Akuntansi adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Suatu proses pengidentifikasian, pengukuran, dan pelaporan informasi ekonomi yang memungkinkan adanya penilaian dan pengambilan keputusan yang jelas dan tegas oelh mereka yang menggunakan informasi keuangan tersebut.
Akuntansi adalah suatu proses pengidentifikasian, pengukuran, dan pelaporan informasi ekonomi yang memungkinkan adanya penilaian dan pengambilan keputusan yang jelas dan tegas oleh mereka yang menggunakan informasi keuangan tersebut. This answer accurately describes accounting as a process that involves identifying, measuring, and reporting economic information to enable clear and decisive decision-making by those who use the financial information.
Pihak eksternal yang menggunakan informasi akuntansi adalah .....
Correct Answer
A. Kreditor
External parties that use accounting information include creditors. Creditors are individuals or organizations that lend money or extend credit to a company. They rely on accounting information to assess the financial health and creditworthiness of the company. By analyzing financial statements and other accounting records, creditors can make informed decisions about whether to grant credit, set loan terms, or determine the interest rate. Therefore, creditors are an important external user of accounting information.
Pak Kasmadi mengajar akuntansi di SMAN 74 Jakarta, Pak Kas berprofesi sebagai ....
Correct Answer
D. Akuntan pendidik
Pak Kasmadi teaches accounting at SMAN 74 Jakarta, indicating that he is an accounting educator. This can be inferred from the fact that he is teaching at a school and not working in a company, government, or public accounting firm. Therefore, the correct answer is "akuntan pendidik" which translates to "accounting educator" in English.
Akuntan yang bekerja memeriksa pembukuan dan jasa konsultasi manajemen serta bekerja secara independen disebut .....
Correct Answer
A. Akuntan publik
An accountant who examines bookkeeping and provides management consulting services independently is referred to as an "akuntan publik" or a public accountant. Public accountants are typically employed by accounting firms and work with various clients, including businesses, government agencies, and individuals, to provide auditing, tax, and financial advisory services. They play a crucial role in ensuring the accuracy and transparency of financial records and helping clients make informed decisions regarding their finances.
Bidang akuntansi yang digunakan sebagai informasi yang ditujukan bagi pihak luar dengan menggunakan prinsip-prinsip pada standar akuntansi keuangan adalah ....
Correct Answer
E. Sistem informasi akuntansi
The correct answer is "sistem informasi akuntansi". This is because sistem informasi akuntansi refers to the accounting information system that is used to provide financial information to external parties based on the principles of financial accounting standards.
Informasi yang paling dibutuhkan oleh pemegang saham adalah informasi tentang kemampuan perusahaan menghasilkan laba. Informasi ini disediakan oleh bidang ....
Correct Answer
A. Akuntansi keuangan
The correct answer is akuntansi keuangan. Shareholders are primarily interested in the financial performance of a company, which includes its ability to generate profits. Financial accounting provides information about the financial position, performance, and cash flows of a company, which is crucial for shareholders to assess the company's profitability and make informed investment decisions. Cost accounting, management accounting, and accounting systems may provide other types of information, but they are not specifically focused on the company's ability to generate profits, which is the most important concern for shareholders.
Kegunaan akuntansi dilihat dari segi internal adalah .....
Correct Answer
B. Sebagai dasar pengambilan keputusan
The correct answer is "sebagai dasar pengambilan keputusan." Accounting is used internally to provide information that helps in making informed decisions within an organization. This includes decisions related to budgeting, resource allocation, pricing, and investment opportunities. By analyzing financial data and performance indicators, managers can assess the financial health of the company and make strategic decisions to improve profitability and efficiency. Accounting information also helps in evaluating the impact of different options and predicting future outcomes, enabling better decision-making.
Berikut adalah pihak-pihak eksternal yang mempunyai kepentingan terhadap informasi akuntansi :1. investor2. manajemen perusahaan3. kreditur4. pemerintah5. karyawan Yang bukan pihak eksternal adalah .....
