Berikut ini merupakan Kategori Pengertian Pers sesuai dengan Kamus Umum Bahasa Indonesia, Keccuali.....
Correct Answer
B. Merupakan nama seluruh peneribitan yang berkala
The given answer "merupakan nama seluruh peneribitan yang berkala" does not fit the category of the definition of the press in the Indonesian General Dictionary. The other options in the question, such as "alat cetak untuk mencetak buku atau surat kabar" (printing press for printing books or newspapers), "alat untuk menjepit atau memadatkan" (tool for clipping or compressing), "surat kabar dan majalah yang berisi berita" (newspapers and magazines that contain news), and "orang yang bekerja dibidang persuratkabaran" (people who work in the field of journalism), are all related to the press. Therefore, the correct answer is the one option that does not fit the category.
Perkembangan pers pada zaman Belanda banyak mengalami hambatan, karena pers dianggap sebagai .....
Correct Answer
A. Momok yang harus diperangi
The correct answer is "momok yang harus diperangi". This answer suggests that during the Dutch colonial period, the development of the press faced many obstacles and challenges. The term "momok yang harus diperangi" translates to "a specter that must be fought against," indicating that the press was seen as a threat or something to be feared and suppressed by the authorities. This implies that the Dutch colonial government viewed the press as a potential source of dissent and opposition to their rule, hence the need to combat it.
Pada awa revolusi, sesuai dengan fungsinya pers harus menjadi penjaga kepentingan publik atau disebut .....
Correct Answer
B. Public watchdog
The correct answer is "public watchdog". During the early stages of a revolution, the press has a crucial role in safeguarding the interests and well-being of the public. They act as a "watchdog" by monitoring the actions of those in power, exposing any corruption or wrongdoing, and holding them accountable. This helps to ensure transparency and protect the public's rights and interests.
Pada masa Orde lama, peranan pers ebih banyak merupakan .....
Correct Answer
D. Alat bagi para penguasa
During the era of Orde Lama, the role of the press was mainly as a tool for the rulers or those in power. It implies that the press was used as a means to promote the interests and agendas of the ruling class rather than serving the needs and aspirations of the people.
Salah satu alasan pemerintah Orde baru yang kemudian membatasi kebebasan pers pada masa itu adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Terjadinya peristiwa Malari 1974
During the New Order era, the government restricted press freedom due to the occurrence of the Malari incident in 1974. This incident involved a student protest that turned violent and resulted in clashes with the military. The government used this event as a justification to tighten control over the media, fearing that it could incite further unrest and threaten their authority. By limiting press freedom, they aimed to suppress information about the incident and maintain their grip on power.
Berikut ini adalah yang termasuk dalam sifat-sifat pers yang antara satu negara dengan negara lain berbeda, kecuali .....
Correct Answer
B. Pers reformasi
The given options represent different types of media or press systems. "Pers reformasi" refers to a type of media that emerged during a period of political reform or liberalization. The other options represent different types of media systems, such as "pers demokrasi liberal" (liberal democracy press), "pers komunis" (communist press), "pers pembangunan" (development press), and "pers otoriter" (authoritarian press). Therefore, "pers reformasi" is the odd one out as it does not represent a specific type of media system, but rather a specific historical context.
Salah satu misi pers yang harus ditegakkan di Indonesia adalah .....
Correct Answer
D. Memperjuangkan rasa keadilan
The correct answer is "memperjuangkan rasa keadilan." This is because one of the missions of the press in Indonesia is to advocate for a sense of justice. Press plays a crucial role in ensuring that justice is served and advocating for fairness in society. By fighting for justice, the press can contribute to a more equitable and just society.
Jika pers melakukan pengawasan kepada masyarakat tentang tingkah laku yang tidak dikehendaki khalayak, maka pers tersebut melaksanakan fungsi .....
Correct Answer
A. Kontrol
The correct answer is "kontrol". In this context, the question is asking about the function performed by the media when they supervise or monitor the behavior of the public that is undesirable. "Kontrol" refers to the media's role in exercising control or oversight in society. This includes monitoring and reporting on events, behaviors, and actions that may be considered inappropriate or against societal norms. The media acts as a watchdog, ensuring accountability and promoting responsible behavior.
Sesuai dengan UU No.40. Tahun 1999 tentang pers, salah satu peranan pers nasional adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Memenuhi hak masyarakat untuk mengetahui
The correct answer is "memenuhi hak masyarakat untuk mengetahui." This is because according to UU No.40 Tahun 1999 tentang pers, one of the roles of the national press is to fulfill the right of the community to know. This means that the press has a responsibility to provide information and news to the public, ensuring that they have access to knowledge and can make informed decisions.
Dalam upaya pers menempatkan kepentingan nasional diatas kepentingan pribadi atau golongan, maka harus dihindari penyebaran secara terbuka atau terselubung ajaran-ajaran yang mengarah pada .....
Correct Answer
E. Marxisme dan komunisme
The correct answer is "marxisme dan komunisme". The question asks for the teachings that should be avoided in order for the media to prioritize national interests over personal or group interests. Marxism and communism are ideologies that promote class struggle and the abolition of private property, which may conflict with the national interests of certain countries. Therefore, spreading teachings related to Marxism and communism should be avoided in order to prioritize national interests.