serangkaian tugas atau soal yang harus dikerjakan peserta didik untuk mengukur suatu aspek perilaku tertentu disebut
Correct Answer
D. Tes
The correct answer is "tes". In the given question, it is stated that a series of tasks or questions that students have to complete in order to measure a specific aspect of behavior is called "tes" which means "test" in English. A test is a common method used in education to assess students' knowledge, skills, and understanding of a particular subject or topic.
alat ukur standar adalah alat ukur yang memiliki
Correct Answer
C. Derajat validitas dan reliabilitas yang tinggi
The correct answer is "derajat validitas dan reliabilitas yang tinggi". This answer suggests that a standard measuring instrument is one that has both high validity and high reliability. Validity refers to the accuracy and relevance of the instrument in measuring what it is intended to measure, while reliability refers to the consistency and stability of the instrument's results. Therefore, a standard measuring instrument should have both high validity and high reliability to ensure accurate and consistent measurement.
evaluasi adalah suatu proses atau kegiatan yang sistematis dan berkelanjutan untuk menentukan
Correct Answer
A. Nilai arti
The given answer "nilai arti" is correct because the term "evaluasi" refers to a systematic and ongoing process or activity to determine the value or significance of something. In this context, it specifically refers to evaluating the value or meaning of something, which aligns with the given answer "nilai arti".
berikut ini merupakan persamaan anatara evaluasi dan penilaian, kecuali:
Correct Answer
C. Ruang lingkup
The correct answer is "ruang lingkup". The other options all describe similarities between evaluation and assessment. They mention that the tools used are the same, the process is systematic, and both involve some form of assessment. However, "ruang lingkup" means "scope" in English, and it does not directly relate to the similarities between evaluation and assessment.
pada hakikatnya pembelajaran merupakan suatu proses komunikasi timbal balik anatara guru dengan peserta didik sehingga menimbulkan:
Correct Answer
B. Tindakan belajar peserta didik
The given answer states that "tindakan belajar peserta didik" (learning actions of students) is the result of the communication process between teachers and students in the learning process. This means that when teachers effectively communicate with students, it leads to students actively engaging in learning activities. Therefore, the correct answer suggests that the learning actions of students are a direct outcome of the communication process between teachers and students.
jika anda bermaksud mengetahui keefektifan dan efesiensi sistem pembelajaran, maka hal tersebut pada dasarnya merupakan:
Correct Answer
C. Tujuan evaluasi hasil belajar
The correct answer is "tujuan evaluasi hasil belajar" because evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of a learning system is one of the main objectives of evaluating learning outcomes. This process helps to determine whether the learning objectives have been achieved and if the learning methods and resources used are effective and efficient in facilitating learning.
jika anda bermaksud mengetahui kompetensi peserta didik pada jenis pekerjaan atau pendidikan tertentu, maka hal tersebut merupakan tujuan evaluasi dalam kegiatan:
Correct Answer
A. Seleksi
The correct answer is "seleksi". Seleksi refers to the process of selecting individuals based on their competencies for a specific job or education. This evaluation aims to determine the suitability of the participants for a particular occupation or educational program.
berikut ini merupakan kategori fungsi tes dalam pembelajaran, kecuali:
Correct Answer
B. Administratif
The given options represent different categories of functions in learning assessment. The options "instruksional," "bimbingan," and "diagnostik" all relate to instructional, guidance, and diagnostic functions respectively, which are commonly associated with learning assessment. However, the option "administratif" does not align with the functions of learning assessment as it refers to administrative tasks rather than the assessment process itself. Therefore, "administratif" is the correct answer as it does not belong to the category of functions in learning assessment.
fungsi penialaian hasil belajar berbeda dengan fungsi evaluasi pembelajaran. fungsi evaluasi pembelajaran adalah untuk:
Correct Answer
B. Perbaikan dan penegmabangan sistem pembelajaran serta akreditasi
The correct answer is "perbaikan dan pengembangan sistem pembelajaran serta akreditasi". This is because the function of evaluation in learning is to identify areas that need improvement and to develop the learning system further. It also involves accreditation, which ensures that the learning institution meets certain standards of quality.