Correct Answer
B. 2
The correct answer is 2. The explanation for this is that investors, creditors, government, and employees are all external parties that have an interest in accounting information. However, management of the company is considered an internal party as they are directly involved in the operations and decision-making of the organization. Therefore, they are not classified as an external party in this context.
Harga perolehan adalah ......
Correct Answer
B. Harga yang harus dibayar atau ditukarkan saat terjadinya transaksi dengan didukung bukti-bukti transaksi
The correct answer is "harga yang harus dibayar atau ditukarkan saat terjadinya transaksi dengan didukung bukti-bukti transaksi." This means that the acquisition cost is the price that must be paid or exchanged at the time of the transaction, and it is supported by transaction evidence. This implies that there is proof or documentation of the transaction taking place and the corresponding payment or exchange.
Pernyataan di bawah ini yang bukan konsep dasar akuntansi adalah .....d
Correct Answer
C. Dapat dipercaya yakni ; dapat diuji, netral dan menyajikan yang seharusnya
The given statement "Dapat dipercaya yakni ; dapat diuji, netral dan menyajikan yang seharusnya" is not a basic accounting concept because it refers to the qualitative characteristics of financial information rather than a fundamental principle or assumption of accounting. The statement highlights the importance of financial information being reliable, verifiable, neutral, and representing the true economic substance of transactions and events. These characteristics ensure that the information can be trusted and used for decision-making purposes.
Salah satu syarat informasi akuntansi berkualitas adalah .....
Correct Answer
A. Dapat dimengerti
One of the requirements for high-quality accounting information is that it should be understandable. This means that the information should be presented in a clear and concise manner, using language and terms that can be easily comprehended by the users of the information. The purpose of accounting information is to assist decision-making, and if the information is not understandable, it will not serve its purpose effectively. Therefore, it is important for accounting information to be presented in a way that can be easily understood by its intended users.
Berikut proses akuntansi, kecuali .....
Correct Answer
A. Membuka jurnal penutup
The correct answer is "Membuka jurnal penutup." This is because the process of closing the journal is done after all the transactions have been recorded and posted to the general ledger. It involves transferring the balances from the temporary accounts (such as revenue and expense accounts) to the retained earnings account and ultimately to the balance sheet. Therefore, "Membuka jurnal penutup" is not a step in the accounting process, but rather the opposite - it is the final step in closing the books for a specific accounting period.
Proses memindahkan dari jurnal umum ke buku besar disebut .....
Correct Answer
D. Posting
Posting is the process of transferring information from the general journal to the general ledger. It involves recording the debits and credits of each transaction in the appropriate accounts in the ledger. This step is crucial for organizing and categorizing financial information accurately. By posting, all the transactions are properly recorded in their respective accounts, making it easier to analyze and prepare financial statements.
Akuntansi manajemen adalah .....
Correct Answer
C. Bidang akuntansi yang mempergunakan data histories maupun data taksiran untuk membantu manajemen perusahaan dalam menyusun perencanaan.
Akuntansi manajemen adalah bidang akuntansi yang mempergunakan data histories maupun data taksiran untuk membantu manajemen perusahaan dalam menyusun perencanaan. Dalam akuntansi manajemen, data historis digunakan untuk menganalisis kinerja masa lalu perusahaan, sedangkan data taksiran digunakan untuk membuat perkiraan dan proyeksi ke depan. Tujuan akuntansi manajemen adalah memberikan informasi yang relevan dan akurat kepada manajemen agar dapat membuat keputusan yang tepat dalam mengelola perusahaan. Dengan menggunakan data historis dan taksiran, manajemen dapat merumuskan strategi dan rencana bisnis yang efektif.
Salah satu kode etik akuntan adalah .....
Correct Answer
E. Bersiap menghadapi konsekuensi yang kurang baik bila berpegang pada perilaku etis
The explanation for the given answer is that one of the ethical codes for accountants is to be prepared to face negative consequences when adhering to ethical behavior. This means that accountants should be willing to face any potential backlash or negative outcomes that may arise from their ethical decisions and actions. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining integrity and upholding ethical standards, even in challenging situations.