Ao chegar em casa, antes de fazer qualquer coisa, você abraça sua esposa?
Correct Answer
A. Sim!
The correct answer is "sim!" because it indicates that the person embraces their wife as soon as they arrive home. This suggests that the person values their relationship and prioritizes showing affection towards their spouse.
Você procura saber como foi o dia dela, demonstrando interesse?
Correct Answer
A. Sim!
The correct answer is "sim!" because it indicates that the person is interested in knowing how her day was. By showing interest and asking about her day, it demonstrates care and concern for her well-being.
Você se esforça para ouvi-la e faz perguntas que a incentive a dizer o que ela sente?
Correct Answer
A. Sim!
The correct answer is "sim!" because it indicates that the person makes an effort to listen and asks questions that encourage the other person to express their feelings. This response suggests that the person is attentive and supportive in their communication, creating a positive and open environment for the other person to share their emotions.
Você resiste a tentação de dar soluções prontas, ao invés disso, demonstra interesse por aquilo que ela está falando?
Correct Answer
A. Sim
The correct answer is "sim" because the question is asking if you resist the temptation to give ready-made solutions and instead show interest in what the person is saying. By choosing "sim," you are indicating that you do resist the temptation and demonstrate interest.
Você oferece atenção, mesmo quando não solicitada, desligando a TV, fechando o livro, o jornal ou desligando o computador?
Correct Answer
A. Sim!
The correct answer is "sim!" because it indicates that the person offers attention even when it is not requested. This means that they are willing to give their time and focus to others, showing a considerate and attentive attitude.
Fora das ocasiões especiais, você traz flores ou algo que a agrade, mesmo que seja bem simples, demonstrando que se lembrou dela?
Correct Answer
A. Sim!
The correct answer is "sim!" because it states that outside of special occasions, you bring flowers or something that pleases her, even if it is simple, showing that you remembered her. This answer aligns with the idea of consistently making small gestures to show thoughtfulness and consideration towards the person.
Se na sua casa quem prepara o jantar é a esposa, e você percebe que ela está cansada, você se oferece para fazer o jantar?
Correct Answer
A. Sim!
If you notice that your wife is tired and she usually prepares dinner at home, it would be considerate to offer to make dinner. This shows empathy and support for your partner, as you are willing to take on the responsibility and give her a break.
Você faz sempre elogios a ela?
Correct Answer
A. Sim!
The correct answer is "sim!" because it indicates that the person always compliments her.
Sempre que ela pede apoio, você diz sim ou não sem fazer com que ela se sinta errada em perguntar?
Correct Answer
A. Sim!
The correct answer is "sim!" because it suggests that whenever she asks for support, the person responds positively without making her feel wrong for asking. This answer implies that the person is willing to help and does not judge or criticize her for seeking assistance.
Você procura compreender os sentimentos dela?
Correct Answer
A. Sim!
The correct answer is "sim!" because the question asks if you seek to understand her feelings, and "sim" means "yes" in Portuguese.
Se é ela quem sempre lava a louça, você se oferece para lavar quando ela está muito cansada?
Correct Answer
A. Sim!
The correct answer is "sim!" because it shows a willingness to help and support the person who usually does the dishes, especially when they are feeling tired. By offering to wash the dishes, it demonstrates care and consideration for the other person's well-being.
Quando você sai, você pergunta para ela se tem alguma coisa que ela quer que compre, e se lembra de comprar?
Correct Answer
A. Sim!
The correct answer is "sim!" because the sentence is asking if the person remembers to buy something when they go out and ask the other person if they want anything. "Sim" means "yes" in Portuguese, indicating that the person does remember to buy what the other person wants.
Você dá cinco abraços por dia nela?
Correct Answer
A. Sim!
The correct answer is "sim!" because it implies that the person is willing to give five hugs per day to the mentioned individual.
Você diz: “Eu te amo”, pelo menos 2 vezes na semana?
Correct Answer
A. Sim!
This answer suggests that the person does say "Eu te amo" at least twice a week.
Você arruma o quarto de vez em quando?
Correct Answer
A. Sim!
The correct answer is "sim!" because it indicates that the person does occasionally clean their room.
Você toma um banho ou passa a colônia que ela gosta antes de fazerem sexo?
Correct Answer
A. Sim!
The given answer "sim!" suggests that the person takes a shower or applies the cologne that their partner likes before engaging in sexual activity. This implies that they prioritize their partner's preferences and prioritize hygiene and scent, potentially enhancing the overall experience for both individuals involved.
Você se oferece para fazer-lhe uma massagem nas costas, no pescoço ou nos pés (ou todas as três)?
Correct Answer
A. Sim!
This answer suggests that the person is willing to offer a massage on the back, neck, or feet, or all three of them.
Você procura ficar ao lado dela quando ela está aborrecida com alguém, mesmo que seja da sua família?
Correct Answer
A. Sim!
The correct answer is "sim!" which means "yes" in Portuguese. This suggests that the person being asked prefers to be by her side when she is upset with someone, even if it is a member of their own family.
Você oferece aconchego, carinho e toque afetuoso, não sexual?
Correct Answer
A. Sim!
The correct answer is "sim!" because it indicates that the person does offer comfort, affection, and non-sexual touch.
Você demonstra amor por ela em público?
Correct Answer
A. Sim!
The correct answer is "sim!" because it indicates that the person does show love for her in public.
Você procura aprender bem sobre as coisas que ela gosta, suas preferências?
Correct Answer
A. Sim!
The correct answer is "sim!" because it shows that the person is interested in learning about the things the other person likes and their preferences. This indicates a willingness to understand and connect with the other person on a deeper level, which can strengthen the relationship.