Tiga komponen yang paling penting dalam sebuah organisasi adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Anggota, pengurus dan tujuan organisasi
The answer "Anggota, pengurus dan tujuan organisasi" is the most appropriate because it includes the three most important components of an organization. "Anggota" refers to the members or employees of the organization who contribute to its functioning. "Pengurus" refers to the management or leadership of the organization who oversee its operations. "Tujuan organisasi" refers to the goals or objectives that the organization aims to achieve. These three components are crucial for the success and effectiveness of an organization.
Pengurus yang bertanggung jawab terkait administrasi organisasi adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Sekretaris
The correct answer is "Sekretaris". A secretary is responsible for the administrative tasks of an organization, such as managing correspondence, organizing meetings, and maintaining records. They play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of the organization by handling administrative duties efficiently.
Proses penunjukan pengurus organisasi dengan cara ditunjuk langsung oleh seluruh anggota organisasi disebut ....
Correct Answer
C. Aklamasi
Aklamasi adalah proses penunjukan pengurus organisasi dengan cara ditunjuk langsung oleh seluruh anggota organisasi tanpa melalui pemilihan atau voting. Dalam proses ini, anggota organisasi secara bersama-sama dan secara bulat setuju untuk mengangkat seseorang sebagai pengurus. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya kesepakatan yang kuat dan dukungan yang luas dari seluruh anggota organisasi terhadap orang yang ditunjuk sebagai pengurus.
Salah satu manfaat mengikuti organisai di sekolah adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Menambah pengetahuan baru
Mengikuti organisasi di sekolah dapat memberikan manfaat dalam menambah pengetahuan baru. Dengan bergabung dalam organisasi, siswa dapat terlibat dalam berbagai kegiatan yang dapat meningkatkan pemahaman mereka tentang topik atau keterampilan tertentu. Selain itu, organisasi juga sering mengadakan kegiatan seperti seminar, workshop, atau pelatihan yang dapat memberikan pengetahuan baru kepada anggotanya. Dengan demikian, mengikuti organisasi di sekolah dapat menjadi cara efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa di luar lingkungan kelas.
Berikut ini yang tidak termasuk organisasi sekolah adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Karang taruna
The options given in the question are all related to school organizations except for "Karang taruna." Pramuka refers to the scout organization, Osis refers to the student council, and PMR refers to the Red Cross Youth. These organizations are commonly found in schools and are involved in various activities related to the school community. However, "Karang taruna" is not specifically related to schools but rather a youth organization that focuses on social and community development.
Pramuka adalah singkatan dari ....
Correct Answer
A. Praja muda karana
The correct answer is "Praja muda karana" because "Pramuka" is an abbreviation for "Praja muda karana" in Indonesian.
Seorang calon pengurus organisasi dinyatakan menang dalam sebuah pemilihan pengurus anggota apabila memperoleh suara sebanyak ....
Correct Answer
B. 50% + 1 dari jumlah suara
To win an election for a position in an organization, a candidate must receive more than 50% of the total valid votes cast. This means that the candidate needs to have at least half of the votes plus one additional vote in order to be declared the winner.
Badan yang membantu penyelenggaraan pemerintah desa adalah ....
Correct Answer
BPD stands for Badan Permusyawaratan Desa, which is a body that assists in the administration of village government. They play a crucial role in decision-making, planning, and implementing various programs and policies at the village level. BPD members are elected by the community and represent the voice of the villagers in local governance matters. They work closely with the village head and other government officials to ensure the smooth functioning of the village administration and to address the needs and concerns of the villagers.
Jika kita ikut dalam organisasi akan memberikan banyak manfaat, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
D. Membiasakan menang sendiri
Joining an organization can provide many benefits such as developing teamwork skills, fostering a sense of responsibility, and gaining confidence to speak in front of a large audience. However, getting accustomed to always winning and prioritizing personal victories over collaboration and cooperation can hinder the benefits that come from being part of an organization. It is important to have a mindset of working together and valuing collective success rather than focusing solely on individual triumphs.
Kerja sama dalam organisasi bertujuan untuk membuat tujuan organisasi menjadi ....
Correct Answer
A. Tercapai
Kerja sama dalam organisasi bertujuan untuk membuat tujuan organisasi menjadi tercapai. Kerja sama antara anggota organisasi membantu dalam mencapai tujuan bersama dengan memaksimalkan potensi individu, memperbaiki komunikasi, dan meningkatkan efisiensi kerja. Dengan adanya kerja sama yang baik, organisasi dapat mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan dan menghasilkan hasil yang diinginkan.
Sikap yang tidak perlu dikembangkan dalam berorganisasi adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Egois
The correct answer is "Egois." Egoism refers to a self-centered attitude where individuals prioritize their own interests and desires over the needs and well-being of others. In an organizational setting, fostering a sense of teamwork, collaboration, and empathy is crucial for effective communication, productivity, and overall success. Developing an egoistic attitude can hinder cooperation, create conflicts, and undermine the collective goals of the organization. Therefore, it is essential to discourage egoism and promote a more selfless and considerate approach to working together.
Kegiatan-kegiatan yang akan dilakukan dalam organisasi dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
D. Program kerja
The correct answer is "Program kerja". This is because the question is asking for the term used to describe the activities that will be carried out in an organization. "Program kerja" translates to "work program" or "work plan" in English, which accurately describes the activities that will be undertaken within the organization.
Setiap peserta musyawarah mempunyai hak yang sama dalam menyampaikan ....
