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Da uporedi stvarno i knjigovodstveno stanje imovine
Correct Answer
B. Da utvrdi stvarno stanje imovine
Explanation The correct answer is "da utvrdi stvarno stanje imovine" which means "to determine the actual state of assets." This implies that the purpose of inventorying is to verify and establish the real condition or quantity of assets. It involves physically counting, inspecting, and assessing the assets to ensure that they match the recorded or expected values in the accounting records. This process helps in identifying any discrepancies or potential issues with the assets and allows for accurate financial reporting and decision-making.
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Konto je homogen ako su na njemu prikazane:
Sve promene koje se na njega odnose
Samo one promene koje se na njega odnose
Sve promene tačno
Samo neke poslovne promene
Correct Answer
B. Samo one promene koje se na njega odnose
Explanation A konto je homogen ako su na njemu prikazane samo one promene koje se na njega odnose. To znači da na kontu treba biti prikazano samo ono što je vezano za to konto, bez ikakvih drugih nepotrebnih informacija ili promena koje se ne odnose na taj konto. Ova karakteristika omogućava jasno praćenje i analizu finansijskih podataka za određeni konto.
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Konto je integralni ako su na njemu prikazane:
Sve promene koje se na njega odnose
Samo one promene koje se na njega odnose
Sve promene tačno
Samo neke poslovne promene
Correct Answer
A. Sve promene koje se na njega odnose
Explanation An integral account is one that displays all the changes related to it. This means that any change, whether it is a financial transaction or any other type of change, will be shown on the account. This ensures that the account holder has a complete and accurate record of all the relevant changes that have occurred.
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Isplata gotovine u finansijskom knjigovodstvu knjiži se na osnovu:
Izvoda banke
Kalkulacije nabavke robe
Blagajničkog izveštaja
Izlazne fakture
Correct Answer
C. Blagajničkog izveštaja
Explanation The correct answer is "blagajničkog izveštaja" because cash payments in financial accounting are recorded based on the cash report, which provides a summary of all cash transactions made by the company. This report includes details such as the date, amount, purpose, and recipient of the cash payment. By recording cash payments in the cash report, the company can accurately track and reconcile its cash flow.
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PD "Mistery" Sremska Mitrovica treba da plati dug po fakturi 54 koja glasi na 270.000 din kako bi se iskoristio odobreni kasa skonto od 3%. Plaćanje će izvršiti:
Nalogom za uplatu u iznosu od 261.900
Nalogom za naplatu u iznosu od 270.000
Nalogom za isplatu u iznosu od 278.100
Nalogom za prenos u iznosu od 261.900
Correct Answer
D. Nalogom za prenos u iznosu od 261.900
Explanation The correct answer is "nalogom za prenos u iznosu od 261.900". This is because the question states that the PD "Mistery" Sremska Mitrovica needs to pay a debt of 270,000 dinars, but they can utilize a cash discount of 3%. To take advantage of this discount, they need to pay 3% less than the original amount, which is 270,000 - (270,000 * 0.03) = 261,900. Therefore, they should use a transfer order for the amount of 261,900 dinars.
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Pismo o bonifikaciji (knjižno pismo) sastavlja i šalje:
Poreska uprava
Correct Answer
C. Dobavljač
Explanation The correct answer is "dobavljač" because the letter about bonification (book letter) is composed and sent by the supplier.
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Kasa skonto je popust koji:
Dobavljač daje kupcu kada je roba lošijeg kvaliteta od ugovorenog
Dobavljač daje kupcu kada račun za kupljenu robu plati u dogovorenom roku
Kupac daje dobavljaču ako ispoštuje sve klauzule iz ugovora
Dobavljač daje kupcu kada ispoštuje sve dogovorene stavke ugovora
Correct Answer
B. Dobavljač daje kupcu kada račun za kupljenu robu plati u dogovorenom roku
Explanation Skonto je popust koji dobavljač daje kupcu kada račun za kupljenu robu plati u dogovorenom roku. This statement explains that skonto is a discount given by the supplier to the customer when the invoice for the purchased goods is paid within the agreed-upon timeframe.