evaluasi yang dimaksudkan untuk memriksa atau memantau apakah program pembelajaran mencapai sasaran secara efektif termasuk jenis evaluasi:
Correct Answer
C. Monitoring
The correct answer is monitoring. Monitoring is an evaluation method used to check or monitor whether a learning program is achieving its goals effectively. It involves regularly observing and assessing the progress and performance of the program to ensure that it is on track and making the desired impact. Monitoring helps in identifying any issues or areas for improvement, allowing for timely adjustments to be made to ensure the program's effectiveness.
berikut ini merupakan jenjang kemampuan yang termasuk dalam domain afektif, kecuali:
Correct Answer
C. Mengukur
The given options consist of different actions related to the affective domain. "Menerima" means receiving, "menjawab" means answering, "mengukur" means measuring, and "menilai" means evaluating. All of these actions are related to the affective domain except for "mengukur" which means measuring. Measuring is more related to the cognitive domain rather than the affective domain.
isi kurikulum memiliki tiga unsur pokok, yaitu:
Correct Answer
A. Sistematika
The correct answer is "sistematika". The explanation for this answer is that the curriculum mentioned in the question consists of three main elements: sistematika (systematics), logika (logic), and etika (ethics). These elements are essential in designing and organizing the curriculum to ensure a structured and logical flow of learning materials and activities. Sistematika refers to the systematic arrangement and organization of the curriculum, ensuring that the content is coherent and well-structured for effective teaching and learning.
kecerdasan peseta didik termasuk ruang lingkup evaluasi pembelajaran dalam perspektif:
Correct Answer
D. Penilaian proses dan hasil belajar
The correct answer is "penilaian proses dan hasil belajar". This is because the question asks about the scope of evaluating learning in the perspective of intelligence of students. Assessing the process and outcome of learning is an important aspect of evaluating students' intelligence. This involves evaluating how students acquire knowledge, understand concepts, and apply them in different contexts. It also includes assessing the final outcomes of their learning, such as their ability to solve problems, think critically, and demonstrate their understanding.
pengetahuan, keterampilan, sikap dan nilai-nilai yang direfleksikan dalam kebiasaan berfikir dan bertindak setelah peserta didik menyelesaiakn suatu aspek atau subjek mata pelajaran tertentu disebut:
Correct Answer
B. Kompetensi dasar mata pelajaran
The correct answer is "kompetensi dasar mata pelajaran" because it refers to the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values that are reflected in the thinking and actions of students after completing a specific aspect or subject of a lesson. It is a fundamental competency that is specific to a particular subject or discipline.
motivasi berprestasi merupakan kecakapan hidup dalam jenis
Correct Answer
A. Keterampilan diri
Motivasi berprestasi adalah kemampuan hidup yang terkait dengan keterampilan diri. Keterampilan diri mencakup kemampuan untuk mengenali dan mengatur emosi, memiliki motivasi yang tinggi, memiliki rasa percaya diri yang kuat, dan mampu mengatasi tantangan dan menghadapi kegagalan dengan positif. Dalam konteks motivasi berprestasi, keterampilan diri sangat penting karena dapat membantu seseorang untuk tetap termotivasi, fokus, dan berusaha mencapai tujuan prestasi yang diinginkan.
suatu alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengukur apa yang hendak dikur merupakan salah satu ciri evaluasi yang disebut:
Correct Answer
C. Valid
The correct answer is "valid." Validity refers to the extent to which a measuring instrument measures what it is intended to measure. In this context, it means that the measuring instrument accurately measures the intended variable or characteristic. Therefore, a measuring instrument that is valid can be trusted to provide accurate and reliable measurements of the target variable.
dalam penilaian acuan patokan, skor peserta didik dibanding dengan:
Correct Answer
C. Kriteria
In the context of benchmark assessment, the scores of students are compared with certain criteria. These criteria could be predetermined standards or expectations that serve as a reference point for evaluating the performance of the students. By comparing the students' scores with the criteria, educators can determine how well the students have met the established benchmarks or standards. This comparison helps in assessing the students' proficiency and progress in relation to the set criteria.
