Dalam perkembangannya, sistem pengapian terbagi menjadi 2 yaitu ...
Correct Answer
D. Mekanis dan Elektris
The correct answer is "Mekanis dan Elektris". This is because the question is asking about the two divisions of ignition systems. The term "Mekanis" refers to mechanical ignition systems, which use physical components such as distributor, points, and condenser to generate spark. On the other hand, "Elektris" refers to electronic ignition systems, which use electronic components such as ignition module, coil, and sensors to generate spark. Therefore, the correct answer is the combination of "Mekanis dan Elektris".
Dalam melakukan perawatan dan perbaikan baterai, tahap paling penting dalam melakukan proses pekerjaan tersebut adalah
Correct Answer
A. Mengecek kondisi fisik baterai dan menganalisisnya
The most important step in performing battery maintenance and repair is to check the physical condition of the battery and analyze it. This is crucial because it allows for the identification of any visible damage or issues that may be affecting the battery's performance. By assessing the physical condition, one can determine if there are any leaks, corrosion, or other problems that need to be addressed. Analyzing the battery helps in understanding its overall health and can guide the appropriate course of action for maintenance or repair.
Apa alasan sebenarnya multitester harus dikalibrasi terlebih dahulu sebelum digunakan ...
Correct Answer
C. Agar akurasi hasil pengukuran lebih maksimal
The reason why a multitester should be calibrated before use is to ensure that the accuracy of the measurement results is maximized. Calibration helps to adjust the multitester's readings to match the true values, reducing any deviations or errors in the measurements. By calibrating the multitester, it becomes more reliable and trustworthy in providing accurate measurements. This is important to ensure that the results obtained are precise and can be relied upon for any further analysis or decision-making processes.
Dalam mengukur tegangan baterai yang memiliki tegangan awal 12 Volt maka skala ukur yang digunakan adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. 50 DCV
The correct answer is 50 DCV. The question asks for the appropriate measurement scale to use when measuring the voltage of a battery with an initial voltage of 12 volts. The options given are different DCV (Direct Current Voltage) scales. Since the initial voltage of the battery is 12 volts, the most appropriate scale to use would be 50 DCV, as it provides a wider range of measurement compared to the other options.
Mang Adjo mengukur Ignition Coil menggunakan multitester dengan skala X1
Ω, hasil pengukuran menunjukkan jarum tidak bergerak sama sekali. Apa penyebabnya ...
Correct Answer
D. Skala Pengukuran Terlalu Kecil Untuk Objeknya
The correct answer is "Skala Pengukuran Terlalu Kecil Untuk Objeknya" (The measurement scale is too small for the object). This is because the question states that the needle on the multitester does not move at all when measuring the ignition coil. This suggests that the scale used for the measurement is too small, meaning it cannot accurately measure the resistance of the ignition coil.
Ketika mengisi ulang baterai setelah mengisi ulang asam sulfat pada baterai, tutup sel baterai dikencangkan. Hasilnya baterai meledak. Mengapa terjadi demikian ...
Correct Answer
B. Terjadi reaksi antara listrik dengan elektrolit baterai
When the battery cell is sealed tightly after refilling sulfuric acid, a reaction occurs between the electricity and the battery electrolyte. This reaction can generate excessive heat and pressure, causing the battery to explode.
C D I ( .................................................................................. ) adalah sebuah komponen yang merupakan sakelar elektris sistem pengapian, fungsinya adalah menentukan timing ( waktu ) terjadinya pengapian.
Correct Answer
Capacitor Discharge Ignition
Capacitor Discharge Ignition (CDI) is an electrical switch component in the ignition system. Its function is to determine the timing of the ignition, or the precise moment when the spark plugs should fire to ignite the fuel-air mixture in the engine. CDI works by storing electrical energy in a capacitor and then releasing it in a high-voltage discharge to create a spark. This spark is essential for the combustion process in the engine, ensuring efficient and timely ignition.
Benar atau salah bahwa setiap pengisian ulang elektrolit baterai maka baterai harus diisi ulang dayanya dengan battery charger ?
Correct Answer
A. True
Mashhhhooookkkkkk Pa Ekooooooooo
Benar atau salah bahwa sebenarnya sepeda motor tidak terlalu membutuhkan baterai ?
Correct Answer
B. False
Bila tidak menggunakan baterai, kinerja sepeda motor secara utuh tidak akan optimal.
Benar atau salah apabila daya baterai berkurang maka berkurang juga daya kelistrikan pada saat sepeda motor berjalan ?
Correct Answer
B. False
Baterai digantikan fungsinya oleh alternator melalui sistem pengisian AC