Apa yang dimaksud dengan kebutuhan ?
Correct Answer
C. Kebutuhan adalah keinginan untuk memperoleh barang dan jasa untuk mencapai suatu kemakmuran baik itu fisik maupun rohani.
The correct answer states that kebutuhan refers to the desire to obtain goods and services in order to achieve physical and spiritual prosperity. This definition encompasses both material and non-material needs, emphasizing the holistic nature of kebutuhan in achieving overall well-being.
"Handphone, televisi, dan motor", berdasarkan jenis kebutuhan menurut intensitas kebutuhannya,
termasuk kebutuhan ...
Correct Answer
B. Sekunder
The items mentioned in the question, "Handphone, televisi, dan motor," are considered secondary needs. Secondary needs are those that are not essential for survival but are still important for daily life and comfort. These items are not basic necessities like food, water, and shelter, but they contribute to enhancing the quality of life and fulfilling certain desires or wants.
Kebutuhan tersier identik dengan kebutuhan yang sifatnya ...
Correct Answer
B. Materi dengan bentuknya yang khusus.
The correct answer is "materi dengan bentuknya yang khusus." This is because tertiary needs refer to specific material needs that are unique to individuals or groups. These needs are not generic or general in nature, but rather specific and specialized. Therefore, the answer choice "materi dengan bentuknya yang khusus" accurately describes tertiary needs.
Kebutuhan menurut sifatnya dibagi menjadi dua yaitu ...
Correct Answer
A. Kebutuhan jasmani dan kebutuhan rohani.
The correct answer is kebutuhan jasmani dan kebutuhan rohani. This is because the question is asking about the classification of needs based on their nature. Kebutuhan jasmani refers to physical needs such as food, water, and shelter, while kebutuhan rohani refers to spiritual or emotional needs such as love, belonging, and self-actualization. The other options mentioned in the question do not accurately classify needs based on their nature.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan kebutuhan kolektif dan berikan 1 contohnya!
Correct Answer
C. Kebutuhan kolektif adalah kebutuhan yang bermanfaat untuk kepentingan bersama, contohnya pasar.
The correct answer is "kebutuhan kolektif adalah kebutuhan yang bermanfaat untuk kepentingan bersama, contohnya pasar." This is because collective needs refer to needs that are beneficial for the common interest or the community as a whole. The example given, a market, is a place where people gather to buy and sell goods, and it serves the collective need for access to essential items and economic activities for the community.
Apabila pendapatan seseorang tergolong tinggi cenderung ia akan memenuhi ...
Correct Answer
D. Kebutuhan tambahan selain kebutuhan primer.
When someone's income is high, they tend to fulfill their primary needs first. Therefore, the additional needs beyond the primary needs are the ones that they are more likely to fulfill.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan 'alat pemenuhan kebutuhan?
Correct Answer
B. Segala sesuatu yang dapat digunakan manusia untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya.
The correct answer states that "alat pemenuhan kebutuhan" refers to everything that can be used by humans to fulfill their needs. This explanation accurately captures the meaning of the term, emphasizing that it encompasses any object or tool that is utilized by individuals to meet their requirements.
Apa beda barang dan jasa?
Correct Answer
A. Barang bersifat materi, sedangkan jasa bersifat abstrak.
The explanation for the given correct answer is that barang (goods) are tangible and material objects that can be physically touched or felt, while jasa (services) are intangible and abstract activities or tasks that are performed for someone else. Goods can be seen, held, and experienced directly, while services cannot be directly perceived by the senses as they involve actions or efforts provided by individuals or organizations.
Mengapa barang illith bisa merugikan manusia apabila kuantitasnya melebihi yang diinginkan?
Correct Answer
C. Barang illith bisa saja merugikan manusia apabila jumahnya terlalu banyak contohnya air, apabila banyak, maka akan menyebabkan kebanjiran.
The given answer states that barang illith can be harmful to humans if there is an excessive quantity, using the example of water causing flooding. This explanation aligns with the question's premise that an excessive quantity of barang illith can be detrimental to humans.
"Minuman dan makanan", berdasarkan barang menurut kelangkaannya, termasuk barang ...
Correct Answer
A. Barang ekonomi.
The term "Minuman dan makanan" refers to food and beverages, which are considered essential goods for consumption. These goods are classified as economic goods because they are limited in supply and have a price attached to them. Economic goods are goods that have value and are scarce in relation to their demand, leading to a need for allocation and trade. Therefore, "barang ekonomi" is the correct answer as it accurately describes food and beverages as economic goods.
Apa itu barang produksi dan berikan contohnya juga!
