Šta predstavlja /dev/hda na Linux operarivnom sistemu?
Correct Answer
A. Čvor (node) preko koga pristupamo disku “IDE Primary Master”
The correct answer is "Čvor (node) preko koga pristupamo disku 'IDE Primary Master'". This answer correctly identifies that the given symbol represents the node through which we access the "IDE Primary Master" disk on a Linux operating system.
Koja je prednost ext3 fajl sistema u odnosu na ext2?
Correct Answer
B. Ext3 podržava dnevnik (journaling)
The correct answer is ext3 podržava dnevnik (journaling). Ext3 file system has the advantage of supporting journaling, which means that it keeps a log of changes before they are actually made to the file system. This helps in recovering the file system in case of a system crash or power failure, as it can replay the journal and restore the file system to a consistent state. This feature enhances data integrity and reduces the risk of data loss.
Šta postižemo sledećom komandom u Linuxu:
Correct Answer
C. Montiramo IDE uređaj predstavljen čvorom /dev/hdb1 u direktorijum /home
The given command "mount /dev/hdb1 /home" is used to mount an IDE device represented by the node /dev/hdb1 into the directory /home. This means that the contents of the IDE device will be accessible and usable in the /home directory.
Za koreni fajl sistem Root FS (/) važi sledeće:
Correct Answer
C. Prvi se aktivira prilikom podizanja operativnog sistema
The correct answer states that the root file system (/) is activated first during the booting process of the operating system. This means that it is the initial file system that is accessed and loaded by the operating system during startup. Other file systems may be mounted later, but the root file system is essential for the functioning of the operating system.
Sledeće linije predstavljaju:
- /dev/sda 1 /ext3 defaults,usrquota 1 1
- /dev/sdb 1 /home ext3 defaults,usrquota 1 2
- none /proc proc defaults 0 0
- /dev/sda3 swap swap defaults 0 0
Correct Answer
A. Tipičan sadržaj datoteke /etc/fstab
The given lines represent a typical content of the /etc/fstab file. This file is used by the operating system to mount filesystems at boot time and to define various mount options for each filesystem. The lines specify the device name, mount point, filesystem type, mount options, dump frequency, and pass number for each filesystem. The first line represents the root filesystem, the second line represents the /home filesystem, the third line represents the /proc filesystem, and the fourth line represents the swap partition.
Uređaj /dev/cdrom je montiran u direktorijum /media/cdrom Koje od sledećih komandi služe za deaktivaciju tog uređaja?
Correct Answer
B. Umount /dev/cdrom
The correct answer is "umount /dev/cdrom". This command is used to unmount a device, in this case, the /dev/cdrom device. The "umount" command is followed by the device's path (/dev/cdrom) to specify which device should be unmounted. By executing this command, the device will be deactivated and can be safely removed from the system.
Koje komande unosimo za kreiranje i aktivaciju swap particije na /dev/sda2?
Correct Answer
C. Mkswap /dev/sda2
The correct answer is "mkswap /dev/sda2". This command is used to create a swap partition on the /dev/sda2 device. The "swapon /dev/sda2" command is used to activate the swap partition, while the "swap /dev/sda2" command is not a valid command.
Kojom komandom kreiramo novi ext2 fajl sistem na particiji /dev/sdb1?
Correct Answer
D. Mkfs -t ext2 /dev/sdb1
The command "mkfs -t ext2 /dev/sdb1" is used to create a new ext2 file system on the partition /dev/sdb1. The "mkfs" command is used to create a file system, "-t ext2" specifies the file system type as ext2, and "/dev/sdb1" is the partition on which the file system will be created. This command formats the partition and sets it up to be used as an ext2 file system.
U datoteci /etc/fstab se nalazi sledeće:
Correct Answer
A. Spisak fajl sistema i parametara za montiranje (mount) prilikom podizanja operativnog sistema
The correct answer is "Spisak fajl sistema i parametara za montiranje (mount) prilikom podizanja operativnog sistema." This is because the /etc/fstab file contains a list of file systems and their parameters for mounting during the boot process of the operating system.
