Humas merupakan usaha yang dilakukan oleh organisasi untuk bisa mendapatkan kerja sama dengan sekelompok orang, membantu organisasi melaksanakan interaksi yang efektif, serta melakukan aktivitas komunikasi dengan publik utama. Pernyataan tersebut merupakan pengertian humas menurut
Correct Answer
A. The Public Relations Society of America
The correct answer is The Public Relations Society of America. This is because the statement provided aligns with the definition of public relations given by The Public Relations Society of America, which states that public relations is the effort made by an organization to establish cooperation with a group of people, assist the organization in conducting effective interactions, and engage in communication activities with the main public.
Menarik simpati masyarakat agar perusahaan dapt dikenal publik dengan baik merupakan .....
Correct Answer
A. Pengertian Humas
The correct answer is "Pengertian Humas" which translates to "Definition of Public Relations". This answer is appropriate because the question is asking for the meaning or definition of Humas, which is the Indonesian term for Public Relations. Public Relations is the practice of managing communication between an organization and its publics in order to build a positive image and reputation.
Berikut ini sasaran humas secara khusus, kecuali....
Correct Answer
D. Humas sosial
The question asks for a specific target of public relations (humas), excluding one option. The correct answer is "humas sosial" because it does not fall under the specific targets of public relations mentioned in the other options, which include government public relations (humas pemerintah), national public relations (humas negara), industry and business public relations (humas industri dan bisnis), and professional public relations (humas profesi).
Berikut ini yang bukan merupakan ciri utama humas adalah.....
Correct Answer
D. Sasarannya adalah pemerintah
The correct answer is "Sasarannya adalah pemerintah." This is because one of the main characteristics of public relations (humas) is that it is focused on communication with the public, not just the government. Public relations aims to build relationships and maintain a positive image with various stakeholders, including the government, but it also includes communication with the general public, media, customers, and other relevant audiences.
Perhatikan hal-hal dibawah ini :
1. Terpelihara dan terbentuknya saling pengertian
2. Menjaga dan membentuk saling percaya
3. Memelihara dan menciptakan kerja sama
4. Adanya upaya komunikasi dua arah
5.Sifatnya terencana
Dari pernyataan tersebut, manakah yang termasuk tujuan humas....
Correct Answer
A. 1, 2, 3
The given statements highlight the goals of public relations (humas). These goals include establishing and maintaining mutual understanding (1), building and maintaining trust (2), and fostering and creating cooperation (3). These objectives are essential in promoting effective communication and positive relationships between an organization and its stakeholders. Therefore, the correct answer is 1, 2, 3.
Terpelihara dan terbentuk saling pengertian , merupakan salah satu tujuan humas dalam aspek....
Correct Answer
E. Kognisi
The correct answer is Kognisi. The question states that "Terpelihara dan terbentuk saling pengertian" (preserved and formed mutual understanding) is one of the goals of public relations in a certain aspect. This statement refers to the cognitive aspect, which involves understanding and knowledge. Therefore, the correct answer is Kognisi.
Menjaga dan membentuk saling percaya merupakan tujuan humas dalam aspek
Correct Answer
B. Afektif
The correct answer is "Afektif". The goal of public relations (humas) is to build and maintain trust between an organization and its stakeholders. This involves creating positive emotions, attitudes, and perceptions towards the organization. The "afektif" aspect refers to the emotional and affective dimension of communication, which includes building trust, empathy, and credibility.
Publik diberi pendidikan dan dihargai adalah sejarah perkembangan humas pada tahun.....
Correct Answer
B. 1918-1925
The correct answer is 1918-1925. During this period, there was a significant development in public relations (humas) where the public was given education and valued. This suggests that there was a growing recognition of the importance of effective communication and relationship-building with the public during this time.
Berikut ini aspek penting yang harus ada dalam public relation, kecuali....
Correct Answer
A. Aspek pelayanan
The important aspects that should be present in public relations include communication, loyalty, productivity, and culture. However, the aspect of service is not necessary in public relations. Public relations mainly focuses on building and maintaining relationships with the public, managing communication, ensuring loyalty, enhancing productivity, and promoting cultural understanding. While providing good service may be a part of public relations, it is not an essential aspect.
Di New York PR sebagai pendidik tertinggi resmi adalah perkembangan humas pada tahun.....
Correct Answer
A. 1925
The correct answer is 1925. This is the year when public relations (PR) became recognized as an official field of study and practice in New York. It signifies the formal establishment and recognition of PR as a profession in the state, indicating its importance and growth in the field of communications and media.
Humas merupakan fungsi manajemen yang menilai sikap publik, mengidentifikasi kebijakan dan tata cara seseorang/organisasi daemi kepentingan publik. Pengertian tersebut dikemukakan oleh.....
