Psikodiagnostika adalah:
Correct Answer
A. Pemeriksaan jiwa
Psikodiagnostika adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan pemeriksaan jiwa atau evaluasi psikologis yang dilakukan untuk menganalisis dan memahami kondisi mental seseorang. Ini melibatkan penggunaan alat ukur psikologi dan tes psikologis untuk mengumpulkan data dan informasi yang diperlukan untuk membuat diagnosis dan memberikan pengobatan yang tepat. Dalam konteks ini, psikodiagnostika dapat dianggap sebagai cabang ilmu psikologi yang berfokus pada pemeriksaan jiwa individu.
Istilah psikodiagnostika pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh:
Correct Answer
B. Herman Rorschach
The correct answer is Herman Rorschach.
Istilah lain dalam psikodiagnostika, kecuali :
Correct Answer
D. Prognosa
The term "prognosa" is not a commonly used term in the field of psychodiagnostics. Diagnosa, assessment, and measurement are all widely recognized and used terms in the process of psychological evaluation and diagnosis. Prognosa, on the other hand, refers to the prediction of the outcome or course of a particular condition or illness, and is not typically used in the context of psychodiagnostics.
Psychodiagnostic is the attempt to assess personal characteristic through of the observation of external feature as in physiognomy, craniology, grafology, etc. ini adalah defisi menurut:
Correct Answer
C. James Drever
James Drever is not known for his work in psychodiagnostic assessment methods such as physiognomy, craniology, or graphology. Therefore, he is not a likely choice for the person who provided the definition of psychodiagnostic in the question.
Pemeriksaan psikologis dilakukan untuk:
Correct Answer
B. Mengenal diri
The correct answer is "Mengenal diri" which means "to know oneself" in English. Psychological examination is conducted to help individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and motivations. This self-awareness can be beneficial in personal growth, improving relationships, and making informed decisions. It involves exploring one's strengths, weaknesses, values, beliefs, and goals, which ultimately contributes to personal development and self-improvement.
Sasaran psikodiagnostik adalah:
Correct Answer
D. Semua salah
The correct answer is "Semua salah" which means "All are wrong" in English. This means that none of the options listed (Intelegensi subjek, Kepribadian subjek, Kognitif subjek) are correct explanations for the target of psychodiagnostics.
Psikodiagnostika digunakan oleh:
Correct Answer
C. Semua yang berhubungan dengan psikologi
Psikodiagnostika digunakan oleh semua yang berhubungan dengan psikologi. Psikodiagnostika adalah suatu metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur dan mengevaluasi karakteristik psikologis individu, seperti kepribadian, kecerdasan, dan kemampuan kognitif. Metode ini dapat digunakan oleh berbagai bidang psikologi, termasuk psikologi industri, psikologi sosial, dan psikometri.
Tujuan tes adalah, kecuali:
Correct Answer
B. Maksimal
The correct answer is "Maksimal". The word "maksimal" means maximum in English. In the context of the question, it is stated that the purpose of the test is everything except "maksimal". Therefore, "maksimal" does not align with the goal of the test, making it the correct answer.
Suatu prosedur pemberian angka terhadap atribut sepanjang suatu kontinum disebut:
Correct Answer
B. Pemeriksaan
The correct answer is "Pemeriksaan" because the given statement describes a procedure of assigning numbers to attributes along a continuum, which is a process of examination or inspection rather than measurement, estimation, or testing.
Objek ukur biasanya berbentuk:
Correct Answer
D. Keduanya benar
The correct answer is "Keduanya benar" because the question is asking about the shape of measurement objects, and it is possible for measurement objects to have both physical and psychological forms. Physical measurement objects can include tangible objects such as rulers or scales, while psychological measurement objects can refer to abstract concepts or constructs that are measured using psychological tests or questionnaires. Therefore, both physical and psychological forms can be valid shapes for measurement objects.
Perbandingan hasil dengan suatu norma atau criteria disebut:
Correct Answer
B. Evaluasi
Evaluasi adalah proses membandingkan hasil dengan suatu norma atau kriteria. Dalam evaluasi, hasil yang telah dicapai akan dibandingkan dengan standar atau harapan yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya. Dengan melakukan evaluasi, kita dapat mengetahui sejauh mana hasil yang telah dicapai sesuai dengan norma atau kriteria yang telah ditetapkan.
