Contoh Lukisan diatas merupakan Lukisan yang beraliran ...
Correct Answer
A. Abstrak
The given correct answer is "Abstrak". This is because the question is asking about the style of the painting, and abstract art is characterized by the use of shapes, colors, forms, and gestural marks that may or may not represent any recognizable objects or subjects. Therefore, based on the information provided, it can be inferred that the painting is abstract in style.
Lukisan diata ber aliran ...
Correct Answer
A. Futurisme
The correct answer is Futurisme because this style of art emerged in the early 20th century and focused on capturing movement, speed, and technology. Futurist artists were inspired by the advancements of the industrial age and sought to depict the dynamism of modern life through their paintings. They used bold colors, fragmented forms, and abstract compositions to convey a sense of energy and urgency. This style was particularly popular in Italy and was associated with the Futurist movement led by artists like Umberto Boccioni and Giacomo Balla.
Gambar diatas termasuk benda ...
Correct Answer
A. Kubistis
Contoh gambar diatas adalah benda ...
Correct Answer
A. Silindris
The given correct answer is "Silindris" because the image shown in the question is of a cylindrical object. The object has a curved surface and two circular bases, which are the defining characteristics of a cylinder. Therefore, the correct answer is Silindris.
Contoh karya seni diatas termasuk kedalam ...
Correct Answer
A. Seni Murni
The given artwork is categorized as Seni Murni because it refers to fine art that is created for aesthetic or intellectual purposes rather than for practical or functional use. Seni Murni typically includes paintings, sculptures, installations, and other forms of visual art that are created to express emotions, ideas, or concepts.
Tari Gandrung diatas berasal dari Jawa Timur tepatnya Tarian yang berasal dari daerah ...
Correct Answer
A. Banyu Wangi
The correct answer is Banyu Wangi. Tari Gandrung is a traditional dance from East Java, specifically from the Banyu Wangi region. It is a form of dance that is performed to express joy and happiness, often accompanied by traditional music and costumes. The dance is characterized by graceful movements and intricate footwork, and is often performed during special occasions and cultural ceremonies in the Banyu Wangi area.
Contoh Lukisan diatas adalah
Correct Answer
A. Romantisme
The given correct answer for this question is "Romantisme". This suggests that the painting depicted in the question exhibits characteristics of the Romanticism art movement. Romanticism is known for its emphasis on emotions, imagination, and individualism. It often portrays dramatic and fantastical scenes, which can be seen in the painting. The use of vibrant colors and expressive brushstrokes further supports the idea that the painting belongs to the Romanticism movement.
Correct Answer
A. Ekspresionisme
Sasando merupakan alat musik dari daerah ...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is NTT, which stands for Nusa Tenggara Timur. This is because the question is asking about the region where the musical instrument Sasando originates from. The Sasando is a traditional musical instrument that is native to the Nusa Tenggara Timur region in Indonesia.
Lompat Batu seperti gambar diatas merupakan warisan tradisi dari daerah ...
Correct Answer
A. Nias Sumatera
The correct answer is Nias Sumatera. Lompat Batu is a traditional heritage from the Nias region in Sumatra.
Pakaian adat seperti gambar diatas berasal dari daerah ...
Correct Answer
A. Jambi
The traditional clothing depicted in the picture originates from the region of Jambi.
Pakaian adat seperti contoh gambar diatas berasal dari daerah ...
Correct Answer
A. Sulawesi
The correct answer is Sulawesi. The traditional clothing shown in the picture is from Sulawesi.
Tari Ramayana seperti contoh gambar diatas berasal dari daerah ...
Correct Answer
A. Jawa
The correct answer is Jawa because the Tari Ramayana is a traditional dance that originated from the Javanese culture. It is performed in various regions of Java, such as Yogyakarta and Surakarta, and tells the story of the Hindu epic, Ramayana. The dance is characterized by intricate movements, colorful costumes, and expressive facial expressions, all of which are unique to Javanese culture.
Alat Musik Kolintang berasal dari daerah ...
Correct Answer
A. Sulawesi Utara
The correct answer is Sulawesi Utara. The Kolintang is a traditional musical instrument that originated from the North Sulawesi region in Indonesia. It is a percussion instrument consisting of several wooden bars that are struck with mallets to produce different tones. The instrument is commonly used in traditional ceremonies and performances in Sulawesi Utara.
Correct Answer
A. Honai
Rumah Adat dari Sulawesi ini disebut ...
Correct Answer
A. Tongkonan
Tongkonan is the correct answer because it is a traditional house from Sulawesi. Tongkonan is a unique architectural style characterized by its boat-shaped roof and intricate carvings. It is a symbol of social status and prestige in the Toraja culture, and is used for various ceremonial and cultural purposes. Tongkonan houses are built on stilts and are known for their strong construction and beautiful craftsmanship. They play an important role in the cultural identity of the people of Sulawesi.
