Apa yang dimaksud dengan BAL (Branch Activity List) ?
Correct Answer
A. Segala activity diluar display yang dijalankan team cabang baik activity yang dari pusat maupun activity inisiatif cabang
The correct answer is "segala activity diluar display yang dijalankan team cabang baik activity yang dari pusat maupun activity inisiatif cabang." This answer states that BAL refers to all activities that are conducted by the branch team, both those initiated by the central office and those initiated by the branch itself, excluding display activities.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan MUDA (Merchandiser Update ) ?
Correct Answer
B. Segala activity berhubungan dengan DISPLAY yang dijalankan team cabang baik activity yang dari pusat maupun activity inisiatif cabang
MUDA (Merchandiser Update) refers to all activities related to display that are carried out by the branch team, including activities initiated by the headquarters or by the branch itself. This means that any activity related to display, whether it comes from the headquarters or is initiated by the branch, falls under the scope of MUDA.
Jika budget approval SPP menggunakan budget NSpH, maka proses keuangan dilakukan melalui ....
Correct Answer
C. Admin CH DEV
If the budget approval for SPP uses the NSPH budget, then the financial process is carried out through the Admin CH DEV.
Yang tidak termasuk dalam jenis-jenis channel di Kalbe Nutritionals adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Warehouse
The correct answer is "Warehouse" because it is not a type of channel that Kalbe Nutritionals uses to distribute their products. Modern Trade, General Trade, and Medical/Pharmacy are all common channels used by companies in the nutrition industry to reach consumers, but warehouses are not typically used as a direct channel for distribution.
Yang merupakan karakteristik dari channel Modern Trade adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Konsep swalayan/self service dan menggunakan rak untuk menjual dan memajang atau mendisplay produknya
The given answer accurately describes the characteristics of Modern Trade channels. Modern Trade channels typically follow the concept of self-service and use shelves to sell and display their products. This concept is commonly seen in supermarkets or hypermarkets where customers can freely browse and select products from the shelves. Therefore, this answer correctly identifies the defining characteristic of Modern Trade channels.
Yang termasuk dalam channel General Trade adalah ..
Correct Answer
D. Warung, Retailer, Semi Grosir
The channel General Trade refers to the distribution channel that includes small-scale retailers, such as warungs, retailers, and semi-grosir (wholesalers who sell in smaller quantities). These types of businesses are commonly found in local communities and cater to the general public. Therefore, the answer "Warung, Retailer, Semi Grosir" is correct as it consists of businesses that fall under the General Trade channel.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Trialist pada saat event ?
Correct Answer
A. Jumlah orang yang mencoba sample
Trialist pada saat event adalah jumlah orang yang mencoba sample. Ini berarti bahwa mereka datang ke area event dan mencoba produk yang ditawarkan sebagai contoh.
Yang termasuk dalam Health Care Professionals adalah ..
Correct Answer
C. Dokter Umum dan Dokter Spesialis
The correct answer is "Dokter Umum dan Dokter Spesialis." Health Care Professionals refer to individuals who are trained and licensed to provide medical care and treatment to patients. General Practitioners (Dokter Umum) and Specialists (Dokter Spesialis) fall under this category as they have the necessary qualifications and expertise to diagnose and treat various medical conditions. The other options, such as Rumah Bersalin (Maternity Clinic), Rumah Sakit (Hospital), and Puskesmas (Community Health Center), are healthcare facilities rather than specific healthcare professionals.
Activity yang biasa dilakukan di outlet GT adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. Instore, freedrink/sampling, branding
The correct answer is "Instore, freedrink/sampling, branding." This suggests that the activities commonly done at GT outlets include providing in-store promotions such as free drinks or product samples, as well as branding efforts to promote the outlet and its products. These activities are likely aimed at attracting customers and increasing brand awareness and sales.
Gambar di bawah ini merupakan instore branding yang dinamakan dengan ....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is POP / POS. POP stands for Point of Purchase, while POS stands for Point of Sale. Instore branding refers to the marketing materials and displays used inside a retail store to promote a product or brand. POP/POS displays are specifically designed to attract customers' attention and influence their purchasing decisions at the point of sale. These displays can include signage, posters, banners, shelf talkers, and other promotional materials strategically placed near the checkout counter or in high-traffic areas of the store.
Yang bukan merupakan tujuan dari Consumer Promotion adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Distribusi yang lebih baik
Consumer promotion bertujuan untuk merangsang konsumen membeli lebih banyak, merangsang konsumen baru untuk mencoba, dan menarik switcher dari pengguna kompetitor. Namun, tujuan consumer promotion bukanlah untuk meningkatkan distribusi yang lebih baik. Distribusi yang lebih baik merupakan tujuan dari strategi pemasaran lain seperti distribusi dan logistik.
Yang dimaksud dengan Ekstensifikasi adalah ..
