Format penulisan keyword yang sesuai dituliskan pada mesin pencari google ketika memerlukan informasi detail sebuah halaman situs adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Info
The correct answer is "Info". When searching for detailed information about a specific webpage, using the "Info" keyword in a search engine like Google can help narrow down the results to pages that contain relevant information. This can be useful when trying to find specific details or facts about a website or webpage.
Rudi adalah seorang siswa tkj kelas 12. Dia sedang memperoleh tugas mandiri dari mata pelajaran keamanan jaringan untuk mencari dan menemukan bugs XSS dari beberapa website di dunia. Langkah yang tidak tepat untuk mencari bug dengan google adalah....
Correct Answer
E. Inurl:"id="&intext:"warning:mysql_result ()
The given answer, "Inurl:"id="&intext:"warning:mysql_result ()", is incorrect because it does not follow the correct syntax for searching for bugs using Google. The correct syntax for searching for bugs using Google is to use the "inurl:" operator followed by a specific string or keyword that is commonly associated with bugs or vulnerabilities. The given answer does not follow this syntax and includes additional characters and phrases that are not necessary for the search.
Setiap karya cipta berupa inovasi, foto, audio, video, software dapat didaftarkan menjadi hak cipta. Peraturan perundangan yang mengatur masalah hak cipta di indonesia tersebut adalah....
Correct Answer
A. UU No. 28 tahun 2014
The correct answer is UU No. 28 tahun 2014 because it is the law that specifically governs copyright issues in Indonesia.
Setiap unggahan atau postingan berita dapat dipertanggungjawabkan kebenarannya pada sebuah situs, sebaiknya anda menggunakan referensi website dengan domain yang legal dan terdaftar secara resmi menggunakan kartu identitas. Domain yang kredibilitasnya dapat dipertanggungjawabkan ketika berselancar didunia maya adalah....
Correct Answer
A. .id
The answer ".id" is the most appropriate domain to use when verifying the credibility of a website. ".id" is the top-level domain for Indonesia, indicating that the website is registered and authorized in Indonesia. Using a legally registered domain with proper identification ensures that the information posted on the website can be held accountable for its accuracy and reliability.
Pak doni seorang direktur perusahaan ABC mengeluh karena e-mail-nya tidak dapat digunakan login kembali menggunakan password yang pernah diatur sebelumnya. Password email [email protected] adalah solo123. Dia ingat kalau pernah memperolah e-mail aneh dari pengirim tak dikenal. Penyebab terjadinya e-mail pak doni diretas adalah...
Correct Answer
E. Hacking
The correct answer is "Hacking". This is because the passage mentions that Pak Doni's email was hacked and he received a strange email from an unknown sender. Hacking refers to unauthorized access to someone's email or account by a third party.
Jenis program aplikasi berbahaya yang akan mengunci sistem operasi dekstop komputer dan mendeksripsi semua datanya setelah komputer korban berhasil terinfeksi melalui port samba pada windows adalah....
Correct Answer
E. Ransomware
Ransomware adalah jenis program aplikasi berbahaya yang akan mengunci sistem operasi dekstop komputer dan mendeksripsi semua datanya setelah komputer korban berhasil terinfeksi melalui port samba pada windows.
Perbaikan dan upgrade sistem firewall dan antivirus dalam perangkat digital adalah salah satu bentuk implementasi dalam sembilan komponen kewargaan digital...
Correct Answer
B. Digital security
Perbaikan dan upgrade sistem firewall dan antivirus dalam perangkat digital merupakan tindakan yang dilakukan untuk menjaga keamanan digital. Digital security adalah salah satu komponen kewargaan digital yang berfokus pada perlindungan terhadap serangan dan ancaman keamanan digital. Dengan melakukan perbaikan dan upgrade pada sistem keamanan, pengguna dapat meningkatkan tingkat keamanan perangkat digital mereka dan melindungi informasi pribadi serta data sensitif dari serangan yang berpotensi merugikan.
