Cili trup është në gjendje të lëngët?
Correct Answer
A. Uji
The correct answer is "Uji" because water is a liquid and is commonly found in a liquid state.
Njësi e forcës është?
Correct Answer
C. Njutoni
The correct answer is Njutoni because Newton is the unit of force in the International System of Units (SI). It is named after Sir Isaac Newton, who made significant contributions to the field of physics, including the laws of motion.
Pesha është :
Correct Answer
C. Shtypje
The word "Pesha" means "pressure" in Albanian. This word is related to the concept of applying force or pressure on something. Therefore, the correct answer "Shtypje" which means "pressure" in Albanian, fits well with the given options as it is related to the concept of force and pressure.
Puna rritet me:
Correct Answer
B. Rritjen e distancës
The correct answer is "Rritjen e distancës" because the phrase "Puna rritet me" implies that there is an increase in something. Out of the given options, only "Rritjen e distancës" indicates an increase, as "zvogëlimin e distancës" means a decrease in distance, "zvogëlimin e forcës" means a decrease in force, and "zvogëlimin e temperaturës" means a decrease in temperature. Therefore, the correct answer is "Rritjen e distancës" which means an increase in distance.
Cila nga shprehjet është e saktë, kur bëjmë fjalë për "ENERGJINË"?
Correct Answer
C. Shndërrohet
Shndërrohet është e saktë përshkrimi i energjisë, pasi energjia mund të ndryshojë formën ose llojin e saj, por nuk mund të krijohet ose shkatërrohet. Harxhohet mund të përdoret për të përshkruar përdorimin ose humbjen e energjisë, por nuk përshkruan ndryshimin e saj në formë ose lloj.
Njesi e tensionit është?
Correct Answer
C. Volti
The correct answer is Volti. In physics, voltage is defined as the electric potential difference between two points in an electric circuit. It is measured in volts (V). The unit for current is amperes (A), for force is newtons (N), and for resistance is ohms (Ω). Therefore, the unit for voltage is volts (V).
Me rritjen e rezistencës elektrike:
Correct Answer
B. Zvogëlohet intensiteti
When the resistance of an electric circuit increases, the intensity of the current flowing through the circuit decreases. This is because according to Ohm's Law, the current (I) is inversely proportional to the resistance (R) in a circuit, given a constant voltage (V). Therefore, as the resistance increases, the current decreases.
Qarku elektrik nuk mund të funksionojë nëse nuk ka:
Correct Answer
C. Burimin
The electric circuit cannot function without a power source or a "burim". The power source provides the necessary energy for the circuit to operate and for current to flow. Without a power source, the circuit would not be able to provide electricity to any connected devices or components. Therefore, the correct answer is "Burimin".
Shpejtësia e kryerjes së punës quhet:
Correct Answer
D. Fuçi
The correct answer is "Fuçi". In Albanian, "shpejtësia" means "speed" and "kryerja e punës" means "the execution of work". Therefore, "shpejtësia e kryerjes së punës" translates to "the speed of work execution". Out of the given options, "fuçi" is the most suitable term that can be associated with speed and work execution. "Forcë" means "force", "peshë" means "weight", and "shpejtësi" means "speed" but does not specifically relate to work execution.
Masa matet me:
Correct Answer
A. Kilogramë
The correct answer is "Kilogramë" because masa (mass) is a measurement unit that is commonly measured in kilograms.
Inercia rritet me rritjen e:
Correct Answer
A. Masës
Inercia is the resistance of an object to changes in its motion. It is directly related to the mass of the object. The greater the mass of an object, the greater its inertia. Therefore, as the mass increases, the inertia also increases.
Shtypja është:
Correct Answer
D. Forca që vepron në një sipërfaqe
The correct answer is "Forca që vepron në një sipërfaqe" because it translates to "The force that acts on a surface." This is the only option that accurately describes a force acting on a surface. The other options refer to different concepts such as pressure, weight, and electricity.
Sa gjendje agregate kemi?
Correct Answer
C. 3
Shpejtësia është në përpjestim të zhdrejtë me:
Correct Answer
A. Kohën
Speed is directly proportional to time. This means that as time increases, speed also increases. Therefore, speed is in direct correlation with time.
Cilat rreze kanë depërtueshmëri më të madhe?
Correct Answer
A. Gama
The question asks which rays have the highest frequency. The answer is "Gama" because gamma rays have the highest frequency among the three options given (Gama, Alfa, Beta).
