Колико има књижевних родова?
Correct Answer
C. 3
The question is asking about the number of literary genres. The correct answer is 3 because there are three main literary genres: prose, poetry, and drama. Each genre has its own characteristics and conventions that distinguish it from the others. Prose refers to written or spoken language in its ordinary form, while poetry uses rhythm, rhyme, and figurative language to create a more artistic and expressive effect. Drama, on the other hand, is a genre that is meant to be performed and includes plays and scripts.
Наведи их.
Correct Answer
лирика, епика, драма
Одговор упишите ћирилицом.
Означи поља у којима препознајеш одлике лирике:
Correct Answer(s)
A. казивање је субјективно
C. осећајност
D. језик је метафоричан, сликовит и језгровит
The correct answer includes the characteristics of lyric poetry. It states that the narration is subjective, expressing emotions and feelings. The language used is metaphorical, vivid, and concise, creating imagery and depth. The mention of chapters and being written for stage performance does not align with the characteristics of lyric poetry, so they are not included in the correct answer.
Означи поља у којима препознајеш одлике епике:
Correct Answer(s)
B. догађај се описује са много појединости и без личног приповедачевог става
D. радња се приказује хронолошки и ретроспективно
E. најчешће је писана у 3. лицу
The correct answer is a combination of the characteristics of an epic. In an epic, events are described with many details and without the personal narrator's point of view. The action is portrayed chronologically and retrospectively, meaning it looks at past events. Additionally, epics are most commonly written in the third person. These characteristics help to distinguish an epic from other forms of literature.
Означи поља у којима препознајеш одлике драме:
Correct Answer(s)
B. писана је у форми дијалога и изводи се на сцени
C. радња се заснива на сукобу
E. у спољашњој композицији уочавају се чинови, сцене и појаве
The correct answer includes the characteristics of drama such as the plot being based on conflict, being written in the form of dialogue, and being performed on stage. It also mentions the external composition where acts, scenes, and events are observed. Additionally, it mentions the language being characterized by a unique vocal structure of words and an unusual sentence structure.
Ком књижевном роду припада следећи текст:Срце моје самохрано,ко те дозва у мој дом?Неуморна плетисанко,што плетиво плетеш танкомеђу јавом и мед сном.
Correct Answer
A. лирика
The given text is a lyrical poem because it expresses personal emotions and feelings. It uses poetic language and imagery to convey the speaker's inner thoughts and experiences. The use of metaphors and vivid descriptions, such as "heart" and "weaving," further supports the idea that this text belongs to the genre of poetry.
Да ли је тачан следећи исказ:Сви књижевни родови осим драме јављају се и у народној и у уметничкој књижевности.
Correct Answer
A. Тачно
The statement is true because it states that all literary genres except drama can be found in both folk and artistic literature. This means that genres such as poetry, prose, and fiction can be found in both types of literature.
Ком књижевном роду припада следећи текст:Био један цар, па имао три сина и пред двором златну јабуку која за једну ноћ и уцвета и узре и неко је обере, а никако се није могло дознати ко.
Correct Answer
B. епика
The given text is a narrative that tells a story about a king, his three sons, and a golden apple. It describes events and characters in a storytelling manner, which is typical of epic literature. Epic literature often includes heroic deeds, mythical elements, and grand narratives, which align with the content of the given text. Therefore, the text belongs to the genre of epic literature.
Ком књижевном роду припада следећи текст:КРЕОНТ: Ти једина од Кадмовића видиш то!АНТИГОНА: И ови виде, али ћуте пред тобом.КРЕОНТ: Не стидиш се кад мислиш од њих друкчије?АНТИГОНА: Срамота није чинит пошту брату свом.
Correct Answer
C. драма
The given text is a dialogue between two characters, Kreont and Antigona, discussing their thoughts and actions. It portrays a conflict and tension between the characters, indicating a dramatic situation. The text does not have the characteristics of a lyrical or epic genre, as it does not express personal emotions or narrate a grand story. Therefore, the correct answer is "драма" (drama).