in accordance with the order of scientific methods". This suggests that a systematic approach is one that follows the logical sequence of scientific methods. It implies that there is a specific order or process that needs to be followed in order to achieve a scientific and reliable outcome. This approach ensures that decisions and conclusions are based on evidence, data, and logical reasoning rather than personal preferences or biases.
Salah satu sikap seorang peneliti adalah terbuka, artinya ....
Correct Answer
B. Selalu menerima pendapat orang lain
Being open-minded is an important attitude for a researcher as it allows them to consider and accept different perspectives and opinions from others. This helps in fostering collaboration, gaining new insights, and avoiding biases or prejudices in their research. By being receptive to other people's opinions, researchers can enhance the quality and validity of their work by incorporating diverse viewpoints and ideas.
Saat melakukan percobaan kita harus teliti, supaya ....
Correct Answer
C. Mendapat data yang akurat
When conducting experiments, it is important to be careful and pay attention to detail in order to obtain accurate data. This is because accurate data is crucial for drawing valid conclusions and making reliable observations. By being meticulous and attentive, researchers can ensure that their data is reliable and can be easily interpreted and presented.
Di bawah ini merupakan langkah-langkah metode ilmiah :
menarik kesimpulan
mempublikasikan hasil
merumuskan hipotesis
merumuskan masalah
melakukan eksparimen
analisis data
urutan langkah metode ilmiah yang benar adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. 4 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 1 - 2
The correct order of the scientific method is to first formulate the problem, then formulate a hypothesis, conduct experiments, analyze the data, draw conclusions, and finally publish the results. Therefore, the correct answer is 4 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 1 - 2.
Pengertian masalah adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Suatu ganjalan yang ada di dalam hati dan pikiran seseorang
Pernyataan berikut yang merupakan rumusan masalah yang bisa diteliti adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Apakah pembangunan pemukiman baru dapat menyebabkan banjir di kota A?
The given answer is the only statement that presents a clear research question. It focuses on the potential impact of new residential development on flooding in city A. The other statements provide information about flooding and its effects but do not pose a specific research question. Therefore, the question about the impact of new residential development on flooding is the most appropriate formulation for a research study.
Kerangka teori disusun dengan cara ....
Correct Answer
A. Mencari informasi-informasi mengenai permasalahan yang terjadi di pustaka ataupun fakta di lapangan
The correct answer is "mencari informasi-informasi mengenai permasalahan yang terjadi di pustaka ataupun fakta di lapangan." This is because when constructing a theoretical framework, it is essential to gather information about the problem from various sources such as literature and field observations. This helps in understanding the existing knowledge and facts related to the issue, which forms the basis for developing the theoretical framework.
Di bawah ini merupakan cara-cara yang harus diperhatikan dalam menyusun perumusan masalah, kecuali....
Correct Answer
D. Berbentuk pernyataan
The correct answer is "berbentuk pernyataan". This is because the other options all involve using a question format or indicating a question, while "berbentuk pernyataan" means "in the form of a statement" and does not involve asking a question. When formulating a problem, it is important to ask questions or use question formats to clearly define the issue at hand.
Suatu penelitian berjudul "Pengaruh Jenis Pakan terhadap Kecepatan Pertumbuhan Berat Badan Ayam Kampung".
Variabel bebas pada penelitian tersebut adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Jenis pakan
The independent variable in the study titled "The Effect of Feed Type on the Growth Rate of Local Chickens" is the "type of feed." This means that the researchers are investigating how different types of feed affect the growth rate of the chickens. They will be comparing the growth rates of chickens fed with different types of feed to determine if there is a significant difference in their weight gain.
Praduga seorang ilmuwan terhadap suatu kasus yang didasarkan pada telaah pustaka disebut ....
Correct Answer
A. Hipotesis
A hypothesis is a scientist's prediction or assumption about a case based on literature review. It is a proposed explanation or answer to a scientific question that can be tested through further research and experimentation. A hypothesis helps guide the scientific method and is an essential step in the process of conducting scientific investigations.
Ada rumusan masalah : "Adakah pengaruh ketinggian terhadap ukuran buah salak?".
Hipotesis nol dari rumusan masalah tersebut adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Tidak ada pengaruh ketinggian terhadap ukuran buah salak.
The correct answer is "tidak ada pengaruh ketinggian terhadap ukuran buah salak." This is because the question is asking whether there is an influence of height on the size of salak fruit. The hypothesis states that there is no such influence, suggesting that the height does not affect the size of the fruit.
Hipotesis yang menyatakan hubungan adalah....
Correct Answer
E. Ada hubungan antara pola makan terhadap kesehatan seseorang
The given answer states that there is a relationship between someone's eating patterns and their health. This implies that the way a person eats can affect their overall well-being.
Variabel yang mempengaruhi variabel yang lain disebut dengan variabel ....
