Albert Camus dobio je Nobelovu nagradu za književnost:
Correct Answer
D. 1957
Albert Camus received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1957. This prestigious award was given to him in recognition of his significant contributions to literature. Camus was a French philosopher, author, and journalist known for his existentialist works, such as "The Stranger" and "The Myth of Sisyphus." His writings explored themes of absurdity, rebellion, and the human condition. Camus' unique style and thought-provoking ideas made him a prominent figure in the literary world, deserving of the Nobel Prize in 1957.
Albert Camus pripada francuskoj književnosti:
Correct Answer
Albert Camus je francuski pisac i filozof koji je bio jedan od najvažnijih predstavnika egzistencijalizma u francuskoj književnosti. Njegova djela, kao što su "Stranac" i "Kuga", istražuju teme apsurda, besmisla života i moralne dileme. Camus je dobitnik Nobelove nagrade za književnost i njegovo djelo i dalje ima značajan utjecaj na suvremenu književnost.
Kojom poznatom rečenicom počinje roman?
Correct Answer
C. Mama je umrla danas.
The correct answer is "Mama je umrla danas." This is because the sentence "Mama je umrla danas" is the only one that could potentially be the opening sentence of a novel. The other options are either unrelated to the beginning of a novel or are incomplete sentences.
Što je Mersault radio za vrijeme bdjenja uz majčin odar?
Correct Answer
C. Pušio, pio kavu i spavao.
During the vigil at his mother's funeral, Mersault smoked, drank coffee, and slept. This suggests that he was not emotionally affected by his mother's death and was instead detached and indifferent.
Što je tijekom sprovoda najviše smetalo Meursaultu?
Correct Answer
C. Vrućina.
The correct answer is "Vrućina" (Heat). In the given question, it is mentioned that Meursault was bothered the most during the funeral. Out of the given options, the only option related to Meursault's discomfort during the funeral is the heat. Therefore, the heat is the most plausible explanation for what bothered Meursault during the funeral.
Što se od navedenog prvo dogodilo:
Correct Answer
D. Meursaultu je umrla mama.
The correct answer is "Meursaultu je umrla mama." This is because the question asks for the event that happened first, and out of the given options, the death of Meursault's mother would likely occur before the other events mentioned (having dinner with Raymond, Salaman's dog dying, and sleeping with Marie).
Raymond stanuje u Meursaultovoj zgradi?
Correct Answer
Raymond stanuje u Meursaultovoj zgradi.
Koliko dugo nakon majčina sprovoda Meursault ima izlazak s Marie?
Correct Answer
D. Sljedećeg dana
After his mother's funeral, Meursault goes on a date with Marie the next day.
Koje je Meursaultovo omiljeno mjesto za ručavanje?
Correct Answer
D. Celeste s
The correct answer is Celeste's.
Koju vrstu filma su marie i Meursaulte gledali na svom prvom izlazu?
Correct Answer
B. Komediju
Marie and Meursault watched a comedy on their first outing.
Kojom se aktivnošću najviše vole baviti i Marie i Meursault?
Correct Answer
A. Plivanjem
Both Marie and Meursault enjoy swimming the most.
Tko ima kuću na plaži u koju su otišli Marie, Meursault i Raymond?
Correct Answer
B. Masson
Marie, Meursault, and Raymond went to the beach house of Masson.
Čiji je pištolj imao Mursault, kojim je ubio Arapina?
Correct Answer
A. Raymondov
The correct answer is Raymondov. The question is asking whose gun Mursault had when he killed the Arab. The name Raymondov suggests that the gun belonged to Raymond.
Tko je ošamario Raymonda?
Correct Answer
B. Policajac
The correct answer is "Policajac." This suggests that the person who deceived Raymonda was a police officer.
Tko je izvadio raspeće dok je razgovarao s Meursaultom?
