Atagfirullahal"azhim disebut bacaan...
Correct Answer
B. B. Istighfar
The given correct answer is b. Istighfar. Istighfar is a term used in Islam to refer to seeking forgiveness from Allah for sins and mistakes. It is a form of repentance and is considered an important practice in seeking spiritual purification and closeness to Allah. Istighfar involves acknowledging one's wrongdoing, feeling remorseful, and asking for forgiveness with the intention of not repeating the same mistake in the future.
Rasulullah saw mencontohkan, dalam sehari membaca istigfar sebanyak...
Correct Answer
B. B. 70/100 kali
Rasulullah saw mencontohkan bahwa dalam sehari beliau membaca istigfar sebanyak 70/100 kali. Istigfar adalah permohonan ampun kepada Allah SWT, sehingga Rasulullah saw mencontohkan pentingnya mengingat dan memohon ampunan kepada Allah SWT sebanyak mungkin dalam sehari. Dengan membaca istigfar sebanyak 70/100 kali, Rasulullah saw memberikan teladan kepada umatnya untuk senantiasa bertaubat dan memohon ampunan kepada Allah SWT.
Subhanallah adalah bacaan...
Correct Answer
C. C, Tasbih
Subhanallah is a phrase used to glorify and praise Allah. It is often recited during prayers or as a form of remembrance. The word "tasbih" means to glorify or praise, which aligns with the meaning of Subhanallah. Therefore, the correct answer is c, Tasbih.
Tiada kekuatan yang bisa menandingi kekuatan Allah karena Allah bersifat...
Correct Answer
D. D. Al Qadir
The correct answer is d. Al Qadir. This is because Al Qadir means "The All-Powerful" or "The Able". It signifies that Allah has the power and ability to do anything and everything. There is no force or power that can rival or compete with Allah's power. This attribute highlights the supreme and limitless power of Allah.
Al Hakim artinya...
Correct Answer
B. B. Maha Bijaksana
Al Hakim artinya "Maha Bijaksana". The word "al Hakim" is an Arabic term that translates to "the Wise" or "the Wise One" in English. This term is often used to describe someone who possesses great wisdom, knowledge, and sound judgment. Therefore, the correct answer is b. Maha Bijaksana.
Allah menciptakan anak kembar, karena Allah bersifat,,,
Correct Answer
B. B. Al Mushawwir
Allah menciptakan anak kembar karena Allah bersifat "Al Mushawwir" yang berarti Maha Pencipta dan Maha Pembentuk. Allah memiliki kekuasaan dan kebijaksanaan untuk menciptakan segala sesuatu dengan bentuk dan rupa yang berbeda, termasuk anak kembar. Sifat ini menunjukkan keagungan dan kekuasaan Allah dalam menciptakan setiap detail dalam alam semesta ini.
Sifat Allah swt yang menunjukan Allah maha Kuasa adalah...
Correct Answer
B. B. Al Qadir
The correct answer is b. Al Qadir. This attribute of Allah signifies His absolute power and ability to do anything. It emphasizes His control over all things and His ability to bring about any desired outcome. This attribute highlights Allah's omnipotence and His ability to create, sustain, and govern the universe according to His will.
Asmaul Husna artinya...
Correct Answer
D. D. Nama-nama Allah yang baik
The correct answer is d. Nama-nama Allah yang baik. This is because "Asmaul Husna" refers to the beautiful and good names of Allah in Islam. It is a collection of 99 names that are used to describe the attributes and qualities of Allah. These names are considered to be the best and most perfect names that can be used to refer to Allah.
Yang memiliki sifat ma'shum adalah...
Correct Answer
A. A. Nabi Muhammad saw
Nabi Muhammad saw memiliki sifat ma'shum karena dalam ajaran Islam, Nabi Muhammad saw dianggap sebagai Nabi yang terlindungi dari dosa dan kesalahan. Konsep ini dikenal sebagai ma'shum, yang berarti terjaga atau terlindungi dari dosa dan kesalahan. Nabi Muhammad saw dianggap sebagai manusia yang sempurna dan dijauhkan dari segala bentuk kejahatan dan kesalahan. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar adalah a. Nabi Muhammad saw.
Qadha dan qadar disebut juga dengan...
Correct Answer
C. C. takdir
Qadha dan qadar is an Arabic term that refers to the concept of predestination or fate in Islamic theology. It encompasses the belief that everything that happens in the world is predetermined by Allah. Therefore, the correct answer is c. takdir, which translates to "fate" in English.
Qadar dapat diubah dengan...
