Berikut ini adalah permasalahan yang masih terjadi di daerah, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
B. Reboisasi
The given options are all issues that are still occurring in the area, except for reforestation. Reforestation refers to the process of planting trees in an area that has been deforested. Therefore, it can be inferred that reforestation is not a problem that is currently being faced in the area.
Hal-hal yang terjadi di masyarakat yang bertentangan atau tidak sesuai dengan harapan orang banyak dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
C. Masalah sosial
Masalah sosial adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan hal-hal yang terjadi di masyarakat yang tidak sesuai dengan harapan orang banyak. Ini mencakup berbagai masalah seperti kemiskinan, pengangguran, kekerasan, narkoba, dan lain-lain. Masalah sosial sering mempengaruhi kualitas hidup masyarakat secara keseluruhan dan membutuhkan perhatian dan tindakan kolektif untuk diatasi.
Kebiasaan masyarakat yang bisa menyebabkan masalah sosial berupa banjir adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Buang sampah sembarangan
The correct answer is "Buang sampah sembarangan" because improper waste disposal can lead to clogged drains and waterways, which in turn can cause flooding during heavy rainfall. When people throw garbage indiscriminately, it blocks the flow of water and prevents it from draining properly. This can result in water overflowing onto the streets and causing floods. Therefore, the habit of throwing trash irresponsibly contributes to social problems such as flooding.
Sampah yang menjadi masalah di masyarakat adalah sampah yang ....
Correct Answer
B. Dibiarkan
The correct answer is "Dibiarkan". This answer suggests that the problematic waste in society is left or abandoned, indicating that it is not properly managed or disposed of. This can lead to various environmental and health issues.
Para pedagang kaki lima yang berjualan di badan jalan dapat menambah ....
Correct Answer
D. Kemacetan
The correct answer is "Kemacetan" because street vendors who sell on the roadside often face the issue of traffic congestion, which can affect their business. Traffic congestion can lead to slower movement of vehicles, making it difficult for customers to access the vendors' stalls. This can result in a decrease in sales and income for the street vendors. Therefore, "Kemacetan" is the most appropriate answer in this context.
Pembangunan yang menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan adalah membangun ....
Correct Answer
A. Kios di trotoar
The correct answer is "Kios di trotoar". This is because building kiosks on the sidewalk can cause discomfort and inconvenience for pedestrians. Sidewalks are meant for walking and should be kept clear for pedestrians to move freely and safely. When kiosks are built on the sidewalk, they obstruct the path and force pedestrians to walk on the road, which can be dangerous. Additionally, kiosks on the sidewalk can create congestion and make it difficult for people with disabilities or strollers to navigate through.
Bangunan liar dibawah jembatan yang dibangun sembarangan bisa terkena ....
Correct Answer
D. Razia
The correct answer is "Razia." Razia refers to a sudden inspection or raid conducted by authorities to enforce laws and regulations. In this context, the wild buildings constructed haphazardly under the bridge can be subject to a raid by the authorities to ensure compliance with building regulations and safety standards.
Berikut adalah masalah sosial yang terjadi di kota adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Kemacetan
The correct answer is "Kemacetan" because it is mentioned as a social problem that occurs in the city. The other options, such as "Bangunan mewah," "Kesehatan," and "Kerapian," are not mentioned as social problems in the given information. Therefore, Kemacetan is the most appropriate answer based on the given context.
Berikut ini adalah hal yang bisa menambah kemacetan kecuali, ....
Correct Answer
D. Lampu lalu-lintas
The given options are all factors that can contribute to traffic congestion, except for traffic lights. Damaged roads, overflowing markets, and street vendors can all cause traffic congestion by reducing the available space for vehicles to pass through. However, traffic lights are actually designed to regulate the flow of traffic and prevent congestion. Therefore, the correct answer is "Lampu lalu-lintas" (Traffic lights) as it does not add to traffic congestion.
Kemacetan bisa menimbulkan ....
Correct Answer
C. Polusi udara
Kemacetan bisa menimbulkan polusi udara karena saat kendaraan berhenti atau berjalan dengan kecepatan yang sangat lambat dalam kemacetan, mesin kendaraan akan terus bekerja dan menghasilkan emisi gas buang yang dapat mencemari udara. Jumlah kendaraan yang berada dalam kemacetan juga dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi polutan udara seperti partikel debu, gas beracun, dan bahan kimia berbahaya lainnya. Polusi udara yang dihasilkan oleh kemacetan dapat berdampak negatif pada kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan sekitar.
Masalah sosial yang dialami pelajar adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Putus sekolah
The correct answer is "Putus sekolah". This means that the social problem experienced by students is dropping out of school. This suggests that the students are facing difficulties or challenges that lead them to leave their education prematurely. This issue can have various underlying reasons such as financial constraints, lack of support or motivation, or personal circumstances that prevent them from continuing their studies.
Orang tua yang terlalu sibuk dan tidak memperhatikan anaknya bisa mengakibatkan ....
Correct Answer
C. Kenakalan anak
When parents are too busy and do not pay attention to their children, it can lead to the child engaging in misbehavior or delinquency. Lack of parental supervision and guidance can result in the child seeking attention and validation through negative behaviors.
