Cum faceti ca un sunet introdus intr-o prezentare sa ruleze continuu peste mai multe slide-uri ?
Correct Answer
A. In panoul Custom Animation, deschid optiunea pentru efecte de sunet si configurez sunetul sa ruleze numarul dorit de slideuri
The correct answer suggests that in the Custom Animation panel, the option for sound effects should be opened and the sound should be configured to play over the desired number of slides. This means that the sound will continue to play continuously throughout the presentation.
Extensia implicita cu care se salveaza prezentarile Power Point este:
Correct Answer
B. Pptx
The correct answer is "pptx". PowerPoint presentations are typically saved with the file extension ".pptx", which stands for PowerPoint XML. This file format was introduced in PowerPoint 2007 and is compatible with newer versions of the software. The ".pptx" format allows for advanced features such as animations, transitions, and embedded media to be included in the presentation.
Dupa ce ati terminat de editat o prezentare ce optiune veti utiliza pentru a o vizualiza ?
Correct Answer
C. From beging din Panoul Slide Show
After editing a presentation, the option "From beginning" in the Slide Show panel is used to view the presentation from the beginning. This option allows the user to start the presentation from the first slide and navigate through the slides in a sequential manner. The other options mentioned in the question, such as "Custom Slide Show" and "View Show," are not the correct options for simply viewing the presentation from the beginning.
Pentru a ordona slideurile unei prezentari folositi optiunea:
Correct Answer
A. Slide Sorter
The correct answer is "Slide Sorter" because this option allows users to arrange and organize the slides in a presentation. It provides a visual overview of all the slides, making it easier to reorder them, delete or duplicate slides, and make changes to the presentation's structure. This feature is especially useful when working with large presentations or when making last-minute changes to the slide order.
In Power Point nu se pot introduce grafice !
Correct Answer
B. Fals
This statement is false. In PowerPoint, you can indeed insert graphics such as images, shapes, charts, and diagrams to enhance your presentations. Graphics can be added to slides to make them visually appealing and to convey information in a more engaging way.
Pentru a introduce un buton intr-o prezentare PP folosim:
Correct Answer
C. Panoul Insert, optiunea Action Button din meniul Shapes
To introduce a button in a PowerPoint presentation, we can use the "Panoul Insert, optiunea Action Button din meniul Shapes" option. This option allows us to add an action button to the presentation slide.
Inserarea unei imagini intr-o plansa PP se face cu:
Correct Answer
A. Optiunea Image din Panoul Insert
The correct answer is "Optiunea Image din Panoul Insert." This is because when inserting an image into a PowerPoint slide, the Image option in the Insert panel is used. The other options mentioned, such as writing code in a text box or using the right-click menu or the Format panel, are not the correct methods for inserting an image in PowerPoint.
In Power Point se pot crea efecte de animatie la tranzitia diapozitivelor ?
Correct Answer
A. Adevarat
In Power Point, se pot crea efecte de animatie la tranzitia diapozitivelor. This means that it is true that you can create animation effects for slide transitions in Power Point.
Power Point ofera un numar de aspecte prestabilite pentru diapozitive. Aplicarea acestora se face cu:
Correct Answer
C. Optiunea Slide Layout din meniul contextual
The correct answer is "Optiunea Slide Layout din meniul contextual". In Power Point, the Slide Layout option in the contextual menu allows users to apply predefined layouts to slides. By right-clicking on a slide and selecting the Slide Layout option from the contextual menu, users can easily choose from a variety of pre-designed slide layouts to format their presentation slides.
Un document realizat in Power Point se numeste:
Correct Answer
B. Prezentare
A document created in Power Point is called a "Prezentare" because Power Point is a software tool that is specifically designed for creating presentations. It allows users to create slides with text, images, and other multimedia elements to communicate information effectively. Therefore, the correct answer is "Prezentare."
Pentru a salva o prezentare cu un alt nume sau cu o alta extensie folosim:
Correct Answer
A. Save As
To save a presentation with a different name or extension, we use the "Save As" option. This allows us to specify a new name and choose a different file format for the saved presentation. The "Save" option would simply save the presentation with its current name and format. The "Open" option is used to open an existing presentation, while the "Close" option is used to close the currently open presentation.
Ce tastă se foloseşte pentru a ieşi din modul SlideShow (Prezentare) al unei Prezentări?
Correct Answer
D. Esc
The correct answer is "Esc". In PowerPoint, pressing the Esc key is used to exit the SlideShow mode and return to the normal view of the presentation. The other options listed (F1, F9, Enter) do not have the same function in exiting the SlideShow mode.
In PowerPoint, în cadrul unui slide, nu se pot insera legături către pagini de pe Internet !
Correct Answer
A. Fals
The statement "In PowerPoint, within a slide, it is not possible to insert links to web pages" is false. In PowerPoint, you can indeed insert hyperlinks to web pages within a slide. This allows you to provide additional information or direct the audience to relevant online resources.
Pentru a insera un tabel folosim comanda:
Correct Answer
B. Table din panoul Insert
To insert a table in a document, the correct command to use is "Table" from the Insert panel. This option allows the user to create a table within the document. The other options mentioned, such as ClipArt, right-clicking, and the Diagram option from the Format panel, do not specifically pertain to inserting a table.
Stabilirea culorii de fundal pentru un diapozitiv se poate face:
Correct Answer
C. Alegand optiunea Background din meniul Format;
The correct answer is choosing the option Background from the Format menu. This option allows the user to set the background color for a slide.