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Bonifikacija je vrsta popusta koja se daje:
Kada je poslato više robe od naručene
Kada je faktura isplaćena pre isteka ugovorenog roka
Kada je roba ili proizvod oštećen pri transportu ili ne odgovara ugovorenom kvalitetu
Kada dobavljač želi da smanji dug kupcu zbog korektne saradnje
Correct Answer
C. Kada je roba ili proizvod oštećen pri transportu ili ne odgovara ugovorenom kvalitetu
Explanation Bonifikacija je vrsta popusta koja se daje kada je roba ili proizvod oštećen pri transportu ili ne odgovara ugovorenom kvalitetu. To znači da ako kupac primi robu koja je oštećena ili ne odgovara kvalitetu koji je dogovoren, dobavljač može ponuditi bonifikaciju kao način da ispravi grešku i zadovolji kupca. Ovo je način da se obe strane zadovolje i održe korektnu saradnju.
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PS "Sport" doo Niš sprovelo je kompenzaciju po izvodu banke sa PD "Mladost" Pančevo u iznosu od 120.000. Drugih promena na tekućem računu nije bilo. Kako sprovedena kompenzacija utiče na stanje novčanih sredstava na tekućem računu ?
Ne utiče na stanje novčanih sredstava na tekućem računu
Povećava novčana sredstva na tekućem računu
Smanjuje novčana sredstva na tekućem računu
Zavisi od situacije
Correct Answer
A. Ne utiče na stanje novčanih sredstava na tekućem računu
Explanation The given answer "ne utiče na stanje novčanih sredstava na tekućem računu" (does not affect the balance of funds in the current account) is correct because the transaction described is a compensation, which means that the amount of 120,000 is simply transferred from one account to another within the same bank. Therefore, there is no change in the total amount of funds in the current account.
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Neamortizovana vrednost osnovnog sredstva dobija se:
Kada se od nabavne vrednosti oduzme otpisana vrednost
Kada se od knjigovodstvene vrednosti oduzme prodajna vrednost
Kada se od nabavne vrednosti oduzme neotpisana vrednost
Kada se od nabavne vrednosti oduzme sadašnja vrednost
Correct Answer
A. Kada se od nabavne vrednosti oduzme otpisana vrednost
Explanation The correct answer is "kada se od nabavne vrednosti oduzme otpisana vrednost." This means that the unamortized value of a fixed asset is obtained by subtracting the written-off value from the purchase value. In other words, it represents the remaining value of the asset that has not been depreciated or written off.
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Prilikom rashodovanja neamortizovana vrednost knjiži se na kontu:
Ispravke vrednosti
Osnovnih sredstava
Correct Answer
B. Rashoda
Explanation During disposal, the unamortized value is recorded under the account of "rashoda".
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Odstupanje od planske nabavne cene je negativno kada je:
Stvarna nabavna vrednost veća od planske
Stvarna nabavna vrednost manja od planske
Stvarna nabavna vrednost jednaka planskoj
Planska nabavna vrednost veča od stvarne
Correct Answer
A. Stvarna nabavna vrednost veća od planske
Explanation The correct answer is "stvarna nabavna vrednost manja od planske." This is because "odstupanje" means deviation or difference, and "negativno" means negative. Therefore, when the actual purchase value is smaller than the planned value, it indicates a negative deviation from the planned purchase price.
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Nabavnu vrednost robe čini:
Neto imovina + zavisni troškovi
Neto fakturna vrednost + pdc + zavisni troškovi
Neto fakturna vrednost + pdv + razlika u ceni + zavisni troškovi nabavke
Neto fakturna vrednost + razlika u ceni
Neto fakturna vrednost + zavisni troškovi
Correct Answer
E. Neto fakturna vrednost + zavisni troškovi
Explanation The correct answer is "neto fakturna vrednost + zavisni troškovi" because it includes the net invoice value of the goods, which represents the cost of the goods purchased, and the dependent costs, which are additional costs associated with the acquisition of the goods. This combination accurately represents the total cost of the goods acquired.
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Na klasi 5 se evidentira:
Trošak prevoza kod nabavke materijala
Trošak montaže osnovnih sredstava
Interni obraćun prodaje robe
Obračunati trošak elektrićne energije za naredni mesec
Isplata neto zarade
Correct Answer
C. Interni obraćun prodaje robe
Explanation In class 5, the internal calculation of sales of goods is recorded. This means that the company is keeping track of the internal cost and revenue associated with the sale of its products. This could include factors such as the cost of production, overhead expenses, and any discounts or promotions applied to the sale. By monitoring the internal calculation of sales, the company can analyze the profitability of its products and make informed decisions regarding pricing, marketing, and production.