Orang yang tidak mempunyai pekerjaan dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
C. Pengangguran
Orang yang tidak mempunyai pekerjaan dinamakan pengangguran. This answer correctly identifies the term for someone who is unemployed.
Contoh kenakalan remaja adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Balapan liar
Balapan liar is an example of juvenile delinquency because it involves illegal and dangerous activities such as racing on public roads without proper permits or safety measures. This behavior is considered deviant and unlawful, as it puts not only the participants but also innocent bystanders at risk of accidents and injuries. Juvenile delinquency refers to the involvement of young individuals in criminal or antisocial activities, and engaging in illegal street racing falls under this category.
Cara mencegah pengangguran diantaranya adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Membuka lapangan kerja baru
Membuka lapangan kerja baru adalah salah satu cara untuk mencegah pengangguran. Dengan membuka lapangan kerja baru, akan ada lebih banyak kesempatan kerja yang tersedia bagi para pencari kerja. Hal ini akan membantu mengurangi tingkat pengangguran di suatu daerah atau negara.
Berikut yang bukan kenakalan remaja adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Belajar silat
Belajar silat bukan termasuk dalam kategori kenakalan remaja. Kenakalan remaja lebih merujuk pada perilaku negatif yang melanggar norma dan aturan yang berlaku dalam masyarakat, seperti tawuran, mabuk-mabukan, dan pergaulan bebas. Belajar silat, di sisi lain, adalah kegiatan yang dapat memberikan manfaat positif bagi remaja, seperti disiplin, kebugaran, dan keterampilan bertahan diri. Oleh karena itu, belajar silat tidak dapat dianggap sebagai kenakalan remaja.
Berikut yang bukan dampak buruk dari sampah yang menumpuk dibiarkan adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Lingkungan indah
Dampak buruk dari sampah yang menumpuk dibiarkan termasuk bau busuk, penyebaran penyakit, dan lingkungan yang kotor. Namun, lingkungan indah tidak termasuk dalam dampak buruk dari sampah yang menumpuk dibiarkan.
Cara mencegah kenakalan remaja adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Memberikan perhatian yang rutin
Giving regular attention is a way to prevent juvenile delinquency. By providing consistent attention, parents or guardians can establish a strong bond with teenagers and create a supportive environment. Regular attention allows parents to understand their teenager's needs, concerns, and challenges, and helps in addressing them effectively. It also helps in monitoring their activities, guiding them towards positive behaviors, and providing necessary guidance and support. This approach fosters a sense of security, belonging, and emotional well-being in teenagers, reducing the likelihood of engaging in delinquent behaviors.
Berikut adalah upaya-upaya untuk mencegah anak putus sekolah, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
D. Program KB
The given options are all measures to prevent children from dropping out of school. However, the Program KB (Keluarga Berencana/Family Planning Program) is unrelated to education and focuses on controlling population growth through birth control methods. Therefore, it is the exception among the given options.
Dampak buruk terjadinya kemacetan adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Pekerjaan tertunda
The negative impact of traffic congestion is that it causes delays in completing tasks or jobs, leading to postponed or unfinished work.
Banyaknya masalah sosial dapat mengakibatkan hidup menjadi merasa ....
Correct Answer
B. Tidak nyaman
The correct answer is "Tidak nyaman". The question states that a high number of social problems can result in life feeling uncomfortable. This implies that the presence of social problems can create an atmosphere of unease and discomfort.
Kita dapat mencegah masalah sosial dimulai berbuat sesuai aturan dari ....
Correct Answer
C. Diri sendiri
To prevent social problems, it is important to start by behaving according to the rules oneself. This means taking personal responsibility for one's actions and making sure to follow societal norms and guidelines. While others, such as parents and friends, can also have an influence on one's behavior, ultimately it is up to the individual to make the choice to act in a socially responsible manner.
Menyalakan telvisi dan radio terlalu keras dapat menyebabkan ....
Correct Answer
B. Tetangga terganggu
When the TV and radio are turned on too loudly, it can cause disturbance to the neighbors. This is because the loud noise can disrupt their peace and quiet, making it difficult for them to concentrate or relax. Therefore, the correct answer is "Tetangga terganggu" which means "Neighbors are disturbed" in English.
Contoh kenakalan remaja yang membahayakan para pengguna jalan lain adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Kebut-kebutan di jalan
Kebut-kebutan di jalan adalah contoh kenakalan remaja yang membahayakan para pengguna jalan lain. Tindakan ini melibatkan mengemudi dengan kecepatan yang berlebihan dan tidak mematuhi aturan lalu lintas, yang dapat menyebabkan kecelakaan serius dan membahayakan nyawa orang lain di jalan.
Peran keluarga dalam mencegah kenakalan remaja adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Mendidik anak dengan baik
The correct answer is "Mendidik anak dengan baik." The role of the family in preventing juvenile delinquency is to educate children properly. This means teaching them values, morals, and responsible behavior. By providing guidance and setting boundaries, parents can help steer their children away from engaging in delinquent activities.