Berikut pernyataan yang kurang sesuai adalah:
Correct Answer
B. Tes mengukur semua perilaku
The given correct answer is "Tes mengukur semua perilaku" (Tests measure all behaviors). This statement is not accurate because tests do not measure all behaviors. Tests are designed to measure specific behaviors or skills that are relevant to the purpose of the test. They are not intended to measure every single behavior a person may exhibit. Therefore, this statement is not suitable.
Secara teoritis, psikodiagnostika bertujuan untuk mengetahui:
Correct Answer
A. Kejiwaan
The correct answer is "Kejiwaan" because psikodiagnostika is a psychological assessment tool that aims to understand and assess various aspects of an individual's mental and emotional well-being. It focuses on evaluating and diagnosing psychological disorders, mental health conditions, and overall emotional functioning. Therefore, the purpose of psikodiagnostika is to gain insights into a person's psychological state and well-being, making "Kejiwaan" the most appropriate answer.
Dalam bidang klinis, psikodiagnostika dapat digunakan untuk, kecuali:
Correct Answer
C. Menentukan medikasi
Psikodiagnostika adalah proses menggunakan tes dan teknik evaluasi psikologis untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang individu, termasuk mengidentifikasi gangguan mental yang mungkin mereka alami. Namun, menentukan medikasi bukanlah tujuan utama dari psikodiagnostika. Keputusan tentang medikasi biasanya dibuat oleh dokter atau psikiater berdasarkan hasil evaluasi psikologis dan informasi lainnya. Oleh karena itu, dalam bidang klinis, psikodiagnostika tidak digunakan untuk menentukan medikasi.
Dalam bidang industri, psikodiagnostika dapat digunakan untuk, kecuali:
Correct Answer
B. Peningkatan sistem
Psikodiagnostika dapat digunakan dalam industri untuk seleksi tenaga kerja, rekruitmen tenaga kerja, dan seleksi penempatan. Namun, psikodiagnostika tidak digunakan untuk peningkatan sistem. Psikodiagnostika adalah proses pengumpulan dan analisis data psikologis untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan, kepribadian, dan keterampilan individu. Dalam konteks industri, ini digunakan untuk memastikan bahwa karyawan yang direkrut atau dipilih untuk posisi tertentu memiliki karakteristik yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pekerjaan. Peningkatan sistem, di sisi lain, melibatkan perubahan dan perbaikan pada proses, metode, atau struktur yang ada untuk meningkatkan efisiensi atau kualitas.
Pada masa dinasti Han, tes digunakan untuk mengukur:
Correct Answer
C. Keduanya benar
Pada masa dinasti Han, tes digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan fisik dan kemampuan mental. Tes ini dirancang untuk mengevaluasi kedua aspek tersebut, sehingga jawaban "keduanya benar" adalah benar.
Tes antropometris yang diukur melalui ketajaman indra dilakukan oleh:
Correct Answer
A. Sequin
The correct answer is Sequin. Sequin is known for developing a method of measuring anthropometric characteristics through sensory acuity. This method involves using sensory tests to assess various physical attributes such as vision, hearing, touch, and taste. Sequin's work was influential in the field of anthropometry and contributed to the understanding of human physical variations.
Tes antropometris yang diukur melalui ketajaman indra dilakukan oleh:
Correct Answer
C. Galton
Galton adalah orang yang melakukan tes antropometris yang diukur melalui ketajaman indra.
CFIT yang diberikan untuk dewasa dengan perkembangan dibawah normal adalah……….
Correct Answer
Skala 1
The correct answer is "Skala 1". This is because the question is asking for the CFIT (Cognitive Functioning Index Test) that is given to adults with below-normal development. Among the given options, Skala 1 is the most suitable choice as it is specifically designed for assessing cognitive functioning in individuals with below-average intelligence or developmental delay.
Tes yang berbentuk multiple choice adalah berikut ini, kecuali……………………………………….
Correct Answer
The correct answer is WAIS. The question is asking for the test that is not in the form of multiple choice. CFIT, Raven, and IST are all multiple choice tests, while WAIS is not.