yang tidak termasuk kesalahan dalam pengumpulan data adalah:
Correct Answer
B. Datanya tidak relevan
The correct answer is "datanya tidak relevan" (the data is not relevant). This is because the other options mention errors or shortcomings in the data collection process, such as the imperfect evaluation tool, incomplete implementation procedure, and imperfect recording technique. However, the statement "datanya tidak relevan" does not refer to an error in the data collection process, but rather to the lack of relevance of the data itself.
setiap kesalahan dalam pengumpulan data harus dilakukan:
Correct Answer
C. Verifikasi
Verifikasi adalah proses memeriksa kembali data yang telah dikumpulkan untuk memastikan keakuratan dan kevalidannya. Dalam konteks ini, jika terdapat kesalahan dalam pengumpulan data, langkah yang harus dilakukan adalah melakukan verifikasi untuk mengecek apakah data tersebut benar atau tidak. Dengan melakukan verifikasi, kita dapat mengidentifikasi dan memperbaiki kesalahan yang ada sehingga data yang digunakan dapat diandalkan dan akurat.
penafsisran kelompok adalah penafsisran yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik kelompok seperti berikut, kecuali:
Correct Answer
D. Keinginan kelompok
Penafsiran kelompok adalah proses untuk memahami dan menganalisis karakteristik kelompok. Dalam hal ini, penafsiran kelompok mencakup prestasi kelompok, rata-rata kelompok, dan sikap kelompok. Namun, keinginan kelompok bukanlah salah satu karakteristik yang dapat ditafsirkan, karena keinginan kelompok lebih berkaitan dengan motivasi dan tujuan kelompok daripada dengan karakteristik kelompok itu sendiri.
semua hasil vealuasi harus dilaporkan kepada berbagai pihak yang berkepentingan sebagai akuntabilitas publik. tujuannya adalah:
Correct Answer
B. Agar proses dan hasil belajar serta perkembangannya dapat diketahui berbagai pihak dan menentukan tindak lanjut
The reason for reporting all evaluation results to various stakeholders is to ensure transparency and accountability in public education. By sharing the process and outcomes of learning and development, different parties can be informed and take appropriate actions based on the information provided. This helps to improve the motivation of students, build confidence in parents and students, and serve as a foundation for the government to provide scholarships.
Cakupan penilaian dalam Kurikulum 2013, kompetensi inti (KI-3) berisi tentang kompetensi
Correct Answer
C. Inti pengetahuan
The correct answer is "inti pengetahuan." In the context of Kurikulum 2013, the term "inti pengetahuan" refers to the core knowledge or essential knowledge that students are expected to acquire. This includes the basic concepts, theories, principles, and facts in various subject areas. It is one of the components of the curriculum that focuses on developing students' cognitive abilities and understanding of different disciplines. The other options, such as "sikap spiritual," "sikap sosial," and "inti keterampilan," are not directly related to the core knowledge component of the curriculum.
Secara umum, objek sikap yang perlu dinilai dalam proses pembelajaran pada kurikulum 2013, kecuali.....
Correct Answer
C. Sikap terhadap laporan pribadi proses pembelajaran
The given answer is "Sikap terhadap laporan pribadi proses pembelajaran." In the context of the question, it is stated that the question is about the objects of attitude that need to be assessed in the learning process in the 2013 curriculum, except for one. The other options mentioned in the question are "Sikap terhadap materi pelajaran" (attitude towards the subject matter), "Sikap terhadap guru/pengajar" (attitude towards the teacher/instructor), and "Sikap berkaitan dengan nilai atau norma yang berhubungan dengan suatu materi pelajaran" (attitude related to values or norms related to a subject matter). Therefore, the correct answer is the one that is not mentioned in the options, which is "Sikap terhadap laporan pribadi proses pembelajaran" (attitude towards personal learning process reports).
Pada penilaian kurikulum 2013 dikatakan autentik apabila peserta didik diminta untuk menampilkan tugas atau situasi yang sesungguhnya yang ........................
