Kata khulafaurrasyidin berasal dari bahasa....
Correct Answer
A. A. Arab
The word "khulafaurrasyidin" is derived from the Arabic language. This can be inferred from the fact that the word itself is written in Arabic script and is commonly used in Islamic contexts, which predominantly use the Arabic language. Therefore, the correct answer is a. Arab.
Tugas nabi Muhammad saw yang tidak dapat digantikan orang lain adalah...
Correct Answer
D. D. pembawa risalah
The correct answer is d. pembawa risalah. The role of being a messenger of Allah and delivering His message to humanity is a unique responsibility that only Prophet Muhammad (saw) had. While others may have taken on leadership roles or served as heads of state, no one else can claim to have been chosen as the final prophet and the bearer of divine revelation.
Kata khulafa adalah jamak dari kata....
Correct Answer
C. C. khalifah
The correct answer is c. khalifah. The question is asking for the plural form of the word "khulafa". "Khulafa" is the plural form of "khalifah", which means "caliph" or "successor".
Nasab Abu Bakar dengan nabi Muhammad saw bertemu pada...
Correct Answer
B. B. Murrah bin Ka'ab
Nasab Abu Bakar bertemu dengan nabi Muhammad saw pada Murrah bin Ka'ab.
Abu Bakar diangkat menjadi khalifah pada tahun....
Correct Answer
C. C. 632 Masehi
Abu Bakar diangkat menjadi khalifah pada tahun 632 Masehi.
Pekerjaan Abu Bakar sebelum diangkat menjadi khalifah adalah...
Correct Answer
B. B. pedagang
Abu Bakar's occupation before becoming a caliph was a merchant. This means that he was involved in buying and selling goods for profit. As a merchant, Abu Bakar would have been experienced in trade and commerce, which could have contributed to his leadership skills and decision-making abilities as a caliph. Being a merchant would have also provided him with financial knowledge and resources, which could have been valuable in managing the affairs of the Islamic state during his time as a caliph.
Khulafaurrasyidin terdiri dari sahabat utama Nabi Muhammad saw yang berjumlah...
Correct Answer
D. D. empat
The correct answer is d. empat. The Khulafaurrasyidin refers to the four caliphs who succeeded Prophet Muhammad. They are Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali. These four companions were considered the main successors and leaders of the Muslim community after the death of Prophet Muhammad.
Menurut bahasanya kata khulafaurrasyidin berarti...
Correct Answer
C. C. pemimpin
The correct answer is c. pemimpin. The term "khulafaurrasyidin" refers to the leaders who succeeded the Prophet Muhammad in guiding and governing the Muslim community. These leaders are considered to be righteous and just, and they are regarded as the rightful successors of the Prophet. Therefore, the term "khulafaurrasyidin" can be translated as "pemimpin" or "leader".
Abu Bakar pernah mmbebaskan rosulullah saw dari cekikan...
Correct Answer
C. C. uqbah bin muith
As siddiq artinya....
Correct Answer
D. D. membenarkan
The word "siddiq" in Arabic means "truthful" or "honest". The word "membenarkan" in Indonesian means "to confirm" or "to verify". Therefore, option d. "membenarkan" is the correct answer as it accurately translates the meaning of "siddiq" in Indonesian.
Sebelum masuk Islam, Abu bakar bernama....
Correct Answer
B. B. Abdul Ka'bah
Before converting to Islam, Abu Bakar was known as Abdul Ka'bah.
Sahabat yang ditunjuk sebagai ketua pengumpul dan penulis ayat Alqur'an oleh Abu Bakar adalah...
Correct Answer
C. C. Zaid bin Tsabit
Zaid bin Tsabit was appointed by Abu Bakar as the leader in collecting and writing the verses of the Quran. This indicates that Zaid bin Tsabit played a crucial role in preserving the Quranic text during the time of Abu Bakar's caliphate.
Khalifah Abu Bakar wafat pada tanggal...
Correct Answer
B. B. 23 Jumadil akhir 13 H
Khalifah Abu Bakar wafat pada tanggal 23 Jumadil akhir 13 H.
Umar bin Khattab lahir pada tahun...
Correct Answer
D. D. 581 M
Awal mula Umar bin khattab masuk islam setelah membaca...
Correct Answer
C. C. surat Thoha
Umar bin Khattab's entry into Islam began after reading Surat Thoha. This surah contains verses that highlight the story of Musa (Moses) and his encounter with Allah. It emphasizes the importance of seeking knowledge, guidance, and the power of faith. Umar was deeply moved by the message of this surah and it played a significant role in his decision to embrace Islam.
Umar bin Khattab menjadi Khalifah selama...
Correct Answer
B. B. 13 tahun
Umar bin Khattab menjadi Khalifah selama 13 tahun.
Tempat musyawarah kaum Anshar untuk membahs pengganti nabi Muhammad saw yaitu...
Correct Answer
C. C. Bani Sa'idah
The correct answer is c. Bani Sa'idah. Bani Sa'idah refers to a tribe or group of people who were involved in the discussion and deliberation regarding the successor of Prophet Muhammad. This group, along with other tribes, played a significant role in the selection process of the next leader after the death of Prophet Muhammad.
Abu Bakar dalam menghadapi kaum murtad mengalami serangkaian peperangan yaitu...
Correct Answer
D. D. perang Ridddah
Abu Bakar faced a series of wars against the apostates, which is known as the Riddah Wars. These wars occurred after the death of Prophet Muhammad, when some tribes and individuals refused to pay Zakat (religious tax) and rejected the authority of the newly appointed caliph, Abu Bakar. Abu Bakar led military campaigns to suppress these rebellions and bring the apostates back into the fold of Islam. The Riddah Wars were crucial in maintaining the unity and stability of the newly established Islamic state.
Orang yang mengaku sebagai nabi adalah...
Correct Answer
C. C. Musailamah Al kazzab
Musailamah Al kazzab is the correct answer because he was a person who claimed to be a prophet during the time of Prophet Muhammad. He was known for spreading false prophecies and deceiving people with his claims. His false teachings and actions were widely rejected by the Muslim community, and he was eventually defeated in a battle known as the Battle of Yamama.
Salah satu yang menjadi pertimbangan Abu Bakar diangkat menjadi khalifah adalah...
Correct Answer
B. B. Sahabat yang mendampingi Rasulullah saw hijrah
Abu Bakar was chosen as the caliph because he was the companion who accompanied Prophet Muhammad during his migration to Medina. This shows his loyalty, dedication, and close relationship with the Prophet, which made him a suitable candidate for the position of caliph.