Hunungan internasional adalah keadaan2 relevan yg mengelilingi interaksi ini adalah menurut pendapat dari.......
Correct Answer
A. Charless A,MC. Chelland
Berikut ini komponen2 internasional kecuali.....
Correct Answer
C. Peristiwa internasional
The given options are all components of international relations, except for "peristiwa internasional" which translates to "international events." While politics, organizations, and laws are all integral parts of international relations, events are not considered a separate component but rather a result or consequence of these other components. Therefore, peristiwa internasional does not belong in the list of international components.
Asas hubungan internasional yg didasarkan pada weweng negara untuk melindungi dan mengatur kepentingan dalam masyarakat disebut
Correct Answer
C. Azas kepentingan bersama
The correct answer is "azas kepentingan bersama" because it refers to the principle of common interest in international relations, where countries work together to protect and regulate their interests within society. This principle emphasizes the importance of cooperation and collaboration among nations to achieve shared goals and objectives.
Landasan hukum hubungan internasional dalm pembukaan UUD 1945 adalah pd.......
Correct Answer
C. Alenia 4
Hubungan kerjasama dan persahabatan antar negara sangat di perlukan sebab....
Correct Answer
C. Adanya kondisia yg berbeda satu dengan yg lainnya
The correct answer is "adanya kondisi yang berbeda satu dengan yang lainnya" because cooperation and friendship between countries are necessary to address the different conditions and situations that each country faces. By working together and maintaining friendly relations, countries can share resources, expertise, and support to overcome challenges and achieve common goals. This helps to foster understanding, peace, and stability in the international community.
Perjanjian internasional perjanjian yg diadakan antar bangsa yg dilakukan oleh banyak negara yg merupak subjek hukum internasional, pernyatan diatas adalah klasifikasi perjan jian internasional dibedakan atas
Correct Answer
A. Menurut subjeknya
The given statement explains that international agreements are classified based on their subjects. This means that international agreements can be categorized according to the entities or parties involved in the agreement. The classification based on the subject can include agreements between countries, agreements between international organizations, or agreements between countries and international organizations.
Dalam melaksanakan negoisasi, satu negaradapat mewakilkan kpd org2 brkt ini ,, kecuali
Correct Answer
B. Kuasa usaha
In the context of negotiations, a country can delegate the authority to represent them to various individuals or positions. However, the one exception to this is a "kuasa usaha" or a power of attorney. This means that while a country can appoint a head of state, an ambassador, or a foreign minister to negotiate on their behalf, they cannot delegate this authority to a power of attorney. This is because a power of attorney is typically an individual who is authorized to act on behalf of another person in legal or business matters, rather than representing a country in international negotiations.
Perwakilan diplomatik yg mewakili negara pada suatu atau beberapa organisasi internasional disbt...
Correct Answer
C. Korps diplomatik
The correct answer is "korps diplomatik". The term "korps diplomatik" refers to the diplomatic corps, which consists of diplomats who represent a country in one or more international organizations. These diplomats are responsible for conducting diplomatic relations, negotiating agreements, and promoting their country's interests on the international stage. They play a crucial role in maintaining diplomatic ties and facilitating communication between countries.
Mengenai pengangkatan duta dan konsul diatur dalam UUD 1945 taitu pd pasal,,,,
Correct Answer
B. 13
The correct answer is 13. The explanation for this is that the appointment of ambassadors and consuls is regulated in Article 13 of the 1945 Constitution.
Perwakilan diplomatik di luar negri dipimpin olh seorang...
Correct Answer
A. Duta besar
A perwakilan diplomatik di luar negri (diplomatic representation abroad) is led by a duta besar (ambassador). The role of a duta besar is to represent their country's interests and maintain diplomatic relations with the host country. They act as the highest-ranking diplomatic official and are responsible for managing and coordinating the activities of the diplomatic mission.