Kita harus makan makanan yang ...
Correct Answer
C. Bergizi
We should eat nutritious food to maintain our health and well-being.
Tubuh kita butuh makanan agar tetap ...
Correct Answer
A. Sehat dan kuat
Our body needs food to stay healthy and strong. Eating nutritious food provides us with essential nutrients that support our overall well-being and help us maintain a strong immune system. A balanced diet also fuels our body with energy, enabling us to perform daily activities effectively. Therefore, the answer "sehat dan kuat" (healthy and strong) accurately describes the purpose of our body needing food.
Nasi adalah termasuk ...
Correct Answer
B. Makanan
The given answer "makanan" is correct because "nasi" is a type of food. In Indonesian language, "makanan" means food, and nasi is a staple food in many Indonesian dishes. It is a form of cooked rice and is commonly consumed as a main course or as a side dish with various accompaniments.
Jeruk dan apel termasuk ...
Correct Answer
C. Buah
Jeruk dan apel termasuk dalam kategori "buah" karena keduanya adalah jenis makanan yang berasal dari tanaman berbunga dan memiliki biji di dalamnya. Buah-buahan umumnya memiliki rasa manis atau asam, dan sering dikonsumsi segar atau diolah menjadi jus. Jeruk dan apel adalah contoh buah-buahan yang sering dikonsumsi dan memiliki banyak manfaat kesehatan.
gambar di atas adalah buah ...
Correct Answer
C. Pisang
The given correct answer is "pisang" because the image above represents a fruit, and out of the options provided (anggur, apel, and pisang), pisang is the only option that matches the image.
Olahraga membuat tubuh menjadi ...
Correct Answer
B. Sehat
The word "sehat" translates to "healthy" in English. Therefore, the correct answer suggests that sports or physical activities have a positive impact on the body, promoting good health and well-being.
Makanan yang akan dimakan harus ...
Correct Answer
B. Bersih
The correct answer is "bersih" because when it comes to food, it is important for it to be clean and hygienic before consuming it. Consuming dirty or contaminated food can lead to various health issues and foodborne illnesses. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the food we eat is clean and free from any harmful substances or bacteria.
Tidak cuci tangan sebelum makan bisa membuat sakit ...
Correct Answer
C. Perut
Not washing hands before eating can lead to the ingestion of harmful bacteria and germs. These pathogens can cause various gastrointestinal infections and illnesses, affecting the stomach and digestive system. Therefore, not washing hands before meals can make one sick, particularly affecting the stomach.
Benda yang kita minum adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Air
The correct answer is "air" because it is the most common and essential drink for humans. Water is necessary for our survival as it helps in maintaining body temperature, transporting nutrients, and removing waste from the body. It is also important for various bodily functions such as digestion, circulation, and lubrication of joints. Therefore, water is the most appropriate choice for the given question.
Memasak air untuk membunuh ...
Correct Answer
A. Kuman
The correct answer is "kuman" because boiling water is an effective method for killing bacteria. Boiling water at a high temperature for a certain period of time can destroy harmful microorganisms, making the water safe to consume or use for cooking. Boiling water is a common practice for sterilizing water in areas where the water source may be contaminated or in situations where clean water is not readily available.
Air yang sehat untuk diminum seperti ...
Correct Answer
A. Air putih
Air putih adalah pilihan yang sehat untuk diminum karena tidak mengandung zat tambahan seperti gula, kafein, atau kalori yang dapat berdampak negatif pada kesehatan. Air putih juga membantu menjaga keseimbangan cairan dalam tubuh, menjaga suhu tubuh, membantu pencernaan, dan menghilangkan racun dari tubuh. Sementara air kolam dan air selokan mengandung banyak bakteri dan bahan kimia yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit dan berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia.
Kita juga butuh air untuk ...
Correct Answer
B. Mandi
We also need water for bathing.
Celana dan kemeja termasuk ...
Correct Answer
C. Pakaian
The given question asks about the category that pants and shirts belong to. The correct answer is "pakaian" which means clothing in Indonesian. This answer is appropriate because pants and shirts are both types of clothing that people wear on their bodies. They are not related to food or vegetables, so those options can be ruled out. Therefore, the correct answer is "pakaian".
