Benda yang mudah bergerak di antaranya adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Bola
Bola adalah benda yang mudah bergerak karena memiliki bentuk bulat dan dapat digerakkan dengan mudah melalui dorongan atau tendangan. Meja dan lemari, di sisi lain, adalah benda yang cenderung lebih berat dan sulit untuk bergerak dengan mudah.
kelereng lebih mudah bergerak karena berbentuk ...
Correct Answer
A. Bulat
Marbles are easier to move because they are round in shape. The round shape allows them to roll smoothly on a flat surface, reducing friction and making it easier for them to move. Additionally, the round shape also provides stability and balance, preventing them from easily tipping over or getting stuck.
lemari besi sulit digerakkan karena ...
Correct Answer
A. Lebar
The correct answer is "lebar". This is because the word "lemari" refers to a cabinet or wardrobe, and the word "lebar" means wide. Therefore, the statement suggests that a steel cabinet is difficult to move because of its width, implying that it may be too large or cumbersome to fit through doorways or navigate around tight spaces.
Mobil mudah bergerak karena memiliki ...
Correct Answer
C. Roda
Mobil mudah bergerak karena memiliki roda. Roda memungkinkan mobil untuk bergerak dengan mudah dan lancar di atas permukaan jalan. Tanpa roda, mobil akan sulit untuk bergerak dan tidak dapat mencapai kecepatan yang diinginkan. Roda juga membantu dalam mengurangi gesekan dan memungkinkan mobil untuk bermanuver dengan lebih baik.
Kita bisa menggerakkan meja dengan cara ...
Correct Answer
B. Didorong
The correct answer is "didorong" because it means "pushed" in English. This implies that we can move the table by pushing it.
Bola akan menggelinding jauh dipermukaan yang ...
Correct Answer
B. Rata
The correct answer is "rata" because a flat surface provides less resistance to the rolling motion of a ball compared to surfaces with grass or rocks. With a flat surface, there are no obstacles or unevenness that would impede the ball's movement, allowing it to roll far.
jarum jam dinding dapat bergerak karena di dalamnya terdapat ...
Correct Answer
C. Baterai
The correct answer is "baterai" because the movement of the clock hands is powered by a battery.
Benda di bawah ini yang sulit digerakkan adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Rumah
The correct answer is "rumah" because a house is a large and heavy object that is difficult to move compared to a bicycle or roller skates.
Di jalan yang halus maka mobil berjalan dengan ....
Correct Answer
B. Lancar
The correct answer is "lancar" because when a car is driving on a smooth road, it can move smoothly without any obstacles or difficulties.
Ketika jalannya turun maka sepeda bisa ...
Correct Answer
C. Jalan sendiri
When the road goes downhill, the bike can move on its own without the need for pedaling or any external force. This is because gravity helps the bike gain momentum and move forward without much effort from the rider.
Benda di bawah yang paling cepat digelindingkan adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Semangka
Semangka adalah benda yang paling cepat digelindingkan karena bentuknya yang bulat dan licin serta beratnya yang relatif ringan. Semangka dapat dengan mudah digelindingkan dengan sedikit dorongan atau miringkan permukaannya. Sementara itu, batu bata dan genteng memiliki bentuk yang lebih tidak bulat dan berat yang lebih besar, sehingga sulit untuk digelindingkan dengan mudah.
Bermain kelereng lebih enak di lantai yang ...
Correct Answer
C. Rata
The correct answer is "rata". This means that playing marbles is more enjoyable on a flat surface.
Bola lebih mudah menggelinding di ...
Correct Answer
C. Atas tanah rata
A ball rolls more easily on flat ground because there are no obstacles or uneven surfaces to impede its movement. The smooth and even surface of flat ground allows the ball to roll smoothly without any resistance. On the other hand, mud, gravel, or uneven surfaces like rocks can create friction and hinder the ball's rolling motion. Therefore, it is easier for a ball to roll on flat ground compared to other surfaces like mud or gravel.
Batu kali di atas meja sulit di gelindingkan karena batu kali bentuknya ...
Correct Answer
A. Kasar
The correct answer is "kasar" because batu kali yang memiliki permukaan yang kasar akan sulit digelindingkan di atas meja. Permukaan yang kasar akan memberikan gesekan yang lebih besar dengan meja, sehingga batu kali tidak akan dapat bergerak dengan mudah.
delman dapat bergerak karena ditarik oleh ...
Correct Answer
C. Kuda
Delman dapat bergerak karena ditarik oleh kuda.
Motor digerakkan oleh ...
Correct Answer
C. Mesin
The correct answer is "mesin" because "mesin" is the Indonesian word for "engine" and it is the most logical choice for what drives a motor. Both "kuda" (horse) and "sapi" (cow) are living beings and it is unlikely that they would be used to power a motor. Option 4 is not a valid option since it does not provide any relevant information.
Gerobak di jalanan berbatu akan ...
Correct Answer
B. Sulit bergerak
When a cart is on a rocky road, it becomes difficult to move because the uneven surface of the road creates obstacles and resistance, making it harder for the cart to roll smoothly. Therefore, the correct answer is "sulit bergerak" which means "difficult to move".
benda dapat bergerak karena ...
Correct Answer
B. Didengar
Objects can move because they are heard. This suggests that sound waves or vibrations can cause objects to move. For example, a loud noise can cause objects to shake or vibrate, leading to movement. This explanation aligns with the options provided and the given answer.
Budi dan teman-teman suka bermain bola di lapangan
di lapangan bolanya mudah menggelinding
di lapangan juga tanahnya ...
Correct Answer
B. Rata
The correct answer is "rata". This is because the sentence mentions that the ball is easy to roll on the field, indicating that the field is smooth and level, or "rata" in Indonesian.
Manusia dapat menggerakkan meja dengan cara ...
Correct Answer
A. Didorong
Manusia dapat menggerakkan meja dengan cara didorong.
Mainan yang tidak menggunakan batu baterai adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Ketapel
The correct answer is ketapel because a ketapel, also known as a slingshot, does not require batteries to operate. It is a simple weapon or toy that uses elastic bands or other flexible materials to propel small objects. In contrast, both mobil-mobilan (toy cars) and robots often require batteries to power their movements and functions. Therefore, ketapel is the only option that fits the criteria of not using batteries.
Mobil mogok yang didorong akan ...
Correct Answer
A. Bisa bergerak
The correct answer is "bisa bergerak" because when a car's engine is not working or "mogok," it means that the car cannot move forward or backward on its own. However, if the car is pushed or towed by another vehicle, it can still be moved. Therefore, the car can still "bergerak" or move, but only with external assistance.
Magnet adalah benda yang dapat menarik ...
Correct Answer
B. Besi
Magnet adalah benda yang dapat menarik besi. Ini karena magnet memiliki medan magnet yang dapat menarik benda-benda yang terbuat dari besi. Medan magnet yang dihasilkan oleh magnet menarik partikel-partikel yang terdapat dalam besi, sehingga besi dapat tertarik oleh magnet.
Tenaga yang menggerakkan kipas angin adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Listrik
The correct answer is "listrik" because electrical energy is what powers a fan to rotate and produce wind. Without electricity, the fan would not be able to function and create airflow.
Kincir air dapat bergerak di ...
Correct Answer
C. Sungai
The correct answer is sungai. This is because kincir air, which translates to water wheel in English, is specifically designed to move in water bodies such as rivers. It utilizes the flow of water to generate power and perform its function. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that kincir air can move in a river.