Hak-hak warga negara Indonesia yang dijamin di dalam dan oleh UUD NKRI Tahun 1945 disebut ....
Correct Answer
B. Hak Konstitusional
The correct answer is "Hak Konstitusional". This is because the question is asking for the rights of Indonesian citizens that are guaranteed by the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD NKRI Tahun 1945). "Hak Konstitusional" refers to constitutional rights, which are the rights that are protected and guaranteed by the constitution.
Berikut ini yang merupakan kewajiban dasar yang hanya berlaku bagi warga negara Indonesia adalah ....
Correct Answer
E. Melakukan usaha bela negara
The correct answer is "Melakukan usaha bela negara" because it is stated in the question that it is a basic obligation that only applies to Indonesian citizens. "Melakukan usaha bela negara" refers to the duty of defending and protecting the country, which is a fundamental responsibility for Indonesian citizens.
Nilai-nilai Pancasila yang bersifat universal, sehingga di dalamnya terkandung cita-cita, tujuan, serta nilai-nilai yang baik dan benar serta bersifat tetap dan melekat pada kelangsungan hidup negara, disebut ....
Correct Answer
A. Nilai Dasar
The correct answer is "Nilai Dasar". The explanation for this answer is that Pancasila values are considered universal because they contain ideals, goals, and values that are good and true, and are essential for the survival of the nation. These values are the fundamental principles that serve as the foundation for the Indonesian state and society.
Perilaku yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Sila Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Membina kerja sama dan tolong menolong dengan pemeluk agama lain sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi di lingkungan masing-masing
The behavior that is in line with the values of Belief in the One and Only God is to build cooperation and help each other with followers of other religions according to the situation and conditions in their respective environments. This means that individuals should be open-minded and respectful towards people of different religious beliefs, and work together harmoniously for the betterment of society.
Mengakui persamaan derajat, hak dan kewajiban setiap manusia tanpa membeda-bedakan suku, keturunan, agama, jenis kelamin dan sebagainya, adalah perilaku yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Sila ....
Correct Answer
B. Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab
The given answer, "Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab" (Humanity that is just and civilized), aligns with the statement in the question that recognizes the equality of all individuals regardless of their race, descent, religion, gender, and so on. This value emphasizes the importance of treating all human beings fairly and with dignity, promoting a just and civilized society.
Semua warga negara Indonesia harus mampu hidup berdampingan dalam keberagaman dan menjunjung tinggi semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, sehingga keberagaman budaya dapat menjadi suatu pondasi bangsa yang kuat. Keharusan tersebut merupakan implementasi dari nilai Sila ....
Correct Answer
C. Persatuan Indonesia
The correct answer is "Persatuan Indonesia" because it emphasizes the importance of unity among the diverse Indonesian citizens. It highlights the need for all Indonesian citizens to live harmoniously together and uphold the motto of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which means "Unity in Diversity." This value of unity is essential for building a strong nation and ensuring that cultural diversity becomes a foundation for national strength.
Nilai-nilai Pancasila yang secara rinci ditegaskan dan diatur dalam ketentuan-ketentuan konstitusional mulai dari Undang-Undang Dasar sampai dengan Peraturan Daerah disebut nilai ....
Correct Answer
D. Instrumental
The values of Pancasila are emphasized and regulated in constitutional provisions, from the Constitution to Regional Regulations. These values serve as instruments or tools for guiding and shaping the behavior and actions of individuals and society. They play a crucial role in maintaining social harmony and promoting the well-being of the nation. Therefore, the correct answer is "instrumental."
Pasal 27 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Dasar NKRI Tahun 1945 menegaskan tentang hak dan kewajiban warga negara Indonesia di bidang ....
Correct Answer
A. Hukum dan Pemerintahan
According to Article 27 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, it specifically emphasizes the rights and obligations of Indonesian citizens in the field of law and governance. This means that the correct answer is "Hukum dan Pemerintahan" (Law and Governance).
Mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa adalah satu tujuan nasional Bangsa Indonesia. Hal tersebut dinyatakan dalam Pembukaan UUD NKRI Tahun 1945 pada ....
Correct Answer
D. Alinea Keempat
The correct answer is "Alinea Keempat". The explanation for this answer is that in the fourth paragraph of the Preamble of the 1945 Indonesian Constitution, it states that one of the national goals of Indonesia is to educate and develop the nation. This is commonly known as "mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa" which means "to improve the intellectual life of the nation".