Correct Answer
B. B. Ikhtiar dan do'a
Qadar refers to predestination or fate in Islamic belief. It is believed that while certain events in life are predetermined, human beings have the ability to change or influence their destiny through their efforts (ikhtiar) and supplication (do'a) to Allah. This means that one can strive and work hard towards achieving their goals and also seek guidance and blessings from Allah through prayers. This aligns with the concept of free will and the importance of taking action and seeking Allah's help in shaping one's destiny.
Takdir Allah yang dapat diubah adalah takdir...
Correct Answer
B. B. muallaq
The correct answer is b. muallaq. In Islamic theology, muallaq refers to a type of destiny that is not fixed or predetermined. It is a destiny that can be changed or altered based on human choices and actions. This concept emphasizes the idea of free will and the responsibility of individuals to make decisions that can shape their own destiny.
Ikhtiar artinya...
Correct Answer
B. B. berusaha
The correct answer is "b. berusaha". In Indonesian, "ikhtiar" means "to make an effort" or "to strive". It refers to the act of trying or working hard to achieve something. Therefore, the most appropriate translation for "ikhtiar" in English is "berusaha".
Berserah diri kepada Allah, arti dari...
Correct Answer
C. C. tawakal
Tawakal is the act of surrendering oneself completely to Allah and relying on Him for guidance, support, and protection. It is the belief that Allah is in control of all outcomes and that one should trust in His plan. Tawakal is a form of faith and trust in Allah's wisdom and power. It involves letting go of personal desires and accepting whatever Allah decrees. Through tawakal, individuals find peace and solace in knowing that Allah is always there to take care of them.
Tempat dimana Allah telah menetapkan takdir manusia, adalah...
Correct Answer
C. C. lauhil mahfuzh
The correct answer is c. lauhil mahfuzh. Lauhil mahfuzh is a term in Islamic theology that refers to the preserved tablet or the divine record where Allah has written the destiny of every individual. It is believed to be a place beyond the physical realm where all the details of the past, present, and future are recorded. It is considered to be a place of ultimate knowledge and decree, where Allah has predetermined everything that will happen in the universe.
Keutamaan istigfar antara lain adalah...
Correct Answer
A. A. menghapus dosa
The correct answer is a. menghapus dosa. Istigfar is the act of seeking forgiveness from Allah for one's sins. By sincerely repenting and seeking forgiveness, one's sins are forgiven and wiped away. Istigfar is considered a virtuous act in Islam and is believed to bring about spiritual purification and closeness to Allah.
Salah satu hikmah dari beriman kepada qada dan qadar antara lain...
Correct Answer
A. A. selalu bertawakal
Hikmah dari beriman kepada qada dan qadar adalah selalu bertawakal. Bertawakal berarti mengandalkan sepenuhnya kepada Allah dalam segala hal. Dengan beriman kepada qada dan qadar, seseorang akan menerima segala kejadian yang terjadi dalam hidupnya sebagai takdir yang telah ditentukan oleh Allah. Hal ini akan membantu seseorang untuk tidak merasa cemas atau khawatir, karena dia yakin bahwa segala sesuatu yang terjadi adalah kehendak Allah yang terbaik untuknya. Dengan demikian, dia akan mengandalkan dan bergantung sepenuhnya kepada Allah dalam menghadapi segala situasi dan masalah dalam hidupnya.
Apabila mendapat musibah kita tidak boleh..
Correct Answer
D. D. berputus asa
When faced with a disaster, it is important not to give up or lose hope. "Berputus asa" means to despair or lose hope. In difficult times, it is crucial to remain resilient and optimistic, as giving up will only hinder our ability to overcome the challenges and find solutions. Therefore, option d. "berputus asa" is the correct answer.
Zaman sebelum Allah menciptakan makhlukNya disebut dengan zaman...
Correct Answer
B. B. azali
The correct answer is b. azali. "Azali" refers to the period before Allah created his creatures. This term is often used in Islamic theology to describe the pre-eternal state of existence before the creation of the universe and all living beings. It is a concept that highlights the timeless and eternal nature of Allah and distinguishes it from the temporal world.
Laa ilaaha illallah, adalah bacaan...
Correct Answer
C. C. Tahlil
The correct answer is c. Tahlil. "Laa ilaaha illallah" is an Arabic phrase that translates to "There is no god but Allah." This phrase is considered the testimony of faith in Islam and is recited by Muslims as a declaration of their belief in the oneness of Allah. Tahlil is the act of reciting this phrase repeatedly as a form of remembrance and worship. The other options, Istigfar, Tahmid, and Tasbih, refer to different forms of supplication and praise to Allah, but they do not specifically involve the recitation of "Laa ilaaha illallah."