Yang bukan merupakan tujuan dari Consumer Promotion adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Distribusi yang lebih baik
Consumer Promotion bertujuan untuk merangsang konsumen agar membeli lebih banyak, merangsang konsumen baru untuk mencoba produk, dan menarik switcher dari pengguna kompetitor. Namun, distribusi yang lebih baik bukan merupakan tujuan dari Consumer Promotion. Distribusi yang lebih baik lebih berkaitan dengan strategi pemasaran dan distribusi produk yang efektif, sedangkan Consumer Promotion lebih fokus pada merangsang konsumen untuk membeli dan mencoba produk.
Yang merupakan salah satu contoh intensifikasi adalah
Correct Answer
C. Meningkatkan nilai / jumlah pembelian produk (berapa banyak) dan atau frekuensi pembelian produk (berapa kali)
Intensifikasi refers to increasing the value or quantity of product purchases, as well as the frequency of product purchases. This can be achieved by encouraging customers to buy more products or by incentivizing them to make repeat purchases. The other options mentioned, such as increasing the number of customers or organizing product exhibitions, do not necessarily involve increasing the value or frequency of purchases.
Yang merupakan salah satu bentuk Ekstensifikasi adalah?
Correct Answer
A. Meningkatkan jumlah customer
One form of Extensification is increasing the number of customers. This means attracting new customers to the business. By expanding the customer base, the business can increase its market reach and potentially increase sales and profits.
Yang termasuk dalam Consumer Promotion adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. Sampling, Hadiah, Loyalty Program
Consumer Promotion refers to various marketing strategies and techniques used by companies to attract and retain customers. It includes activities such as sampling, offering gifts or prizes, and implementing loyalty programs. These strategies aim to encourage consumers to try a product or service, increase brand awareness, and build customer loyalty. Therefore, the options "Sampling, Hadiah, Loyalty Program" are appropriate examples of Consumer Promotion activities.
Hadiah consumer promo yang tidak boleh di banded langsung dengan produk kita adalah:...
Correct Answer
C. Prenagen Lactamom banded Rinso
The correct answer is Prenagen Lactamom banded Rinso. This means that Prenagen Lactamom cannot be directly promoted or advertised together with Rinso. It is likely that there are restrictions or guidelines in place that prevent these two products from being promoted together, possibly due to differences in target audience or brand positioning.
Yang dimaksud dengan Trade Sales Promotion adalah :...
Correct Answer
B. Sales promotion yang ditargetkan kepada grosir (wholesaler), pengecer (retailer) atau distributor untuk meningkatkan permintaan penjualan
Trade Sales Promotion refers to sales promotion activities targeted towards wholesalers, retailers, or distributors to increase demand and sales. This type of promotion aims to incentivize these intermediaries to promote and sell the product to end consumers. By offering discounts, incentives, or special deals to wholesalers, retailers, or distributors, the company can encourage them to push the product to the market and ultimately increase sales.
Yang termasuk dalam Trade Sales Promotion adalah ......
Correct Answer
C. Sales Competition
Trade sales promotion refers to promotional activities targeted towards trade partners, such as wholesalers, retailers, and distributors, to encourage them to promote and sell a particular product or brand. Sales competition is one such trade sales promotion strategy where trade partners compete against each other to achieve certain sales targets or objectives. This can be done through various incentives, rewards, or recognition for the trade partners who perform well in terms of sales. Therefore, sales competition is a valid example of trade sales promotion.
Contoh demonstrasi / eksibisi yang bisa dilakukan di dalam outlet adalah ......
Correct Answer
B. Baby Fair Morinaga, Instore Diabetasol, Instore Benecol
The correct answer is "Baby Fair Morinaga, Instore Diabetasol, Instore Benecol" because these are examples of demonstrations or exhibitions that can be done in the outlet.
Display pada area kasir, yang biasanya diisi dengan produk-produk impulse buying seperti permen, coklat, biskuit dsb dinamakan ..........
Correct Answer
B. Check Out Counter (COC) Display
The correct answer is Check Out Counter (COC) Display. This display is typically placed in the cashier area and is filled with impulse buying products such as candies, chocolates, biscuits, etc. It is strategically positioned to attract customers' attention and encourage last-minute purchases while they are waiting to pay for their items at the checkout counter.
Gambar di bawah ini merupakan instore branding yang dinamakan dengan ....
Correct Answer
D. Pillar Display
The correct answer is "Pillar Display". The given image is a type of instore branding called a pillar display. A pillar display is a promotional display that is placed on or around pillars or columns in a store. It is designed to attract the attention of customers and promote a specific product or brand.
