Protokoli sa uspostavljanjem veze garantuju pouzdan prenos podataka
Correct Answer
D. Netacno
The statement "Protokoli sa uspostavljanjem veze garantuju pouzdan prenos podataka" is incorrect. Protocols with connection establishment only guarantee reliable data transmission if they are located at the transport layer.
Elektromagnetno zracenje je pristupno
Correct Answer
C. U gotovo svim sredinama
Electromagnetic radiation is accessible in almost all environments. This implies that electromagnetic radiation can be found in various settings or mediums, not limited to specific conditions such as strong electromotors, electric installations, or the presence of magnets. It suggests that electromagnetic radiation is a widespread phenomenon that can be observed in different surroundings.
Protokol kod kog nije potrebno koristiti adresu u okvirima je:
Correct Answer
D. Protokol tacka-tacka(PPP)
The correct answer is Protokol tacka-tacka(PPP). PPP is a protocol used for establishing a direct connection between two nodes in a network, such as a computer and a server. Unlike other protocols like Internet Protocol (IP), Frame Relay, and Ethernet, PPP does not require the use of addresses within frames. Instead, PPP uses a point-to-point link to establish a connection and does not rely on addressing for communication.
Nosioci signala kod kablova sa optickim vlaknima su:
Correct Answer
B. Svetlosni impulsi
The correct answer is "Svetlosni impulsi" (Light impulses). Optical fiber cables transmit data using light signals, which are converted into binary code and sent as pulses of light. These light impulses travel through the fiber optic cables, allowing for fast and efficient transmission of data over long distances.
Primer za ispravljanje greske unapred je:
Correct Answer
D. Hamingov kod
Hamingov kod je primer za ispravljanje greške unapred. Hamingov kod je vrsta error-korekcionog koda koji se koristi za otkrivanje i ispravljanje grešaka u prenosu podataka. On se koristi za dodavanje dodatnih bitova informacijama kako bi se omogućilo otkrivanje i ispravljanje grešaka koje mogu nastati tokom prenosa podataka. Ova tehnika je posebno korisna u situacijama gde je bitna tačnost prenosa podataka, kao što je u komunikacijama preko interneta.
Kada su u pitanju kablovi sa upredenim paricama I sistem strukturnog kabliranja, njihova preporucena primena u zavisnosti od realizacije zice je:
Correct Answer
C. Licnaste kablove koristiti do radnih mesta, kablove sa punim presekom od uticnice do razvodnog panela
The recommended use of cables with twisted pairs and structured cabling system depends on the wire implementation. Licnaste cables are recommended to be used up to workstations, while kablove sa punim presekom (cables with full cross-section) are recommended to be used from the socket to the distribution panel.
Skracenica koja oznacava multiplekser kod ADSL tehnologije je
Correct Answer
The correct answer is DSLAM. DSLAM stands for Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer, which is a device used in ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) technology to aggregate multiple DSL connections from individual subscribers and connect them to a high-speed backbone network. DSLAMs are responsible for routing and managing the data traffic between the subscribers and the network, allowing for efficient and reliable communication.
Kontrola suma za proveru gresaka izracunava se:
Correct Answer
A. Samo na racunaru koji prima podatke
The error checking checksum is calculated only on the computer that receives the data. This means that the receiving computer is responsible for verifying the accuracy of the data it has received. The sending computer does not perform any error checking calculations.
Logicka topologija prve verzije eterneta je
Correct Answer
C. Magistrala
The correct answer is "Magistrala" because the logical topology of the first version of Ethernet was a bus or linear bus topology. In this topology, all devices are connected to a single cable called a bus or backbone. The data is transmitted in both directions on the bus, and each device on the network listens to the data and picks up the data intended for it.
Licnasta realizacija zica kod kablova sa upredenim paricama omogucava
Correct Answer
A. Vecu fleksibilnost
The correct answer is "Vecu fleksibilnost" which means "Greater flexibility" in English. This means that the twisted pair cables with a litz wire construction allow for more flexibility compared to other types of cables.
Putanje koje su u ruter unete od strane administratora nazivaju se:
Correct Answer
D. Staticke putanje
Staticke putanje se odnose na putanje koje su unapred definisane i ne menjaju se automatski. One su unete od strane administratora i ostaju iste sve dok se ne promene ručno. Ovo se često koristi u mrežnim rutereima kako bi se odredile najbolje putanje za prenos podataka.