Viskoziteti i lëngjeve:
Correct Answer
C. Zvogëlohet me rritjen e temperaturës
Viskoziteti i lëngjeve është tendenca e tyre për të rezistuar ndaj rrjedhjes. Në këtë rast, duke rritur temperaturën e lëngut, molekulat e tij lëvizin më shpejt dhe ndërveprojnë më pak me njëra-tjetrën, duke rezultuar në zvogëlimin e rezistencës ndaj rrjedhjes.
Fizika është shkencë:
Correct Answer
C. Natyrore
The given correct answer is "Natyrore" because the word "Fizika" refers to the scientific study of physical phenomena and natural laws. Therefore, it falls under the category of natural sciences, which study the natural world and its processes.
Njësi e kohës është:
Correct Answer
D. Sekonda
The correct answer is "Sekonda" because it is a unit of time that is commonly used to measure seconds. The other options listed, such as "Metri," "Omi," and "Herci," are units of measurement for different quantities and are not related to time.
Zhvendosja maksimale e trupit ndaj pozitës ekuilibruese quhet:
Correct Answer
B. Amplitudë
Amplituda është zhvendosja maksimale e trupit nga pozita e ekuilibrimit. Në këtë kontekst, amplituda është përgjigja e saktë pasi tregon për zhvendosjen maksimale të trupit nga pozita e ekuilibrimit.
Kur zëri has një pengesë dhe ai reflektohet, pra kthehet prap nga ka ardhur kemi të bëjmë me:
Correct Answer
D. Johonë
Kur vala reflektohet këndi i rënies është:
Correct Answer
D. I barbartë me këndin e reflektimit
The correct answer is "I barbartë me këndin e reflektimit". This means that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
Valët e zërit me frekuncë më të lartë se 20.000 Hz quhen:
Correct Answer
B. Ultrazë
Ultrazë është përgjigja e saktë sepse frekuenca më e lartë se 20.000 Hz quhet ultrazë. Përgjigjet e tjera si pllaka kuarci, infrazë dhe efekt piezoelektrik nuk kanë të bëjnë me frekuencën e lartë.
Përques më i mirë është:
Correct Answer
C. Bakri
The correct answer is "Bakri" because it is the only option that is a type of metal. The other options are "Letra" which means "letter" in Albanian, "Hekuri" which means "iron" in Albanian, and "Plastika" which means "plastic" in Albanian. Bakri, on the other hand, means "copper" in Albanian and is a type of metal.
Forca është madhësi:
Correct Answer
B. Vektoriale
The correct answer is "Vektoriale" because the word "forca" suggests that we are talking about a force, which is a vector quantity. Scalars only have magnitude, but vectors have both magnitude and direction. Therefore, the correct answer is "Vektoriale" which means "vector" in Albanian.
Cili është planeti më i madh në sistemin diellor?
Correct Answer
A. Jupiteri
Jupiteri është planeti më i madh në sistem diellor. Në fakt, Jupiteri është shumë më i madh se të gjitha planetet e tjera të sistemit diellor kombinuar. Me një diametër prej rreth 143.000 kilometra, Jupiteri është rreth 11 herë më i madh se Toka. Gjithashtu, Jupiteri ka një masë shumë të madhe, rreth 2.5 herë më shumë se të gjitha planetet e tjera të sistemit diellor bashkë. Kjo bën Jupiterin të jetë planeti më i madh në sistemin diellor.
Për çka shërbejnë monometrat?
Correct Answer
A. Matjen e shtypjes së gazeve të mbyllura
Monometers are used to measure the pressure of closed gases. This means that they are specifically designed to measure the pressure of gases that are contained within a closed system or container. Therefore, the correct answer is "Matjen e shtypjes së gazeve të mbyllura" which translates to "Measuring the pressure of closed gases".
Nëse dendësia e një trupi është më e vogël se lëngu atherë, ai turp në atë lëng:
Correct Answer
B. Lundron
The correct answer is "Lundron" because the question is asking for the word that means "sinks" when the density of a body is smaller than that of the liquid. "Lundron" is the only word in the given options that fits this description.
Me çka ka të bëjë Ligji i Tretë i Njutonit?
Correct Answer
D. Me forcën e kundërveprimit
The correct answer is "Me forcën e kundërveprimit." The third law of motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that when an object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts a force of equal magnitude but in the opposite direction on the first object. This force of reaction is known as the force of counteraction or kundërveprimi in Albanian. Therefore, the force of counteraction is what causes the Law of Third Newton to occur in this scenario.