Kita memakai baju untuk melindungi ...
Correct Answer
B. Tubuh
We wear clothes to protect our body from various elements such as weather, insects, and harmful substances. Clothes act as a barrier between our skin and the external environment, providing insulation, protection from UV rays, and preventing injury or damage to our body. Wearing clothes also helps maintain modesty and cultural norms. In this context, wearing clothes is essential for protecting our body.
Pakaian melindungi kita dari ...
Correct Answer
A. Sinar matahari
Clothing protects us from the harmful rays of the sun, which can cause sunburn, skin damage, and increase the risk of skin cancer. Clothing acts as a physical barrier between our skin and the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays, reducing the amount of radiation that reaches our skin. Wearing protective clothing, such as long-sleeved shirts, pants, and wide-brimmed hats, can help prevent sunburn and other sun-related skin problems.
Pakaian yang sehat harus di ...
Correct Answer
A. Cuci
The correct answer is "cuci" because it means "to wash" in Indonesian. The question is asking what should be done to healthy clothes, and washing them is the appropriate action to ensure cleanliness and hygiene.
Pakaian yang tidak dicuci baunya menjadi ...
Correct Answer
B. Busuk
When clothes are not washed, they tend to accumulate dirt, sweat, and bacteria, which leads to a buildup of unpleasant odors. Therefore, the correct answer is "busuk," which means "foul" or "stinky" in English.
pakaian yang baik adalah yang ...
Correct Answer
A. Bersih
A good clothing is one that is clean and well-maintained. Cleanliness is an important aspect of good clothing as it reflects personal hygiene and tidiness. Clean clothes give a positive impression and are more appealing to others. Therefore, the correct answer is "bersih" which means clean in English.
Tubuh kita butuh udara untuk ...
Correct Answer
B. Bernafas
Our body needs air to breathe. Breathing is the process of taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. Oxygen is necessary for our cells to produce energy through cellular respiration. Without air, our body would not be able to obtain the oxygen it needs, leading to suffocation and eventually death. Therefore, the correct answer is "bernafas" which means "to breathe" in English.
Pada pagi hari udara terasa ...
Correct Answer
C. Segar
The correct answer is "segar". This is because "pada pagi hari" indicates that it is morning, and in the morning, the weather is usually cool and refreshing. Therefore, the word "segar" best describes the feeling of the air in the morning.
Jika banyak pohon maka udara terasa ...
Correct Answer
C. Sejuk
When there are many trees, the air tends to feel cool. Trees provide shade and release moisture through transpiration, which helps to lower the temperature and create a refreshing and cool environment. Therefore, the correct answer is "sejuk" which means cool.
Olahraga bisa dilakukan dengan ...
Correct Answer
B. Senam
Senam adalah cara yang tepat untuk melakukan olahraga. Tidur tidak termasuk dalam aktivitas olahraga, karena tidur adalah kegiatan istirahat yang dilakukan dalam posisi tidur. Diam juga bukan bentuk olahraga, karena olahraga melibatkan gerakan fisik yang aktif. Senam melibatkan gerakan tubuh yang teratur dan terkoordinasi, yang membantu meningkatkan kebugaran fisik dan kesehatan secara keseluruhan.
Saat badan terasa lelah harus ...
Correct Answer
C. Beristirahat
When the body feels tired, the best course of action is to rest. Resting allows the body to recover and recharge, giving it the opportunity to heal and regain energy. This can involve taking a break, lying down, or simply doing nothing for a period of time. By choosing to beristirahat (rest), the body can rejuvenate and be ready for the next activity or task.
Tidur siang adalah contoh ...
Correct Answer
B. Istirahat
The correct answer is "istirahat" because the question is asking for an example of something, and "istirahat" means rest in Indonesian. Taking a nap or having a siesta during the day is a common example of rest or relaxation.
Tubuh butuh istirahat agar ...
Correct Answer
B. Segar kembali
The body needs rest in order to feel refreshed and rejuvenated.