Veci broj upredanja po jedinici duzine kod kablova sa upredenim paricama:
Correct Answer
A. Povecava otpornost na EM zracenje
When cables have twisted pairs, the number of twists per unit length increases the resistance to electromagnetic radiation. This twisting helps to cancel out the electromagnetic interference that can be caused by nearby electrical devices or other cables. Therefore, increasing the number of twists per unit length increases the cable's resistance to electromagnetic radiation.
Nosioci signala kod kablova sa optickim vlaknima su:
Correct Answer
C. Svetlosni impulsi
The correct answer is "Svetlosni impulsi" (Light impulses). Optical fiber cables are designed to transmit data using light signals. These cables contain thin strands of glass or plastic called optical fibers that carry these light impulses over long distances. The use of light signals allows for faster and more efficient communication compared to traditional copper cables that transmit electrical impulses.
Kod koriscenja provere parnosti za otkrivanje gresaka nastalih tokom prenosa uporedjuju se:
Correct Answer
A. Samo kontrolni bit
The given correct answer is "Samo kontrolni bit" which means "Only the parity bit". This suggests that during the transmission, only the parity bit is compared to detect errors. The parity bit is a simple error-checking mechanism that is added to a binary code to ensure that the total number of 1s in the code is either even or odd. By comparing the received parity bit with the calculated parity bit, errors can be detected if they occurred during transmission.
Paralelan prenos podataka I govori kod ADSL tehnologija postignut je:
Correct Answer
C. Koriscenjem razlicitih frekvencijskih opsega
The correct answer is "Koriscenjem razlicitih frekvencijskih opsega." This means that the parallel transmission of data in ADSL technology is achieved by using different frequency ranges. This allows for multiple channels of data to be transmitted simultaneously over a single line, increasing the overall data transfer rate. By utilizing different frequency ranges, ADSL technology is able to separate voice and data signals, ensuring that they do not interfere with each other and maximizing the efficiency of the transmission.
Tehnologija kod koje postoje I garantovana I najveca moguca brzina prenosa podataka je:
Correct Answer
B. Frejm-relej
Frame relay is a technology that provides guaranteed and maximum possible data transmission speed. It is a packet-switching protocol that operates at the data link layer of the OSI model. Frame relay networks are widely used for connecting local area networks (LANs) over wide area networks (WANs) and offer high-speed data transmission with low latency. This technology is known for its efficiency in transmitting data packets and ensuring reliable and fast communication between network devices.
Ukoliko se unicijalno uspostavljena veza izmedju predajnika I prijemnika ne menja tokom prenosa, u pitanju je:
Correct Answer
A. Prenos podataka sa komutacijom paketa
If the initial connection between the transmitter and receiver does not change during transmission, it is referred to as packet switching data transmission.
U sistemu strukturnog kabliranja definisano je da treba obezbediti najmanje sled??? Uticnica po radnom mestu:
Correct Answer
B. 2 uticnice
The correct answer is 2 uticnice because it is defined in the system of structured cabling that each workstation should have at least two outlets.
U sistemu strukturnog kabliranja definisano je da kabl kojim je povezana uticnica na radnom mestu sa razvodnim panelom u telekomunikacionoj sobi ne bi trebalo da ga bude duze od:
Correct Answer
D. 90 metara
The correct answer is 90 meters. In a structured cabling system, the cable connecting the outlet at the workstation to the distribution panel in the telecommunications room should not exceed 90 meters in length. This limitation is in place to ensure optimal signal quality and performance within the network. If the cable exceeds this length, there may be signal degradation and increased chances of data transmission errors.
Softverski modem, poznati I pod imenima soft-modemi I vin-modemi, za potrebe obrade podataka koriste:
Correct Answer
C. Centralni procesor racunara
Softverski modem koristi centralni procesor računara za obradu podataka. Ovo je zato što softverski modem nije fizički uređaj, već softverski program koji koristi resurse računara za obradu podataka. Centralni procesor računara je odgovoran za izvršavanje svih operacija i obradu podataka, pa je stoga logično da softverski modem koristi centralni procesor računara za obradu podataka.
Greske tokom prenosa podataka se najcesce pojavljuju u vidu pojedinacnih bitova:
Correct Answer
D. Tacno
Greske tokom prenosa podataka se najčešće pojavljuju u vidu pojedinačnih bitova. This statement is true because errors during data transmission commonly occur at the level of individual bits.