Correct Answer
B. Mendemonstrasikan penerapan keterampilan dan pengetahuan esensial yang bermakna
The correct answer is "mendemonstrasikan penerapan keterampilan dan pengetahuan esensial yang bermakna". This means that in the assessment of the 2013 curriculum, it is considered authentic when students are asked to demonstrate the application of essential skills and knowledge that are meaningful. This implies that students are able to show their understanding and ability to apply what they have learned in real-life situations, rather than just regurgitating information or completing tasks without understanding the relevance or significance of the content.
Penilaian melalui sekumpulan karya peserta didik yang tersusun secara sistematis dan terorganisasi yang dilakukan selama kurun waktu tertentu
Correct Answer
C. Portofolio
A portfolio is a collection of systematically organized and organized works by students that are assessed over a specific period of time. It is a compilation of their best works or evidence of their learning progress. This method of assessment allows students to showcase their skills, knowledge, and growth in a variety of areas. It provides a holistic view of their abilities and allows for a more comprehensive evaluation compared to other assessment methods such as journals, rubrics, or self-assessment.
tes digunakan dalam rangka kegiatan...................
Correct Answer
C. Pengukuran
The word "tes" in the given statement suggests that it is used for measurement. Therefore, the correct answer is "pengukuran" which means measurement in English.
setiap jawaban dibandingkan dengan jawaban ideal yang telah ditetapkan dalam kunci jawaban. demikian pengertian metode:
Correct Answer
D. Point method
The point method is a method of comparison where each answer is compared to an ideal answer that has been established in the answer key. This method assigns points or scores to each answer based on how closely it matches the ideal answer. The answer with the highest score is considered the correct answer.
setiap bentuk soal tentu mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan. begitu juga bentuk uraian. adapun kebaikan tes bentuk uraian adalaha, kecuali
Correct Answer
B. Peserta didik dapat menerka jawaban
The correct answer is "peserta didik dapat menerka jawaban" because it states that one of the disadvantages of essay questions is that students can guess the answers instead of providing thoughtful and accurate responses. This undermines the purpose of the assessment, which is to evaluate students' understanding and critical thinking skills.
ada dua cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk menganalisis soal bentuk uraian, yaitu:
Correct Answer
A. Rasional dan empiris
The correct answer is "rasional dan empiris." This means that there are two ways to analyze descriptive questions: through rational and empirical methods. The rational approach involves using logical reasoning and deductive thinking to analyze the question, while the empirical approach involves using observation and experimentation to gather evidence and draw conclusions. By combining both rational and empirical methods, one can obtain a comprehensive and well-rounded analysis of the descriptive question.
tujuan observasi adalah untuk mengumpulkan data dan informasi mengenai............., kecuali
Correct Answer
D. Sikap sosial
The purpose of observation is to gather data and information about various phenomena, events, actions, classroom behavior, and social skills. However, it does not specifically aim to collect information about social attitudes or social behavior.
berikut ini termasuk langkah-langkah untuk menyusun skala sikap model likert, kecuali.............
Correct Answer
B. Memilih kecenderungan perilaku peserta didik
The given options are all steps involved in constructing a Likert scale except for "memilih kecenderungan perilaku peserta didik" which means "selecting the behavioral tendencies of students". This step is not involved in constructing a Likert scale as it focuses on the behavior of the participants rather than measuring their attitudes or opinions. The other steps mentioned, such as selecting the affective variables to be measured, creating statements, and classifying them as positive or negative, are all essential in constructing a Likert scale.
angket mempunyai kesamaan dengan wawancara, kecuali dalam:
Correct Answer
A. Implimentasinya
The question is asking for the difference between an angket (questionnaire) and a wawancara (interview). The options given are "implimentasinya" (implementation), "perencanaan" (planning), "materi" (material), and "waktu" (time). The correct answer is "implimentasinya" because all the other options (planning, material, and time) are aspects that both angket and wawancara have in common.
salah satu alat pengumpul data yang digunakan dalam studi kasus adalah:
Correct Answer
B. Depth interview
A depth interview is a data collection tool used in case studies. It involves conducting in-depth, one-on-one interviews with individuals to gather detailed information and insights about their experiences, opinions, and perspectives. This method allows researchers to explore the participants' thoughts and feelings in depth, providing rich and nuanced data that can be valuable in understanding complex phenomena. Depth interviews are particularly useful when studying personal experiences, motivations, and attitudes, as they allow for a deep exploration of the subject matter.