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Klauzula franko magacin dobavljača podrazumeva:
Zavisne troškove nabavke snosi dobavljač
Zavisne troškove nabavke snosi kupac
Nema zavisnih troškova
Zavisne troškove snose dobavljač i kupac podjednako
Correct Answer
B. Zavisne troškove nabavke snosi kupac
Explanation The correct answer is "zavisne troškove nabavke snosi kupac" which means "the dependent costs of procurement are borne by the buyer". This implies that the buyer is responsible for covering any additional costs associated with the procurement process.
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Da li je u fakturi inostranog dobavljača sadržan pdv?
U fakturi je sadržan pdv
Faktura je bez pdv-a
Zavisi od toga da li pd u sistemu pdv-a
Sadržan je uvek po opštoj stopi
Correct Answer
B. Faktura je bez pdv-a
Explanation The given answer states that "faktura je bez pdv-a" which means "the invoice is without VAT". This suggests that the invoice from the foreign supplier does not include any value-added tax.
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Na kontu 604 knjiži se:
Prodajna vrednost prodate robe sa pdv-om
Nabavna vrednost prodate robe
Prodajna vrednost prodate robe bez pdv-a
Nabavna vrednost prodate robe sa pdv-om
Correct Answer
C. Prodajna vrednost prodate robe bez pdv-a
Explanation On account 604, the sales value of goods sold without VAT is recorded. This means that when goods are sold, the amount received from the customer, excluding the value-added tax (VAT), is recorded in this account. This account helps in tracking the revenue generated from the sale of goods, excluding any taxes.
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Korisnici informacija upravljčkog računovodstva nisu:
Uprava preduzeća
Direktor plana i analize
Vlasnici preduzeća
šef računovodstva
Correct Answer
D. Dobavljači
Explanation The correct answer is "dobavljači". Dobavljači, or suppliers, are not users of management accounting information. Management accounting information is primarily used by internal users such as the management team, directors of planning and analysis, and the chief accounting officer. Suppliers, on the other hand, are external stakeholders who provide goods or services to the company and do not typically have access to or use management accounting information for decision-making within the organization.
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Po fakturi 115 prodata je mašina za 18.000 sa pdv-om po opštoj stopi. Prema podacima iz analitičke evidencije nabavna vrednost mašine je 60.000 dinara a otpisana vrednost 40.000 dinara. Prodajom mašine pd ostvaruje:
Dobitak u iznosu od 5.000
Gubitak u iznosu od 5.000
Dobitak u iznosu od 18.000
Gubitak u iznosu od 15.000
Correct Answer
B. Gubitak u iznosu od 5.000
Explanation The correct answer is "gubitak u iznosu od 5.000". This is because the selling price of the machine is 18,000 with VAT, which is lower than its original purchase cost of 60,000. Therefore, the company incurs a loss of 5,000 in the transaction.
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Am se ne obračunava na:
Transportna sredstva
Sredstva u pripremi
Građevinske objekte
Alat i inventar sa kalkulativnim otpisom
Correct Answer(s)
B. Zemljište C. Sredstva u pripremi
Explanation The correct answer is "zemljište" and "sredstva u pripremi". These two options refer to the calculation of amortization or depreciation on land and assets in preparation. Amortization or depreciation is a process of allocating the cost of an asset over its useful life. In this case, both land and assets in preparation are considered as fixed assets and are subject to amortization or depreciation.
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Analitička evidencija materijala vodi se u:
Magacinskoj evidenciji po količini i vrsti
Materijalnom knjigovodstvu po količini i vrednosti
Knjigovodstvu materijala po vrednosti
Sintetičkom knjigovodstvu po vrednosti
Materijalnom knjigovodstvu po vrsti, količini i vrednosti
Correct Answer
A. Magacinskoj evidenciji po količini i vrsti
Explanation The correct answer states that the analytical record of materials is kept in the warehouse inventory by quantity and type. This means that the warehouse keeps a detailed record of the materials they have in stock, including information about the quantity of each type of material. This allows for efficient management of inventory and helps in tracking and monitoring the materials in the warehouse.