Es Lilin, Cing Cangkeling, Bajing Loncat termasuk lagu yang berasl dari daerah ...
Correct Answer
A. Jawa Barat
The correct answer is Jawa Barat. Es Lilin, Cing Cangkeling, and Bajing Loncat are traditional songs that originated from the region of Jawa Barat in Indonesia.
Lagu Wajib Garuda Pancasila merupakan ciptaan ...
Correct Answer
A. Sudharnoto
Sudharnoto is the correct answer because the question asks for the composer of the national anthem "Lagu Wajib Garuda Pancasila".
Lagu Ibu Kita Kartini ciptaan ...
Correct Answer
A. W.R. Soepratman
The correct answer is W.R. Soepratman. W.R. Soepratman is the composer of the song "Lagu Ibu Kita Kartini".
Lagu Kebyar - Kebyar merupakan ciptaan ...
Correct Answer
A. Gombloh
The correct answer is Gombloh.
Tari Srimpi berasal dari daerah ...
Correct Answer
A. Jawa Tengah
Tari Srimpi berasal dari daerah Jawa Tengah.
Tari Topeng berasal dari daerah ...
Correct Answer
A. Jawa Barat
Tari Topeng berasal dari daerah Jawa Barat.
Tari Radab Rahayu berasal dari daerah ...
Correct Answer
A. Kalimantan Selatan
The correct answer is Kalimantan Selatan.
Tari Lenso / Saputangan berasal dari daerah ...
Correct Answer
A. Maluku
Tari Lenso/Saputangan is a traditional dance originating from the Maluku region. This dance is performed with a traditional cloth called saputangan, which is used to symbolize unity and harmony. The movements and music of the dance reflect the cultural heritage and traditions of the Maluku people. Therefore, the correct answer is Maluku.
Tari Piring Minangkabau berasal dari daerah ...
Correct Answer
A. Sumatera Barat
The correct answer is Sumatera Barat. Tari Piring Minangkabau is a traditional dance that originated from the West Sumatra region of Indonesia. This dance involves dancers holding and flipping small plates or saucers, showcasing their skill and agility. It is an important cultural heritage of the Minangkabau people in West Sumatra.
Tari Payung berasal dari daerah ...
Correct Answer
A. Sumatera Barat
Tari Payung berasal dari daerah Sumatera Barat.
Membandingkan bagian-bagian satu dengan bagian lainnya secara
keseluruhan, disebut dengan prinsip seni rupa ...
Correct Answer
A. Proporsi
Proporsi adalah prinsip seni rupa yang mengacu pada hubungan ukuran, bentuk, dan posisi antara bagian-bagian dalam suatu karya seni. Dalam konteks ini, prinsip proporsi digunakan untuk membandingkan bagian-bagian satu dengan bagian lainnya secara keseluruhan. Hal ini penting untuk menciptakan keseimbangan visual dan harmoni dalam karya seni. Dengan memperhatikan proporsi, seniman dapat menciptakan karya yang estetis dan menarik bagi mata.
Menyusun unsur-unsur rupa dengan mengorganisasikannya menjadi susunan yang bagus, teratur, dan serasi disebut ...
Correct Answer
A. Komposisi
Komposisi adalah proses menyusun unsur-unsur rupa dengan mengorganisasikannya menjadi susunan yang bagus, teratur, dan serasi. Dalam konteks seni visual, komposisi melibatkan penempatan elemen-elemen seperti garis, bentuk, warna, tekstur, dan ruang dalam sebuah karya seni. Tujuannya adalah untuk menciptakan keseimbangan visual, harmoni, dan daya tarik yang menarik bagi mata penonton. Dengan melakukan komposisi yang baik, seniman dapat mengarahkan pandangan penonton, menekankan elemen penting, dan mengungkapkan pesan atau emosi tertentu.
Contoh gambar diatas merupakan contoh dari gambar ...
Correct Answer
B. Prespektif 2 titik hilang
The given correct answer is "Prespektif 2 titik hilang." This suggests that the example image above is an illustration of a perspective with two vanishing points. In perspective drawing, vanishing points are points on the horizon where parallel lines appear to converge. In a two-point perspective, there are two vanishing points, usually located on the left and right sides of the image. This creates the illusion of depth and gives the drawing a more realistic appearance.
Contoh gambar diatas termasuk jenis reklame yang disebut ...
Correct Answer
A. Poster
The given image is an example of a type of advertisement called a poster. A poster is a printed or illustrated advertisement that is usually displayed on a wall or a flat surface. It is often used to promote events, products, or services.