Correct Answer
A. Meningkatkan jumlah customer
Ekstensifikasi adalah strategi untuk meningkatkan jumlah customer. Dalam konteks ini, ekstensifikasi berarti menarik lebih banyak orang untuk menjadi pelanggan atau konsumen produk atau layanan yang ditawarkan. Strategi ini dapat dilakukan melalui berbagai cara, seperti promosi, iklan, penawaran khusus, atau pengembangan pasar baru. Tujuannya adalah untuk memperluas pangsa pasar dan meningkatkan jumlah orang yang menggunakan produk atau layanan tersebut. Dengan meningkatkan jumlah customer, perusahaan dapat meningkatkan penjualan dan keuntungan mereka.
Yang termasuk dalam Consumer Promotion adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. Sampling, Hadiah, Loyalty Program
Consumer promotion refers to various marketing strategies and tactics used by companies to attract and retain customers. It aims to incentivize consumers to make a purchase or engage with the brand. Sampling involves offering free samples of a product to consumers to encourage them to try it and potentially make a purchase. Offering rewards or incentives in the form of gifts or prizes is a common practice in consumer promotion, known as a "hadiah" in Indonesian. Loyalty programs are also a part of consumer promotion, as they encourage customers to continue purchasing from the brand in exchange for exclusive benefits or rewards.
Yang dimaksud dengan trade promotion adalah :
Correct Answer
B. Sales promotion yang ditargetkan kepada grosir (wholesaler), pengecer (retailer) atau distributor untuk meningkatkan permintaan penjualan
Trade promotion refers to sales promotion activities that are targeted towards wholesalers, retailers, or distributors in order to increase demand and sales. This type of promotion is aimed at intermediaries in the distribution channel who play a crucial role in reaching the end consumers. By offering incentives, discounts, or special deals to these intermediaries, companies can encourage them to promote and sell their products more effectively, ultimately leading to increased sales.
Mengapa perlu diselenggarakan event ?
Correct Answer
A. Komunikasi langsung (2 arah) dengan konsumen & meningkatkan loyalitas konsumen terhadap brand
Events are necessary because they provide an opportunity for direct (two-way) communication with consumers and help to enhance customer loyalty towards the brand. By organizing events, companies can engage with their customers face-to-face, listen to their feedback, address their concerns, and build stronger relationships. This direct interaction helps to create a personal connection and trust, which ultimately leads to increased customer loyalty. Additionally, events can also contribute to short-term sales growth by showcasing and promoting products, as well as reducing inventory by selling existing stock.
Tahapan event management secara berurutan adalah :
Correct Answer
D. Pre (Pengembangan Konsep Event & Persiapan) - Execution (Koordinasi Pelaksanaan Event) - Post (Penilaian/Evaluasi Hasil Event)
The correct answer is the sequence of event management stages is Pre (Pengembangan Konsep Event & Persiapan) - Execution (Koordinasi Pelaksanaan Event) - Post (Penilaian/Evaluasi Hasil Event). This is because the first stage in event management is the pre-event stage, where the concept of the event is developed and preparations are made. This is followed by the execution stage, where the event is coordinated and carried out. Finally, the post-event stage involves evaluating and assessing the outcomes of the event.
Yang termasuk dalam medical event adalah :
Correct Answer
C. Seminar Medis
Medical events typically refer to events that are related to the field of medicine and healthcare. These events are usually organized to discuss and disseminate medical knowledge, research findings, and advancements in the field. A seminar medis, or medical seminar, fits this description as it is specifically designed to bring together medical professionals, researchers, and experts to share their expertise and insights on various medical topics. On the other hand, "Mall to Mall," "Fun Walk / AntioksiDANCE," and "Gathering" do not necessarily have a medical focus and may not be considered as medical events.
Contoh demonstrasi / eksibisi yang bisa dilakukan di dalam outlet adalah
Correct Answer
B. Baby Fair Morinaga, Instore Diabetasol, Instore Benecol
The correct answer is Baby Fair Morinaga, Instore Diabetasol, Instore Benecol. These are events or promotions that can be conducted within the outlet to attract customers and promote the products. Baby Fair Morinaga is a fair specifically targeting parents and showcasing baby products. Instore Diabetasol and Instore Benecol are promotions or displays within the outlet to promote and sell these specific products. These activities help in increasing brand visibility, attracting potential customers, and boosting sales.
Display pada area kasir, yang biasanya diisi dengan produk-produk impulse buying seperti permen, coklat, biskuit dsb dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
B. Check Out Counter (COC) Display
The correct answer is Check Out Counter (COC) Display. This type of display is typically placed in the cashier area and is filled with impulse buying products such as candies, chocolates, biscuits, etc. It is strategically positioned to attract customers' attention while they are waiting in line to pay for their purchases. The COC display aims to encourage last-minute purchases and increase sales.
Gambar di bawah ini merupakan instore branding yang dinamakan dengan ....
Correct Answer
D. Pillar Display
The given correct answer is "Pillar Display". This refers to a type of instore branding where a display is created around a pillar or column in a retail space. It is a strategic way to utilize the available space and attract customers' attention towards a particular product or promotion. The pillar display can be designed creatively to showcase products, provide information, or create a visual impact in the store.
