"Always A Bridesmaid, But Never A Bride" has been which company's ad slogan?
Correct Answer
A. Listerine
The ad slogan "Always A Bridesmaid, But Never A Bride" belongs to Listerine. This slogan is a play on the popular saying and implies that Listerine is always chosen as a reliable and trusted mouthwash, but never gets replaced by any other brand. It suggests that Listerine is the go-to choice for oral hygiene and emphasizes its long-standing reputation in the market.
"I Liked It So Much I Bought The Company" has been which company's ad slogan?
Correct Answer
D. Remington Shavers
"I Liked It So Much I Bought The Company" is an ad slogan used by Remington Shavers. This slogan suggests that the person liked the product so much that they decided to purchase the entire company. It is a catchy and memorable slogan that highlights the satisfaction and loyalty of the customers towards Remington Shavers.
"The Lion Leaps From Strength To Strength" has been used as an ad slogan by which company?
Correct Answer
D. Peugeot
"The Lion Leaps From Strength To Strength" is a well-known ad slogan associated with the car company Peugeot. This slogan emphasizes the strength, power, and agility of their vehicles, comparing them to a lion. Peugeot has successfully used this slogan to convey the idea that their cars are reliable, powerful, and constantly improving.
Which company has used the ad slogan, "The Answer's Yes. Now What's The Question?"?
Correct Answer
B. Unipart Car Spares
The correct answer is Unipart Car Spares. This company has used the ad slogan, "The Answer's Yes. Now What's The Question?".
Which company has used the ad slogan, "Tick Follows Tock Follows Tick Follows Tock"?
Correct Answer
B. Guinness
Guinness is the correct answer because they have used the ad slogan "Tick Follows Tock Follows Tick Follows Tock". This slogan is associated with Guinness, a popular Irish beer brand. The slogan plays on the ticking sound made by the bubbles in a glass of Guinness, emphasizing the slow and steady pouring process that is required to achieve the perfect pint.
Which company has used the ad slogan, "Education Is An Investment And Not An Expense"?
Correct Answer
A. Parthose Dunt
"It's So Easy To Use, No Wonder It's Number One" has been used as an ad slogan by which company?
Correct Answer
The ad slogan "It's So Easy To Use, No Wonder It's Number One" is associated with AOL.
"We Make Money The Old Fashioned Way We Earn It" has been which company's ad slogan?
Correct Answer
A. Smith Barney
The ad slogan "We Make Money The Old Fashioned Way We Earn It" is associated with Smith Barney.
Which company has used the ad slogan, "Universal Is A Molecule Nfrontof The Cyberspace"?
Correct Answer
C. Cybertrone International
Cybertrone International is the company that has used the ad slogan, "Universal Is A Molecule Nfrontof The Cyberspace".
Philips has used which advertising slogan?
Correct Answer
B. Sense And Simplicity
Philips has used the advertising slogan "Sense And Simplicity." This slogan reflects the brand's commitment to creating products that are both intuitive and easy to use. It emphasizes the company's focus on simplicity, while also highlighting their dedication to providing innovative solutions that make sense for their customers. This slogan effectively communicates Philips' brand values and positioning in the market.
Which of the following ad slogans has been used by British Satellite Broadcasting?
Correct Answer
B. You Watch, We Listen
The slogan "You Watch, We Listen" has been used by British Satellite Broadcasting. This slogan implies that while you watch your favorite shows, they will ensure that you receive high-quality audio. It emphasizes the company's commitment to providing a superior audio experience for their viewers.
Which ad slogan has been promoted by ABC?
Correct Answer
C. Don't Just Sit There
The ad slogan "Don't Just Sit There" has been promoted by ABC. This slogan implies that ABC encourages action and engagement rather than passivity. It is a catchy and motivational phrase that encourages viewers to take action and not be idle. This slogan aligns with ABC's brand values and messaging, urging people to be proactive and make the most out of their experiences.
The U.K. Royal Marines has used which advertising slogan?
Correct Answer
D. 99.9% Need Not Apply
The correct answer is "99.9% Need Not Apply." This slogan is associated with the U.K. Royal Marines. It suggests that only the top 0.1% of individuals are qualified to join the Royal Marines, emphasizing their elite and exclusive nature.
O2 has used which advertising slogan?
Correct Answer
A. See What You Can Do
The correct answer is "See What You Can Do." This slogan is associated with O2, a telecommunications company. It conveys a sense of empowerment and encourages customers to explore the possibilities and capabilities that O2 offers. The slogan implies that by using O2's services, customers can achieve great things and make the most out of their experiences.
Ford has used which advertising slogan?
Correct Answer
B. The Best Never Rest
The correct answer is "The Best Never Rest" because this advertising slogan implies that Ford constantly strives to be the best and never settles for anything less. It suggests that Ford is always working to improve and innovate, making it an appealing choice for consumers who want a reliable and high-quality vehicle.