Unsur seni rupa yang paling dasar adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Titik
The correct answer is "Titik" (Point). In visual arts, a point is the most basic element of form. It is a single, isolated mark that has position but no dimensions. Points can be used to create lines, shapes, and textures, and they are often used to create emphasis or focal points in a composition. Points can be small or large, and they can vary in color, texture, and intensity. Overall, points play a crucial role in the creation of visual art, serving as the starting point for more complex forms and compositions.
Menurut wujudnya garis dapat dibedakan menjadi ...
Correct Answer
A. Garis nyata, garis semu
The correct answer is "garis nyata, garis semu". This is because the question is asking about the different types of lines based on their appearance. "Garis nyata" refers to solid lines that are clearly visible, while "garis semu" refers to dashed or dotted lines that give the illusion of a continuous line. The other options, such as "garis tebal, garis tipis" (thick lines, thin lines) or "garis terang, garis gelap" (light lines, dark lines), do not accurately describe the different types of lines based on their appearance.
Sifat dan keadaan suatu permukaan bidang atau permukaan benda pada sebuah karya seni rupa disebut ...
Correct Answer
A. Tekstur
The correct answer is "Tekstur". In the context of art, "tekstur" refers to the surface quality or feel of an object or surface. It is the visual or tactile quality that can be perceived through touch or sight. In a work of art, the texture can be smooth, rough, bumpy, or any other characteristic that adds depth and interest to the piece. It can be created through the use of different materials, techniques, or brushstrokes.
Suatu objek bisa memiliki intensitas cahaya yang berbeda pada setiap bagiannya, ini disebut dengan unsur seni rupa ...
Correct Answer
A. Gelap Terang
The correct answer is "Gelap Terang". This is because the term "gelap terang" refers to the contrast between light and dark in an artwork. It is an element of art that explores the range of brightness and darkness in different parts of an object or composition. By using varying intensities of light and dark, artists can create depth, highlight certain areas, and evoke different moods or emotions in their artwork.
Penyusunan warna berdasarkan tingkat perpaduan berbagai warna secara berangsur-angsur disebut ...
Correct Answer
A. Gradasi
Gradasi is the correct answer because it refers to the arrangement of colors based on their gradual blending or transition. It involves a smooth progression from one color to another, creating a harmonious and balanced effect. This technique is commonly used in various art forms, such as painting, design, and photography, to create depth, dimension, and visual interest. Gradasi allows for a seamless and pleasing visual experience by carefully selecting and arranging colors in a gradual and systematic manner.
Contoh diatas termasuk reklame jenis ...
Correct Answer
A. Baliho
The correct answer is "Baliho" because a baliho is a large outdoor advertising structure typically found in public spaces such as roadsides or city centers. It is often used to display advertisements or promotional messages. In this context, the given example is likely referring to a type of advertisement that is displayed on a baliho.
Contoh gambar poster diatas termasuk ...
Correct Answer
C. Reklame Pendidikan
The given poster is categorized as "Reklame Pendidikan" because it is promoting educational content or institutions. This can be inferred from the context of the question, where the options include different types of advertisements, and "Reklame Pendidikan" specifically refers to educational advertisements.
Contoh Reklame seperti contoh diatas termasuk ...
Correct Answer
A. Reklame Komersial
The given correct answer is "Reklame Komersial" because the example advertisement shown above is most likely a commercial advertisement. Commercial advertisements are created with the intention of promoting and selling a product, service, or brand to generate profit.
Seni rupa yang melukiskan sebuah bentuk yang tidak berwujud merupakan senirupa aliran ...
Correct Answer
A. Abstrakisme
Abstrakisme adalah aliran seni rupa yang melukiskan bentuk yang tidak berwujud. Dalam seni rupa abstrak, objek atau gambar yang dihasilkan tidak menggambarkan objek nyata secara jelas, melainkan lebih fokus pada pengungkapan ide, emosi, atau konsep. Seniman abstrak menggunakan bentuk, warna, dan garis secara bebas untuk menciptakan karya seni yang tidak dapat diidentifikasi secara langsung dengan objek nyata.
Candi Singosari bertempat di daerah ...
Correct Answer
A. Malang
Candi Singosari is located in Malang.
Yang termasuk benda Kubistis adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Meja
A kubistis object refers to an object that is made up of geometric shapes and angles, often with multiple viewpoints depicted simultaneously. Among the given options, a table (meja) can be considered a kubistis object as it typically consists of various geometric shapes like rectangles and squares arranged in a way that creates a three-dimensional form. The other options, such as a flower pot (pot bunga), a cake jar (toples kue), and a water bottle (botol aqua), do not exhibit the characteristic geometric and angular features that define a kubistis object.
Gambar diatas termasuk dalam jenis bentuk gambar ...