Neprofitna organizacija osnovana sa ciljem da promovise slobodu u koriscenju racunarskog softvera, kao I da zastiti prava korisnika tog softvera je:
Correct Answer
A. Free Software Foundation, FSF
The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is a non-profit organization that promotes freedom in the use of computer software and advocates for the rights of software users. It aims to ensure that users have the freedom to run, study, share, and modify software. The FSF supports the development and distribution of free software and works to raise awareness about the importance of software freedom.
IEEE 802.11 standard odnosi se na slanje podataka koriscenjem
Correct Answer
B. Radio-talasa
The correct answer is "Radio-talasa." IEEE 802.11 standard refers to the transmission of data using radio waves. This standard is commonly known as Wi-Fi, which allows wireless communication and connectivity between devices such as computers, smartphones, and routers. Radio waves are used to transmit data over the air, enabling wireless networks to function and provide internet access to users.
Sistem Horizontalnog kabliranja specificiran u TIA/E1A-568-B.1 standardu obuhvata
Correct Answer(s)
B. Mrezne uticnice
D. Mrezne konektore
F. Patch kablove
G. Horizontalno kabliranje
The correct answer includes network outlets, network connectors, patch cables, and horizontal cabling. These components are specified in the TIA/E1A-568-B.1 standard for horizontal cabling systems. These components are essential for establishing a structured cabling system that allows for the connection of devices and the transmission of data within a network. The inclusion of hierarchical demarcation points, active network equipment, and upper layers of the OSI and TCP/IP models are not mentioned in the correct answer.
Najmanju racunarsku mrezu u navedenom skupu cini:
Correct Answer
D. Licna racunarska mreza(PAN)
A personal area network (PAN) is the smallest computer network in the given set. It is a network that connects devices within an individual's personal space, typically within a range of 10 meters. Examples of PANs include Bluetooth connections between a smartphone and a wireless headset or a wireless keyboard and a computer. PANs are designed for personal use and are not meant to connect multiple devices or cover larger areas like other types of computer networks.
Greske koje nastanu tokom prenosa podataka u idealnom slucaju je:
Correct Answer
C. Moguce je otkriti I ispraviti
In the given question, the correct answer states that it is possible to detect and correct errors that occur during data transmission. This means that if any errors occur during the transmission of data, they can be identified and fixed.
Ruteri odluke o usmeravanju paketa donose na osnovu:
Correct Answer
B. Logickih adresa(adresa u datagramu)
Ruteri donose odluke o usmeravanju paketa na osnovu logičkih adresa koje se nalaze u datagramu. Ove adrese omogućavaju ruterima da identifikuju odredište paketa i da odaberu najbolji put za slanje. Fizičke adrese se odnose na adrese uređaja na mreži, dok se portovi odnose na adrese na transportnom sloju koji se koriste za identifikaciju aplikacija ili usluga. Međutim, u ovom slučaju, logičke adrese u datagramu su ključne za odluke o usmeravanju paketa.
Uloga splitera I mikrofiltera kod ADSL tehnologije je:
Correct Answer
C. Razdvajanje frekvencijskih opsega
The correct answer is "Razdvajanje frekvencijskih opsega." The role of splitters and microfilters in ADSL technology is to separate the frequency bands used for voice and data transmission. This allows simultaneous use of the telephone line for both voice calls and internet connectivity without interference. By separating the frequency ranges, the splitter ensures that voice calls and data transmission do not interfere with each other, thus improving the quality and reliability of the communication.
Za filtriranje paketa koji ulaze ili izlaze iz mreze koristi se:
Correct Answer
A. Fajervol
The correct answer is "Fajervol" because it is a commonly used term for a firewall, which is a network security device that monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. Firewalls are designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network, while allowing legitimate communication to pass through. Therefore, a firewall is used to filter packets that enter or exit a network.
Moduli operativnog sistema koji obezbedjuju podrsku za odredjeni mrezni hardver nazivaju se
Correct Answer
C. Drajveri
The correct answer is "Drajveri" (Drivers). In the context of the given question, the term "moduli operativnog sistema" refers to the components or modules of the operating system that provide support for specific network hardware. These modules are commonly known as drivers, which are software programs that allow the operating system to communicate and interact with the network hardware, such as network cards. Therefore, the correct answer is "Drajveri" (Drivers).
Jedna od fizicki najmanje fleksibilnih tehnologija za umrezavanje je:
Correct Answer
B. Iznajmljena linija
The correct answer is "Iznajmljena linija" (leased line). Leased lines are dedicated communication lines that provide a fixed amount of bandwidth between two locations. Unlike other networking technologies like IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi), Ethernet, and Frame Relay, leased lines do not offer flexibility in terms of bandwidth allocation. Once a leased line is established, the bandwidth remains fixed and cannot be easily adjusted or shared among multiple users or devices. Therefore, leased lines are considered to be one of the least physically flexible networking technologies.
