Hidup rukun adalah hidup yang saling ....
Correct Answer
B. Menghormati
Hidup rukun adalah hidup yang saling menghormati. Hidup rukun berarti hidup dalam keharmonisan dan saling menghormati antara satu sama lain. Ketika kita menghormati orang lain, kita menunjukkan rasa penghargaan dan mengakui nilai dan hak mereka. Menghormati adalah sikap yang penting dalam menjaga hubungan yang baik dengan orang lain dan menciptakan lingkungan yang harmonis.
Sesama teman kita tidak boleh saling ....
Correct Answer
C. Menghina
The correct answer is "Menghina". The question is asking about the behavior that friends should not do to each other. "Menghina" means to insult or belittle someone, which goes against the principles of friendship. Friends should support and help each other, not bring each other down.
Bertengkar adalah salah satu contoh hidup yang ....
Correct Answer
C. Tidak rukun
The correct answer is "Tidak rukun." Bertengkar refers to fighting or quarreling, which is an example of a situation that is not harmonious or peaceful. Therefore, the answer "Tidak rukun" is the most appropriate choice as it means not being in harmony or not getting along well.
Hidup yang rukun menumbuhkan rasa ....
Correct Answer
A. Persatuan
Hidup yang rukun menumbuhkan rasa persatuan. When people live in harmony and peace, it creates a sense of unity among them. This unity brings people together and fosters a feeling of togetherness and cooperation. It helps in building strong relationships, resolving conflicts, and achieving common goals. A harmonious and united society is essential for the overall well-being and progress of individuals and communities.
Hidup rukun harus diilakukan ....
Correct Answer
C. Di mana saja
Living harmoniously should be practiced everywhere, not just in specific places like school or home. The phrase "di mana saja" means "anywhere" in Indonesian, indicating that being peaceful and getting along with others should be a universal behavior that is applied in all situations and locations.
Hidup yang rukun membuat suasana menjadi ....
Correct Answer
B. Damai
A life that is harmonious creates a peaceful atmosphere.
Keluarga yang rukun dapat dilihat dari antar sesama anggota keluarga yang suka ....
Correct Answer
C. Saling membantu
A harmonious family can be seen from the mutual help among its members.
Teman yang berbuat salah kepada kita lalu ia minta maaf, maka kita sebaiknya ....
Correct Answer
C. Memaafkannya
When a friend apologizes for doing something wrong to us, it is best for us to forgive them. Holding grudges or retaliating with anger will only strain the friendship further. Forgiving our friend shows maturity, understanding, and a willingness to move past the mistake. It allows for healing and the opportunity to rebuild trust in the relationship.
Orang yang wajib menjaga kerukunan di rumah adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Semua anggota keluarga
All family members are responsible for maintaining harmony in the house. It is not solely the responsibility of the parents or the siblings, but it is a collective effort of everyone in the family to ensure peace and harmony within the household.
Siswa yang suka bertengkar maka ia akan ....
Correct Answer
C. Hanya punya sedikit teman
The correct answer suggests that if a student likes to fight, they will only have a few friends. This implies that their behavior of constantly getting into fights may push people away, resulting in a limited number of friends.
Hidup rukun itu rasanya ....
Correct Answer
B. Menyenangkan
The question states "Hidup rukun itu rasanya..." which translates to "Living in harmony feels..." The correct answer "Menyenangkan" means "enjoyable" in English. Therefore, the explanation for the correct answer is that living in harmony is enjoyable.
Jika banyak teman kita yang setiap hari bertengkar di kelas, maka suasana kelas menjadi ....
Correct Answer
A. Tidak nyaman
If many of our friends argue in class every day, then the classroom atmosphere becomes uncomfortable.
Hidup rukun dapat dicerminkan dalam ....
Correct Answer
C. Bergotong-royong mencuri buah milik tetangga
Jika ada tetangga yang sedang kesusahan maka kita wajib untuk ....
Correct Answer
A. Menolongnya semampu kita
When a neighbor is in trouble, it is our duty to help them to the best of our abilities. This means that we should offer assistance and support to our neighbor in whatever way we can. It is not appropriate to ignore their situation or pass the responsibility onto someone else, such as reporting it to the village chief. Instead, we should take it upon ourselves to lend a hand and provide aid to our neighbor in need.
Hidup rukun harus diterapapkan pada saat ...