Correct Answer
A. Silindris
The given image appears to be in the shape of a cylinder. A cylinder is a three-dimensional geometric shape that has two circular bases and a curved surface connecting the bases. The image in question seems to have these characteristics, indicating that it belongs to the cylindrical shape category.
Tamborin, Triangle, Table, Drum Set termasuk kedalam jenis alat musik ...
Correct Answer
A. Ritmis
The given answer "Ritmis" is correct because Tamborin, Triangle, Table, and Drum Set are all percussion instruments that are commonly used to create rhythm in music. These instruments are played by striking or shaking them to produce specific rhythmic patterns and beats. Therefore, the term "Ritmis" accurately describes the category or type of musical instruments that these four items belong to.
Dibawah ini termasuk alat musik melodis adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Kulintang, Kecapi, Siter
The given answer consists of three musical instruments: Kulintang, Kecapi, and Siter. These instruments are all considered melodic instruments, meaning they produce musical notes or melodies. Kulintang is a traditional Filipino instrument consisting of a row of small gongs, Kecapi is a plucked string instrument from Indonesia, and Siter is a Javanese zither-like instrument. Therefore, these instruments fit the category of melodic instruments.
Suatu hasil karya dengan cara menyusun, mengatur, dan merangkai suatu musik menjadi lebih indah dibandingkan bentuk aslinya disebut ...
Correct Answer
A. Arasemen
Arasemen adalah suatu hasil karya yang melibatkan penyusunan, pengaturan, dan penggabungan elemen-elemen musik dalam suatu komposisi. Dalam arasemen, musik asli dapat diubah atau diperindah melalui penambahan harmoni, melodi, ritme, atau instrumen tambahan. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memberikan sentuhan baru pada musik asli sehingga menjadi lebih indah dan menarik bagi pendengar. Transpose adalah proses mengubah nada musik, modulasi adalah perubahan kunci musik, dan transkrip adalah penulisan ulang musik dalam notasi lain.
Sekelompok orang yang mempunyai tugas menangani segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan suatu pertunjukkan dinamakan ...
Correct Answer
A. Seksi-Seksi
The correct answer is "Seksi-Seksi". In the given context, the question is asking for the term used to refer to a group of people who are responsible for handling everything related to a performance. "Seksi-Seksi" is an Indonesian term that translates to "sections" or "committees" in English. This term is commonly used in event organizing to divide the responsibilities among different teams or groups within a committee. Therefore, "Seksi-Seksi" is the most appropriate answer in this context.
Berikut ini ciri-ciri lagu tradisi Nusantara, kecuali ...
Correct Answer
A. Bersifat sederhana
Lagu tradisi Nusantara memiliki beberapa ciri-ciri yang membedakannya. Salah satunya adalah lagu-lagu tersebut bersifat sederhana. Hal ini berarti lagu-lagu tradisi Nusantara tidak rumit dalam melodi dan aransemen musiknya. Lagu-lagu tersebut juga memiliki keterkaitan dengan masyarakat daerah, menggambarkan kehidupan sehari-hari, budaya, dan tradisi masyarakat setempat. Selain itu, lagu-lagu tradisi Nusantara juga mengandung unsur-unsur keindahan alam atau lingkungan daerah setempat, seperti pemandangan alam, flora, fauna, dan sebagainya. Namun, syair lagu tradisi Nusantara tidak berisi tentang nasionalisme bangsa.
Pada pertunjukkan musik di sekolah, seorang guru kesenian di dalam kepanitiaan duduk sebagai ...
Correct Answer
A. Penasihat
In a music performance at school, the art teacher sits on the committee as a "penasihat" or advisor. This role suggests that the teacher provides guidance and expertise to the committee members, offering advice and suggestions on artistic aspects of the performance. The penasihat may also have a role in overseeing the planning and execution of the event, ensuring that it aligns with the artistic vision and goals of the school.
Orang yang memiliki tugas untuk menangani segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan penataan panggung adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Dekorasi
The correct answer is "Dekorasi". This is because orang yang memiliki tugas untuk menangani segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan penataan panggung (stage arrangement) adalah dekorasi, yang melibatkan pengaturan dan penataan elemen-elemen visual seperti backdrop, properti, dan pencahayaan untuk menciptakan suasana yang sesuai dengan acara yang akan berlangsung.
Orang yang memiliki tugas untuk mengatur/mengelola keuangan adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Bendahara
Orang yang memiliki tugas untuk mengatur/mengelola keuangan adalah bendahara. Bendahara bertanggung jawab untuk mengelola penerimaan dan pengeluaran keuangan suatu organisasi atau lembaga. Tugasnya meliputi menyusun anggaran, mencatat transaksi keuangan, mengelola kas, serta membuat laporan keuangan secara periodik.