pemberian penghargaan dari guru kepada peserta didik merupakan:
Correct Answer
A. Motivasi eksternal
The correct answer is motivasi eksternal. This is because the act of giving awards or recognition from a teacher to a student serves as an external motivator. It is a form of external reinforcement that can encourage and motivate students to continue performing well or to strive for better achievements. The teacher's action of giving awards is not related to their attitude or decision-making, but rather a way to provide external motivation to the students.
dalam pemberian penghargaan, ada dua teknik yang dapat digunakan guru, yaitu:
Correct Answer
B. Verbal dan non-verbal
The correct answer is "verbal dan non-verbal". In the context of giving awards, teachers can use both verbal and non-verbal techniques. Verbal techniques may involve praising students verbally, giving positive feedback, or publicly acknowledging their achievements. Non-verbal techniques may include giving certificates, trophies, or other physical rewards, or using gestures, such as a thumbs-up or a pat on the back, to show appreciation. By using both verbal and non-verbal techniques, teachers can effectively recognize and motivate students for their accomplishments.
berikut adalah contoh portofolio sebagai suatu wujud benda fisik, kecuali:
Correct Answer
B. Metode mengajar
Metode mengajar tidak termasuk dalam contoh portofolio sebagai suatu wujud benda fisik karena metode mengajar adalah sesuatu yang abstrak dan tidak dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk fisik. Portofolio adalah kumpulan dokumen atau materi yang dapat dilihat, disentuh, atau diraba. Hasil tes tertulis, catatan anekdot, dan piagam penghargaan semuanya dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk fisik, seperti lembaran kertas atau sertifikat.
salah satu fungsi penilaian portofolio bagi peserta didik adalah:
Correct Answer
A. Sebagai self-asessment
Penilaian portofolio bagi peserta didik berfungsi sebagai self-assessment karena melibatkan siswa dalam proses mengevaluasi dan merefleksikan kemampuan mereka sendiri. Dengan melihat kembali karya-karya mereka, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi kekuatan dan kelemahan mereka, serta menetapkan tujuan untuk perbaikan di masa depan. Ini juga membantu mereka mengembangkan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang kemajuan mereka dalam pembelajaran dan memberikan kesempatan untuk memperbaiki keterampilan dan pengetahuan yang kurang kuat. Dengan demikian, penilaian portofolio sebagai self-assessment dapat membantu siswa menjadi lebih mandiri dan bertanggung jawab terhadap pembelajaran mereka.
dalam bentuk uraian biasanya skor mentah dicari dengan menggunakan sistem bobot. sistem bobot dapat juga dinyatakan dalam bentuk:
Correct Answer
A. Bilangan
The correct answer is "bilangan". In the context of finding raw scores using a weighting system, the term "bilangan" refers to numbers or numerical values. This suggests that the raw scores can be determined by assigning specific numerical weights to different components or factors.
untuk mengukur hasil belajar dalam domain psikomotor, anda dapat menggunakan tes tindakan melalui cara seperti berikut, kecuali:
Correct Answer
D. Tes penempatan
The given options are all methods to measure learning outcomes in the psychomotor domain. However, the option "tes penempatan" does not fit because it refers to a placement test, which assesses a person's suitability for a particular job or position, rather than measuring their learning outcomes in the psychomotor domain.
mengukur secara pasti tujuan atau kompetensi yang ditetapkan sebagai kriteria keberhasilan merupakan:
Correct Answer
D. Tujuan PAP
The correct answer is "Tujuan PAP" because it refers to the specific objectives or competencies that are set as criteria for success. PAP stands for Penilaian Angka Kredit (Credit Score Assessment), which is a system used in Indonesia to evaluate the performance and qualifications of civil servants. Therefore, measuring the precise goals or competencies set as success criteria is an essential function of PAP.
untuk mengukur batas lulus (passing grade) dengan pendekatan PAP, setiap skor peserta didik dibandingkan dengan:
Correct Answer
C. Skor ideal
In order to determine the passing grade using the PAP approach, each student's score is compared to the ideal score. The ideal score represents the benchmark or target score that students should achieve in order to pass the assessment. By comparing the students' scores to the ideal score, it becomes easier to determine whether they have met the required standard or not. This approach helps in setting a clear and specific passing grade based on the predetermined ideal score.
hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam meninterpretasikan koefesien validitas, kecuali:
Correct Answer
D. Hasil belajar
Dalam meninterpretasikan koefisien validitas, hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah data mengenai karakteristik sampel validitas, prosedur pengukuran validitas, dan pola kriteria khusus. Namun, hasil belajar bukan merupakan salah satu hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam meninterpretasikan koefisien validitas.
faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi realibilitas adalah, kecuali:
Correct Answer
C. Bentuk soal
The factors that can affect reliability are the length of the test, score distribution, and difficulty level. However, the one factor that does not affect reliability is the format of the questions.
derajat kesukaran suatu soal dikatakan baik jika memiliki tingkat kesukaran yang:
Correct Answer
B. Proporsional
The correct answer is "proporsional". This means that the level of difficulty of a question is considered good if it is proportional to the level of ease. In other words, a good question should have a balanced level of difficulty compared to the level of ease. This ensures that the question is challenging enough for the test takers without being too overwhelming.
faktor intelektual yang memengaruhi belajar diantaranya:
Correct Answer
B. Faktor potensial
The given answer, "faktor potensial," refers to potential factors that can influence learning. These factors could include a person's natural abilities, talents, or aptitudes. In the context of learning, these potential factors can play a significant role in determining an individual's ability to grasp and understand new information. By acknowledging and harnessing these potential factors, individuals can optimize their learning experience and enhance their overall academic performance.
berikut adalah faktor budaya yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan pembelajaran yaitu:
Correct Answer
A. Adat istiadat, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi
The correct answer is "adat istiadat, ilmu pengetahuan, dan teknologi" because cultural factors such as customs and traditions, knowledge and technology play a significant role in the success of learning. Adat istiadat refers to the cultural norms and values that shape individuals' behavior and social interactions, while ilmu pengetahuan (knowledge) and teknologi (technology) provide the necessary tools and resources for effective learning. These factors contribute to creating a conducive learning environment and enhancing the learning outcomes.
proses pembelajaran dapat berubah sebagaimana diuraiakn di bawah ini?
Correct Answer
D. Proses perubahan dapat terjadi dari yang paling sederhana sampai pada yang paling kompleks yang bersifat pemecahan masalah
The correct answer states that the process of change can occur from the simplest to the most complex, and it is problem-solving in nature. This means that change can start from a simple level and gradually become more complex, while also involving problem-solving techniques.
ketika guru memerlukan penjelasan materi selama pembelajaran, maka pembelajaran tersebut pada dasarnya telah melaksnakan prinsip pembelajaran yaitu?
Correct Answer
D. Pengulangan
When a teacher requires an explanation of the material during a lesson, it indicates that the principle of repetition is being implemented in the learning process. Repetition helps reinforce and consolidate learning, allowing students to better understand and retain the information being taught.
kondisi siswa yang tiba-tiba kurang bersemangat mengikuti pembelajaran dan setelah guru memberikan stimulus tertentu kemudian siswa tersebut bisa mengikuti pembelajaran yang dimaksud, maka guru tersebut telah?
Correct Answer
B. Melaksanakan prinsip motivasi
The correct answer is "melaksanakan prinsip motivasi" because the teacher was able to stimulate the student's interest and engagement in learning after they became less motivated. This shows that the teacher implemented the principle of motivation by providing a stimulus that encouraged the student to participate in the intended learning.
siswa akan belajar lebih bersemangat apabila mengetahui dan mendapatkan hasil yang baik dan diberi hadiah, pernyataan ini menunjukkan penerapan prinsip pembeljaran yaitu?
Correct Answer
B. Balikan dan penguatan
The statement "siswa akan belajar lebih bersemangat apabila mengetahui dan mendapatkan hasil yang baik dan diberi hadiah" suggests the application of the principle of feedback and reinforcement in learning. This principle states that providing feedback and reinforcement, such as rewards or positive outcomes, can motivate students to learn more enthusiastically.