Pengertian norma adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Kaidah-kaidah atau ketentuan - ketentuan yang dijadikan peraturan hidup sehingga mempengaruhi tingkah laku dalam masyarakat
The correct answer states that norma is a set of rules or provisions that are made into a way of life and influence behavior in society. This definition aligns with the concept of norma as a set of principles or guidelines that govern social behavior and shape societal norms.
Manfaat yang didapat jika seseorang patuh terhadap norma yang berlaku adalah …
Correct Answer
A. Merasa aman dalam setiap langkah hidupnya
When a person is obedient to the prevailing norms, they feel secure in every step of their life. This is because they are following the accepted guidelines and rules of society, which helps them avoid any potential consequences or conflicts. By adhering to these norms, individuals can navigate through life without fear or uncertainty, leading to a sense of safety and peace.
Norma yang sanksinya berupa rasa menyesal disebut norma ....
Correct Answer
C. Kesusilaan
The correct answer is "kesusilaan." Kesopanan refers to politeness, agama refers to religion, and kemasyarakatan refers to social norms. Kesopanan and agama do not necessarily involve feelings of regret or remorse, whereas kesusilaan refers to moral norms and values that may result in feelings of regret if violated.
Kelebihan manusia dengan makhluk ciptaan Tuhan lainnya adalah manusia dikaruniai ….
Correct Answer
B. Akal pikiran
The correct answer is "akal pikiran" because it is mentioned that the advantage of humans over other creatures is that they are endowed with "akal pikiran," which translates to "reasoning ability" or "intellect." This suggests that humans have the ability to think, analyze, and make rational decisions, which sets them apart from other creatures created by God.
Manusia dapat membentuk kelompok dan menciptakan pakaian dengan menggunakan ….
Correct Answer
D. Daya pikirnya
Manusia dapat membentuk kelompok dan menciptakan pakaian dengan menggunakan daya pikirnya. Manusia memiliki kemampuan berpikir dan merencanakan, sehingga mereka dapat mengembangkan ide dan keterampilan untuk menciptakan pakaian. Ini melibatkan pemikiran kreatif, pemecahan masalah, dan pemahaman tentang desain dan fungsi pakaian. Dengan menggunakan daya pikirnya, manusia dapat menghasilkan pakaian yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi mereka.
Pada hakikatnya, manusia mempunyai dua hasrat, yaitu ingin ….
Correct Answer
A. .sempurna dan bahagia
In essence, humans have two desires, which are to be perfect and happy. This means that humans strive for perfection and seek happiness in their lives. They want to achieve their full potential and be content with their lives.
Kaidah hidup yang paling tua adalah norma ….
Correct Answer
D. Adat atau kemasyarakatan
The oldest principle or rule of life is the customs or societal norms that govern behavior and interactions within a community or society. These customs and traditions have been passed down through generations and form the foundation of social order and cohesion. They guide individuals on how to behave, what is considered acceptable or unacceptable, and help maintain harmony within the community. Therefore, adat or kemasyarakatan is the correct answer as it refers to the customs or societal norms that have been in existence for the longest time.
Kaidah atau norma yang jenis sanksinya berupa pengusiran dari kelompoknya disebut kaidah ….
Correct Answer
B. Adat atau kemasyarakatan
Kaidah atau norma yang jenis sanksinya berupa pengusiran dari kelompoknya disebut kaidah adat atau kemasyarakatan. This means that when a person violates the customs or societal norms, the punishment they receive is being expelled or ostracized from their community or group. This is different from other types of norms, such as moral norms or legal norms, which may have different types of sanctions or consequences for violation.
Tujuan yang paling mendasar diciptakannya kaidah atau norma dalam masyarakat adalah untuk mewujudkan ….
Correct Answer
B. Ketertiban dalam masyarakat
The most fundamental purpose of creating rules or norms in society is to achieve order. Rules and norms help to establish a sense of structure and organization within a community or society. They provide guidelines for behavior and help to prevent chaos and conflict. By promoting and maintaining order, rules and norms contribute to a stable and harmonious society.
Salah satu ciri norma hukum bila dibandingkan dengan norma lainnya adalah dari segi sanksinya, yaitu ….
Correct Answer
B. tegas dan keras
The correct answer is "tegas dan keras". This is because one of the characteristics of legal norms compared to other norms is that they have strict and severe sanctions. This means that the consequences for violating legal norms are clear and severe, regardless of who is at fault.