Program fdisk služi za:
Correct Answer
B. Upravljanje particijama hard diskova - kreiranje, brisanje i sl.
The correct answer is "Upravljanje particijama hard diskova - kreiranje, brisanje i sl." This is because the program fdisk is used for managing partitions on a hard disk, including creating and deleting partitions, as well as performing other related tasks. It is not used for managing the entire hard disk or file systems, but specifically for partition management.
Postoji sledeća linija u datoteci:
- /etc/fstab: /dev/sdb1 /proba ext3 defaults 0 2
da li je potrebno nešto izmeniti da bi obični korisnici mogli da montiraju (mount) fajlsistem /dev/sdb1?
Correct Answer
C. Potrbno je dodati ,user posle defaults
To allow regular users to mount the /dev/sdb1 filesystem, it is necessary to add ",user" after "defaults" in the given line in the /etc/fstab file.
Program badblocks služi za:
Correct Answer
D. Proveru fizičke ispravnosti površine hard diska
The correct answer is "Proveru fizičke ispravnosti površine hard diska" which translates to "Checking the physical integrity of the hard disk surface". The program badblocks is used to scan and detect any bad sectors or blocks on a hard disk. It helps to identify any physical damage or errors on the hard disk's surface, allowing users to take appropriate actions such as repairing or replacing the disk.
služi za:
Correct Answer
B. Proveru logične ispravnosti fajl sistema sdb1
The correct answer is "Proveru logične ispravnosti fajl sistema sdb1" which translates to "Checking the logical integrity of the sdb1 file system." This command is used to check the file system for any logical errors or inconsistencies on the device /dev/sdb1. It ensures that the file system is functioning correctly and can detect and fix any issues that may be present.
Komande df i du služe za proveru slobodnog i zauzetog prostora fajl sistema.
Correct Answer
C. Tačno
The given statement is true. The command "df" is used to check the free and used space of a file system. By running this command, users can see the amount of disk space used and available on their system. It provides information about the total size of the file system, the amount of space used, the amount of free space, and the percentage of space used. Therefore, the statement "tačno" (true) is the correct answer.
Pretvaranje ext2 fajl sistema u ext3 je moguće bez gubitka podataka.
Correct Answer
D. Tačno
The statement "Pretvaranje ext2 fajl sistema u ext3 je moguće bez gubitka podataka" translates to "Converting an ext2 file system to ext3 is possible without data loss." The correct answer "Tačno" means "True." Therefore, the explanation is that it is indeed possible to convert an ext2 file system to ext3 without losing any data.
Prilikom upotrebe neimenovane “pipe” datoteke, koja je ispravna sintaksa i redosled pozivanja da bi ulaz za programA bio izlaz iz programB?
Correct Answer
A. ProgramB | programA
The correct answer is "programB | programA". This is the correct syntax and order of calling in order for the input for programA to be the output of programB. The "|" symbol represents the pipe operator, which allows the output of one program to be used as the input of another program. In this case, programB's output is being piped into programA as its input.
Šta se dešava prilikom korišćenja neimenovane “pipe” datoteke ukoliko proces čitalac pokuša da pročita a ne postoje raspoloživi podaci?
Correct Answer
B. Proces čitalac se blokira dok se ne pojave podaci i time se postiže automatska sinhronizacija
When using an unnamed "pipe" file, if the reader process tries to read but there is no available data, it will be blocked until data appears. This allows for automatic synchronization between the reader and writer processes.
Pri upotrebi shmget:
- int segment_id = shmget (key, getpagesize(), shmflg);
getpagesize() predstavlja:
Correct Answer
C. Funkciju koja vraća trenutnu sistemsku veličinu stranice (page size)
The correct answer is "Funkciju koja vraća trenutnu sistemsku veličinu stranice (page size)". In this context, getpagesize() is a function that returns the current system page size. This page size is used as the size parameter in the shmget() function to allocate a shared memory segment.