Correct Answer
B. Public Relations News
The correct answer is "Public Relations News" because the question is asking for the source or author of the definition of public relations as a management function that evaluates public attitudes, identifies policies and procedures of an individual/organization for public interest. Therefore, the answer "Public Relations News" can be inferred as the source of this definition.
Perhatikan pernyataan di bawah ini !
1. Menarik simpati masyarakat
2. Mengevaluasi sikap perusahaan
3. Menimbulkan sikap persuasif
4. Problem solving process facilitator
Dari pernyataan diatas yang merupakan fungsi humas adalah...
5.Techinician Communication
Correct Answer
B. 2, 3
The correct answer is 2, 3. The statement mentions that the functions of public relations (humas) are to attract public sympathy and to evaluate the company's attitude. These two functions align with options 2 and 3, which state that the functions of public relations are to evaluate the company's attitude and to create a persuasive attitude.
Berikut ini merupakn hubungan dengan publik ekstern, kecuali....
Correct Answer
E. Hubungan dengan rekan kerja
The given options represent different types of relationships with external stakeholders. Customer relations, community relations, government relations, and media relations all involve engaging with individuals or groups outside of the organization. However, "hubungan dengan rekan kerja" refers to relationships with colleagues or coworkers within the organization, making it the exception among the options provided.
Berikut ini merupakan tugas pokok humas tentang penelitian-penelitian yang diadakan oleh IPRA, kecuali
Correct Answer
D. Memancing permasalahan
The given options describe the main tasks of public relations (humas) regarding research conducted by IPRA (International Public Relations Association), except for "memancing permasalahan" which means "provoking issues". The other options are: "mencegah konflik dan salah pengertian" (preventing conflicts and misunderstandings), "memperbaiki hubungan industrial" (improving industrial relations), "memasyarakatkan produk atau layanan" (popularizing products or services), and "menciptakan jati diri institusi" (creating institutional identity). These tasks focus on promoting positive relationships, preventing conflicts, and enhancing the reputation of the institution, while "memancing permasalahan" would be counterproductive in achieving these goals.
Berikut merupakan bagian penting dari pekerjaan humas dalam suatu organisasi, kecuali...
Correct Answer
D. Penerimaan
The given options describe important aspects of public relations work in an organization. However, "penerimaan" (acceptance) does not fit in this context. Public relations professionals aim to create a positive image, generate interest, showcase skills, and evoke sympathy. Acceptance, on the other hand, is not a specific task or outcome of public relations work.
Dalam karakteristik humas, tujuan utam humas adalah....
Correct Answer
E. Membentuk Goodwill
The main goal of public relations (humas) is to create a positive image and reputation for an organization or individual. This is achieved by building and maintaining goodwill with various stakeholders, such as the public, customers, employees, and media. By developing a favorable perception and trust, public relations professionals can help enhance the organization's credibility and foster positive relationships. Therefore, the correct answer is "Membentuk Goodwill."
Berikut ini merupakan proses kegiatan humas, kecuali....
Correct Answer
C. Melakukan presentasi besar-besaran
The given options describe various activities related to public relations. Designing thematic roles to ensure consistency in the organization's message, conducting media segmentation, interactive communication, and multi-purpose advertising are all common activities in public relations. However, conducting large-scale presentations is not typically considered a part of public relations activities. Presentations are more commonly associated with marketing or sales activities. Therefore, the correct answer is "Melakukan presentasi besar-besaran."
Etika berasal dari bahasa Yunani Kuno. Bentuk tunggal dari etika adalah....
Correct Answer
D. Ethos
Ethos adalah bentuk tunggal dari kata etika dalam bahasa Yunani Kuno. Kata ini mengacu pada karakter moral atau nilai-nilai yang dipegang oleh individu atau masyarakat. Dalam konteks ini, jawaban yang benar adalah "ethos".
Ada dua macam e....tika yang harus kita pahami bersama alam menetukan baik dan burukya perilaku manusia yaitu
Correct Answer
D. Etika deskriptif dan normatif
The correct answer is "etika deskriptif dan normatif". Etika deskriptif adalah studi tentang perilaku manusia dan bagaimana manusia sebenarnya berperilaku. Etika normatif, di sisi lain, adalah studi tentang bagaimana manusia seharusnya berperilaku berdasarkan nilai-nilai dan prinsip-prinsip moral. Dalam konteks ini, etika deskriptif menjelaskan perilaku manusia yang sebenarnya, sementara etika normatif menentukan perilaku yang seharusnya dilakukan.
Nilai-nilai perilaku yang ditunjukkan oaleh seseorang atau organisasi tertentu insteraksinya dengan lingkungannya merupakan pengertian dari....