Aspek yang diukur dalam Raven Test adalah…………………………………………………………………….
Correct Answer
B. Kecepatan
The aspect that is measured in the Raven Test is the speed of thinking. The test is designed to assess an individual's ability to quickly analyze and solve problems, making it a measure of their cognitive processing speed.
Total item yang diperiksa pada tes APM adalah…………………………………………………………….
Correct Answer
C. 48
The total item that is checked in the APM test is 48.
SPM dapat diberikan kepada testee berikut, kecuali…………………………………………………..
Correct Answer
Semua usia
SPM stands for Surat Izin Mengemudi, which is a driving license in Indonesia. It is given to individuals who meet certain criteria and pass the required tests. However, it cannot be given to individuals of all ages. There are age restrictions for obtaining a driving license, and therefore, the correct answer is "Semua usia" (all ages).
Pernyataan yang benar tentang Tes Binet…………………………………………………………………….
Correct Answer
C. Mengukur G-Factor
The correct answer is "Mengukur G-Factor." This is because the question is asking for the correct statement about the Binet Test, and the G-Factor refers to the general intelligence factor that the test measures. The other options, such as measuring S-Factor, accuracy, and creativity, are not accurate statements about the Binet Test.
Tes berikut tidak memiliki batasan waktu……………………………………………………………………
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "WISC dan WPPSI" because these are both types of intelligence tests. WISC stands for Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children and WPPSI stands for Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence. These tests are designed to measure the intellectual abilities of children and are commonly used in educational and clinical settings.
- .............................................merupakan pembandingan antara hasil ukur dengan suatu norma atau criteria.
Correct Answer
The given answer "Evaluasi" is correct because it means evaluation in English. The question is asking for an explanation of the term "pembandingan antara hasil ukur dengan suatu norma atau criteria" which translates to "comparison between measurement results and a standard or criteria". Evaluation involves comparing the measurement results with a standard or criteria to assess their performance or quality. Therefore, "Evaluasi" is an appropriate explanation for the given term.
Istilah psikodiagnostika diperkenalkan pertama kali oleh ................................................................................................sebagai judul sebuah buku.
Correct Answer
Herman Rorschach
The term psychodiagnostics was first introduced by Herman Rorschach as the title of a book.
Tes pertama kali diperkenalkan di Abad 206 SM yaitu pada Zaman ....................................................................
Correct Answer
Dinasti Han.
The correct answer is Dinasti Han. The question states that the first test was introduced in 206 BC during the Han Dynasty. This suggests that the Han Dynasty was the time period when tests were first introduced.
Tes dalam ranah psikologi diperkenalkan oleh ilmuwan Perancis ...................................yang mengambil tema .............................................
Correct Answer
Esquirol, Mental Retarded.
The correct answer is Esquirol, Mental Retarded. Esquirol was a French scientist who introduced testing in the field of psychology. He focused on the theme of mental retardation, which suggests that he conducted research and developed tests specifically related to this area of study.
Tes klasikal pertama kali diperkenalkan pada tahun..................................
Correct Answer
The classical test was first introduced in the year 1917.
Tes Army Betta digunakan untuk ..............................................................................................................................................
Correct Answer
individu yang buta huruf dan tidak megerti bahasa Inggris
The Tes Army Betta is used for individuals who are illiterate and do not understand English.
Validitas content meliputi ............................................................. dan....................................................................................
Correct Answer
face validity , logic validity
The validity of content refers to the extent to which a measurement represents the entire domain of the construct being measured. Face validity refers to whether a measurement appears to measure what it is intended to measure, based on its face value. Logic validity, on the other hand, refers to the extent to which the measurement is based on logical reasoning and theoretical foundations. So, the validity of content includes both face validity and logic validity.
Dalam diagnosa psikologis, kita hanya dapat mengukur...............................................................................
Correct Answer
sampel perilaku.
In psychological diagnosis, we can only measure a sample of behavior. This means that when diagnosing a person's psychological condition, we can only assess their behavior that is observable and measurable. Other aspects such as thoughts, emotions, and internal experiences may not be directly measurable and therefore cannot be included in the diagnosis. By focusing on observable behavior, psychologists can gather information and make assessments based on the patterns and characteristics of the behavior exhibited by the individual.