Correct Answer
C. Kapan saja
The correct answer is "Kapan saja" because "Hidup rukun" means living in harmony or peacefully. This should be practiced at all times, regardless of whether we are happy or wealthy. Therefore, the phrase "Kapan saja" which means "at any time" is the most appropriate choice to complete the sentence.
Kerukunan dapat diciptakan dengan cara ....
Correct Answer
A. Saling menyayangi
Kerukunan dapat diciptakan dengan cara saling menyayangi. Saling menyayangi merupakan sikap saling menghargai, menghormati, dan peduli terhadap orang lain. Dengan saling menyayangi, hubungan antar individu atau kelompok akan menjadi harmonis dan damai. Sikap saling memusuhi atau saling mencela justru akan merusak kerukunan dan menciptakan konflik. Oleh karena itu, saling menyayangi merupakan cara yang tepat untuk menciptakan kerukunan.
Jika kita bertengkar, hal itu malah akan membuat kita ....
Correct Answer
A. Merasa rugi sendiri
When we argue, it often leads to negative consequences such as hurt feelings, damaged relationships, and wasted time and energy. Therefore, it is likely that we will feel like we have lost or suffered a personal loss when we engage in arguments.
Jika ada teman kita yang sedang betengkar, maka sebaiknya kita mencoba ....
Correct Answer
B. Melerai mereka yang bertengkar
Ketika ada teman yang sedang bertengkar, sebaiknya kita mencoba untuk melerai mereka. Tindakan ini dapat membantu menghindari terjadinya konflik yang lebih besar dan memastikan keamanan dan kesejahteraan teman-teman kita.
Hidup yang tidak rukun akan menyebabkan ....
Correct Answer
C. Perpecahan
The correct answer is "Perpecahan" because the question states that a discordant life will lead to something. The word "perpecahan" means "division" or "separation," indicating that a lack of harmony or unity in life will result in fragmentation or disunity.
Hidup rukun akan memperkuat rasa ....
Correct Answer
B. Pesatuan
Living harmoniously will strengthen the sense of unity.
Indonesia adalah negara yang punya banyak suku, namun semuanya harus tetap ....
Correct Answer
B. Bersatu
Indonesia adalah negara yang memiliki beragam suku, budaya, dan agama. Namun, untuk mencapai kemajuan dan keberhasilan, penting bagi semua suku untuk tetap bersatu dan bekerja sama. Dengan bersatu, Indonesia dapat mengatasi perbedaan dan membangun kekuatan yang lebih besar untuk mencapai tujuan bersama.
Kegiatan yang bisa mempererat kerukunan di masyarakat adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Kerja bakti
Kerja bakti adalah kegiatan yang bisa mempererat kerukunan di masyarakat. Melalui kerja bakti, masyarakat bekerja sama untuk melakukan kegiatan yang bermanfaat bagi lingkungan sekitar, seperti membersihkan lingkungan, memperbaiki fasilitas umum, atau membantu sesama yang membutuhkan. Melalui kerja bakti, masyarakat dapat saling berinteraksi, berkomunikasi, dan bekerja sama dalam mencapai tujuan yang sama, sehingga dapat mempererat hubungan antarwarga dan membangun kerukunan di masyarakat.
Contoh manfaat hidup rukun adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Suasana menjadi damai selalu
When people live in harmony and peace, the atmosphere around them becomes calm and peaceful. This creates a positive and comfortable environment for everyone involved. When people are united and live in harmony, conflicts and tensions are minimized, leading to a more peaceful and joyful life.
Contoh tidakan buruk yang mencerminkan hidup tidak rukun di masyarakat adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Tawuran
Tawuran is a bad action that reflects a lack of harmony in society. It refers to violent clashes or fights between groups of people, often resulting in injuries or even death. Tawuran is a negative behavior that disrupts peace and stability in the community, causing fear and insecurity among its members. It goes against the principles of living in harmony and resolving conflicts peacefully.
Pihak yang wajib menjaga kerukunan di sekolah adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Semua anggota sekolah
The correct answer is "Semua anggota sekolah" because it means "all members of the school" and includes both students and teachers. Maintaining harmony and unity in a school is a collective responsibility that involves everyone, not just one particular group. Therefore, it is essential for all members of the school community to play their part in ensuring a peaceful and harmonious environment.