Surat Al-Fatihah terdiri dari .... ayat.
Correct Answer
C. 7
Surat Al-Fatihah is the opening chapter of the Quran and it consists of 7 verses. Each verse of Surat Al-Fatihah is considered to be a complete and comprehensive message in itself. The number 7 holds significance in Islamic culture and is believed to symbolize perfection and completion. Therefore, the correct answer is 7.
Surat Al-Fatihah mempunyai arti ....
Correct Answer
C. Pembuka
Surat Al-Fatihah is the opening chapter of the Quran and is considered as the "Pembuka" or the "Opening" of the Quran. It is recited at the beginning of each unit of prayer and serves as an introduction to the rest of the Quranic verses. It is also known as "The Opening" because it sets the tone and themes for the entire Quran, introducing the concept of monotheism, seeking guidance from Allah, and emphasizing the importance of following the right path.
Arti dari ayat di atas adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alam
The given answer is the translation of the phrase "Segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alam" which means "All praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds."
Pokok isi surat Al-Iklas adalah tentang ....
Correct Answer
D. Keesaan Allah SWT
The correct answer is "Keesaan Allah SWT." The letter Al-Iklas in the Quran focuses on the concept of the Oneness of Allah. It emphasizes that Allah is the only true God and there is no deity worthy of worship except Him. The letter highlights the importance of believing in and worshiping Allah alone, without associating any partners with Him. It serves as a reminder to Muslims to have faith in the unity and uniqueness of Allah, and to reject any form of polytheism or idolatry.
Arti surat Al-Ikhlas ayat pertama di atas adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Katakanlah Dia Allah itu Maha Esa
The correct answer is "Katakanlah Dia Allah itu Maha Esa". This is the correct answer because it directly translates to "Say, He is Allah, the One". This statement is the first verse of Surah Al-Ikhlas and it emphasizes the oneness of Allah, stating that there is no god but Allah.
Sifat jaiz bagi Allah ialah sifat ....
Correct Answer
A. Kewenangan atau kebebasan bagi Allah
The correct answer is "Kewenangan atau kebebasan bagi Allah". This is because the phrase "sifat jaiz bagi Allah" translates to "permissible attributes of Allah". Kewenangan atau kebebasan means "authority or freedom", which aligns with the concept of permissible attributes that Allah possesses.
Sifat jaiz Allah ada satu yaitu ....
Correct Answer
C. Melakukan segala yang mungkin atau meninggalkannya
The correct answer states that the only permissible attribute of Allah is to do whatever He wills or to leave it. This means that Allah has the power to do anything He desires, and He can also choose not to do something if He so wishes. This attribute sets Allah apart from His creations, as only He has the ultimate power and control over everything.
Allah menciptakan bumi dan langit serta segala isinya atas ....
Correct Answer
D. Kehendak-Nya sendiri
Allah menciptakan bumi dan langit serta segala isinya atas kehendak-Nya sendiri. This means that Allah created the earth and the sky and everything in it according to His own will. He did not create them based on the request of the angels, the request of the prophets, or the suggestions of the angels in the sky. Allah's creation is solely based on His own will and power.
Terjadinya sesuatu di dunia ini atau tidak terjadinya sesuatu. Semua ini karena ....
Correct Answer
C. Sifat jaiz Allah
The occurrence or non-occurrence of something in this world is due to the permissible attributes of Allah. These attributes refer to the qualities or characteristics that Allah has allowed Himself to possess. They are not mandatory or impossible attributes, but rather qualities that are within the realm of possibility for Allah. Therefore, the correct answer is "Sifat jaiz Allah" which means permissible attributes of Allah.
Nabi Adam AS adalah nabi yang ....
Correct Answer
A. Pertama
The correct answer is "Pertama" because Nabi Adam AS is the first prophet in Islam. He is believed to be the first human being created by Allah and the father of all mankind. As the first prophet, he played a significant role in the history of humanity and the establishment of monotheism.
Nabi Adam AS diciptakan oleh Allah SWT dari ....
Correct Answer
B. Tanah
Nabi Adam AS was created by Allah SWT from the Earth. This is mentioned in various religious texts and beliefs, where it is believed that Adam was formed from clay or soil. The creation of Adam from the Earth signifies the close relationship between humans and the natural world, as well as the belief in the divine power of Allah SWT to create life from the elements of the Earth.
Semua malaikat bersujud menghormati Nabi Adam AS atas perintah Allah SWT, kecuali iblis. Iblis tidak mau bersujud karena ....
Correct Answer
C. Ia merasa lebih baik dari Adam
Iblis tidak mau bersujud karena ia merasa lebih baik dari Adam.
Nabi Muhammad SAW dilahirkan pada tanggal ....
Correct Answer
C. 12 Rabiul Awal
Nabi Muhammad SAW dilahirkan pada tanggal 12 Rabiul Awal.
Ayah Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Abdullah
The correct answer is Abdullah because Abdullah was the father of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He was the son of Abdul Muthalib and the husband of Aminah bint Wahb. Abdullah passed away before the birth of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), and he was known for his good character and righteousness.