Berikut yang tidak termasuk jenis ransomware yang dapat merusak dan mengenskripsi data komputer setelah berhasil diinfeksi adalah....
Correct Answer
C. JS.fornight
The given options are all types of ransomware that are capable of damaging and encrypting computer data after successfully infecting it. However, JS.fornight is not a known type of ransomware. Hence, it does not belong to the category of ransomware that can damage and encrypt computer data.
Pertimbangan sikap yang wajib diperhatikan oleh pengguna ketika berinteraksi dengan dunian informasi adalah komponen kewargaan digital...
Correct Answer
C. Digital etiquette
The correct answer is digital etiquette. Digital etiquette refers to the set of guidelines and rules that govern appropriate behavior when using digital technology and interacting with others online. It involves being respectful, polite, and considerate in online communication, respecting others' privacy, and using technology responsibly. This includes avoiding cyberbullying, being mindful of one's digital footprint, and practicing good netiquette. Digital etiquette is essential for maintaining positive and respectful online interactions and fostering a healthy digital environment.
Kebebasan berpendapat dan bersuara di muka umum telah di jamin dan di nyatakan keabsahan oleh UU, termasuk pada komponen kewargaan...
Correct Answer
E. Digital right & responsibility
The given statement mentions that freedom of speech and expression in public has been guaranteed and validated by the law, including in the context of citizenship. This aligns with the concept of digital right and responsibility, which emphasizes the rights and responsibilities individuals have in the digital realm. It implies that individuals have the right to express their opinions and thoughts freely online, while also being responsible for their actions and behavior in the digital space. Therefore, the correct answer is digital right & responsibility.
Sorotan utama ketika berinteraksi di dunia maya, seperti kelelahan mata karena bermain game dengan HP, radiasi otak karena sering fitur ear phone dengan bluetooth serta kejang otot tangan, jari dan kaki merupakan komponen kewargaan....
Correct Answer
D. Digital health & wellness
The given answer, "Digital health & wellness," is the correct option because it addresses the main highlights of interacting in the online world, such as eye strain from playing games on a mobile phone, brain radiation from frequently using earphones with Bluetooth, and muscle spasms in the hands, fingers, and legs. Digital health & wellness focuses on promoting physical and mental well-being while using digital technologies, making it the most relevant and appropriate choice among the given options.
Setiapa data atau informasi yang di unggah ke dunia maya memiliki kekuatan hukum, baik bersifat pasti, bebas atau gratis dan belum pasti merupakan komponen kewargaan...
Correct Answer
A. Digital law
The given answer, "Digital law," is the correct answer because the statement mentions that any data or information uploaded to the internet has legal power. This implies that there are laws and regulations governing the digital world, which fall under the domain of digital law.
Berikut ini yang merupakan syarat model komunikasi melalui digital yang mutalak adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Terdapat pengirim data, data dan penerima data
Untuk melakukan komunikasi melalui digital, syarat yang mutlak diperlukan adalah adanya pengirim data, data yang akan dikirimkan, dan penerima data. Ketiga elemen ini harus ada agar komunikasi dapat terjadi secara efektif. Komunikasi digital melibatkan pengiriman data dari pengirim ke penerima melalui media digital seperti internet atau jaringan komputer.
Dilihat dari cara penyampaiannya komunikasi dibedakan menjadi...
Correct Answer
B. 3
Based on the given options, the correct answer is 3. However, without the complete question or context, it is difficult to provide a specific explanation for why this answer is correct. It is possible that the question is referring to different types or methods of communication, and option 3 represents a specific category or classification within those types. Without further information, it is not possible to provide a more detailed explanation.
Komunikasi yang dilakukan dengan media WhatsAp, Facebook, Twiter dan lain.lain merupakan komunikasi..
Correct Answer
C. Digital
The correct answer is "Digital" because communication through platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and others involves the use of digital technology and electronic devices. These platforms allow for instant messaging, sharing of media, and connecting with others online, making it a form of digital communication.