Dendësia e ujit është:
Correct Answer
C. 1000 kg/m³
The density of water is typically around 1000 kg/m³. This means that for every cubic meter of water, it weighs approximately 1000 kilograms.
Forcat tërheqëse që bashkveprojnë ndërmjet molokulave të së njëjtit lloj quhen forca të:
Correct Answer
C. Kohezionit
The correct answer is "Kohezionit". This is because cohesion is the force that holds molecules of the same type together. In this context, the question is asking which force causes molecules to stick or attract to each other. Adhesion refers to the force between molecules of different types, gravity is the force of attraction between objects with mass, and corrosion is the process of deterioration of materials.
Sa herë thyhet drita në pllakë planparalele?
Correct Answer
B. 2
In Albanian, the phrase "Sa herë thyhet drita në pllakë planparalele?" translates to "How many times does the light break in a parallel plate?". The correct answer is 2 because when light passes through a parallel plate, it undergoes two refractions or bends.
Çka ndodh me trupat kur janë në gjendje ekuilibrimi?
Correct Answer
A. Nuk e ndyshojnë pozitat e tyre
When objects are in a state of equilibrium, it means that the forces acting on them are balanced and there is no net force causing any change in their positions. Therefore, the correct answer is "Nuk e ndyshojnë pozitat e tyre" which translates to "They do not change their positions". This means that the objects remain stationary and do not move or shift from their original positions when they are in equilibrium.
Makina ideale ka rendiment të dobishmërisë:
Correct Answer
A. Përafërsisht 1
The correct answer is "Përafërsisht 1". This means that an ideal machine has a useful efficiency of approximately 1. This suggests that an ideal machine is able to convert almost all of its input energy into useful output energy without any significant losses.
"Nxehtësia rrjedh spontanisht prej trupit të nxehtë në trupin e ftohtë. Është e pamundur për sistemet ciklike që nxehtësia të rrjedh prej trupit të ftohtë në të nxehtë pa kryer punë nga jashtë në sistem". Ky ligj njihet si ligji i:
Correct Answer
D. I dytë i Termodinamikës
The given statement describes the second law of thermodynamics. According to this law, heat flows spontaneously from a hot body to a cold body, and it is impossible for cyclic systems to transfer heat from a cold body to a hot body without any external work being done on the system. Therefore, the correct answer is the second law of thermodynamics.
Cilat vegla shërbejnë për akumulimin e energjisë elektrike?
Correct Answer
C. Kondensatorët
Kondensatorët shërbejnë për akumulimin e energjisë elektrike.
Dukuria e përqueshmërisë nuk është e pranishme në:
Correct Answer
C. Jometale
The correct answer is "Jometale" because the question is asking about the presence of ductility, which refers to the ability of a material to be stretched or deformed without breaking. Metals and semimetals are known to be ductile, while nonmetals are generally brittle and not ductile. Therefore, jometals, which are nonmetals, do not possess ductility.
Planetet e brendshme kanë këto karakteristika:
Correct Answer
B. Janë të ndërtuar nga gurët dhe në bërthamën e tyre gjenden metale
The correct answer is "Janë të ndërtuar nga gurët dhe në bërthamën e tyre gjenden metale" (They are made up of rocks and metals in their core). This answer is correct because it accurately describes one of the characteristics of inner planets. Inner planets, also known as terrestrial planets, are primarily composed of rock and metal. This is in contrast to outer planets, which are primarily composed of gas.
Cila shpejtësi është maksimumi për t'a bërë një anije kozmike që të bëhet satelit artificial i tokës?
Correct Answer
A. 11.1 km/s
The maximum speed for a spacecraft to become an artificial satellite of Earth is 11.1 km/s.
Cili është njeriu i parë që është rrotulluar rreth Tokës?
Correct Answer
C. Juri Gagarini
The correct answer is Juri Gagarini. Juri Gagarin was the first human to orbit the Earth. He accomplished this feat on April 12, 1961, aboard the Vostok 1 spacecraft. His mission lasted for 108 minutes, during which he completed one orbit around the Earth. Gagarin's successful mission marked a significant milestone in space exploration and paved the way for future human space travel.
Me zmadhimin e cilës prej këtyre zvogëlohet rezistenca elektrike?
Correct Answer
B. Trashjen e përcjellësit
When the conductor is shortened, the resistance decreases. This is because resistance is directly proportional to the length of the conductor. So, when the length of the conductor is reduced, the resistance decreases.