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Izdata faktura za zakupninu za tekući mesec kod privrednog društva koje je u sistemu pdv-a knjiži se na kontima:
Correct Answer(s)
B. 204 E. 650 F. 470
Explanation The correct answer is 204, 650, 470. These accounts are used to record the rental expense for the current month for a business entity that is in the VAT system. Account 204 is used to record the VAT payable on the rental expense, account 650 is used to record the rental expense itself, and account 470 is used to record the VAT input tax credit that can be claimed on the rental expense.
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Poslovne knjige u dvojnom knjigovodstvu su:
Glavna knjiga
Pomoćne knnjige
Correct Answer(s)
A. Dnevnik C. Glavna knjiga F. Pomoćne knnjige
Explanation The correct answer includes three types of books used in double-entry bookkeeping. The "dnevnik" refers to the journal, which records all financial transactions in chronological order. The "glavna knjiga" is the general ledger, which contains all the accounts and their balances. Lastly, "pomoćne knjige" refers to subsidiary ledgers, which provide detailed information for specific accounts such as accounts receivable or accounts payable.
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U nabavnu vrednost osnovnih sredstava ne ulaze sledeći troškovi:
Održavanja i čuvanja
Osiguranja transporta
Pakovanja i sortiranja
Kala, rastura, kvara, loma
Correct Answer(s)
B. Održavanja i čuvanja D. Pakovanja i sortiranja E. Kala, rastura, kvara, loma
Explanation The costs of maintenance and storage, packaging and sorting, and damage, breakage, and loss are not included in the acquisition value of fixed assets.
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Iskorišćeni kasa skonto odobren kupcu:
Povećava potraživanje
Smanjuje potraživanje
Povećava obavezu
Smanjuje obavezu
Predstavlja rashod
Correct Answer(s)
B. Smanjuje potraživanje E. Predstavlja rashod
Explanation When a cash discount is granted to a customer, it reduces the amount of money that the customer owes, thus decreasing the accounts receivable or the amount the customer owes to the company. This reduction in the accounts receivable is considered a decrease in the company's assets. Additionally, the cash discount is treated as an expense for the company, as it represents a reduction in revenue. Therefore, the correct answer is "smanjuje potraživanje, predstavlja rashod" (reduces accounts receivable, represents an expense).
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Uspešnim kontima pripadaju:
Nabavna vrednost prodate robe
Zavisni troškovi nabavke materijala
Troškovi Am
Uzeti krediti
Unapred plaćena zakupnina
Pdv u primljenim fakturama
Correct Answer(s)
A. Nabavna vrednost prodate robe C. Troškovi Am
Explanation The correct answer includes "nabavna vrednost prodate robe" and "troškovi Am" because these are both items that contribute to the success of a business. The "nabavna vrednost prodate robe" refers to the cost of purchasing goods that are then sold to customers, which is a key aspect of generating revenue. The "troškovi Am" refers to the costs associated with operating and maintaining assets, such as equipment or property, which are necessary for the business to function effectively. Therefore, both of these factors are important for the overall financial performance of the business.
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Elementi pune cene koštanja su:
Troškovi materijala za izradu
Troškovi mesta troškova
Troškovi zarada izrade
Troškovi nabavke materijala
Razgraničeni zavisni troškovi
Troškovi uprave i prodaje
Troškovi proizvodnih usluga
Ostali proizvodni troškovi
Correct Answer(s)
A. Troškovi materijala za izradu C. Troškovi zarada izrade F. Troškovi uprave i prodaje H. Ostali proizvodni troškovi
Explanation The given answer includes the elements that contribute to the cost of production. These elements are the costs of materials used in production, the costs of labor wages, the costs of administration and sales, and other production costs. These factors are essential in determining the overall cost of producing a product or providing a service.
