Anda mudah terbangun oleh suara berisik
Correct Answer
A. Ya
The given statement suggests that the person is easily awakened by loud noises. This means that even a small noise can disturb their sleep and wake them up.
Anda bekerja dalam ketegangan yang sangat besar.
Correct Answer
A. Ya
The given answer "Ya" is correct because the statement "Anda bekerja dalam ketegangan yang sangat besar" translates to "You work under a lot of stress" in English. Since the statement mentions a high level of tension or pressure, the appropriate response would be "Ya" which means "Yes" in Indonesian.
Kadang-kadang Anda ingin membanting barang-barang.
Correct Answer
A. Ya
The given statement in Indonesian translates to "Sometimes you want to slam things." The correct answer is "Ya" which means "Yes." This suggests that the statement is true and that there are indeed times when someone may feel the urge to slam or throw objects.
Sekarang Anda lebih mampu mengambil suatu keputusan daripada sebelumnya.
Correct Answer
B. Tidak
The statement in the question translates to "Now you are more capable of making a decision than before." The correct answer is "Tidak" which means "No" in English. This suggests that the person is not more capable of making a decision now compared to before.
Segala sesuatu terjadi seperti yang dikatakan nabi-nabi dalam kitab sucinya.
Correct Answer
B. Tidak
This statement is not correct. The phrase "Segala sesuatu terjadi seperti yang dikatakan nabi-nabi dalam kitab sucinya" translates to "Everything happens as the prophets said in their holy book." The correct answer is "Tidak" which means "No." This means that the statement is false and not everything happens as the prophets said in their holy book.
Anda kadang-kadang tetap bertahan pada suatu hal sehingga orang lain menjadi tidak sabar.
Correct Answer
A. Ya
Sometimes you insist on something, causing others to become impatient.
Anda kadang-kadang mengganggu binatang.
Correct Answer
B. Tidak
The given statement "Anda kadang-kadang mengganggu binatang" translates to "You sometimes disturb animals." The correct answer "Tidak" means "No" in English. Therefore, the explanation is that the statement is false, indicating that the person does not disturb animals.
Pada umumnya Anda merasa bahwa hidup ini ada manfaatnya.
Correct Answer
B. Tidak
The given statement suggests that generally, one feels that life has meaning or purpose. The correct answer "Tidak" (No) indicates that the individual does not feel that life has any significance or purpose.
Anda rajin ke tempat ibadah.
Correct Answer
B. Tidak
The statement "Anda rajin ke tempat ibadah" translates to "You are diligent in going to places of worship." The correct answer "Tidak" translates to "No" or "Not true." Therefore, the explanation for the correct answer is that the person is not diligent in going to places of worship.
Anda percaya akan datangnya hari pengadilan Tuhan.
Correct Answer
B. Tidak
The given statement in Indonesian translates to "Do you believe in the coming of the Day of Judgment?" The correct answer is "No." This suggests that the person does not believe in the concept of the Day of Judgment or the idea that there will be a final reckoning or evaluation of one's actions by a higher power.
Anda belum pernah batuk darah atau muntah darah.
Correct Answer
A. Ya
The given statement in Bahasa Indonesia translates to "You have never coughed up blood or vomited blood." The correct answer is "Yes." This means that the person has never experienced coughing or vomiting blood.
Anda tidak kuatir terserang penyakit.
Correct Answer
B. Tidak
The correct answer is "Tidak" because the statement "Anda tidak kuatir terserang penyakit" translates to "You are not worried about getting sick." Therefore, the appropriate response would be "Tidak" which means "No" or "Not."
Adakalanya Anda merasa ingin berkelahi dengan seseorang.
Correct Answer
A. Ya
The given statement in Indonesian translates to "Sometimes you feel like fighting with someone." The correct answer is "Ya" which means "Yes." This suggests that the person agrees with the statement and acknowledges that there are times when they feel the desire to engage in a fight or argument with someone.
Anda tidak pernah sakit ayan atau kejang-kejang.
Correct Answer
A. Ya
The given statement in Indonesian translates to "You have never had epilepsy or seizures." The answer "Ya" means "Yes" in Indonesian, indicating that the statement is true and the person has never experienced epilepsy or seizures.