Komunikasi yang dilakukan dengan bertatap muka merupakan komunikasi...
Correct Answer
A. Direct
The correct answer is "Direct" because communication that is done face-to-face involves direct interaction between individuals. This type of communication allows for immediate feedback, nonverbal cues, and a more personal connection between the communicators.
Komunikasi yang dilakukan dengan melalui telepon, sms dan surat menyurat merupakan komunikasi...
Correct Answer
B. Indirect
The given correct answer is "Indirect". This is because communication through telephone, SMS, and written correspondence involves transmitting messages through an intermediary medium, such as technology or physical letters, rather than directly speaking face-to-face.
Data atau informasi yang di sampaikan harus sesuai kenyataan serta tidak dibuat-buat yang menjurus pada fitnah merupakan pedoman unggahan berdasarkan...
Correct Answer
A. Faktual
The answer is "Faktual" because it states that the data or information that is conveyed must be based on reality and not fabricated, which implies that it should be factual.
Tata bahasa yang digunakan ketika melakukan postingan atau memberikan komentar dalam sebuah diskusi atau dalam grup hendaknya memperhatikan tata krama, norma, adat, budaya dan nilai agama, merupakan pedoman unggahan berdasarkan...
Correct Answer
C. Kesopanan
When posting or commenting in a discussion or group, it is important to consider etiquette, norms, customs, cultural values, and religious values. This ensures that the language used is polite and respectful. Therefore, the correct answer is "Kesopanan" which means politeness.
Berikut yang merupaka pencarian dasar Google, kecuali....
Correct Answer
ALINTITLE is not a basic Google search operator. The other options (AND, OR, FRASE, SITE) are all commonly used operators in Google searches. ALINTITLE is not a recognized operator and is not used in basic Google searches.
Komunikasi yang menggunakan jaringan internet disebut komunikasi....
Correct Answer
B. Daring
Komunikasi yang menggunakan jaringan internet disebut komunikasi daring. Daring adalah singkatan dari "dalam jaringan" yang berarti melakukan komunikasi melalui jaringan internet.
Komunikasi seperti Catting, teleconference, video conference termasuk pada komunikasi...
Correct Answer
A. Sinkron
The given correct answer is "Sinkron" which means synchronous in English. This suggests that communication methods like chatting, teleconferencing, and video conferencing mentioned in the question are considered synchronous communication methods. In synchronous communication, participants interact in real-time, where messages are sent and received instantly. This is in contrast to asynchronous communication, where participants do not need to be present at the same time and messages can be sent and received at different times.
Komunikasi yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan email termasuk pada komunikasi...
Correct Answer
B. Asinkron
Komunikasi yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan email termasuk dalam komunikasi asinkron. Asinkron berarti komunikasi yang tidak memerlukan kedua belah pihak untuk berinteraksi secara langsung pada waktu yang sama. Dalam komunikasi email, pesan dapat dikirim dan diterima pada waktu yang berbeda, sehingga penerima dapat membaca dan merespons pesan tersebut saat mereka memiliki waktu luang. Hal ini berbeda dengan komunikasi sinkron, di mana kedua belah pihak harus berinteraksi pada waktu yang sama, seperti dalam percakapan langsung atau panggilan telepon.
Agar komunikasi daring dapat berjalan maka ada komponen yang harus di siapkan antara lain, kecuali...
Correct Answer
E. Data
Data is not a component that needs to be prepared for online communication. Online communication requires hardware (such as computers and routers), software (such as operating systems and communication applications), brainware (human users who operate the communication system), and internet connectivity. Data refers to the information that is transmitted or exchanged during online communication, but it is not a component that needs to be prepared beforehand.
Untuk menulis dan mengirimkan surel baru disebut....
Correct Answer
C. Compose
The correct answer is "Compose." This is because when we want to write and send a new email, we use the "Compose" feature. The other options mentioned, such as "Setting," "Content," "Attach," and "Email menu," do not specifically refer to the action of writing and sending a new email.