How many circles are these?
Correct Answer
B. 3
There are three circles. If you look at the "O" shapes, you can count them one by one: the first circle, the second circle, and the third circle. Counting things like circles helps us practice numbers and understand how to count objects in order. Counting is a fun way to know how many things are in front of us.
Which animal says "meow"?
Correct Answer
B. Cat
Cats say “meow.” They make this sound when they are hungry, want to play, or need attention. Cats are soft and furry, and many people keep them as pets. They like to sleep a lot and are very curious, often exploring their surroundings. If you hear a “meow,” it’s a cat trying to talk to you!
What is the lowercase letter of "Q"?
Correct Answer
D. "q"
The lowercase letter of "Q" is "q." When we write the alphabet, we learn that every uppercase letter, like Q, has a smaller version called a lowercase letter. It’s like a big "Q" and a small "q" are part of the same family. Knowing uppercase and lowercase letters helps us learn how to read and write words.
What comes after the number "4"?
Correct Answer
A. 5
When we count numbers, we say 1, 2, 3, 4, and then comes 5. Numbers go in a line, one after the other. After 4, we always count 5. If you are counting toys, candies, or blocks, the number after 4 is always 5. Counting helps us know how many things we have.
What month will come after "May"?
Correct Answer
A. June
There are 12 months in a year. May is the fifth month, and the month that comes next is June. Think of it like a train where May is one car, and June is the car right after it. We move from May to June as time goes by. Every month has its own weather and special things to enjoy.
What day comes after "Thursday"?
Correct Answer
C. Friday
Days of the week go in order: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and then Friday. Friday is the day right after Thursday. Each day comes one at a time, like stepping stones. Knowing the days helps us understand time and when fun things like weekends or school days happen.
What does a plant need the most to live?
Correct Answer
A. Air, water, and the sun.
Plants need sunlight, water, and air to grow big and strong. The sun gives plants energy to make their food, water keeps them healthy, and air helps them breathe. Without these three things, plants can’t grow properly. If you take care of a plant, make sure it gets sunshine, a little water, and fresh air every day.
What rhymes with "rat"?
Correct Answer
D. Bat
"Bat" rhymes with "rat" because both words end with the same sound: "at." When words sound similar at the end, we call it rhyming. Rhyming words are fun to learn because they make songs and poems sound nice. You can also try to think of other rhyming words, like "hat" or "cat."
If a pattern goes: star, heart, star, heart, star—what will be next?
Correct Answer
B. Heart
If the pattern goes star, heart, star, heart. It keeps repeating. After a star comes a heart, because that’s how the pattern works. Patterns are like little puzzles that we solve by watching what comes next. Knowing patterns helps us understand how things repeat in a fun way.
What color is the sky on a sunny day?
Correct Answer
B. Blue
The sky looks blue when the sun is out. It’s because sunlight gets scattered in the air, and blue light is what we see. On sunny days, the bright blue sky makes everything look cheerful. When it’s cloudy or rainy, the sky might look gray, but on clear sunny days, it’s a beautiful blue.
What do bees make?
Correct Answer
B. Honey
Bees are amazing little insects that work very hard. They fly from flower to flower to collect something sweet called nectar. After collecting nectar, they take it back to their home, called a beehive. Inside the beehive, they turn the nectar into something delicious called honey. Honey is sweet and sticky, and people use it in their food and drinks. It’s also very good for your body because it gives you energy. Bees make honey so they have food to eat during cold weather when there are no flowers around. Isn’t that clever?
What is the opposite of hot?
Correct Answer
B. Cold
Cold is when something feels chilly, like ice or snow. It’s the opposite of hot, which feels warm, like sunshine. When it’s hot outside, we wear shorts and drink cool water to stay comfortable. But when it’s cold, we put on warm jackets, scarves, and gloves to stay cozy. Cold can also make us shiver, and we might like to drink hot chocolate or sit by a warm fire. Think about touching an ice cube—that’s how cold feels. It’s very different from touching something hot, like soup or tea.
What shape has three sides?
Correct Answer
B. Triangle
A triangle is a shape that has three straight sides and three corners. If you look at a pizza slice or a traffic sign, they often look like triangles. It’s called a triangle because "tri" means three, and this shape has three parts. Triangles can come in different sizes—some are big, and some are small. They can also have sides that are all the same length, or they can have one side longer than the others. Triangles are everywhere, like in roofs, bridges, or even a folded napkin!
What word also starts with the same sound as “ball”?
Correct Answer
B. Tall
The correct answer is "Tall." Just like "ball," the word "tall" starts with a sound that is easy to say. If you say "ball" and then say "tall," you’ll notice they both begin with the same sound. This sound is like when you say "Tuh." It's fun to say and makes both words sound similar! "Baby" starts with a different sound, like "Buh," and "Apple" starts with an "A" sound, which is not the same. "Cat" also starts with a different sound, "Cuh." So, remember, "ball" and "tall" are the words that share the same first sound! Try saying them together and you’ll hear how they sound alike.
What is the color of the sun?
Correct Answer
D. Yellow
The sun looks yellow when we see it in the sky during the day. The sun is a giant, super-hot ball that gives us light and warmth. Without the sun, our days would be dark and cold. Its bright yellow color makes the sky look cheerful and helps plants grow. If you draw a picture of the sun, you can use a yellow crayon because that’s the color we see. But remember, the sun is very bright, so never look directly at it because it can hurt your eyes. The yellow sun is one of the most important things in the sky!