Terhadap kebudayaan nasional Indonesia, Negara bersama rakyat berhak dan wajib untuk memelihara dan mengembangkan nilai-nilai di dalamnya. Pernyataan tersebut merupakan makna dari pasal .... UUD NKRI Tahun 1945.
Correct Answer
E. Pasal 32 ayat (1)
The correct answer is Pasal 32 ayat (1). This article states that the state, together with the people, has the right and obligation to preserve and develop the values ​​of Indonesian national culture.
Program BLT, BPJS, JKN dan Program Bantuan Keluarga Pra Sejahtera merupakan perwujudan peran negara dalam mengimplementasikan ketentuan dalam UUD NKRI Tahun 1945 tepatnya pada pasal ....
Correct Answer
B. 34 ayat (2)
The correct answer is 34 ayat (2). This is because Program BLT, BPJS, JKN dan Program Bantuan Keluarga Pra Sejahtera are all social welfare programs that are implemented by the state. Article 34 of the UUD NKRI Tahun 1945 discusses the role of the state in providing social security and welfare for its citizens. Ayat (2) specifically states that the state is responsible for providing social security for all citizens and shall develop social welfare programs to ensure the well-being of the people. Therefore, Program BLT, BPJS, JKN dan Program Bantuan Keluarga Pra Sejahtera can be seen as the implementation of this provision.
Emas, Bauksit, Batubara dan lain-lainnya adalah kekayaan alam yang terdapat di Indonesia. Sebagai perwujudan bahwa negara memiliki kedaulatan untuk menguasainya dan dipergunakan untuk kemakmuran rakyat, maka negara membentuk suatu BUMN yang dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
B. PT. Antam
PT. Antam is the correct answer because it is a state-owned enterprise (BUMN) in Indonesia that is specifically responsible for managing and utilizing natural resources such as gold, nickel, coal, and other minerals. The formation of PT. Antam is a manifestation of the country's sovereignty to control and utilize these natural resources for the prosperity of the people.
Bentuk perwujudan nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam bentuk sikap, perilaku, cara pikir dan tindakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari disebut nilai ....
Correct Answer
C. Praksis
The term "praksis" refers to the manifestation of Pancasila values in attitudes, behaviors, ways of thinking, and actions in everyday life. It represents the practical application and embodiment of these values in real-life situations.
Staf-staf yang memeluk keyakinan yang berbeda, ikut memenuhi undangan kegiatan buka puasa bersama di rumah Kepala Dinas. Perilaku para staf tersebut merupakan cerminan dari pengamalan Sila ....
Correct Answer
A. Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa
The behavior of the staff members, who embrace different beliefs, participating in a joint iftar event at the head of the department's house, reflects the practice of the principle of Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa (Belief in the One and Only God). This principle emphasizes the acceptance and respect for diverse religious beliefs and encourages unity and tolerance among individuals of different faiths.
Tetap menerima dan menghargai hasil karya orang lain, merupakan cerminan dari perilaku yang sesuai dengan Sila ....
Correct Answer
E. Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia
The answer "Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia" is the correct answer because it reflects the value of accepting and appreciating the work of others, which is in line with the principle of social justice for all Indonesian people. This principle promotes fairness, equality, and inclusivity, emphasizing the importance of respecting and valuing the contributions and achievements of all individuals in society.
Berikut ini yang merupakan cerminan perilaku yang sesuai dengan pengamalan Sila Kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan perwakilan adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Tidak memaksakan kehendak kepada orang lain
The answer "Tidak memaksakan kehendak kepada orang lain" reflects the behavior of respecting the opinions and decisions of others, and not forcing one's own will onto others. This is in line with the practice of Sila Kerakyatan, which emphasizes the importance of wisdom and consensus in representative deliberations. It demonstrates a democratic and inclusive approach, where individuals consider and value the perspectives and rights of others, promoting harmony and unity within the nation.
Kelalaian dan pengingkaran terhadap kewajiban baik yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah maupun oleh warga negara itu sendiri, dapat menyebabkan terjadinya ....