U sledećem delu programskog koda
- segment_id = shmget (IPC_PRIVATE, shared_segment_size,
dodelili smo sledeća prava vlasniku deljivog memorijskog segmenta:
Correct Answer
C. Čitanje i pisanje
The given code is using the shmget function to create a shared memory segment. The flags IPC_CREAT and IPC_EXCL are used to create a new segment if it does not already exist. The flags S_IRUSR and S_IWUSR are used to set the permissions for the owner of the segment, allowing both reading and writing. Therefore, the correct answer is "Čitanje i pisanje".
Čemu služi poziv shmget()?
Correct Answer
D. Za alokaciju deljivog memorijskog segmenta
Poziv shmget() služi za alokaciju deljivog memorijskog segmenta.
Čemu služi poziv mmap()?
Correct Answer
A. Za mapiranje obične datoteke u memoriju nekog procesa
The correct answer is "Za mapiranje obične datoteke u memoriju nekog procesa." This means that the mmap() function is used to map a regular file into the memory of a process. This allows the process to directly access the contents of the file in memory, making it easier to read from or write to the file.
U navedenom delu programskog koda:
- file_memory = mmap
radimo sledeće:
Correct Answer
B. Kreiramo memorijski mapiranu datoteku sa pravom za upis u fajl deskriptor sa ofsetom nula
In the given code, the function mmap is used to create a memory-mapped file with write permission for the file descriptor and an offset of zero. This means that a portion of the file is mapped into memory, allowing direct read and write operations to the file. The offset of zero indicates that the mapping starts from the beginning of the file. Therefore, the correct answer is "Kreiramo memorijski mapiranu datoteku sa pravom za upis u fajl deskriptor sa ofsetom nula" (We create a memory-mapped file with write permission for the file descriptor and an offset of zero).
Pri korišćenju sistemskog poziva :
parametar fds predstavlja:
Correct Answer
C. Celobrojni niz od dva člana u koji se smeštaju deskriptori datoteka za čitanje i pisanje
The correct answer is "Celobrojni niz od dva člana u koji se smeštaju deskriptori datoteka za čitanje i pisanje." This means that the parameter 'fds' represents an integer array of two members where file descriptors for both reading and writing are stored.
Razlika između FIFO i Pipe datoteka je:
Correct Answer
D. FIFO ima ime u sistemu datoteka a Pipe je neimenovana datoteka
The correct answer states that FIFO has a name in the file system, while Pipe is an unnamed file. This means that FIFO can be accessed and manipulated using its name in the file system, whereas Pipe does not have a specific name and is typically used for communication between processes within the same system.
Soketi (sockets) omogućavaju komunikaciju između:
Correct Answer
A. Nepovezanih procesa na različitim računarima
Soketi (sockets) omogućavaju komunikaciju između nepovezanih procesa na različitim računarima. Ovo znači da soketi omogućavaju komunikaciju između procesa koji nemaju prethodno uspostavljenu vezu ili odnos. Soketi se koriste za slanje i primanje podataka između različitih računara preko mreže.
Šta je tačno za blok uređaje u Linuxu?
Correct Answer
B. Obezbeđuju čitanje ili upis u podataka u blokovima fiksne veličine
The correct answer is that block devices in Linux provide reading or writing of data in fixed-size blocks. Block devices are a type of storage device that allows data to be accessed in blocks rather than individual bytes. These blocks have a fixed size, which allows for efficient reading and writing operations. Block devices include devices such as hard drives and solid-state drives.
Na koji način tipični aplikativni programi u Linuksu pristupaju sadržaju hard diska?
Correct Answer
B. Preko sadržaja particije montiranog (mount) u okviru korenog sistema datoteka
Typical application programs in Linux access the content of the hard disk through the content of the partition mounted within the root file system.
