Gandirea este un proces psihic central, clasificat ca fiind:
Correct Answer
C. Cognitiv superior
The correct answer is "cognitiv superior" because thinking is considered a higher cognitive process that involves complex mental activities such as reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. It goes beyond simple sensory perception and involves the use of higher-order cognitive skills and abilities.
Bifati in lista de mai jos procesul psihic de factura reglatorie
Correct Answer
D. Motivatia
Motivation is the psychological process that drives individuals to take action or behave in a certain way in order to achieve their goals or fulfill their needs. It regulates and directs behavior by influencing the intensity, direction, and persistence of an individual's actions. Unlike perception, memory, and thinking, which are cognitive processes involved in information processing, motivation is more closely related to the regulation and control of behavior. It plays a crucial role in shaping human behavior and is essential for goal-directed actions.
Selectati in lista de ma jos caracteristica prin care se desemneaza o aptitudine
Correct Answer
B. Inteligent
The correct answer is "inteligent" because it is the only characteristic mentioned in the given list that refers to a skill or ability. "Grijuliu" means careful, "perseverent" means persistent, and "entuziast" means enthusiastic, but only "inteligent" refers to a specific aptitude or intelligence.
Recunoasteti in lista de mai jos care sunt tipurile temperamentale clasice
Correct Answer(s)
B. Melancolic
D. Sangvinic
E. Coleric
G. Flegmatic
The given answer correctly identifies the classical temperaments as melancolic, sangvinic, coleric, and flegmatic. These temperaments have been traditionally recognized in personality theories and are based on different patterns of behavior, emotions, and attitudes. The melancolic temperament is characterized by introversion, sensitivity, and a tendency towards sadness. The sangvinic temperament is associated with extroversion, optimism, and a lively, sociable nature. The coleric temperament is marked by assertiveness, ambition, and a quick-tempered disposition. The flegmatic temperament is characterized by calmness, patience, and a relaxed approach to life.
Bifati in lista de mai jos enunturile considerate corecte din perspectiva psihologiei:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Toti oamenii au caracter.
C. Temperamentul este determinat ereditar.
F. Freud este "parintele" psihanalizei.
According to psychology, all people have character, as character refers to the unique combination of traits and behaviors that define an individual. Temperament, which refers to a person's innate behavioral and emotional tendencies, is believed to be determined by genetics. Lastly, Sigmund Freud is widely recognized as the "father" of psychoanalysis, a significant school of thought in psychology.
Visul de perspectiva este o forma a imaginatiei involuntare.
Correct Answer
B. Fals
The statement "Visul de perspectiva este o forma a imaginatiei involuntare" translates to "The perspective dream is a form of involuntary imagination." The correct answer is "Fals" which means "False" in English. This suggests that the statement is not true, and that perspective dreams are not a form of involuntary imagination.
Cand intr-o actiune este prezenta intentia, vointa, avem de-a face cu un act:
Correct Answer
B. Voluntar
When intention and will are present in an action, it is considered a voluntary act. This means that the person performing the action is consciously and willingly choosing to do so, with full awareness of their actions and the consequences that may follow.
A spune ca "Persoana X are mai multa personalitate decat o alta, Y" este un enunt stiintific corect.
Correct Answer
B. Fals
The statement is false because the concept of "having more personality" is subjective and cannot be measured scientifically. Personality is a complex and multifaceted trait that cannot be quantified or compared in terms of more or less. Additionally, personality is influenced by a variety of factors such as genetics, environment, and individual experiences, making it difficult to make objective comparisons between individuals. Therefore, it is not scientifically accurate to claim that one person has more personality than another.