Correct Answer
C. Pelanggaran hak warga negara
Kelalaian dan pengingkaran terhadap kewajiban baik oleh pemerintah maupun oleh warga negara dapat menyebabkan pelanggaran hak warga negara. Ketika pemerintah atau individu tidak memenuhi tanggung jawab mereka terhadap hak-hak dasar warga negara, seperti hak atas kebebasan, keadilan, dan perlindungan, maka hak-hak ini dapat dilanggar. Ini dapat terjadi melalui tindakan diskriminatif, penyalahgunaan kekuasaan, atau ketidakadilan sistemik. Pelanggaran hak warga negara dapat memiliki dampak serius pada masyarakat, termasuk merusak kepercayaan publik, menciptakan ketidakstabilan sosial, dan menghambat pembangunan yang berkelanjutan.
Berikut ini yang bukan merupakan faktor-faktor penyebab pengingkaran kewajiban dan pelanggaran hak warga negara adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Tingginya angka kemiskinan dan pengangguran
The given answer suggests that high levels of poverty and unemployment are not factors that contribute to the violation of citizens' rights and the neglect of obligations. This implies that poverty and unemployment do not directly lead to actions such as selfishness, lack of national consciousness, intolerance, and abuse of power, which are the other factors listed in the question.
Peredaran VCD/DVD bajakan dan perilaku plagiat merupakan bentuk-bentuk pelanggaran terhadap ....
Correct Answer
B. Hak Cipta
Peredaran VCD/DVD bajakan dan perilaku plagiat merupakan bentuk-bentuk pelanggaran terhadap hak cipta. This is because hak cipta refers to the exclusive rights granted to the creator of an original work, such as a book, film, or music, to reproduce, distribute, and display their work. By producing and distributing pirated VCD/DVDs and engaging in plagiarism, individuals are infringing upon the rights of the original creators and violating their exclusive rights to control the reproduction and distribution of their work.
Seorang pejabat yang tertangkap tangan melakukan praktek penyuapan divonis bebas karena dinyatakan tidak bersalah. Namun, seseorang yang mengambil beberapa pucuk pakis di pekarangan orang lain, diperkarakan di pengadilan dan dijatuhi vonis 1 tahun penjara tanpa diberi kesempatan untuk melakukan pembelaan. Peristiwa ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadi pelanggaran terhadap hak warga negara sebagaimana yang diamanatkan pada pasal .... UUD NKRI Tahun 1945.
Correct Answer
E. 27 ayat (1)
The given scenario demonstrates a violation of citizens' rights as mandated in Article 27 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. This article states that all citizens have the right to be treated equally before the law and to receive legal protection without discrimination. In this case, the corrupt official who was caught red-handed in bribery was acquitted, while the person who took some fern shoots from someone else's yard was sentenced to one year in prison without being given the opportunity to defend themselves. This shows a clear violation of the principle of equality before the law and the right to a fair trial.
Belum maksimalnya peran pemerintah dalam merancang dan membuat kebijakan yang dapat memperluas lapangan kerja, dapat menyebabkan terjadinya pelanggaran-pelanggaran terhadap hak warga negara sebagai berikut, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
D. Perbedaan perlakuan hukum
The correct answer is "Perbedaan perlakuan hukum." This is because the question asks for an exception among the given options, and all the other options (tingginya angka pengangguran, tingginya angka kemiskinan, tindakan kriminalitas, konflik sosial) can be caused by the lack of government involvement in designing and implementing policies to expand job opportunities. However, "perbedaan perlakuan hukum" refers to unequal treatment under the law, which may not necessarily be directly caused by the government's role in job creation.
Hak warga negara untuk mendapatkan pendidikan, ditegaskan di dalam .... UUD NKRI Tahun 1945.
Correct Answer
A. Pasal 31 ayat (1)
Pasal 31 ayat (1) of UUD NKRI Tahun 1945 states that every citizen has the right to education. This means that it is affirmed in the constitution that every citizen is entitled to receive education.
Dalam razia kendaraan bermotor gabungan, kita akan tetap dikenakan tindakan tilang meskipun fasilitas kendaraan bermotor kita lengkap, tertib dalam berkendara dan membawa surat-surat kendaraan lengkap. Hal itu terjadi jika ....
Correct Answer
D. Pajak kendaraan bermotor belum dibayarkan
If the motor vehicle tax has not been paid, we will still be fined during the joint motor vehicle raid, even if our motor vehicle facilities are complete, driving is orderly, and we have all the necessary vehicle documents.
