Hidup tertib berarti hidup dengan ....
Correct Answer
C. Teratur
Hidup tertib berarti hidup dengan teratur. Teratur berarti memiliki keteraturan dalam segala hal, baik itu dalam menjalani rutinitas sehari-hari, mengatur waktu, atau menjaga kebersihan dan kerapihan. Dengan hidup teratur, seseorang dapat mencapai efisiensi dan produktivitas yang lebih tinggi, serta menciptakan lingkungan yang nyaman dan harmonis.
Peraturan yang ada harus kita ....
Correct Answer
C. Patuhi
The correct answer is "patuhi". This is because the word "peraturan" in the question means "rules" or "regulations" in English. The word "patuhi" means "to obey" or "to follow" in Indonesian. Therefore, the correct action to take with existing rules is to obey or follow them.
Hidup tertib membuat kegiatan berjalan ....
Correct Answer
B. Rapi
The correct answer is "rapi" because living in an orderly manner ensures that activities are well-organized and neat. It implies that everything is in its proper place and well-maintained, leading to a smooth and efficient flow of tasks.
Hidup tertib itu ....
Correct Answer
B. Bermanfaat
The correct answer is "bermanfaat" because it means "beneficial" or "useful" in English. This suggests that living in an orderly manner is advantageous and has positive outcomes.
Belajar harus kita lakukan dengan ....
Correct Answer
A. Teratur
The correct answer is "teratur". This is because learning should be done consistently and regularly in order to achieve the best results. Being organized and disciplined in our study habits helps us to retain information better and be more productive in our learning journey.
Selesai belajar maka buku-bukunya harus ....
Correct Answer
C. Dirapikan
The correct answer is "dirapikan" because it means to tidy up or organize the books after studying. It implies that the books should be neatly arranged or put back in their proper places.
Tidur tidak boleh terlalu malam agar tidak ....
Correct Answer
B. Kesiangan
Tidur tidak boleh terlalu malam agar tidak kesiangan. This means that one should not sleep too late in order to avoid being late or oversleeping.
Sebelum makan kita harus .... dahulu.
Correct Answer
A. Berdoa
Before eating, it is customary to pray first. Praying before a meal is a common practice in many cultures and religions as a way to express gratitude and seek blessings for the food. It is seen as a way to acknowledge and show appreciation for the sustenance provided. Therefore, the correct answer is "berdoa" which means "to pray" in English.
Saat makan kita tidak boleh ....
Correct Answer
C. rebutan makanan
During meals, it is considered impolite to fight or compete for food. "Rebutan makanan" in Indonesian means "fighting over food". Therefore, the correct answer is "rebutan makanan" because it is not acceptable to engage in such behavior while eating.
Jika berangkat sekolah kita tidak boleh ....
Correct Answer
C. Terlambat
The correct answer is "terlambat" because the sentence states that "we are not allowed to..." and "terlambat" means "late" in English. Therefore, it is implied that being late is not permitted.
Jika ibu guru menjelaskan pelajaran maka harus ....
Correct Answer
B. Didengarkan
When a teacher explains a lesson, it is expected that the students listen attentively. This is because listening is an essential part of the learning process. By actively listening, students can understand and absorb the information being presented by the teacher. It also shows respect and engagement in the classroom. Therefore, the correct answer is "didengarkan."
Saat istirahat siswa boleh bermain di ....
Correct Answer
B. Luar kelas
The correct answer is "luar kelas". This is because the question is asking where students are allowed to play during break time. "Luar kelas" translates to "outside the classroom" in English, indicating that students are allowed to play in areas outside of the classroom during their break.
Membuang sampah sembarangan dapat membuat lingkungan menjadi ....
Correct Answer
C. Kotor
Membuang sampah sembarangan dapat membuat lingkungan menjadi kotor. This sentence states that littering can make the environment dirty.
Kita tidak boleh pulang sekolah sebelum ....
Correct Answer
B. Bel pulang berbunyi
The correct answer is "bel pulang berbunyi" because it means "the bell for dismissal rings." This indicates that students are not allowed to leave school before the dismissal bell rings.
Kalau kita selalu hidup dengan tertib maka kegiatan berjalan ....
Correct Answer
B. Lancar
If we always live in an orderly manner, then activities will go smoothly.
Saat menyeberang di jalan raya maka kita harus lewat ....
Correct Answer
B. Tempat penyeberangan
When crossing the road, it is necessary to use a designated pedestrian crossing or "tempat penyeberangan" to ensure safety. This answer is correct because it aligns with the context of the question, which is about the proper way to cross a road. The other options, "secepatnya" (as fast as possible) and "tengah" (in the middle), do not provide a suitable explanation for the question.
Saat lampu lalu-lintas berwarna hijau maka kita boleh ....
Correct Answer
A. Berjalan lagi
When the traffic light is green, it indicates that it is safe to proceed and continue walking. Therefore, the correct answer is "berjalan lagi" which means "to walk again".
Lampu lalu-lintas mempunyai .... warna.
Correct Answer
B. 3
The correct answer is 3 because traffic lights typically have three colors: red, yellow, and green. Each color represents a different signal for drivers: red means stop, yellow means prepare to stop, and green means go. Therefore, it can be inferred that traffic lights have three colors.
Kita harus berhenti saat lampu lalu-lintas berwarna ....
Correct Answer
A. Merah
When the traffic light is red, it means that we must stop. This is a universal rule in traffic regulations where red indicates that vehicles and pedestrians should come to a halt. Therefore, the correct answer is "Merah".
Saat lampu lalu lintas berwarna kuning maka kita harus ....
Correct Answer
C. hati-hati
When the traffic light is yellow, it indicates that the signal is about to change from green to red. Therefore, it is important to be cautious and prepared to stop. "Hati-hati" means "be careful" in Indonesian, which is an appropriate response in this situation.
Pengemudi kendaraan harus mempunyai ....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is SIM because a SIM (Surat Izin Mengemudi) is a driver's license that is required for someone to be able to drive a vehicle legally. A KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk) is an identification card for Indonesian citizens and an Ijazah is a diploma or certificate of completion for education. However, neither a KTP nor an Ijazah is specifically required for someone to be able to drive a vehicle.
Melanggar lalu lintas dapat menyebabkan ....
Correct Answer
B. Kecelakaan
Violating traffic rules can lead to accidents.
Tertib dirumah membuat orang tua kita menjadi ....
Correct Answer
C. Senang
The correct answer is "senang" because when we are orderly at home, it pleases our parents. Being organized and following rules and routines shows respect and responsibility, which brings joy and satisfaction to our parents.
Tertib di jalan membuat kita menjadi ...,
Correct Answer
A. Selamat
Tertib di jalan membuat kita menjadi selamat karena dengan adanya keteraturan dalam berlalu lintas, risiko kecelakaan dapat diminimalisir. Ketertiban di jalan juga memungkinkan kendaraan untuk bergerak dengan lancar tanpa ada hambatan atau kemacetan. Dengan demikian, kita dapat sampai ke tujuan dengan aman dan tanpa mengalami kecelakaan.
Tertib di sekolah membuat kita ..... guru.
Correct Answer
A. Disukai
The correct answer is "disukai". This is because when we are disciplined in school, it makes us likable to the teachers.