Yang dimaksud dengan Intensifikasi adalah …..
Correct Answer
C. Meningkatkan nilai / jumlah pembelian produk (berapa banyak) dan atau frekuensi pembelian produk (berapa kali)
Intensifikasi refers to increasing the value/quantity of product purchases (how much) and/or the frequency of product purchases (how often). This can be achieved by encouraging customers to buy more products or to make repeat purchases. It may involve strategies such as offering discounts, promotions, or loyalty programs to incentivize customers to increase their spending or buying frequency.
Hadiah consumer promo yang tidak boleh di banded langsung dengan produk kita adalah:
Correct Answer
C. Prenagen Lactamom banded Molto
The correct answer is "Prenagen Lactamom banded Molto." This means that the promotion for Prenagen Lactamom cannot be combined with the promotion for Molto.
Trade Sales Promotion adalah …..
Correct Answer
A. Sales promotion yang ditargetkan kepada grosir (wholesaler), pengecer (retailer), atau distributor untuk meningkatkan permintaan penjualan
The correct answer is "sales promotion yang ditargetkan kepada grosir (wholesaler), pengecer (retailer), atau distributor untuk meningkatkan permintaan penjualan." This answer is correct because it mentions that trade sales promotion is targeted towards wholesalers, retailers, or distributors to increase sales demand.
Berikut keuntungan menggunakan Event Organizer (EO) dalam menyelenggarakan event di cabang, kecuali …..
Correct Answer
A. Peserta Lebih Banyak
The given answer "Peserta Lebih Banyak" is the correct answer because it does not represent a benefit of using an Event Organizer (EO) in organizing an event. The other options, "Hemat Waktu," "Hemat Tenaga (SDM)," and "Anggarannya dapat disesuaikan dengan budget," all represent advantages of using an EO. However, having more participants is not necessarily a benefit as it can also bring challenges in terms of managing logistics, resources, and ensuring a smooth experience for all attendees.
Berikut merupakan hal-hal yang perlu dievaluasi setelah penyelenggaran event, kecuali:
Correct Answer
D. Budget
After an event, there are several things that need to be evaluated, such as customer satisfaction, sales results, and documentation. However, budget is not one of the things that need to be evaluated after the event. Evaluating the budget is usually done before the event to ensure that the event can be organized within the allocated budget.
Yang merupakan karakteristik dari channel General Institution adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Tempat berinteraksinya sekumpulan orang secara terorganisasi untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu (swasta/pemerintahan)
The correct answer describes a characteristic of the General Institution channel, which is a place where a group of people interact in an organized manner to achieve specific goals, whether in the private or government sector. This option aligns with the concept of a general institution channel and distinguishes it from the other options provided. The other options describe characteristics that are not specifically related to a general institution channel.
Yang merupakan karakteristik dari channel General Trade adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Biasanya dikelola langsung oleh pemiliknya dibantu oleh lebih dari 1 orang
The characteristic of a General Trade channel mentioned in the answer is that it is usually managed directly by the owner with the assistance of more than one person. This implies that General Trade channels are typically small-scale businesses with a limited number of employees.
Tokopedia dan Bukalapak termasuk dalam channel e-commerce type:
Correct Answer
B. Marketplace
Tokopedia dan Bukalapak termasuk dalam channel e-commerce type "Marketplace". A marketplace is an online platform where multiple sellers can list and sell their products or services. Tokopedia and Bukalapak both operate as marketplaces, allowing various sellers to showcase their products and connect with potential buyers. This model enables a wide range of products to be available to consumers, creating a diverse and competitive online shopping experience.
Bilna dan Blibli termasuk dalam channel e-commerce type:
Correct Answer
A. Shopping Mall
Bilna dan Blibli termasuk dalam channel e-commerce type "Shopping Mall" karena keduanya merupakan platform online yang menyediakan berbagai macam produk dari berbagai merek dan penjual. Mereka menawarkan pengalaman berbelanja yang lengkap dengan berbagai kategori produk yang tersedia, seperti fashion, elektronik, makanan, dan banyak lagi. Sebagai shopping mall online, mereka menyediakan berbagai pilihan bagi konsumen untuk memenuhi kebutuhan belanja mereka.
1. Jumlah kasir > 13
2. Luas bangunan > 9000m2
3. Jenis barang yang dijual : berbagai kebutuhan konsumen sehari-hari, alat elektronik, kebutuhan rumah tangga, kantor, atau tempat usaha
4. Konsumen pengguna akhir dan pengecer
Keempat hal diatas merupakan karakteristik dari:
Correct Answer
D. Modern Wholesaler
The given characteristics indicate that the establishment is a modern wholesaler. A modern wholesaler typically has a large number of cashiers, a spacious building, and sells various consumer goods including daily necessities, electronics, household items, and office supplies. They cater to both end consumers and retailers. This aligns with the information provided in the question, making "Modern Wholesaler" the correct answer.