Weight loss and fat loss is basically the same thing?
Correct Answer
B. False
Answer: When most people diet they restrict their calories significantly and usually lose weight BUT what they are typically losing is mostly water, muscle and a little bit of fat. They are happy because the scale weight drops but studies have shown more than 9 times out of 10, patients rapidly gain the weight back over ensuing weeks and months. One of the major reasons for this is that they lose so much muscle and the muscle determines how many calories they burn at rest (Basal Metabolic Rate) so when they go off their diet more of what they eat is NOT burned and instead stored as fat. Cornerstone Wellness is a FAT loss program, where patients are carefully monitored so that they lose only fat and keep their hard earned muscle. When they are done with the Cornerstone program they have a much greater likelihood of long term success. Also, weight loss by itself doesn’t necessarily result in improved health status since it is the amount of fat in the fat cells (not the weight of the body) which is causing the hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes and heart disease.
People need differing amounts of protein in their diet?
Correct Answer
A. True
The amount of protein you need to eat to lose fat and keep muscle is dependent on how much muscle or lean body mass you have on your frame. If you are trying to lose fat and keep your muscle, then you will need to eat about ¾ gram of protein per day for every pound of lean body mass you have. The best way to know how much muscle you have is to be tested for it and one of the most accurate methods with which to be tested is with the Cornerstone Wellness BCA (Body Composition Analyzer). If you don’t have access to a body composition analyzer, the amount of protein you need can be estimated by a nutritionist using a scientific formula. The meal planning program in the Cornerstone Wellness interactive website will allow you to plan your meals accordingly. This is a whole lot of protein, probably at least twice of what you are currently eating. Since protein (beef, chicken, pork, fish, lamb) typically has to be cooked (except milk and cheese), it takes a lot of planning. Protein is more expensive, calorie for calorie, than carbohydrates and fat, so getting that much protein is a bit of a chore. That is why high protein meal replacements make so much sense. The Cornerstone Wellness High Protein Meal Replacement will give you an extra 30 grams of protein per serving in a delicious, convenient and inexpensive fashion, which is why Cornerstone patients are so successful losing fat and keeping muscle long term. By partially replacing 2 meals a day with a Cornerstone shake you would an extra 62 grams of protein. So a 5’5 ‘’ woman weighing 160 lbs at 35% body fat, drinking 2 shakes a day would simply have to eat a few servings of protein at dinner (a 6 oz serving of chicken) to meet her protein requirements for active fat loss and muscle maintenance.
Lowering the amount of pasta, rice, potatoes and bread I eat, rather than lowering the fat in my diet, will lower my total cholesterol?
Correct Answer
A. True
One of the biggest myths perpetrated upon the American public by the medical and food industry is the “low fat myth”. This myth, completely unsupported by any science, began in the 1960s and to a large degree is why this country’s obesity rates and rates of diabetes have skyrocketed since then. The problem is that white foods (sugar, breads, rise, pasta, potatoes) do not have an on/off switch. The Lays potato chips company’s motto “nobody can eat just one” is absolutely correct. Protein and fat on the other hand does result in a turning off of hunger. If you want to lose weight, markedly reduce the amount of starch you eat and increase your intake of protein foods. Don’t worry about the fat that accompanies these foods- that is NOT what is making you fat. Starch and sugar on the other hand is rapidly converted into fat in your liver and then goes into storage around your liver and of course your belly, butt, thighs etc. Fat is typically burned for energy and not stored as fat.
Protein shakes are pretty much all the same when it comes to weight loss?
Correct Answer
B. False
There are a ton of protein powders out there. Most of these were originally created for body builders trying to pack on muscle. They were not formulated with weight loss in mind- just the contrary, they were created for weight GAIN, body builders want to get BIGGER. These are not meal replacements. A meal replacement is generally used for weight loss and is supposed to supply all the nutrients that the FDA has deemed necessary for a meal, roughly one-third of the RDA of protein, vitamins, minerals etc. Meal replacements are also used to provide hunger control also known as satiety. Unfortunately, most meal replacements fall short. Many of them taste horrible because they are full of all sorts of artificial ingredients and sweeteners. The Cornerstone High Protein Meal Replacement was created by a team of medical doctors and PhD dieticians and it has the highest quality protein, whey, the highest amount of protein, and exceeds the RDA by at least 200% for most of its ingredients. It does not have any artificial ingredients whatsoever and no stimulants YET it curbs appetite amazingly well due to its high protein content and its super nutrient levels of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. It is also widely regarded as the best tasting meal replacement available anywhere.
There are no supplements that can prevent carb craving?
Correct Answer
B. False
Carbohydrate craving is one of the biggest obstacles to successful fat loss. Typically, carb craving is simply caused by the fact that simple carbohydrate, sugar and other white foods, create a rapid rise in blood sugar, followed by a massive drop in blood sugar (called insulin overshoot). Your brain then drives you to seek out more white food which of course is readily available everywhere you look. All snack foods are essentially white foods because they are made with flour, potatoes, corn meal, sugar etc. The best way to curb carb craving is to eat more protein. In addition there are several all-natural supplements, which, particularly when combined together, can markedly reduce carb craving by stabilizing blood sugar. The supplements are combined in a Cornerstone Wellness supplement called MetAssist. Typically these tablets are taken before meals and can also be taken as needed when the crave hits. They are extremely safe and hundreds of thousands of people have used these ingredients together with great success. In addition, several of the ingredients have shown to promote weight loss directly NOT just by reducing carb craving.