Correct Answer
B. Bebas
Variabel yang mempengaruhi variabel yang lain disebut dengan variabel bebas. Ini berarti bahwa variabel bebas memiliki pengaruh atau kontrol terhadap variabel lainnya. Variabel bebas dapat diubah atau dimanipulasi untuk melihat dampaknya terhadap variabel terikat atau respon. Dalam penelitian, variabel bebas sering kali merupakan faktor yang diteliti atau dimanipulasi untuk melihat efeknya terhadap variabel terikat.
Pada usia 4 hari, berat buah semangka adalah 5 kg. Pada usia 10 hari, beratnya 15 kg.
kesimpulan dari perkembangan data tersebut adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Semakin bertambah usia, berat buah semakin bertambah berat pula.
The given answer is correct because it accurately summarizes the data provided. The weight of the watermelon increases from 5 kg at 4 days old to 15 kg at 10 days old. This shows that as the age of the watermelon increases, its weight also increases. Therefore, the conclusion that "semakin bertambah usia, berat buah semakin bertambah berat pula" is supported by the given information.
Terdapat suatu rumusan masalah "Apakah pemberian alga hijau biru dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman padi?".
esperimen yang dilakukan untuk menjawab masalah tersebut adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Membandingkan pertumbuhan tanaman padi yang diberi alga hijau biru dan yang tidak.
The correct answer is "membandingkan pertumbuhan tanaman padi yang diberi alga hijau biru dan yang tidak." This is because the question is specifically asking whether the application of green algae can enhance the growth of rice plants. By comparing the growth of rice plants that are given green algae with those that are not, we can determine if there is a significant difference in growth, which would indicate the potential of green algae to improve rice plant growth.
Berdasarkan jenisnya, data dikelompokkan menjadi ....
Correct Answer
A. Data kualitatif dan kuantitatif
The correct answer is "data kualitatif dan kuantitatif". This is because data can be categorized into two main types: qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data refers to non-numerical information that describes qualities or characteristics, while quantitative data refers to numerical information that can be measured or counted. Both types of data are important in various research and analysis processes.
Yang bukan merupakan data kualitatif adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Panjang dan lebar daun mangga
The given options consist of various types of data. "Morfologi buah jeruk" refers to the physical characteristics of an orange fruit, which can be observed and measured, making it a quantitative data. "Warna bunga sepatu" refers to the color of a hibiscus flower, which is a qualitative data as it cannot be measured but described. "Tahap metamorfosis kupu-kupu" refers to the stages of a butterfly's metamorphosis, which is a qualitative data as it involves describing different stages. "Ada atau tidaknya pola garis pada daun bambu" refers to the presence or absence of a line pattern on a bamboo leaf, which is a qualitative data as it involves describing the presence or absence of a feature. However, "panjang dan lebar daun mangga" refers to the length and width of a mango leaf, which can be measured and quantified, making it a quantitative data.
Berikut merupakan hal-hal penting dalam pembuatan grafik, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
A. Angka-angka pada suatu sumbu harus memiliki selang 1 cm
The given answer, "angka-angka pada suatu sumbu harus memiliki selang 1 cm" (numbers on an axis must have a 1 cm interval), is incorrect. This statement is actually an important aspect in creating a graph. It ensures that the scale on the axis is consistent and allows for accurate representation of data.
JIka kita ingin melihat perbandingan suatu data, maka sebaiknya kita menggunakan ....
Correct Answer
D. Diagram batang
A bar chart is the most suitable option for comparing data as it allows for easy comparison between different categories or groups. It uses rectangular bars of equal width to represent the different data values, making it easy to visually compare the heights or lengths of the bars. This helps in identifying trends, patterns, and differences in the data more effectively compared to other options such as tables, line graphs, pie charts, or circle diagrams.
Upaya publikasi penelitian merupakan hal yang penting dalam mengembangkan Sains, karena ....
Correct Answer
D. Ilmunya dapat disebarkan dan peneliti lain dapat mengembangkannya
The correct answer is "ilmunya dapat disebarkan dan peneliti lain dapat mengembangkannya". This answer suggests that the publication of research allows knowledge to be disseminated and other researchers to further develop it. By sharing their findings, researchers contribute to the advancement of science and allow others to build upon their work.
Data kuantitatif dapat diperoleh pada pengamatan berikut ini. Kecuali....
Correct Answer
E. Tren mode pakaian
The given options are all examples of quantitative data that can be observed and measured, except for "tren mode pakaian" which refers to fashion trends. Fashion trends are subjective and cannot be quantitatively measured in the same way as the other options.
Tujuan dalam mempublikasikan hasil penelitian adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Menginformasikan hasil penelitian kepada pihak lain
The purpose of publishing research results is to inform others about the findings of the study. By sharing the results with others, researchers can contribute to the existing body of knowledge and allow other individuals or organizations to benefit from the findings. This helps to advance the field of study and promote further research and collaboration among researchers. It is not primarily aimed at gaining fame, proving that the research is complete, refuting other scientists' theories, or seeking recognition or awards.