Sekumpulan orang yang bekerjasa sama untuk mencapai tujuan bersama disebut ...
Correct Answer
D. Organisasi
An organization refers to a group of individuals who work together towards a common goal. This term implies a structured and coordinated effort where each member has a specific role to play. Unlike the other options, such as "Nongkrong" (hanging out), "Bergaul" (socializing), and "Bercanda" (joking around), an organization implies a more formal and purposeful collaboration among individuals.
Supaya anggota organisasi dapat melakukan pekerjaan dengan kompak maka organisasi harus mempunyai ....
Correct Answer
C. Tujuan yang jelas
To ensure that members of an organization can work cohesively, it is important for the organization to have clear goals. Clear goals provide a sense of direction and purpose for the members, allowing them to align their efforts and work together towards a common objective. When the goals are clear, members can prioritize their tasks and make coordinated decisions, leading to a more efficient and synchronized workflow. Without clear goals, members may have different interpretations of what needs to be done, resulting in confusion, conflicts, and a lack of unity within the organization.
Orang yang memimpin organisasi biasanya dinamakan sebagai ....
Correct Answer
D. Ketua
The correct answer is "Ketua" because in the given question, it is mentioned that the person who leads an organization is usually called as "....". Among the options provided, "Ketua" is the most suitable term to describe the leader or the person in charge of an organization.
Supaya setiap anggota bisa bekerja dengan disiplin maka dalam organisasi dibuat ....
Correct Answer
A. Peraturan
To ensure that every member can work with discipline, rules are created within the organization. Rules provide guidelines and expectations for behavior and performance, helping to maintain order and consistency. By establishing rules, members are more likely to understand their responsibilities and the consequences of not following the rules. This promotes a disciplined work environment where everyone knows what is expected of them and can work together effectively.
Anggota dari OSIS adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Para siswa
The members of OSIS are students, not teachers, traders, or parents. OSIS stands for Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah, which translates to Intra-School Student Organization. Therefore, the correct answer is "Para siswa" (The students).
Pramuka adalah kepanjangan dari ....
Correct Answer
D. Praja Muda Karana
Pramuka is an abbreviation for "Praja Muda Karana."
Ketua kelas adalah ketua organisasi di lingkungan ....
Correct Answer
C. Sekolah
The correct answer is "Sekolah" because the question is asking for the environment in which the class leader is the leader of an organization. In this context, it is logical to assume that the class leader would hold this position within the school setting.
Pengurus organisasi yang mengurusi keuangan adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Bendahara
The correct answer is "Bendahara". In an organization, the person responsible for managing the finances is usually the "Bendahara". They are in charge of keeping track of income and expenses, handling financial transactions, and maintaining financial records. The Bendahara plays a crucial role in ensuring the financial stability and transparency of the organization.
Siswa SD yang berusia 7 – 10 tahun termasuk dalam gugus depan pramuka ....
Correct Answer
A. Siaga
Siswa SD yang berusia 7-10 tahun termasuk dalam gugus depan pramuka. "Siaga" is the correct answer because it is the term used to refer to the age group of 7-10 year old students in the scout movement.
Organisasi di sekolah yang melatih siswa yang bergerak dalam bidang kesehatan adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Unit Kesehatan Sekolah
The correct answer is Unit Kesehatan Sekolah. This organization trains students in the field of health within the school. It focuses on promoting and maintaining the health and well-being of students by providing health education, conducting health screenings, and offering medical services. This organization plays a vital role in ensuring the overall health and wellness of students in the school.
PPPK adalah singkatan dari pertolongan pertama pada ....
Correct Answer
C. Kecelakaan
PPPK stands for "pertolongan pertama pada kecelakaan" which translates to "first aid for accidents" in English. This acronym is commonly used in Indonesia to refer to the provision of immediate medical assistance to individuals who have been injured in accidents. Therefore, the correct answer is "Kecelakaan" which means "accidents".
Berikut ini adalah kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan di UKS, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
D. Mengambil bibit tanaman
Kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan di UKS adalah mengukur berat badan, mengukur tinggi badan, dan mengobati luka ringan. Mengambil bibit tanaman tidak terkait dengan kesehatan atau layanan yang biasanya disediakan di UKS.
Contoh barang-barang yang dijual di koperasi sekolah adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Buku, pensil dan penggaris
The correct answer is "Buku, pensil dan penggaris" because these are common items that are typically sold in a school cooperative.
Berikut adalah yang bukan dari anggota koperasi sekolah adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Wali murid
The given options consist of different members of a school cooperative. The options include students, teachers, and school staff. However, "Wali murid" refers to the parents or guardians of students, who are not typically considered members of a school cooperative. Therefore, "Wali murid" is the correct answer as it is not a member of the school cooperative.
Karang taruna adalah organiasi di lingkungan ....