Vreme koje je potrebno da bitovi stignu od predajnika do prijemnika kroz komunikacioni medijum naziva se:
Correct Answer
B. Vreme propagacije
The correct answer is "Vreme propagacije". This refers to the time it takes for the bits to travel from the transmitter to the receiver through the communication medium. It is a measure of the delay or latency in the transmission process.
U slucaju otkazivanja jednog dela mreze vecu verovatnocu nastavka prenosa podataka nudi:
Correct Answer
C. Prenos podataka sa komutacijom paketa
In the case of a network failure, packet switching offers a higher probability of data transmission continuation compared to virtual circuit switching and link switching. Packet switching involves breaking data into small packets and sending them individually across the network. Each packet can take a different route to reach its destination, allowing for better resilience in case of network failures. On the other hand, virtual circuit switching establishes a dedicated path between the sender and receiver before transmitting data, and link switching relies on a single dedicated link. Hence, packet switching is more suitable for ensuring data transmission continuity in case of network failures.
Sirm kod koaksijalnih kablova kao zadatke ima:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Uzemljenje
B. Zastita od EM
The tasks of coaxial cables include grounding and protection from electromagnetic interference. Grounding is important to prevent electrical hazards and ensure proper functioning of the cable. Coaxial cables are also designed to provide protection from electromagnetic interference, which can degrade the signal quality. By shielding the inner conductor with an outer conductor, coaxial cables minimize the impact of external electromagnetic fields. Therefore, the correct answer includes grounding and protection from EM.
Uredjaji koji na svakoj od svojih uticnica obezbedjuju zaseban kolizioni domen su:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Mrezni most(bridz)
D. Mrezni komutator(svic)
The correct answer is "Mrezni most(bridz),Mrezni komutator(svic)" because both the network bridge and network switch provide separate collision domains on each of their ports. This means that collisions occurring on one port will not affect the other ports, allowing for better network performance and efficiency. A signal amplifier (repeater) and signal distributor (hub) do not provide separate collision domains and therefore do not meet the criteria mentioned in the question.
Protokol kojim se kod Fejm-relej tejnologije utvrdjuje logicka adresa druge strane je:
Correct Answer
A. Reverzni ARP protokol(RARP)
The correct answer is Reverzni ARP protokol (RARP). RARP is a protocol used in Ethernet networks to determine the logical address (IP address) of a device based on its physical address (MAC address). It allows a device to obtain its IP address from a RARP server when it boots up, which is useful in situations where a device does not have a preconfigured IP address. RARP is the reverse of ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), which is used to determine the MAC address of a device based on its IP address.
Provera parnosti, kao sistem za otkrivanje gresaka nastalih tokom prenosa podataka omogucava otkrivanje:
Correct Answer
A. 50% nastalih gresaka
The Provera parnosti (parity check) system for error detection during data transmission allows for the detection of 50% of the errors that occur.
Kod podataka u kome postoji paran broj bitova cija je vrednost ”1”, a kome je dodat kontrolni bit cija je vrednost “0”, korisceni metod se naziva:
Correct Answer
B. Parna parnost
The correct answer is "Parna parnost". This is because the given scenario describes a data code with an even number of bits that have a value of "1", and an additional control bit with a value of "0". In data communication, parity is used to detect errors in transmitted data. In the case of even parity, the number of "1" bits in the data code (excluding the control bit) should always be even. Therefore, the method used in this scenario is called even parity.
Ocekivano najvece rastojanje na kome bluetooth tehnologija omogucavanje povezivanje:
Correct Answer
C. Oko 100m
Bluetooth technology typically has a range of around 100 meters. This means that devices using Bluetooth can connect and communicate with each other within a maximum distance of approximately 100 meters. However, the actual range may vary depending on various factors such as obstacles, interference, and the specific devices being used.
MAC podsloj odredjuje
Correct Answer(s)
B. Pocetak i kraj paketa
C. Ko ima pravo pristupa fizickom sloju
The MAC sublayer determines the beginning and end of packets and controls access to the physical layer. It is responsible for managing the communication between devices by assigning unique addresses and controlling the flow of data. The MAC sublayer ensures that only one device can access the physical layer at a time, preventing collisions and ensuring efficient communication.
OSI model je razvijen:
Correct Answer
B. 1984.god
The OSI model was developed in 1984.