Correct Answer
B. Barang produksi adalah barang yang digunakan dalam proses produksi, contohnya mesin.
The correct answer is "barang produksi adalah barang yang digunakan dalam proses produksi, contohnya mesin." This answer accurately defines barang produksi as goods that are used in the production process, such as machinery. It distinguishes barang produksi from the other options by highlighting its purpose in facilitating production.
Mengapa barang yang saling melengkapi satu sama lain dinamakan barang komplementer?
Correct Answer
B. Karena kata "komplementer" mengandung kata bahasa Inggris yaitu "complete" yang artinya lengkap.
Barang yang saling melengkapi satu sama lain dinamakan barang komplementer karena kata "komplementer" mengandung kata bahasa Inggris yaitu "complete" yang artinya lengkap. Ini mengacu pada fakta bahwa barang-barang ini diperlukan satu sama lain untuk mencapai kegunaan yang maksimal. Dalam pasangan komplementer, satu barang tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik tanpa yang lain, sehingga keduanya saling melengkapi dan menjadi lengkap.
Berikut contoh mengenai barang substitusi, kecuali ...
Correct Answer
A. Sepeda dengan mobil.
The given options are examples of substitute goods, except for the option "sepeda dengan mobil" which translates to "bicycle with car". The other options, "nasi dengan roti" (rice with bread), "kipas angin dengan AC" (fan with air conditioner), and "jam dinding dengan jam tangan" (wall clock with wristwatch) all represent goods that can be substituted for each other in terms of fulfilling a similar need or purpose. However, a bicycle and a car are not substitutes for each other as they serve different transportation needs and have different features and capabilities.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan barang bergerak dan berikan contohnya juga!
Correct Answer
B. Barang bergerak adalah barang yang bisa dipindahkan lokasinya, contohnya mobil.
The correct answer states that "barang bergerak adalah barang yang bisa dipindahkan lokasinya, contohnya mobil" which means that a moving object is an object that can be moved from one place to another, and an example of this is a car. This explanation accurately defines the term "barang bergerak" and provides a suitable example to illustrate it.
"Kapas dan beras", berdasarkan barang menurut proses pembuatannya, termasuk barang ...
Correct Answer
A. Barang mentah.
"Kapas dan beras" are mentioned as examples in the question, and they are classified based on the process of their production. The options provided are "barang mentah" (raw materials), "barang seperempat jadi" (semi-finished goods), "barang setengah jadi" (half-finished goods), and "barang jadi" (finished goods). Since "kapas dan beras" are raw materials that are used to produce other goods, the correct answer is "barang mentah."
Kelangkaan pasti akan terjadi apabila ...
Correct Answer
A. Kebutuhan manusia > alat pemenuhan kebutuhan.
The correct answer is "kebutuhan manusia > alat pemenuhan kebutuhan." This means that scarcity will occur when human needs are greater than the means to fulfill those needs. When the demand for goods and services exceeds the available supply, scarcity arises. This can happen when the population grows or when resources are limited. In such situations, there is a scarcity of resources to meet the needs of all individuals, leading to competition and higher prices.
Berikut ini adalah faktor yang menyebabkan kelangkaan akan terjadi, kecuali ...
Correct Answer
E. Reboisasi besar-besaran.
The given options list factors that can cause scarcity to occur. These factors include the quantity of natural resources, the population, the contradiction between human needs and the means to fulfill them, and the quality of natural resources. However, reforestation on a large scale is not a factor that causes scarcity. In fact, reforestation can help prevent scarcity by promoting sustainable management of natural resources and preserving ecosystems.
Sumber daya alam yang tidak dapat diperbaharui (non renewable) adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Sumber daya alam yang hanya bisa digunakan sekali dan tidak bisa digunakan ulang.
The correct answer is "sumber daya alam yang hanya bisa digunakan sekali dan tidak bisa digunakan ulang." This is because non-renewable resources are natural resources that cannot be replenished or regenerated after they have been used. Once these resources are depleted, they are gone forever and cannot be used again. Examples of non-renewable resources include fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas.
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS), merupakan sumber daya alam ...
Correct Answer
F. Penghasil energi.
PLTS (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya) is a solar power plant, which means it generates energy from the sun. Therefore, the correct answer is "penghasil energi."
Berikut ini adalah jenis-jenis faktor produksi, kecuali ...
Correct Answer
D. Pendapatan dan pengeluaran.
The given options are all types of factors of production, which are resources used in the production process. These include capital (modal), labor (tenaga kerja), and natural resources (sumber daya alam). The only option that does not fit this category is pendapatan dan pengeluaran, which refers to income and expenditure. Income and expenditure are not factors of production but rather the result of economic activities.