Šta predstavlja datoteka /dev/zero:
Correct Answer
C. Nod specijalnog uređaja koji se ponaša kao da je ispunjem beskonačnim brojem nula
The correct answer is "Nod specijalnog uređaja koji se ponaša kao da je ispunjem beskonačnim brojem nula." This means that /dev/zero is a special device node that behaves as if it is filled with an infinite number of zeros.
Šta sve važi za nod /dev/null:
Correct Answer
B. Nod specijalnog uređaja kod koga se pri upisivanju svi podaci odbacuju
The correct answer is "Nod specijalnog uređaja kod koga se pri upisivanju svi podaci odbacuju". This is because /dev/null is a special device node in Unix-like operating systems that discards all data written to it. It is often used to redirect unwanted output or to discard data without any further processing.
Koji faktor koristi sistemski generator slučajnih brojeva u Linuksu kao “spoljšnji” izvor?
Correct Answer
A. Ponašanje korisnika
The correct answer is "Ponašanje korisnika." In Linux, the system random number generator uses various factors as "external" sources to generate random numbers. One of these factors is the behavior of the user. The user's actions, such as mouse movements and keyboard inputs, are used as input to generate random numbers. This helps to ensure that the generated numbers are unpredictable and suitable for cryptographic purposes.
Uređaji povratne petlje (loopback) u Linuksu /dev/loop0, /dev/loop1, … služe za simuliranje nekog blok uređaja koristeći datoteku - sliku - sa sadržajem (disk image).
Correct Answer
B. Tačno
The given answer "Tačno" (True) is correct because it accurately states that the loopback devices in Linux, such as /dev/loop0, /dev/loop1, etc., are used to simulate a block device by using a file or disk image as its content. This allows users to access and manipulate the contents of the file as if it were a physical device.
Za uspešno montiranje (mount) postojeće slike diska (disk image) /tmp/image u direktorijumu /mnt/vdrv koristeći uređaj povratne petlje (loopback) potrebno je da unesemo sledeće komande:
Correct Answer
C. Mount -o loop=/dev/loop0 /tmp/image /mnt/vdrv
The correct answer is "mount -o loop=/dev/loop0 /tmp/image /mnt/vdrv". This command uses the "-o" option to specify that the loop device is "/dev/loop0", the disk image is located at "/tmp/image", and the mount point is "/mnt/vdrv". This command correctly mounts the disk image using the loopback device.
Šta se nalazi u direktorijumu /dev/pts na Linuksu?
Correct Answer
C. Tu je montiran specijalni sistem datoteka u kome se dinamički kreiraju nodovi koji odgovaraju pokrenutim kvazi-terminalima
The correct answer is "Tu je montiran specijalni sistem datoteka u kome se dinamički kreiraju nodovi koji odgovaraju pokrenutim kvazi-terminalima." This means that the special file system /dev/pts on Linux dynamically creates nodes that correspond to running pseudo-terminals. This allows multiple terminal sessions to be created and managed simultaneously.
Čemu služi sistemski poziv ioctl?
Correct Answer
A. Pomoću ovog poziva se može upravljati uređajima na Linuksu
The ioctl system call in Linux is used to control devices. It allows a user program to communicate with a device driver and perform various operations on the device, such as configuring settings, retrieving information, or controlling its behavior. This system call is commonly used for managing and manipulating devices in the Linux operating system.
Which one do you like?
Correct Answer
B. U /proc se nalaze direktorijumi dinamički kreirani za sve aktivne procese koji sadrže podatke o tim procesima
The correct answer states that in /proc, there are dynamically created directories for all active processes that contain information about those processes. This means that the /proc directory in a system contains specific directories for each active process, and these directories hold important data about the respective processes.
Šta je na Linuksu direktorijum /proc/self?
Correct Answer
C. To je specijalni direktorijum u kome se pojavljuje sadržaj u zavisnosti od procesa koji pristupa, i odgovara PID tog procesa u /proc/ direktorijumu
The correct answer is: To je specijalni direktorijum u kome se pojavljuje sadržaj u zavisnosti od procesa koji pristupa, i odgovara PID tog procesa u /proc/ direktorijumu.