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Obaveza prema dobavljaču iz inostranstva iznosi 5.000 evra. U momentu plaćanja dinar je devalvirao 10% Devalvacija u navedenoj situaciji dovodi do nastanka:
Pozitivne kursne razlike od 60.000
Negativne kursne razlike od 60.000
Smanjenja rezultata poslovanja za 60.000
Povećanja rezultata poslovanja za 60.000
Povećanja rezultata i nastanka rashoda za isti iznos
Correct Answer
B. Negativne kursne razlike od 60.000
Explanation In this situation, the devaluation of the dinar by 10% means that the value of the currency has decreased. As a result, when paying the obligation of 5,000 euros, it will require a larger amount of dinars. This will lead to a negative exchange rate difference of 60,000, as the company will have to pay more dinars to fulfill the obligation.
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Ako je u dnevniku blagajne stanje gotovine 5.000 din a prebrojavanjem novca u kasi ustanovljeno je stanje od 4.820 din, u blagajni je nastao _____ od _____ din
Correct Answer manjak, 180
Explanation The given answer "manjak, 180" is correct because it accurately identifies the situation described in the question. The question states that the cash balance in the cash register is 5,000 din, but upon counting the money in the register, it is found to be 4,820 din. This means that there is a shortage or deficit of 180 din in the cash register.
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Isplaćena akontacija za službeni put za pd predstavlja _____ a za zaposlenog _____
Correct Answer potraživanje, obavezu
Explanation The given answer states that "Isplaćena akontacija za službeni put za pd predstavlja potraživanje, obavezu" which translates to "The advance payment for a business trip for the company represents a receivable, and for the employee, it represents a liability." This means that the company considers the advance payment as an amount owed to them by the employee (receivable) and the employee considers it as an amount they owe to the company (liability).
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U izlaznim fakturama pdv se knjiži na grupi _____ i za pd predstavlja _____
Correct Answer 47, obavezu
Explanation In the outgoing invoices, the value-added tax (PDV) is recorded under group 47 and represents an obligation.
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Plasirana finansijska sredstva do godinu dana za pd predstavljaju _____ i knjiže se na klasi _____
Correct Answer kratkoročno potraživanje, 2
Explanation Plasirana finansijska sredstva koja dospevaju u roku od godinu dana za privredno društvo predstavljaju kratkoročna potraživanja. Ta sredstva se knjiže na drugu klasu bilansa stanja, koja se odnosi na kratkoročnu imovinu.
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Pribavljena finansijska sredstva sa rokom dospeća preko godinu dana za pd predstavljaju _____ i knjiže se na klasi _____
Correct Answer dugoročnu obavezu, 4
Explanation The correct answer is "dugoročnu obavezu, 4". This means that the obtained financial resources with a maturity period of over one year for PD (presumably a business entity) represent a long-term liability and are recorded in class 4 (presumably a specific account or category in the financial records).
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Kalkulativni otpis primenjuje se kod alata i inventara koji se evidentira u klasi _____ sa vekom upotrebe _____
Correct Answer 0, dužim od godinu dana
Explanation The correct answer is 0, dužim od godinu dana. This means that the calculative write-off is applied to tools and inventory that are classified with a useful life longer than one year. This indicates that these assets are expected to be used for a significant period of time before being written off as expenses.
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Ako je nabavna vrednost osnovnog sredstva jednaka sadašnjoj vrednosti, kolika je amortizovana vrednost ?
Correct Answer 0
Explanation If the acquisition value of the fixed asset is equal to its current value, it means that the asset has not depreciated over time. Therefore, the depreciated value would be zero.
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Ako je u pitanju potpuno otpisano osnovno sredstvo, u kakvom su odnosu nabavna i otpisana vrednost ?
Correct Answer jednakom
Explanation When it comes to fully depreciated assets, the relationship between the purchase value and the written-off value is equal. This means that the written-off value of the asset is the same as its purchase value.
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Poresku osnovicu za obračun pdv-a prilikom ustupanja bez naknade osnovnih sredstava čini
Correct Answer SV
Rashod prilikom besplatnog ustupanja osnovnog sredstva ako je pd i sistemu pdv-a čini
Correct Answer sv i pdv
Explanation The correct answer is "sv i pdv." This means that the expense incurred during the free transfer of the fixed asset includes both the value-added tax (pdv) and the value of the asset itself (sv). This suggests that when a fixed asset is given away for free, the company still needs to account for the value of the asset as well as any applicable taxes.