Tahapan event management secara berurutan adalah :
Correct Answer
D. Pre (Pengembangan Konsep Event & Persiapan) - Execution (Koordinasi Pelaksanaan Event) - Post (Penilaian/Evaluasi Hasil Event)
The correct answer is Pre (Pengembangan Konsep Event & Persiapan) - Execution (Koordinasi Pelaksanaan Event) - Post (Penilaian/Evaluasi Hasil Event). This is the correct sequence of event management stages. It starts with the pre-event stage, where the concept of the event is developed and preparations are made. Then, it moves on to the execution stage, where the event is coordinated and implemented. Finally, the post-event stage involves evaluating the outcomes and results of the event.
Yang termasuk dalam medical event adalah :
Correct Answer
C. Seminar Medis
Medical events typically involve activities related to healthcare, such as seminars, workshops, conferences, or training sessions that focus on medical topics. Mall to Mall and Fun Walk/AntioksiDANCE are recreational activities and gatherings are social events, which are not directly related to medical topics. Therefore, the only option that fits the category of medical event is "Seminar Medis".
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Trialist pada saat event ?
Correct Answer
A. Jumlah orang yang mencoba sample
Trialist pada saat event mengacu pada jumlah orang yang mencoba sample. Ini berarti bahwa trialist adalah orang-orang yang datang ke area event dan mencoba produk atau sample yang ditawarkan. Mereka tidak dihitung berdasarkan apakah mereka adalah target konsumen atau bukan, atau apakah mereka membeli produk atau tidak. Yang penting adalah bahwa mereka mencoba sample yang disediakan.
Jumlah konsumen yang membeli produk setelah mendengarkan informasi produk/kegiatan dan/atau mencoba sample produk disebut ....
Correct Answer
B. Take Away
The correct answer is "Take Away." In this context, "Take Away" refers to the number of consumers who make a purchase after listening to information about the product or activity and/or trying a sample of the product. It implies that these consumers are convinced enough by the information or sample to actually buy the product.
Berikut merupakan hal-hal yang perlu dievaluasi setelah penyelenggaran event, kecuali:
Correct Answer
D. Penjualan kompetitor
Setelah penyelenggaraan event, hal-hal yang perlu dievaluasi termasuk kepuasan konsumen, hasil penjualan, dan dokumentasi. Namun, penjualan kompetitor bukanlah hal yang perlu dievaluasi setelah penyelenggaraan event, karena hal tersebut tidak terkait langsung dengan event yang telah dilakukan. Evaluasi penjualan kompetitor biasanya dilakukan secara terpisah dan tidak berkaitan dengan event yang telah dilaksanakan.
Mengajukan usulan promo dapat melalui 3 cara dibawah ini kecuali :
Correct Answer
A. Consumer promo
The given options are different ways to propose promotions. Consumer promo is not a method to propose promotions, but rather a type of promotion that targets consumers directly. The other options, Merchandisier Update (MUDA), Branch Activity List (BAL), and Sales Project Proposal, are all methods that can be used to propose promotions.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan BAL (Branch Activity List) ?
Correct Answer
A. Segala activity diluar display yang dijalankan team cabang baik activity yang dari pusat maupun activity inisiatif cabang.
BAL (Branch Activity List) adalah segala activity diluar display yang dijalankan oleh team cabang, baik activity yang berasal dari pusat maupun activity inisiatif cabang. Ini berarti bahwa BAL mencakup semua kegiatan yang tidak terkait dengan display yang dijalankan oleh team cabang.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan MUDA (Merchandiser Update ) ?
Correct Answer
B. Segala activity berhubungan dengan DISPLAY yang dijalankan team cabang baik activity yang dari pusat maupun activity inisiatif cabang.
MUDA (Merchandiser Update) refers to all activities related to displays that are carried out by the branch team, including activities initiated by the headquarters or the branch itself. This answer states that MUDA encompasses all activities related to displays carried out by the branch team, regardless of whether they are initiated by the headquarters or the branch itself.
Yang BUKAN merupakan hal penting yang harus diperhatikan saat membuat program promosi adalah :
Correct Answer
The correct answer is ROFO. ROFO stands for "Right of First Offer," which is not relevant when creating a promotional program. The other options, such as the product, target audience, and mechanism, are all important factors to consider when developing a promotional program. However, ROFO, which refers to a contractual right giving a party the first opportunity to purchase or lease a property before the owner offers it to others, is not directly related to the creation of a promotional program.
Jika budget approval SPP menggunakan budget NSpH, maka proses keuangan dilakukan melalui ....
Correct Answer
C. Admin Channel Development
If budget approval SPP (Sales Promotion Plan) uses budget NSPH (Non-Sales Promotion Head), then the financial process is carried out through admin Channel Development.
