Organ di bawah ini yang tidak membangun sistem organ pencernaan adalah...
Correct Answer
C. Diafragma
The diaphragm is a muscle located below the lungs that plays a crucial role in the respiratory system by helping in the process of breathing. It contracts and relaxes to control the volume of the thoracic cavity, allowing air to enter and leave the lungs. It is not involved in the digestive process and does not contribute to the digestive system. Therefore, the diaphragm is the organ listed that does not contribute to the digestive system.
Hubungan manakah yang benar antara organ, enzim yang dihasilkan serta fungsinya dari tabel proses pencernaan di bawah ini?
Enzim yang dihasilkan
Fungsi mengubah
A. Mulut
Amilum --> glukosa
B. lambung
Pepsin, Renin
Protein --> glukosa
C. pankreas
Gliserol --> asam lemak
D. usus 12 jari
Sukrosa --> asam amino
E. usus halus
Tripsinogen --> tripsin
Correct Answer
A. A
The correct answer is A. In the table, it shows that the organ is the mouth, the enzyme produced is ptialin, and its function is to convert starch (amilum) into glucose.
Berikut ini adalah hasil uji coba terhadap sejenis bahan makanan:
Berdasarkan data pada tabel di atas, secara berurutan 1,2 dan 3 dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahan makanan tersebut mengandung zat:
Correct Answer
B. Amilum, glukosa, protein
Based on the data in the table, it can be concluded that the food ingredient contains amylum, glucose, and protein. This is because the table shows the order of the substances present in the food ingredient, with amylum being the first substance, followed by glucose, and then protein.
Fungsi organ yang berlabel X pada gambar di bawah ini yaitu?
Correct Answer
D. Menghasilkan renin dan pepsin
The correct answer is "menghasilkan renin dan pepsin". The function of the organ labeled X in the image is to produce renin and pepsin.
Bagian alat pencernaan yang ikut berperan mencerna protein adalah...
Correct Answer
B. 2,3,4
The correct answer is 2,3,4. Bagian alat pencernaan yang ikut berperan mencerna protein adalah lambung, pankreas, dan usus halus. Lambung menghasilkan asam lambung dan enzim pepsinogen yang berperan dalam pencernaan protein. Pankreas menghasilkan enzim tripsinogen, kimotripsinogen, dan karboksipeptidase yang membantu memecah polipeptida menjadi peptida yang lebih kecil. Usus halus juga memiliki enzim pencernaan protein seperti peptidase, aminopeptidase, dan dipeptidase yang bertugas memecah peptida menjadi asam amino yang lebih sederhana.
Jenis penyakit yang diakibatkan kekurangan protein adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Marasmus
Marasmus is a condition caused by a lack of protein and overall malnutrition. It is characterized by severe wasting of muscle and fat tissue, leading to a significant weight loss and a general decline in physical and mental development. This condition is commonly seen in children in developing countries who do not have access to an adequate and balanced diet. Anemia, diabetes melitus, hipertensi, and avitaminosis are not directly caused by a lack of protein, making marasmus the correct answer.
Urutan perjalanan makanan melalui organ pencernaan yang benar adalah...
Correct Answer
E. Esofagus-lambung-usus besar-usus halus
The correct answer is esofagus-lambung-usus besar-usus halus. The esophagus is responsible for transporting food from the mouth to the stomach. Once in the stomach, the food is broken down further through the process of digestion. From the stomach, the partially digested food moves into the large intestine (usus besar) where water and nutrients are absorbed. Finally, the remaining waste passes into the small intestine (usus halus) where further digestion and absorption of nutrients occur.
Pembusukan makanan di usus besar dibantu oleh...
Correct Answer
B. Escherichia coli
Escherichia coli is a type of bacteria that plays a crucial role in the process of food decomposition in the large intestine. It is a natural inhabitant of the human gut and helps break down complex carbohydrates and other nutrients that were not fully digested in the small intestine. E. coli produces enzymes that can break down these undigested food particles, allowing for their further breakdown and absorption by the body. Therefore, E. coli aids in the decomposition of food in the large intestine.