Correct Answer
D. Masyarakat
Karang taruna adalah organisasi di lingkungan masyarakat. Ini menunjukkan bahwa karang taruna beroperasi di luar lingkungan sekolah, kelas, atau rumah. Organisasi ini berfokus pada kegiatan sosial dan pengembangan diri untuk masyarakat umum.
Organiasasi yang mempunyai tugas membantu kelancaran adminsitrasi kependudukan, seperti pengurusan Kartu Keluarga dan Kartu Tanda Penduduk adalah ....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is RT. RT stands for Rukun Tetangga, which is a neighborhood association in Indonesia. One of the tasks of RT is to assist in the smooth administration of population, such as managing Family Cards (Kartu Keluarga) and Identity Cards (Kartu Tanda Penduduk).
Jaminan berorganisasi dijamin oleh Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 pasal ....
Correct Answer
C. 28
The correct answer is 28. This is because the question is asking about the article in the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia that guarantees the right to organize. The correct answer is 28 because Article 28 of the 1945 Constitution guarantees the right of every person to form organizations.
Kita bisa mengikuti organisasi sesuai dengan ....
Correct Answer
C. Minat dan bakat sendiri
Kita bisa mengikuti organisasi sesuai dengan minat dan bakat sendiri. Ini berarti bahwa kita dapat memilih organisasi yang sesuai dengan minat dan bakat pribadi kita. Dengan memilih organisasi yang sesuai dengan minat dan bakat kita, kita akan lebih termotivasi dan lebih bersemangat dalam mengikuti kegiatan organisasi tersebut.
Organisasi-organisasi di lingkungan masyarakat adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
C. Osis
The given options represent different organizations in a community. Karang taruna is a youth organization, Posyandu is a community health center, and RT refers to a neighborhood association. The odd one out is Osis, which stands for Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah, a student organization within a school.
Gugus depan pramuka untuk usia orang dewasa adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Pembina
The correct answer is "Pembina." The question is asking for the front group of scouts for adults. In the scout movement, "Pembina" refers to the adult leaders or mentors who guide and support the younger scouts. They are responsible for the supervision and development of the scout group.
Salah satu manfaat masuk dalam organisasi di sekolah adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Memiliki banyak teman
Salah satu manfaat masuk dalam organisasi di sekolah adalah memiliki banyak teman. Ketika kita bergabung dalam sebuah organisasi, kita akan bertemu dengan banyak orang yang memiliki minat dan tujuan yang sama. Hal ini memungkinkan kita untuk memperluas jaringan pertemanan dan membangun hubungan yang baik dengan orang-orang yang memiliki minat yang serupa. Dengan memiliki banyak teman, kita dapat belajar dari pengalaman mereka, saling mendukung, dan menjalin hubungan yang bermanfaat dalam kehidupan sosial kita.
Dalam berorganisasi kita harus selalu ....
Correct Answer
A. Bekerja sama dengan anggota yang lain
Dalam berorganisasi, penting untuk selalu bekerja sama dengan anggota yang lain. Bekerja sama memungkinkan kita untuk saling mendukung, berbagi ide, dan mencapai tujuan bersama. Dengan bekerja sendiri secara terus-menerus, kita akan kehilangan manfaat dari kerjasama tim dan tidak dapat mencapai hasil yang optimal. Tidak mau bekerja sama juga akan menghambat kemajuan organisasi dan menciptakan ketidakharmonisan antar anggota.
Badan yang membantu penyelenggaraan pemerintah desa adalah ....
Correct Answer
BPD stands for Badan Permusyawaratan Desa, which translates to Village Consultative Body. This body plays a crucial role in assisting with the administration of the village government. They serve as a forum for discussion and decision-making on various issues related to the village's development and welfare. BPD members are elected by the villagers and represent their interests in the decision-making process. They work closely with the village head and other government officials to ensure the smooth functioning of the village administration.
Kemajuan dan keberhasilan dari organisasi paling utama ditentukan oleh ....
Correct Answer
D. Semua pengurusnya
The progress and success of an organization are primarily determined by the collective efforts and contributions of all its management members. This means that the secretary, treasurer, and chairman all play crucial roles in ensuring the organization's advancement and achievements. The answer "Semua pengurusnya" (All of its management members) reflects this understanding.
Sebagai salah satu organisasi di masyarakat, Posyandu memberikan pelayanan dalam hal ....
Correct Answer
A. Kesehatan bayi dan balita
Posyandu is an organization in the community that provides services related to health. The options provided are different areas where Posyandu can provide its services. Among these options, "Kesehatan bayi dan balita" (health of infants and toddlers) is the most relevant area for Posyandu to focus on. This is because Posyandu is commonly known for its role in providing healthcare services for mothers and children, particularly in monitoring the growth and development of infants and toddlers, immunization, and providing health education to parents.