The /proc/self directory in Linux is a special directory that contains information about the current process. It dynamically shows the content based on the process that accesses it and corresponds to the process ID (PID) of that process in the /proc/ directory. Therefore, the correct answer explains the purpose and functionality of the /proc/self directory accurately.
Koje sve komande se mogu koristiti za ispisivanje tabele rutiranja u Linuksu?
Correct Answer
A. Route
The correct answer is "route". In Linux, the "route" command is used to display or manipulate the IP routing table. It allows users to view the current routing table, add or delete routes, and modify routing parameters. The "netstat -r" command can also be used to display the routing table, providing information about the network connections and routing information. However, "rttable" and "ne znam" are not valid commands for displaying the routing table in Linux.
Šta se dešava kada u Linuksu pokrnemo komandu ifconfig bez dodatnih parametara?
Correct Answer
A. Dobijamo prikaz i status svih aktivnih mrežnih interfejsa
When we run the "ifconfig" command in Linux without any additional parameters, it displays the information and status of all active network interfaces. This allows us to see the details of each interface, such as IP addresses, MAC addresses, and network settings.
Šta se podešava u datoteci /etc/exports na Linuksu?
Correct Answer
B. Parametri mrežnog sistema datoteka (NFS)
The correct answer is "Parametri mrežnog sistema datoteka (NFS)". This is because the question is asking about what can be configured in the /etc/exports file on Linux. The /etc/exports file is used to define the directories and options that are available for remote NFS clients to access. Therefore, the correct answer is the one that mentions "Parametri mrežnog sistema datoteka (NFS)", as it is the only option related to NFS, which is the network file system used for sharing files and directories between systems.
Šta omogućava program sudo na Linuksu?
Correct Answer
C. Izvršavanje programa sa privilegijama drugih korisnika bez njihove šifre
The correct answer is "Izvršavanje programa sa privilegijama drugih korisnika bez njihove šifre" which translates to "Executing programs with the privileges of other users without their password". This refers to the "sudo" command in Linux, which allows a user to run commands with the security privileges of another user, typically the root user, without needing to know their password.
Šta se postiže sledećom komandom:
- find / -nouser -o -nogroup
Correct Answer
D. Prikazivanje svih datoteka bez vlasnika i grupe na fajl sistemu
The given command "find / -nouser -o -nogroup" is used to display all files on the file system that do not have an owner or a group assigned to them.
Šta se dešava kada korisnik sa root privilegijama izvrši sledeću komandu:
Correct Answer
A. Započinje se brisanje celokupnog korenog stabla Linux sistema datoteka sa svim poddirektorijumima
The given command "rm -rf /" is used to remove files and directories recursively and forcefully. In this case, it is being executed with root privileges. The option "-r" indicates that the removal should be done recursively, and the option "-f" indicates that it should be done forcefully without prompting for confirmation. The argument "/" specifies the root directory. Therefore, the command will start deleting the entire root directory of the Linux system, including all its subdirectories.
Na Linuksu se jezgro koje se koristi prilikom podizanja operativnog sistemačuva u direktorijumu /boot. Nakoji način se može povećati sigurnost jezgra?
Correct Answer
B. Prebaciti ga na drugu particiju i podesiti da je ona samo za čitanje (read only) u /etc/fstab
By moving the kernel to a separate partition and setting it to read-only in the /etc/fstab file, the security of the kernel can be increased. This prevents any unauthorized modifications to the kernel, as it can only be accessed in a read-only mode. This helps to protect the integrity of the kernel and reduce the risk of malicious attacks or unauthorized changes to the operating system.
Šta se beleži u datoteku /var/log/messages na Linuksu?
Correct Answer
C. Sistemski događaji koje beleži syslog alat
The correct answer is "Sistemski događaji koje beleži syslog alat." This answer states that syslog tool logs system events.