Jedna fizicka najmanje fleksibilna tehnologija za umrezavanje
Correct Answer
B. Iznajmljena linija
The correct answer is "Iznajmljena linija". This is because leased lines are physical connections that provide dedicated and fixed bandwidth between two locations. Unlike other networking technologies like Ethernet or IEEE 802.12, which offer more flexibility and can be used for various purposes, leased lines are specifically designed for point-to-point communication and are less flexible in terms of scalability and adaptability to different network configurations.
Promena faze od strane pojacivaca signala kao uzrok gresaka pri prenosu podataka naziva se:
Correct Answer
B. Harmonijsko izoblicavanje
Harmonijsko izobličavanje se odnosi na promenu faze signala od strane pojačivača, što može uzrokovati greške pri prenosu podataka. Termodulacioni šum se odnosi na promene amplitude signala usled termalnih efekata, dok je impulzni šum povezan sa pojavom nenamernih impulsa. Džifter se odnosi na promene frekvencije signala.
Konektori koji se koriste kod kablova sa upredenim paricama:
Correct Answer(s)
C. RJ-11
D. RJ-45
The correct answer is RJ-11 and RJ-45. RJ-11 connectors are commonly used for telephone cables, while RJ-45 connectors are used for Ethernet cables. These connectors are specifically designed for twisted pair cables, which are commonly used for data transmission. FC, SC, LC, and BNC connectors are not typically used for twisted pair cables.
Kontrolna suma predstavlja efikasan nacin za:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Oktrivanje nastalih prilikom prenosa podataka
C. Ispravljanje gresaka nastalih prilikom prenosa podataka
The correct answer is "Oktrivanje nastalih prilikom prenosa podataka,Ispravljanje gresaka nastalih prilikom prenosa podataka". This means that the checksum is an efficient way to detect and correct errors that occur during data transmission. The checksum is a value calculated from the data being transmitted and is used to verify the integrity of the data. If the checksum calculated at the receiving end does not match the checksum sent with the data, it indicates that errors have occurred during transmission. In such cases, the checksum can be used to identify and correct these errors.
Prevodjenje logickih IP adresa u fizicke kod eternet mreza zadatak je sledeceg protokola:
Correct Answer
C. Address Rsolution Protocol
The correct answer is Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). ARP is responsible for translating logical IP addresses to physical MAC addresses in Ethernet networks. It allows devices to find the MAC address of a destination device on the same network by sending out an ARP request. The device with the matching IP address responds with its MAC address, allowing communication to occur.
Licinasta realizacija zica kod kablova sa upredenim paricama omogucava:
Correct Answer
B. Vecu fleksibilnost
Licinasta realizacija zica kod kablova sa upredenim paricama omogućava veću fleksibilnost. To znači da su žice u kablovima sa upredenim paricama izrađene od materijala koji je glatko i klizavo, što omogućava veću pokretljivost i savitljivost kabla. Ovo je posebno korisno u situacijama kada je potrebno savijati ili premeštati kabl, jer će se žice lakše saviti i neće se lako oštetiti.
Uredjaj koji prevodi analogne signale u digitalne I obrnuto za potrebe racunarskih telekomunikacija putem mreze naziva se:
Correct Answer
B. Modem
A modem is a device that converts analog signals to digital signals and vice versa for the purpose of computer telecommunications over a network. It allows computers to connect to the internet through a telephone line or a cable connection by converting digital data from the computer into analog signals that can be transmitted over the network, and vice versa. Modems are essential for establishing a connection between a computer and an internet service provider, enabling the transmission of data between the two devices.
Podrska za protokole aplikativnog sloja najcesce se nalazi u :
Correct Answer
C. Korisnickom softveru
The correct answer is "Korisnickom softveru" because support for application layer protocols is typically found in user software. This includes applications such as web browsers, email clients, and messaging apps that utilize protocols like HTTP, SMTP, and IMAP. The user software is responsible for implementing these protocols and providing the necessary functionality for users to interact with the application layer of the network stack.
Optimalna duzina okvira se odnosi na:
Correct Answer
B. Efikasnost prenosa
Optimalna dužina okvira se odnosi na efikasnost prenosa. Ova dužina se određuje kako bi se postigla maksimalna efikasnost u prenosu podataka. Kada je okvir prevelik, može doći do gubitka vremena i resursa pri prenosu, dok prekratki okviri mogu dovesti do povećanja overhead-a i smanjenja propusnosti. Dakle, optimalna dužina okvira se odnosi na postizanje najbolje efikasnosti u prenosu podataka.