Surat At Tin merupakan surat yang ke-...dari 114 surat dalam Al Quran
Correct Answer
D. D. 95
Surat At Tin adalah surat ke-95 dari 114 surat dalam Al Quran.
Kota yang di sebutkan dalam surat At Tin sebagai kota yang aman adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. A. Makkah
In the Surah At-Tin, it is mentioned that Makkah is a city of safety and security. This can be inferred from the context of the verse which speaks about the significance of human life and how it is valued in Makkah. Therefore, the correct answer is A. Makkah.
Hancurnya sebagian alam disebut...
Correct Answer
B. B. Kiamat Sugra
The correct answer is B. Kiamat Sugra. Kiamat Sugra refers to the minor signs of the Day of Judgment in Islamic eschatology. It signifies the destruction of a part of nature as a precursor to the major signs of the end times. This term is used to describe the gradual decay and destruction of the natural world, which is seen as a warning of the impending Day of Judgment.
Yang Mengetahui datangnya hari kiamat adalah...
Correct Answer
B. B. Allah Swt
Allah Swt is the correct answer because in Islamic belief, it is believed that only Allah has the knowledge of when the Day of Judgment or the end of the world will come. This knowledge is not given to angels, prophets, or any human beings. Allah is considered the all-knowing and all-powerful creator who has control over all events, including the end of the world. Therefore, the correct answer is B. Allah Swt.
Hari Kiamat akan terjadi apabila ...
Correct Answer
A. A. Banyak pergaulan bebas
The correct answer is A. Banyak pergaulan bebas. This answer suggests that the occurrence of the Day of Judgment is related to the prevalence of immoral and unrestricted social interactions. The concept of "Hari Kiamat" refers to the end of the world and the final judgment of all beings by God. The explanation implies that a society with widespread immoral behavior and lack of moral boundaries will lead to the Day of Judgment.
Yang merupakan tanda - tanda kiamat kecil adalah...
Correct Answer
A. A. perzinaan dan miuman keras merajalela
The answer A states that the signs of the minor apocalypse are adultery and widespread loud voices. This explanation suggests that these actions becoming prevalent are indicators of the minor apocalypse.
Jembatan yang terbentang di atas neraka sebagai jalan menuju ke surga bernama...
Correct Answer
D. D. Siratal Mustaqim
The correct answer is D. Siratal Mustaqim. In Islamic belief, Siratal Mustaqim is the bridge that stretches over Hell and leads to Paradise. It is believed that all individuals will have to cross this bridge on the Day of Judgment. The term "Siratal Mustaqim" translates to "the straight path" and signifies the righteous path that leads to eternal bliss. This concept is mentioned in the Quran and is an important aspect of Islamic eschatology.
Qana'ah secara bahasa artinya...
Correct Answer
D. D. menerima apa adanya
Qana'ah secara bahasa artinya "menerima apa adanya". Qana'ah adalah sikap atau sifat yang mengacu pada kepuasan dan rasa cukup dengan apa yang dimiliki saat ini, tanpa terus-menerus menginginkan lebih atau tergoda oleh keinginan yang berlebihan. Sikap ini melibatkan penghargaan terhadap apa yang sudah ada dan tidak terlalu ambisius dalam mencari kekayaan atau keinginan yang tidak terpenuhi. Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat adalah D. menerima apa adanya.
Perilaku Yang baik disebut...
Correct Answer
A. A. akhlakul karimah
Akhlakul karimah refers to good behavior or noble character. It is a term used to describe moral excellence and virtuous conduct. This term emphasizes the importance of having positive values and behaving in a righteous manner. It is the opposite of akhlakul mazmumah, which refers to bad behavior or immoral conduct. Nifak refers to hypocrisy, while hanif refers to a person who follows the true monotheistic religion. Therefore, the correct answer is A. akhlakul karimah, as it aligns with the concept of good behavior.
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ
Hai orang2 yang beriman, diwajibkan bagimu berpuasa, sebagaimana telah diwajibkan pada orang2 sebelum kamu. Mudah2an kamu bertakwa
Correct Answer
C. C. Al -Baqarah:183
The given verse states that fasting is obligatory for the believers, just as it was obligatory for those before them. This verse is from Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 183. It emphasizes the importance of fasting as a means to attain taqwa (God-consciousness) and righteousness.