Yang tidak termasuk dalam jenis-jenis channel di Kalbe Nutritionals adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Warehouse
The correct answer is "Warehouse" because it is not a type of channel in Kalbe Nutritionals. Modern Trade, General Trade, and Medical/Pharmacy are all types of channels that Kalbe Nutritionals may use to distribute their products. However, a warehouse is a facility used for storing and managing inventory, rather than a channel for distributing products to customers.
Yang merupakan karakteristik dari channel Modern Trade adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Konsep swalayan/self service dan menggunakan rak untuk menjual dan memajang atau mendisplay produknya
The correct answer is "Konsep swalayan/self service dan menggunakan rak untuk menjual dan memajang atau mendisplay produknya." This answer accurately describes the characteristics of a Modern Trade channel, which involves the concept of self-service and the use of shelves to sell and display products.
Yang termasuk dalam channel General Trade adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. Warung, Retailer, Semi Grosir
Channel General Trade mencakup bisnis-bisnis seperti warung, retailer, dan semi grosir. Bisnis-bisnis ini umumnya berfokus pada penjualan produk-produk konsumen secara langsung kepada konsumen akhir. Rumah sakit, apotik, klinik kecantikan termasuk dalam channel kesehatan, sedangkan sekolah, perkantoran, dan koperasi termasuk dalam channel institusi. Hotel, restoran, dan kafe termasuk dalam channel perhotelan dan perusahaan makanan. Oleh karena itu, pilihan yang tepat adalah warung, retailer, dan semi grosir.
Activity yang biasa dilakukan di outlet GT adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. Instore, freedrink/sampling, branding
The correct answer is "Instore, freedrink/sampling, branding". This suggests that the activities commonly carried out in GT outlets include providing free drinks or samples to customers, conducting branding activities, and promoting products within the store.
Gambar di bawah ini merupakan instore branding yang dinamakan dengan ....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is POP / POS. Instore branding refers to the marketing and promotional materials used within a retail store to create a visually appealing and cohesive brand experience for customers. POP (Point of Purchase) and POS (Point of Sale) are two common types of instore branding. POP refers to displays, signage, and other promotional materials that are strategically placed near the checkout area or other high-traffic areas to encourage impulse purchases. POS, on the other hand, refers to the actual location or area where a customer completes a transaction. Both POP and POS are important elements of instore branding as they help to attract attention, promote products, and enhance the overall shopping experience.
Yang BUKAN merupakan HCP (Health Care Profesional) adalah...
Correct Answer
Kimia Farma is not a health care professional (HCP) but a pharmaceutical company. HCP refers to individuals who are directly involved in providing health care services, such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc. Persadia, POGI, and PERKENI are all medical professional organizations in Indonesia, indicating that they are likely to consist of health care professionals.
Yang merupakan karakteristik dari channel General Institution adalah .....
Correct Answer
A. Tempat berinteraksinya sekumpulan orang secara terorganisasi untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu (swasta/pemerintahan)
The correct answer is "Tempat berinteraksinya sekumpulan orang secara terorganisasi untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu (swasta/pemerintahan)". This answer accurately describes the characteristic of a General Institution channel as a place where a group of people interact in an organized manner to achieve a specific goal, whether it is in the private or government sector.
Yang merupakan karakteristik dari channel General Trade adalah ......
Correct Answer
D. Biasanya dikelola langsung oleh pemiliknya dibantu oleh lebih dari 1 orang
The correct answer states that General Trade channels are usually managed directly by the owner with the help of more than one person. This implies that General Trade channels are typically small-scale businesses that are independently owned and operated.
Tokopedia dan Bukalapak termasuk dalam channel e-commerce type:.
Correct Answer
B. Marketplace
Tokopedia dan Bukalapak termasuk dalam channel e-commerce Marketplace. Marketplace adalah platform online yang menghubungkan penjual dan pembeli, di mana penjual dapat menjual produk mereka secara mandiri dan pembeli dapat membeli produk dari berbagai penjual. Tokopedia dan Bukalapak adalah contoh marketplace di Indonesia yang menyediakan platform bagi penjual untuk menjual produk mereka kepada pembeli.
1. Jumlah kasir > 13
2. Luas bangunan > 9000m2
3. Jenis barang yang dijual : berbagai kebutuhan konsumen sehari-hari, alat elektronik, kebutuhan rumah tangga, kantor, atau tempat usaha
4. Konsumen pengguna akhir dan pengecer
Keempat hal diatas merupakan karakteristik dari:
Correct Answer
D. Modern Wholesaler
The given characteristics indicate that the establishment is a modern wholesaler. This is because a modern wholesaler typically has a larger number of cashiers, a larger building area, and sells a variety of consumer goods including daily necessities, electronics, household items, office supplies, and business supplies. Additionally, a modern wholesaler serves both end consumers and retailers, which is consistent with the given information.