Correct Answer
B. Istražni sudija
The correct answer is "Istražni sudija." In the given question, the question is asking who removed the crucifix while talking to Meursault. The term "Istražni sudija" translates to "Investigating Judge" in English. Therefore, it can be inferred that the investigating judge is the one who removed the crucifix while having a conversation with Meursault.
Tko je izgubio šugavog psa?
Correct Answer
C. Salamano
Salamano is the one who lost his ugly dog. This can be inferred from the given question, which asks who lost the ugly dog. The other options (Meursault, Raymond, and the Guard) do not provide any information about losing a dog, so they can be eliminated as potential answers.
Koji je nadimak koristio istražni sudija za Meursaulta?
Correct Answer
C. Gospodin antikrist
The correct answer is "Gospodin antikrist". This suggests that the nickname used by the investigating judge for Meursault is "Gospodin antikrist".
Kako se Meursault osjeća dok mu odvjetnik iznosi argumente?
Correct Answer
B. Dosadno
Meursault se osjeća dosadno dok mu odvjetnik iznosi argumente.
Koje emocije najbolje opisuju Meursaultovu reakciju kad mu Marie predloži brak?
Correct Answer
B. Indiferentnost
Meursaultova reakcija na Marieino prijedlog braka najbolje se može opisati kao indiferentnost. To se može vidjeti iz njegovog nedostatka emocija i nezainteresiranosti za brak kao instituciju. Meursault pokazuje ravnodušnost prema vezi i ne osjeća nikakvu strast ili uzbuđenje prema ideji braka. Umjesto toga, on ostaje nezainteresiran i pasivan, što ukazuje na njegovu opću indiferentnost prema životu i društvenim normama.
Kojoj osobi nalikuje Salamanov pas?
Correct Answer
C. Salamanu
The correct answer is Salamanu. This answer suggests that Salaman's dog resembles Salamanu, indicating a similarity between the two. The question is asking which person Salaman's dog resembles, and the answer points to Salamanu as the most fitting choice.
U početku što je najviše smetalo Meursaultu u zatvoru?
Correct Answer
D. Sve gore navedeno
Meursaultu je u početku najviše smetalo sve gore navedeno, što uključuje nedostatak cigareta, nedostatak seksa i nedostatak dodira s prirodom.
Što je naveći dokaz Meursaultove krivnje?
Correct Answer
A. Njegova indiferentnost na majčinom sprovodu.
The correct answer is "Njegova indiferentnost na majčinom sprovodu." This is the biggest evidence of Meursault's guilt because it shows his lack of emotional attachment and indifference towards his own mother's funeral. This behavior goes against societal norms and expectations, suggesting that Meursault does not feel remorse or empathy, which can be seen as evidence of his guilt.
Što Meursaultov odvejtnik misli o njemu?
Correct Answer
C. Osjeća odvratnost prema njemu.
The correct answer is "Osjeća odvratnost prema njemu." In the given options, the only one that indicates a negative feeling towards Meursault is "Osjeća odvratnost prema njemu." This suggests that the person does not like Meursault or finds him repulsive in some way. The other options do not convey any negative sentiment towards Meursault.
Tko je od navedenih ljudi prisustvovao Meursaultovom suđenju?
Correct Answer
B. Marie
Marie prisustvovala Meursaultovom suđenju.
Tko je bio nepozvani gost koji je došao u Meursaultovu ćeliju?
Correct Answer
C. Svećenik
The correct answer is "Svećenik" (Priest). In the given question, it is asking about an uninvited guest who came to Meursault's cell. Out of the options provided, the only suitable answer is "Svećenik" (Priest).
Kojom metodom će meursault biti ubijen?
Correct Answer
B. Giljotina
The correct answer is "Giljotina." The question is asking about the method by which Meursault will be killed. Out of the given options, the guillotine is historically known as a method of execution where a sharp blade is dropped, severing the head from the body. Therefore, the guillotine is the method by which Meursault will be killed.