Berikut ini merupakan bentuk-bentuk pengingkaran kewajiban warga negara di lingkungan masyarakat, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
D. Tidak membayar pajak kepada negara
The given answer, "Tidak membayar pajak kepada negara" (Not paying taxes to the country), is a form of evasion of a citizen's obligation to contribute financially to the government. The other options listed, such as littering, damaging public facilities, skipping neighborhood watch activities, and refusing to wait in line, are also examples of citizens disregarding their responsibilities in the community. However, not paying taxes directly affects the government's ability to provide essential services and maintain public infrastructure.
Berikut ini yang merupakan cerminan perilaku dari pemenuhan kewajiban warga negara dalam usaha pertahanan dan keamanan adalah ....
Correct Answer
E. Ikut dalam kegiatan Siskamling
The behavior of participating in Siskamling activities reflects the fulfillment of citizens' obligations in defense and security efforts. Siskamling is a community-based security system in Indonesia where citizens actively participate in maintaining the security and order of their neighborhood. By actively participating in Siskamling activities, citizens contribute to the defense and security of their community, demonstrating their commitment to fulfilling their responsibilities as citizens.
Salah satu upaya pemerintah dalam menangani pelanggaran hak warga negara adalah dengan mengoptimalkan peran lembaga-lembaga negara. Adapun lembaga yang menangani kasus kekerasan dan eksploitasi terhadap anak adalah ....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is KPAI (Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia). KPAI is the institution responsible for handling cases of violence and exploitation against children in Indonesia. They play a crucial role in protecting the rights of children and ensuring their well-being. By optimizing the role of KPAI, the government can effectively address violations of citizens' rights and provide appropriate measures to prevent and respond to violence and exploitation against children.
Penyebarluasan prinsip-prinsip kesadaran bernegara kepada para siswa dan mahasiswa dapat dilakukan dalam bentuk kegiatan ....
Correct Answer
A. Seminar 4 Pilar
Penyebarluasan prinsip-prinsip kesadaran bernegara kepada para siswa dan mahasiswa dapat dilakukan dalam bentuk kegiatan Seminar 4 Pilar. This suggests that holding a Seminar 4 Pilar is an effective way to spread awareness of the principles of being a responsible citizen to students and university students. The seminar is likely to provide valuable information and discussions on the four pillars of national consciousness, which are Pancasila, UUD 1945, NKRI, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Through this seminar, participants can gain knowledge and understanding of these principles and their importance in being a responsible member of society.
Penanganan aksi terorisme dilakukan oleh ....
Correct Answer
C. Polri
The correct answer is Polri. Polri stands for Kepolisian Republik Indonesia, which is the Indonesian National Police. They are responsible for handling terrorism activities in the country. The TNI (Indonesian National Armed Forces) focuses more on defense and military operations, while BIN (State Intelligence Agency) is responsible for intelligence gathering and analysis. The Minister of Defense and the Minister of Law and Human Rights have broader roles in the overall security and legal framework of the country, but the specific responsibility of handling terrorism lies with the Polri.
Salah satu bentuk sikap menghargai hak warga negara yang ditunjukkan oleh siswa dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Mendengarkan penjelasan guru dengan sungguh-sungguh
Mendengarkan penjelasan guru dengan sungguh-sungguh adalah bentuk sikap menghargai hak warga negara yang ditunjukkan oleh siswa dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas. Ketika siswa mendengarkan penjelasan guru dengan sungguh-sungguh, mereka menunjukkan rasa hormat terhadap hak guru untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan informasi kepada mereka. Sikap ini juga menunjukkan bahwa siswa menghargai proses pembelajaran dan memiliki keinginan untuk memperoleh pengetahuan yang diajarkan oleh guru.
Berikut ini adalah bentuk-bentuk kegiatan ekstrakurikuler sekolah yang berfungsi untuk memupuk semangat bela negara pada siswa, kecuali ...
Correct Answer
E. Rapat OSIS
The correct answer is "Rapat OSIS". Rapat OSIS is not an extracurricular activity that specifically aims to foster a sense of nationalism or patriotism in students. Pramuka, Paskibra, PMR, and Sispala are all extracurricular activities that are commonly associated with instilling a sense of love for one's country and promoting national values.