Dnevnička datoteka (log file) koju generiše syslog je obično propširna za ručni pregled od strane administratora. Koji programi služe za lakši pregled i slanje obaveštenja o određenim događajima?
Correct Answer
D. Logcheck
Logcheck is a program that is used for easier review and notification of specific events in log files generated by syslog. It helps administrators to efficiently monitor and manage log files by automatically scanning them for predefined patterns or keywords and sending notifications or alerts when those patterns are found. This allows administrators to stay informed about important events and take necessary actions promptly.
Čemu služi wrapper program xinetd?
Correct Answer
A. Kontroliše mrežne zahteve za određenim portovima i po potrebi podiže tražene servise
The correct answer is "Kontroliše mrežne zahteve za određenim portovima i po potrebi podiže tražene servise." The wrapper program xinetd is used to control network requests for specific ports and, if necessary, start the requested services.
Jedini način da običan korisnik izvrši program sa ROOT privilegijama na Linuksu je da zna šifru root-a
Correct Answer
B. Netačno
The given statement is incorrect. The only way for an ordinary user to execute a program with root privileges on Linux is not just by knowing the root password. There are other methods such as using the "sudo" command or modifying the user's permissions through the "sudoers" file. Therefore, the correct answer is "Netačno" (False).
Rezultat izvršenja komande mount na jednom Linux sistemu je:
- /dev/hda1 on / type ext2 (rw)
- /dev/hdc5 on /mnt type ext2 (rw)
- /dev/hda4 on /DOS type msdos (ro)
- none on /proc type proc (rw).
Na osnovu toga odredite broj i vrstu diskova na sistemu:
Correct Answer
A. Minimum 2 diska, IDE Primary Master i IDE Secondary Master - tako pise u skripti iz kopirnice
Based on the output of the "mount" command, we can determine that there are at least 2 disks on the Linux system. The first disk is /dev/hda1, which is mounted as the root ("/") directory and is of type ext2. This disk is identified as the IDE Primary Master. The second disk is /dev/hdc5, which is mounted on /mnt and is also of type ext2. This disk is identified as the IDE Secondary Master. Therefore, the correct answer is "minimum 2 diska, IDE Primary Master i IDE Secondary Master - tako pise u skripti iz kopirnice".
Rezultat izvršenja komande mount na jednom Linux sistemu je:
- /dev/hda1 on / type ext2 (rw)
- /dev/hdb5 on /mnt type ext2 (rw)
- /dev/hda4 on /DOS type msdos (ro)
- none on /proc type proc (rw).
Na osnovu toga odredite broj i vrstu diskova na sistemu:
Correct Answer
B. Minimum 2 diska, IDE Primary Master i IDE Primary Slave - tako pise u skripti iz kopirnice
Based on the output of the mount command, we can see that there are two disk devices mounted on the system: /dev/hda1 and /dev/hdb5. The device /dev/hda1 is mounted on the root directory (/), indicating that it is the primary disk (IDE Primary Master). The device /dev/hdb5 is mounted on the /mnt directory, suggesting that it is the secondary disk (IDE Primary Slave). Therefore, the correct answer is "minimum 2 diska, IDE Primary Master i IDE Primary Slave - tako pise u skripti iz kopirnice."
Rezultat izvršenja komande mount na jednom Linux sistemu je:
- /dev/hda1 on / type ext2 (rw)
- /dev/hda2 on /home type ext2 (rw)
- /dev/hda3 on /win type ntfs (ro)
- /dev/hda4 on /tmp type ext2 (rw)
- none on /proc type proc (rw).
Korisnik root zadaje sledeće komande: umount /home, umount /win, umount /tmp Korisnik root:
Correct Answer
C. Može da izvrši sve komande
The given output shows that the /home, /win, and /tmp directories are currently mounted on the system. The user root is attempting to unmount these directories using the "umount" command. Since the user root has the necessary permissions and the directories are currently mounted, the user root can successfully execute all the commands and unmount the directories.