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Planska nabavna cena materijala je _____ od stvarne nabavne cene kada je odstupanje od planske nabavne cene prekoračenje
Correct Answer manja
Explanation The given statement suggests that the planned procurement price of materials is lower than the actual procurement price when there is a deviation from the planned procurement price. Therefore, the answer "manja" (meaning "smaller" or "lower" in English) is correct as it aligns with the explanation provided.
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Funkcija konta 026
Correct Answer formiranje nv pre stavljanja os u upotrebu
Konačna situacija priža podatke o
Correct Answer nv i obračunat pdv
Explanation The answer "nv i obračunat pdv" suggests that the final situation provides information about "nv" (which could stand for "neto vrijednost" or "net value") and "obračunat pdv" (which could mean "calculated VAT"). This implies that the final situation includes data related to the net value and the calculated VAT, possibly indicating the financial status or tax obligations of a certain entity or transaction.
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Višak robe na kontu 674 knjiži se po _____ vrednosti
Correct Answer nabavnoj
Explanation The correct answer is "nabavnoj." This is because the sentence is asking how excess goods are recorded, and the word "nabavnoj" means "purchase" or "acquisition." Therefore, it is logical to conclude that excess goods are recorded based on their purchase value.
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Promena vrednosti zaliha gotovih proizvoda i nedovršene proizvodnje u toku godine evidentira se u _____
Correct Answer klasi 6
Explanation The change in value of finished goods and work in progress inventory during the year is recorded in class 6.
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Ostvarena bruto dobit iz tekućeg poslovanja raspoređuje se na
Correct Answer porez, dobit i neto dobit
Explanation The bruto dobit (gross profit) from current operations is distributed among three categories: porez (tax), dobit (profit), and neto dobit (net profit). This means that a portion of the gross profit is allocated to taxes, another portion is retained as profit, and the remaining amount is the net profit after deducting taxes.
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Odredi uticaj poslovne promene (povećava, smanjuje, ostaje isti) na zbir bilansa stanja
Kupljena je roba po fakturi u vrednosti od 12.000 _____
Correct Answer povećava
Explanation The purchase of goods on invoice for a value of 12,000 increases the total balance sheet. This is because the purchase of goods represents an increase in assets (inventory) and an increase in liabilities (accounts payable). Therefore, the overall effect is an increase in the total balance sheet.
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Odredi uticaj poslovne promene (povećava, smanjuje, ostaje isti) na zbir bilansa stanja
Sa tekućeg računa otplaćen je dugoročni kredit od 50.000 din _____
Correct Answer smanjuje
Explanation The given business change states that a long-term loan of 50,000 dinars has been repaid from the current account. This repayment of the loan reduces the balance of the current account, resulting in a decrease in the total balance sheet. Therefore, the correct answer is "smanjuje" (decreases).
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Odredi uticaj poslovne promene (povećava, smanjuje, ostaje isti) na zbir bilansa stanja
Po izvodu isplaćeno je dobavljaču 13.000 din _____
Correct Answer smanjuje
Explanation The payment of 13,000 dinars to the supplier reduces the balance of the accounts payable, therefore decreasing the total balance of the balance sheet.
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Odredi uticaj poslovne promene (povećava, smanjuje, ostaje isti) na zbir bilansa stanja
Nalogom za isplatu za potrebe blagajne podignuto je 5000 din _____
Correct Answer ostaje isti
Explanation The withdrawal of 5000 dinars for the cash register does not affect the total balance of the balance sheet. This is because the cash is considered an asset, and the withdrawal is simply a transfer from one asset account (cash) to another (cash register). Therefore, the total balance remains the same.
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Pri prodaji robe kupcu uz odobren rabat, osnovicu za obračun pdv-a čini
Correct Answer prodajna vrednost
Explanation The correct answer is "prodajna vrednost". When selling goods to a customer with an approved discount, the base for calculating VAT is the selling value. This means that the discounted price at which the goods are sold is used as the basis for calculating the VAT amount.
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Koja konta se koriste kada je kupac u postupku prinudne likvidacije
Correct Answer 585 i 209
Explanation The given correct answer states that accounts 585 and 209 are used when the customer is in the process of forced liquidation. These specific account numbers likely correspond to specific types of accounts or categories within a financial system that are designated for managing and tracking the assets and liabilities of customers who are undergoing forced liquidation. Without further context or information, it is difficult to provide a more detailed explanation.
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