Kadang-kadang bila malu dan tersinggung, Anda mandi keringat dan hal ini sangat mengganggu Anda.
Correct Answer
A. Ya
The given statement suggests that sometimes when feeling embarrassed and offended, the person starts sweating excessively, which is very bothersome to them. The answer "Ya" indicates agreement with this statement, implying that the person can relate to experiencing excessive sweating in such situations.
Anda tidak menderita alergi atau asma.
Correct Answer
A. Ya
The given statement in Indonesian translates to "You do not suffer from allergies or asthma." The correct answer "Ya" means "Yes" in Indonesian, indicating that the statement is true for the person being referred to.
Anda suka bermacam-macam permainan dan hiburan.
Correct Answer
B. Tidak
The given statement says "Anda suka bermacam-macam permainan dan hiburan" which translates to "You like various games and entertainment." The answer "Tidak" means "No" in Indonesian. Therefore, the correct answer indicates that the person does not like various games and entertainment.
Kadang-kadang Anda menghalangi orang yang mencoba berbuat sesuatu, bukan karena besar kecilnya persoalan, akan tetapi karena prinsip.
Correct Answer
B. Tidak
The statement suggests that sometimes you may prevent someone from doing something not because of the significance of the issue, but because of your principles. The word "Tidak" (No) indicates that the statement is true, implying that there are instances where you may hinder someone's actions based on your principles, regardless of the importance of the matter at hand.
Anda sering bermimpi tentang hal-hal yang paling baik Anda rahasiakan sendiri.
Correct Answer
A. Ya
The given statement suggests that the person often dreams about their deepest secrets. The word "Anda" in the statement indicates that it is referring to the person being asked the question. The answer "Ya" simply means "Yes", indicating that the person does indeed frequently dream about their hidden desires or secrets.
Dalam menghadapi suatu hal, Anda lebih gugup dibandingkan orang lain.
Correct Answer
B. Tidak
The statement suggests that the person is not more nervous than others when facing something.
Anda jarang atau tidak pernah pegal-pegal.
Correct Answer
B. Tidak
The given statement suggests that the person rarely or never experiences muscle aches. Therefore, the answer "Tidak" (No) indicates that the person does not often or never experiences muscle aches.
Anda mudah sekali berkeringat walaupun udara dingin
Correct Answer
A. Ya
The statement suggests that the person easily sweats even in cold weather. The word "Ya" in Indonesian means "Yes", indicating that the person does sweat easily in cold weather.
Anda tidak mempersalahkan orang yang akan mengambil keuntungan dari seseorang yang lengah.
Correct Answer
B. Tidak
This sentence states that "You do not blame someone who takes advantage of someone who is careless." The correct answer is "Tidak" which means "No" in English. This implies that the speaker does not blame someone for taking advantage of someone else's carelessness.
Kadang-kadang Anda penuh semangat.
Correct Answer
B. Tidak
The phrase "Kadang-kadang Anda penuh semangat" translates to "Sometimes you are full of enthusiasm." The word "Ya" means "Yes" and the word "Tidak" means "No." Since the statement says "Kadang-kadang Anda penuh semangat" (Sometimes you are full of enthusiasm), the correct answer would be "Tidak" (No) because it contradicts the statement.
Kulit Anda terasa kebal pada beberapa bagian.
Correct Answer
A. Ya
The given statement suggests that the person's skin feels numb or insensitive in certain areas. This could be due to various reasons such as nerve damage, poor blood circulation, or a medical condition. It is important to consult a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment if necessary.
Jika Anda pergi, Anda tidak merisaukan apakah pintu atau jendela sudah terkunci atau belum.
Correct Answer
B. Tidak
The statement implies that if you leave, you do not worry about whether the door or window is locked or not. Therefore, the answer "Tidak" (No) indicates that you do not worry about the security of the door or window when you leave.
Sekali-sekali Anda tertawa mendengar lelucon yang jorok.
Correct Answer
B. Tidak
The given statement translates to "Sometimes you laugh when you hear dirty jokes." The correct answer "Tidak" means "No" in English. Therefore, the explanation is that the statement is false, indicating that the person does not laugh when they hear dirty jokes.