Correct Answer
B. Pendapat
Dalam musyawarah, setiap peserta memiliki hak yang sama untuk menyampaikan pendapat mereka. Ini berarti bahwa setiap peserta memiliki kesempatan yang sama untuk berbicara dan berbagi pandangan mereka tentang topik yang sedang dibahas.
Pemilihan ketua kelas sebaiknya dilakukan dengan cara ....
Correct Answer
C. Musyawarah
Musyawarah is the best way to choose a class representative. This method involves discussing and deliberating among the students to reach a consensus on who should be elected as the class leader. It promotes collaboration, inclusivity, and ensures that everyone's opinions and preferences are taken into consideration. This approach fosters a sense of unity and ownership among the students, making it an ideal method for selecting a class leader.
Dalam musyawarah harus mementingkan kepentingan ....
Correct Answer
B. Bersama
The correct answer is "Bersama". In a musyawarah (discussion or deliberation), it is important to prioritize the collective interest or the interest of the group as a whole. The word "bersama" means together or collectively, suggesting that decisions should be made in consideration of the common goals and benefits rather than individual interests.
Musyawarah dilakukan untuk mencapai ....
Correct Answer
D. Mufakat
Musyawarah dilakukan untuk mencapai mufakat. Mufakat adalah kesepakatan yang dicapai melalui diskusi dan perundingan bersama. Dalam musyawarah, berbagai pandangan dan pendapat diutarakan dan didiskusikan untuk mencapai kesepakatan bersama. Tujuan dari musyawarah adalah mencapai mufakat atau kesepakatan yang menguntungkan semua pihak yang terlibat. Dengan melakukan musyawarah dan mencapai mufakat, maka keputusan yang diambil akan lebih diterima dan dijalankan dengan baik oleh semua pihak yang terlibat.
Keputusan bersama sangat diutamakan karena dapat ....
Correct Answer
C. Menampung semua pendapat
The correct answer is "Menampung semua pendapat" because making decisions collectively allows for the inclusion and consideration of all opinions and perspectives. This ensures that a diverse range of ideas and viewpoints are taken into account, leading to a more well-rounded and informed decision-making process. By accommodating all opinions, the decision is more likely to be fair, inclusive, and representative of the group as a whole.
Berikut ini adalah tindakan tidak terpuji dalam rapat adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Memaksakan keinginan pribadi
Memaksakan keinginan pribadi (forcing personal desires) is considered an inappropriate action in a meeting as it disregards the opinions and perspectives of others. In a collaborative setting like a meeting, it is important to respect and consider the ideas and suggestions of all participants, rather than imposing one's own agenda. This behavior can hinder effective communication and decision-making within the group.
Pemilihan ketua kelas merupakan musyawarah yang dilakukan di lingkungan ....
Correct Answer
B. Sekolah
The correct answer is "Sekolah" because the question is asking about the environment where the selection of class president takes place. The selection of class president is typically done within the school environment, involving students and teachers. Therefore, "Sekolah" is the most appropriate option.
Setiap orang diberi hak dan kebebasan dalam musyawarah. Hal ini sesuai dengan UUD 1945 pasal ....
Correct Answer
C. Pasal 28
Article 28 of the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia guarantees the right to freedom of association, assembly, expression, and religion. It states that every person has the right to freely associate, assemble, and express their thoughts, opinions, and beliefs. This article aligns with the statement in the question that every person is given the right and freedom to engage in deliberation or consultation.
Contoh keputusan bersama di kelas adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Jadwal piket kelas
The correct answer is "Jadwal piket kelas". This is because a joint decision in a class often involves assigning students to take turns in being on duty to maintain order and cleanliness in the classroom and school premises. This can include tasks like cleaning the classroom, organizing materials, and ensuring that rules are followed.
Musyawarah perlu dilakukan agar di masyarakat tidak terjadi ....
Correct Answer
A. Perpecahan
Musyawarah perlu dilakukan agar di masyarakat tidak terjadi perpecahan. Musyawarah merupakan proses diskusi dan pembahasan yang melibatkan semua pihak untuk mencapai kesepakatan bersama. Dengan melakukan musyawarah, masyarakat dapat menyelesaikan perbedaan pendapat dan mencari solusi yang dapat diterima oleh semua pihak. Hal ini penting untuk menjaga persatuan dan kerukunan dalam masyarakat, sehingga tidak terjadi perpecahan yang dapat merusak harmoni dan perdamaian.
Pendapat yang kita sampaikan bisa ditolak dalam rapat jika pendapat itu ....
Correct Answer
A. Tidak mempunyai alasan yang jelas
In a meeting, if an opinion does not have a clear reason, it can be rejected. This means that when presenting an opinion, it is important to provide a logical and coherent explanation to support it. Without a clear reason, the opinion may not hold weight or convince others in the meeting, leading to its rejection.
Sekalipun Andi adalah seorang ketua kelas. Maka setiap rapat sebaiknya andi harus bersifat ....
Correct Answer
C. Rendah hati
The correct answer is "Rendah hati". This is because as a class leader, Andi should possess humility and modesty in order to effectively lead and collaborate with others. Being "rendah hati" means having a humble attitude and not being arrogant or boastful. It is important for Andi to be respectful and considerate towards others during meetings and discussions.
Dalam rapat kelas maka orang yang sebaiknya mengumumkan hasil rapat adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Ketua kelas
In a class meeting, the person who should announce the meeting results is the class president. As the leader of the class, the class president is responsible for communicating important information to the rest of the class. They are in a position of authority and have the necessary communication skills to effectively convey the meeting outcomes to the students. Therefore, the class president is the most suitable person to announce the meeting results.