Tahun kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW dikenal dengan tahun gajah karena pada tahun tersebut terjadi peristiwa ....
Correct Answer
D. Raja Abrahah yang ingin menghancurkan Ka’bah mengendarai gajah
The correct answer is Raja Abrahah yang ingin menghancurkan Ka’bah mengendarai gajah. This answer is correct because it accurately describes the event that gave the year its name "tahun gajah". In that year, Raja Abrahah attempted to destroy the Ka'bah by riding on an elephant. This event is well-known in Islamic history and is often referred to as the Year of the Elephant.
Ketika masih bayi, Nabi Muhammad saw. diasuh dan disusui oleh ....
Correct Answer
A. Halimah Sa’diyah
During his infancy, Prophet Muhammad saw. was nurtured and breastfed by Halimah Sa'diyah.
Ibunda Nabi Muhammad SAW meninggal dunia pada saat ia berusia ....
Correct Answer
C. 6 tahun
The answer is 6 years because it is widely believed that the mother of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), Aminah bint Wahb, passed away when he was around 6 years old. This event had a significant impact on his life as he was then raised by his grandfather and later by his uncle.
Nabi Adam pernah melanggar perintah Allah SWT di surga dan akhirnya mendapat ampunan oleh oleh Allah SWT setelah ...
Correct Answer
C. Bertobat
Nabi Adam pernah melanggar perintah Allah SWT di surga dan akhirnya mendapat ampunan oleh Allah SWT setelah bertobat.
Walaupun nabi Muhammad sudah menjadi yatim piatu sejak kecil namun ia tetap menjadi anak yang punya sikap ....
Correct Answer
C. Baik dan mulia
Even though Prophet Muhammad was an orphan from a young age, he still maintained a good and noble character. This means that despite facing adversity and hardship, he remained kind, virtuous, and honorable in his actions and behavior.
Allah SWT menerima tobat dari hamba-hamba-Nya karena Allah SWT itu ....
Correct Answer
D. Maha Pengampun
Allah SWT menerima tobat dari hamba-hamba-Nya karena Allah SWT itu Maha Pengampun. This means that Allah is extremely forgiving and accepts the repentance of His servants. No matter how grave the sins may be, Allah is always ready to forgive and grant mercy to those who sincerely repent and seek His forgiveness. This attribute of Allah's forgiveness gives hope to His servants and encourages them to turn back to Him with remorse and a desire to change their ways.
Membaca surat Al Fatihah saat salat hukumnya adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Wajib
Membaca surat Al Fatihah saat salat is wajib, which means it is obligatory. This is because the recitation of Al Fatihah is one of the essential components of the prayer and is considered a pillar (rukun) of the prayer. It is mandatory for every Muslim to recite Al Fatihah in every unit (rak'ah) of the prayer. Failing to recite it would invalidate the prayer.
Syarat sah salat di antaranya adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Suci dari hadas besar dan kecil
One of the valid conditions for performing prayers is to be free from major and minor impurities. This means that before praying, a person must ensure that they have performed the necessary ablution or purification rituals to cleanse themselves from any impurities. These impurities can include bodily fluids, such as urine or blood, which require specific cleansing methods. By being free from these impurities, a person can maintain the required level of cleanliness and purity for prayers.
Syarat wajib salat di antaranya adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
D. Sehat
One of the mandatory requirements for performing prayer is being in a state of good health. This means that a person must be physically and mentally capable of performing the physical movements and mental focus required during prayer. However, the other options listed - being a Muslim, reaching the age of maturity (balig), and being of sound mind (berakal) - are also necessary prerequisites for performing prayer. Therefore, the exception in this case is "Sehat" (health).
Contoh hal yang dapat membatalkan salat adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Makan atau minum dengan sengaja
Makan atau minum dengan sengaja dapat membatalkan salat karena melakukan tindakan tersebut dianggap sebagai tindakan yang mengganggu konsentrasi dan keheningan yang diperlukan dalam menjalankan salat. Salat adalah ibadah yang dilakukan dengan sepenuh hati dan pikiran, sehingga melakukan tindakan seperti makan atau minum dengan sengaja akan mengganggu kekhusyukan dan fokus dalam melaksanakan salat. Oleh karena itu, makan atau minum dengan sengaja dianggap sebagai hal yang membatalkan salat.
Salah satu rukun salat adalah tertib. Yaitu merupakan suatu perbuatan melakukan rukun-rukun salat secara ....
Correct Answer
C. Berurutan
Tertib dalam salat berarti melakukan rukun-rukun salat secara berurutan. Hal ini mengacu pada tata cara salat yang telah ditentukan, dimulai dari takbiratul ihram, membaca Al-Fatihah, rukuk, sujud, dan tahiyat akhir. Dengan melakukan salat secara berurutan, seseorang dapat menjaga keteraturan dan keselarasan dalam ibadah salat.