Correct Answer
B. Etika
Etika refers to the values and principles that guide the behavior of individuals or organizations in their interactions with the environment. It involves making ethical decisions and acting in a morally responsible manner. Etika focuses on what is right or wrong, fair or unfair, and just or unjust in various situations. It helps individuals and organizations to navigate through ethical dilemmas and maintain integrity in their actions.
Mencakup perangkat hal-hal yang dapat diterima dan hal-hal yang tidak dapat diterima dalam masyarakat, merupakan pengertian dari....
Correct Answer
C. Norma
The given correct answer is "norma". Norma refers to the accepted and expected behaviors, actions, and values in a society. It encompasses both what is deemed acceptable and what is deemed unacceptable in a community. Norms serve as guidelines for individuals to follow and help maintain social order and harmony. They shape the way people interact with each other and influence their moral and ethical conduct. Norms can vary across different cultures and societies, but they play a crucial role in regulating human behavior and promoting social cohesion.
Hubungan yang terjadi antara atasan dan bawahan dan sebaliknya serta hubungan sesama karyawan disebut dengan hubungan.....
Correct Answer
D. Internal
The correct answer is internal. The term "internal" refers to the relationships that occur within an organization between superiors and subordinates, as well as among colleagues. This includes formal and informal interactions between employees within the same company.
Hubungan yang terjadi antara perusahaan dan para pelanggan dan pemasok disebut....
Correct Answer
B. Eksternal
The relationship between a company and its customers and suppliers is referred to as "external" because it involves interactions and transactions with entities outside of the company. This includes activities such as marketing, sales, and procurement, where the company interacts with customers to sell its products or services and with suppliers to source materials or resources. The external relationship is important for the company's success as it helps in understanding customer needs, building customer loyalty, and establishing mutually beneficial partnerships with suppliers.
Karyawan dan pemegang saham disebut....
Correct Answer
A. Publik internal
The correct answer is "publik internal" because it refers to the employees and shareholders of a company. These individuals have a direct connection and involvement with the company's operations and decision-making processes. They are considered part of the internal public of the organization.
Upaya pembatasan yang dilakukan untuk mengatur humas agar bekerja sesuai dengan peraturan dan kode etik yang telah di tentukan disebut
Correct Answer
D. Regulasi Humas
Regulasi Humas refers to the efforts made to regulate public relations so that they work in accordance with the established regulations and code of ethics. This involves setting guidelines and rules for public relations practitioners to follow in order to maintain ethical standards and ensure their actions align with the organization's objectives. By having regulations in place, it helps to ensure that public relations activities are conducted responsibly and professionally.
Dalam sejarah PR dimana publik mulai terbuka dan banyak mengetahui terjadi pada tahun....
Correct Answer
A. 1945-1968
The correct answer is 1945-1968. This period refers to the years after World War II until the late 1960s. During this time, public relations (PR) started to gain prominence as the public became more informed and open to understanding PR activities. This period saw the development of various PR techniques and strategies to effectively communicate with the public and manage public perception.
Arti public pada kata public relation adalah...
Correct Answer
C. Khalayak
The correct answer is "khalayak". In the context of public relations, the term "khalayak" refers to the general public or audience. It represents the target audience or the people that a company or organization aims to communicate with and build relationships with. Public relations strategies and activities are designed to effectively reach and engage this broad audience in order to promote a positive image, manage reputation, and establish mutually beneficial relationships.
Berikut ini macam-macam kode etik humas, kecuali....
Correct Answer
D. Code of public
The given options are all examples of different codes of ethics or conduct that are applicable to public relations professionals. However, "Code of public" does not exist as a recognized code of ethics in the field of public relations. Therefore, it is the exception among the given options.
Etika dalam melaksanakan tugas atau profesi humas disebut....
Correct Answer
B. Code of Profession
The correct answer is "Code of Profession". In the context of the question, the term "etika" refers to ethics or principles that guide the behavior of individuals in their professional roles. The Code of Profession in public relations outlines the ethical standards and guidelines that PR practitioners should adhere to while carrying out their duties. It ensures that they maintain integrity, honesty, and professionalism in their interactions with the public, clients, and the media.
Sistem norma, nilai dan atuan profesional tertulis yang secara tegas menyatakan apa yang baik dan benar, dan apa yang tidak baik dan tidak benar bagi profesional disebut.....
Correct Answer
A. Etika
The correct answer is "Etika" because the question is asking for the term that refers to the written system of norms, values, and professional rules that define what is right and wrong for professionals. "Etika" is the Indonesian term for "ethics," which encompasses these principles and guidelines for professional behavior.