Pembahasan mengenai tindak kejahatan mengenai pembunuhan dan penganiayan serta sangsi hukumnya disebut .....
Correct Answer
B. Jinayah
The correct answer is "Jinayah." Jinayah is a term used to refer to crimes, specifically murder and assault, and the corresponding legal penalties for these crimes. It is a term commonly used in Islamic law and is also used in some other legal systems in the Muslim world.
Di bawah ini salah satu dari bentuk hukum ta’zir yaitu ....
Correct Answer
C. Penjara
Penjara is one of the forms of ta'zir punishment in Islamic law. Ta'zir punishments are discretionary punishments that are not specified in the Quran or Hadith. Penjara refers to imprisonment as a form of punishment for a crime. This means that the correct answer is Penjara.
Salah satu dasar larangan membunuh adalah ayat di bawah ini ….
Correct Answer
C. ولا تقتلوا النفس التي حرّم الله الاّ بالحقّ
The correct answer is "ولا تقتلوا النفس التي حرّم الله الاّ بالحقّ" which means "Do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except by right". This verse is one of the fundamental prohibitions against killing in Islam. It emphasizes that taking a life is only permissible under certain circumstances and with just cause. It serves as a reminder to Muslims to respect the sanctity of life and to refrain from unjustly causing harm or death to others.
Menurut pendapat sebagian ulama untuk kepentingan mashlahat diyat unta dapat diganti dengan ....
Correct Answer
B. Uang seharga unta
Some scholars believe that for the purpose of mashlahah (public interest), the diyat (blood money) for a camel can be replaced with an equivalent amount of money. This means that instead of giving an actual camel as compensation for a crime, the offender can pay a sum of money equal to the value of a camel. This allows for flexibility in addressing the needs and circumstances of the situation, while still fulfilling the requirement of diyat.
Merusak mata sampai buta termasuk perbuatan ....
Correct Answer
A. Penganiayaan Mughalazah
Jika seseorang melemparkan suatu barang yang tidak disengaja terkena pada orang lain sehingga menyebabkan orang itu mati disebut ....
Correct Answer
D. Pembunuhan tersalah
Pembunuhan tersalah merujuk pada tindakan membunuh seseorang secara tidak sengaja atau tidak disengaja. Dalam kasus ini, seseorang melemparkan suatu barang yang tidak disengaja terkena pada orang lain, yang menyebabkan kematian orang tersebut. Tindakan ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk membunuh, tetapi terjadi sebagai akibat dari kecerobohan atau ketidaksengajaan.
Dalam kasus pembunuhan di bawah ini, maka pembunuhnya harus diqisash ….
Correct Answer
B. Johan membunuh Joni karena dianggapnya telah merebut pacarnya
The given answer suggests that Johan should be punished with qisas (retaliation) because he killed Joni out of jealousy for stealing his girlfriend. Qisas is a form of punishment in Islamic law where the punishment is equal to the crime committed. In this case, Johan took the life of another person because of personal reasons, which is considered a serious offense and warrants qisas as a punishment.
Adanya syari’at yang melarang melakukan pembunuhan mengandung beberapa hikmah sebagai berikut, kecuali ….
Correct Answer
A. Memelihara dari tuduhan tidak berdasar
The prohibition of murder in Sharia law has several wisdoms, such as preserving oneself from baseless accusations, respecting the existence of human beings, safeguarding human life, and treating others with dignity. However, the wisdom of preserving oneself from baseless accusations is not directly related to the prohibition of murder. Therefore, it is not included as one of the wisdoms of the prohibition of murder in Sharia law.
Dalam agama Islam, hukuman seimbang bagi pelaku pembunuhan atau penganiayaan sesuai dengan pelanggaran yang dilakukan disebut….
Correct Answer
D. Qishash
Qishash is the correct answer because in Islam, Qishash refers to the principle of retributive justice, where the punishment for a murderer or an assailant should be equal to the harm caused. It is a form of balanced punishment that ensures justice is served and acts as a deterrent for future crimes. Qishash is based on the concept of "an eye for an eye" and is meant to maintain social order and protect the rights of individuals.
Diyat artinya ….
Correct Answer
B. Tebusan
Diyat artinya "tebusan" karena diyat adalah pembayaran yang harus dilakukan oleh pelaku tindak pidana kepada keluarga korban sebagai bentuk kompensasi atau pengganti dari tindakan yang dilakukannya. Diyat merupakan salah satu bentuk hukuman yang menggantikan hukuman qishash, yaitu hukuman yang seharusnya diberikan kepada pelaku tindak pidana berat. Jadi, diyat adalah pengganti qishash yang berarti tebusan.