Ibadah yang mensyaratkan kesucian adalah
Correct Answer
A. Shalat
The correct answer is Shalat because it is an act of worship that requires purity. In Islam, before performing the prayer, one must perform ablution (wudu) to cleanse themselves physically and spiritually. This act of purification is essential for the validity of the prayer. Therefore, Shalat is the ibadah that necessitates purity.
اَلاِسْلاَمُ نَظِيْفٌ فَتَنَظَّفُوْا فَإِنَّهُ لاَ يَدْخُلُ الْجَنَّةَ اِلاَّ نَظِيْفٌ hadits tersebut menjelaskan bahwa tidak masuk surga kecuali orang yang….
Correct Answer
C. Bersih
The given correct answer for this question is "Bersih". The hadith states that "Islam is clean, so clean yourselves, for none shall enter Paradise except the clean." This implies that cleanliness is an important aspect of Islam and those who are clean will be able to enter Paradise. Therefore, the word "Bersih" is the most appropriate choice as it directly relates to the concept of cleanliness mentioned in the hadith.
Taqdir terbagi dua bagian, yaitu…
Correct Answer
B. Muallaq dan Mubram
The correct answer is "Muallaq dan Mubram". This answer is correct because "Muallaq dan Mubram" are two terms used in Islamic jurisprudence to categorize the status of a marriage contract. "Muallaq" refers to a marriage contract that is suspended or conditional, while "Mubram" refers to a marriage contract that is confirmed or unconditional. These terms are important in determining the validity and obligations of a marriage contract in Islamic law.
Contoh taqdir muallaq adalah
Correct Answer
A. Kemiskinan
Taqdir muallaq refers to a concept in Islamic belief that suggests that certain aspects of a person's life, such as poverty, gender, death, and marriage, are predetermined by fate or destiny. In this context, the correct answer is "Kemiskinan" which means poverty. This suggests that according to the concept of taqdir muallaq, poverty is believed to be predetermined or fated for some individuals.
Beriman kepada qada dan qodar termasuk rukun iman yang ke..
Correct Answer
D. Enam
Beriman kepada qada dan qodar termasuk rukun iman yang ke enam. This statement is in Indonesian and it states that believing in qada and qodar is the sixth pillar of faith.
اَلنَّظَافَةُ مِنَ اْلاِيْمَانِ "kebersihan itu
Correct Answer
D. Islam
The given correct answer is "Islam". This suggests that cleanliness is considered an important aspect in the Islamic faith. In Islam, cleanliness is not only related to physical hygiene but also to spiritual purity. It is believed that maintaining cleanliness and purity in both the physical and spiritual aspects leads to a healthier and more righteous life.
إِنَّ اللهَ لاَ يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوْمٍ حَتَّى ........ مَا بِأَنْفُسِهِمْ kalimat yang tepat untuk menyempurnakan ayat tersebut adalah
Correct Answer
A. يُغَيِّرُوْا
The correct answer is "يُغَيِّرُوْا". This is the correct form of the verb "to change" in the present tense, third person plural. The sentence is talking about how Allah does not change what is in a people until they change what is in themselves. Therefore, the correct form of the verb should match the subject of the sentence, which is a plural pronoun.
Membenarkan dengan hati, diucapkan dengan lisan dan diamalkan dengan perbuatan/tindakan, adalah pengertian dari…
Correct Answer
A. Iman
Iman is the correct answer because it refers to the belief in the heart, affirmation with the tongue, and actions in accordance with those beliefs. It encompasses not only the belief in Allah and His Messenger, but also the obedience to their teachings and the implementation of Islamic principles in one's daily life. Iman is a comprehensive concept that encompasses both belief and action, making it the most suitable answer among the given options.
Takdir Allah berlaku untuk ..
Correct Answer
D. Semua ciptaan Allah
The correct answer is "Semua ciptaan Allah" which means "All of Allah's creations". This implies that the destiny or fate determined by Allah applies to all beings that He has created, including angels, jinn, demons, and humans. It emphasizes the belief that Allah has control over the destinies of all His creations and that nothing happens without His knowledge and permission.
Orang yang beriman kepada qada dan qadar Allah tidak akan berpangku tangan dan bermalasan-malasan, akan tetapi ia harus berikhtiar. makna yang tepat untuk arti ikhtiar adalah..
Correct Answer
C. Berusaha
The correct answer is "Berusaha". This is because someone who believes in the qada and qadar of Allah understands that they have a role to play in their own lives. They do not simply sit back and do nothing, but instead, they make efforts and strive to achieve their goals. They understand that while Allah has predetermined certain events, they still have the responsibility to take action and put in the necessary effort. Therefore, "berusaha" or "making efforts" is the appropriate meaning for the term "ikhtiar" in this context.
Berikut ini adalah manfaat iman kepada qada dan qadar Allah, kecuali…
Correct Answer
B. Pesimis
Iman kepada qada dan qadar Allah mengajarkan kita untuk menerima takdir yang telah ditentukan oleh-Nya. Dengan memiliki iman ini, seseorang tidak akan mudah putus asa dan tetap optimis menghadapi segala situasi. Namun, pesimis adalah kebalikan dari sikap optimis. Jadi, pesimis bukanlah manfaat iman kepada qada dan qadar Allah.
Kebersihan meliputi aspek …..,
Correct Answer
D. Lahir dan batin
The correct answer is "Lahir dan batin". This answer is correct because "lahir" refers to the physical cleanliness of a person or a place, while "batin" refers to the spiritual or inner cleanliness. Therefore, the answer encompasses both the external and internal aspects of cleanliness.
Orang yang beriman kepada takdir Allah tidak akan merasa takut dengan kematian, karena kematian/ajal sudah ditentukan oleh Allah dan tidak bisa ditawar-tawar. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kematian itu termasuk takdir..?
Correct Answer
B. Mubram
The term "Mubram" refers to something that is inevitable and cannot be avoided. In the given context, it is mentioned that those who believe in the destiny of Allah do not fear death because it is predetermined and cannot be negotiated. This aligns with the meaning of "Mubram" as something that is inevitable. Therefore, "Mubram" is the correct answer in this case.
Manusia tidak sepantasnya menyandang sifat takabur (sombong), karena sifat tersebut hanya pantas bagi...?
Correct Answer
A. Allah SWT
According to the given statement, humans should not possess the attribute of arrogance because it is only appropriate for Allah SWT. This suggests that arrogance is a negative trait and should not be associated with humans.
Dalam surat An-Nahl ayat 29 dijelaskan bahwa tempat orang yang sombong adalah neraka…?
Correct Answer
A. Jahannam
The correct answer is Jahannam. In Surah An-Nahl, verse 29, it is mentioned that the place for those who are arrogant is Jahannam, which is the Islamic concept of Hell.