Rumah yang sehati mempunyai ...
Correct Answer
B. Jendela
A healthy house should have windows. Windows allow natural light and fresh air to enter the house, improving the overall air quality and creating a more comfortable living environment. Windows also provide a means of ventilation, which helps to prevent the buildup of moisture and mold. Additionally, windows allow for views of the outside world, which can have a positive impact on mental well-being.
rumah yang sehat harus selalu ...
Correct Answer
C. Dibersihkan
A healthy house should always be cleaned to maintain a hygienic and safe living environment. Regular cleaning helps to remove dust, dirt, allergens, and germs that can accumulate and cause health issues. It also helps to prevent the growth of mold, mildew, and pests, which can lead to respiratory problems and allergies. Cleaning regularly also promotes good mental health by creating a clean and organized space that is pleasant to live in. Therefore, keeping a house clean is an essential aspect of maintaining a healthy living environment.
Setelah belajar buku-buku harus ...
Correct Answer
C. Dirapikan
After studying books, they should be tidied up.
Membersihkan sampah lebih mudah menggunakan ...
Correct Answer
C. Sapu
The correct answer is "sapu" because a "sapu" or broom is commonly used for cleaning and sweeping away trash or debris. It is a tool specifically designed for this purpose and is more efficient and effective in cleaning compared to using a "piring" (plate) or "kayu" (wood).
Sampah daun yang sudah menumpuk sebaiknya ...
Correct Answer
A. Dibakar
The correct answer is "dibakar". This is because when leaves pile up, they can become a breeding ground for pests and diseases. Burning the leaves helps to eliminate these potential threats and also serves as a form of waste management. Additionally, burning the leaves can provide a source of heat or energy if done in a controlled and environmentally friendly manner.
Rumah yang kotor baunya ...
Correct Answer
A. Tidak sedap
The correct answer is "tidak sedap" because the sentence states that the house is dirty, and then asks about the smell. "Tidak sedap" means "not pleasant" or "unpleasant," which would be an appropriate description for the smell of a dirty house.
Sampah di selokan bisa menyebabkan ...
Correct Answer
C. Banjir
Sampah di selokan dapat menyebabkan banjir. Sampah yang terbuang ke selokan dapat menyumbat aliran air, sehingga air tidak dapat mengalir dengan lancar. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan meluapnya air hujan atau air limbah, yang pada gilirannya dapat menyebabkan banjir. Sampah yang menumpuk di selokan juga dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan selokan untuk menampung air, sehingga meningkatkan risiko banjir saat terjadi curah hujan yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk menjaga kebersihan selokan dengan membuang sampah pada tempatnya agar dapat mencegah banjir.
Asap dapat berasal dari ...
Correct Answer
B. Kendaraan
ASAP dapat berasal dari kendaraan karena kendaraan seringkali menghasilkan gas buang yang mengandung berbagai zat berbahaya seperti karbon monoksida, hidrokarbon, dan nitrogen dioksida. Gas-gas ini dapat membentuk partikel-partikel kecil yang mengambang di udara dan membentuk asap. Oleh karena itu, kendaraan bisa menjadi salah satu sumber utama asap di lingkungan.
Lingkungan rumah yang tidak sehat contohnya ...
Correct Answer
C. Banyak sampah
A house environment that is unhealthy can be characterized by several factors, one of which is the presence of a lot of garbage. This indicates poor waste management and can lead to various health hazards such as the breeding of disease-carrying pests, foul odors, and contamination of air, soil, and water sources. Therefore, the presence of a significant amount of garbage contributes to an unhealthy home environment.
lingkungan yang tidak sehat bisa membuat kita ...
Correct Answer
B. Sakit
An unhealthy environment can make us sick.
Kamar tidur yang bersih membuat tidur menjadi ...
Correct Answer
B. Nyaman
A clean bedroom makes sleep comfortable.
udara dari luar dapat masuk ke rumah melalui ...
Correct Answer
C. Jendela
Jendela adalah pintu atau lubang yang terdapat di dinding rumah yang dapat dibuka dan ditutup. Jendela adalah salah satu cara udara dari luar dapat masuk ke dalam rumah.
Di bawah pohon udaranya terasa ...