- Pada tahun 1879, Wund mendirikan laboratorium psikologi pertamanya di kota ...........................................................................
Correct Answer
In 1879, Wund established his first psychology laboratory in the city of Leipziq.
Sejauh mana tes mampu mengukur atribut yang seharusnya diukur disebut.......................................................
Correct Answer
Validitas adalah kemampuan tes untuk mengukur atribut yang seharusnya diukur. Dalam konteks ini, validitas mengacu pada sejauh mana tes tersebut dapat secara akurat mengukur atribut yang seharusnya diukur. Jika tes memiliki validitas yang tinggi, maka dapat dianggap bahwa tes tersebut benar-benar mengukur apa yang seharusnya diukur. Dalam hal ini, validitas adalah jawaban yang tepat karena menjelaskan tentang kemampuan tes untuk mengukur atribut yang seharusnya diukur.
Alat ukur dengan validitas tinggi pasti memiliki eror yang rendah
Correct Answer
A. True
When a measuring instrument has high validity, it means that it accurately measures what it is intended to measure. This indicates that the instrument has low error, as it is able to provide reliable and accurate measurements. Therefore, it can be concluded that an instrument with high validity will have low error. Hence, the statement "Alat ukur dengan validitas tinggi pasti memiliki eror yang rendah" (Measuring instruments with high validity definitely have low error) is true.
Syarat validitas yang baik adalah r ≤ 0,30
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement is false. In order for a validity condition to be considered good, the value of r should be greater than or equal to 0.30. Therefore, if r is less than 0.30, the validity condition is not considered good.
Content validity dikenal juga dengan professional judgement
Correct Answer
A. True
Content validity is a concept in research that refers to the extent to which a measurement tool or assessment accurately measures the specific content or construct it is intended to measure. Professional judgment, on the other hand, involves the subjective evaluation and decision-making process based on the expertise and experience of professionals in a particular field. In this context, the statement suggests that content validity is also known as professional judgment, which is true. Both terms are used interchangeably to describe the process of assessing the relevance and representativeness of the content in a measurement tool or assessment.
Validitas isi dibagi 2 yaitu face validity dan validitas tampak
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because the correct division of validity is not between face validity and validitas tampak. The correct division of validity is between internal validity and external validity. Face validity refers to the extent to which a test or measurement appears to measure what it is intended to measure, while external validity refers to the generalizability of research findings to the real world.
Alat tes yang baik harus bebas nilai prediktif
Correct Answer
B. False
A good test tool should not be free of predictive value.
Validitas tidak menyumbang reliabilitas
Correct Answer
A. True
Validity and reliability are two separate concepts in research. Validity refers to the extent to which a measurement tool accurately measures what it is intended to measure. Reliability, on the other hand, refers to the consistency and stability of the measurement tool. While validity is important for ensuring that a measurement is accurate, it does not guarantee reliability. A measurement can be valid but not reliable if it consistently measures the wrong thing. Therefore, the statement that validity does not contribute to reliability is true.
Alat tes yang reliable pasti bebas eror pengukuran
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement suggests that a reliable test is free from measurement errors. However, this is not necessarily true. While a reliable test aims to minimize measurement errors, it does not guarantee complete absence of errors. Reliability refers to the consistency and stability of test scores, but it does not address the accuracy or validity of the measurements. Therefore, the given statement is false.
Syarat reliabilitas adalah r ≥ 0,07
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement states that the reliability condition is r ≥ 0.07. The correct answer is "True" because a reliability coefficient (r) can range from -1 to +1. In this case, the condition r ≥ 0.07 indicates that the reliability coefficient should be greater than or equal to 0.07, which is a valid range for reliability.
Internal consistency dapat diukur dengan KR 20 dan KR 21
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true because internal consistency can indeed be measured using the KR-20 and KR-21 coefficients. These coefficients are commonly used in psychometrics to assess the reliability of a test or questionnaire by measuring the consistency of responses across different items. If the KR-20 or KR-21 coefficient is high, it indicates that the items in the test are measuring the same underlying construct consistently. Therefore, the statement is correct.
IST boleh diberikan secara terpisah
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement "IST boleh diberikan secara terpisah" means that IST can be given separately. However, the correct answer is False, which means that IST cannot be given separately.