Correct Answer
A. Sejuk
The correct answer is "sejuk" because the phrase "di bawah pohon" suggests that the person is under a tree, which provides shade and a cooler temperature. Therefore, the air would feel cool or "sejuk" in this context.
Jika kelas kita bersih maka belajar akan terasa ...
Correct Answer
B. Menyenangkan
If our classroom is clean, then studying will feel enjoyable.
Orang yang wajib menjaga kebersihan adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Semua orang
Semua orang wajib menjaga kebersihan karena kebersihan merupakan tanggung jawab bersama untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang sehat dan nyaman bagi semua orang. Tidak hanya anak-anak atau orang tua, tetapi semua orang harus ikut berpartisipasi dalam menjaga kebersihan agar dapat mencegah penyebaran penyakit dan menjaga keindahan lingkungan.
Di sekolah kita tidak boleh membuang sampah ...
Correct Answer
B. Sembarangan
The correct answer is "sembarangan." This means that in school, we are not allowed to throw trash carelessly or anywhere we want. We are expected to dispose of our waste properly in designated trash bins or containers.
Kita dapat membantu ibu membersihkan rumah dengan ...
Correct Answer
C. Menyapu halaman
The correct answer is "menyapu halaman". This is because the phrase "membantu ibu membersihkan rumah dengan" suggests that we are helping our mother clean the house. "Menyapu halaman" means sweeping the yard, which is a common task in house cleaning. The other options, "membuat sampah" (making trash) and "menanam pohon" (planting trees), do not directly relate to cleaning the house.
Membersihkan kaca jendela lebih mudah menggunakan ...
Correct Answer
A. Lap
The correct answer is "lap". This is because a "lap" is a cloth or towel that is commonly used for cleaning or wiping surfaces, including windows. It is specifically designed for cleaning purposes, making it the most suitable tool for cleaning window glass.
Tanaman akan tumbuh subur jika diberi ...
Correct Answer
C. Pupuk
Pupuk adalah bahan yang diberikan pada tanaman untuk memberikan nutrisi yang diperlukan agar tanaman dapat tumbuh subur. Tanaman membutuhkan nutrisi seperti nitrogen, fosfor, dan kalium yang terdapat dalam pupuk. Dengan memberikan pupuk, tanaman akan mendapatkan nutrisi yang cukup untuk pertumbuhannya, sehingga tanaman akan tumbuh subur.
Lalat dan nyamuk bisa menyebabkan ...
Correct Answer
A. Penyakit
Lalat dan nyamuk dapat menyebabkan penyakit.
Udara yang segar dibutuhkan ...
Correct Answer
C. Semua orang
Fresh air is needed by everyone, including children and adults. It is important for everyone's health and well-being to have access to clean and fresh air. Fresh air helps in improving the respiratory system, boosting the immune system, and enhancing overall mental and physical health. Therefore, it is essential for all individuals, regardless of age, to have access to fresh air for a healthy and fulfilling life.
jika merawat hewan harus kita beri ...
Correct Answer
B. Makanan
The correct answer is "makanan" because when taking care of animals, it is essential to provide them with food. Food is necessary for their survival and overall well-being. Without proper nutrition, animals may become malnourished or suffer from health issues. Therefore, providing them with the right type and amount of food is crucial in maintaining their health and ensuring their proper growth and development.
Sungai yang bersih bisa membuat ...
Correct Answer
A. Banyak ikannya
A clean river can support a healthy ecosystem, providing a suitable habitat for fish to thrive. When a river is clean, it means that the water quality is good, with minimal pollution and contaminants. This creates an ideal environment for fish to breed, feed, and grow, leading to an abundance of fish in the river. Therefore, a clean river can result in a higher population of fish.
Kita harus memelihara lingkungan agar tetap ...
Correct Answer
C. Bersih
We must maintain the environment to keep it clean.
Hewan yang bisa kita pelihara di rumah adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Kucing
Kucing adalah hewan yang bisa kita pelihara di rumah. Mereka adalah hewan peliharaan yang umum dan populer di banyak rumah di seluruh dunia. Kucing adalah hewan yang lincah, bersahabat, dan dapat menjadi teman yang baik bagi manusia. Mereka juga relatif mudah dirawat dan mandiri, sehingga cocok untuk dijadikan hewan peliharaan di rumah.