Jaringan Rambut atau bulu akar hanya terdapat pada bagian akar yang masih muda yang merupakan penonjolan atau diferensiasi dari jaringan....
Correct Answer
A. Epidermis
Jaringan rambut atau bulu akar terdapat pada bagian akar yang masih muda. Jaringan ini merupakan penonjolan atau diferensiasi dari epidermis akar.
Umur pohon dapat dilihat dari garis-garis yang menunjukkan hasil kegiatan dari suatu masa pertumbuhan, garis-garis itu disebut....
Correct Answer
B. Lingkaran tahunan
Lingkaran tahunan adalah garis-garis yang menunjukkan hasil kegiatan dari suatu masa pertumbuhan. Hal ini dapat digunakan untuk mengukur umur pohon karena setiap tahun pohon akan membentuk satu lingkaran baru. Dengan menghitung jumlah lingkaran tahunan pada batang pohon, kita dapat mengetahui umur pohon tersebut.
Perbedaan berkas pengangkut pada batang monokotil dengan batang dikotil adalah
Correct Answer
C. Berkas pengangkut pada dikotil dipisahkan oleh kambium
The correct answer is "berkas pengangkut pada dikotil dipisahkan oleh kambium." This is because in dicot stems, the vascular bundles are separated by a layer of meristematic tissue called the cambium. The cambium is responsible for the production of new cells, allowing the stem to increase in girth over time. In monocot stems, on the other hand, the vascular bundles are scattered throughout the stem and are arranged in a more regular pattern.
Perhatikan Gambar berikut.Jaringan yang ditunjukkan oleh huruf X merupakan salah satu jaringan penyusun daun, Jjaringan X disebut jaringan... dan berfungsi untuk....
Correct Answer
B. Palisade, berperan dalam fotosintesis
The correct answer is "palisade, berperan dalam fotosintesis." The explanation for this is that the image shows a tissue structure that resembles palisade tissue, which is responsible for photosynthesis in plants. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy, and the palisade tissue contains chloroplasts, which are responsible for capturing sunlight and carrying out photosynthesis. Therefore, the correct answer is palisade tissue, which plays a role in photosynthesis.
Perhatikan gambar anatomi akar! Berdasarkan gambar, fungsi dari struktur X adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Memperluas daerah penyerapan air dan unsur hara dari tanah
The structure X in the given anatomical root diagram is responsible for expanding the area of water and nutrient absorption from the soil. This suggests that it helps in increasing the surface area of the root system, allowing for more efficient absorption of water and nutrients.
. Perhatikan gambar !Bagian yang berfungsi sebagai jaringan pengangkut ditunjukkan pada bagian bernomor....
Correct Answer
D. 3dan 5
Kaliptra berfungsi sebagai . . . .
Correct Answer
B. Pelindung akar
Kaliptra berfungsi sebagai pelindung akar. Kaliptra adalah lapisan pelindung yang terdapat pada ujung akar tanaman. Fungsinya adalah melindungi akar saat pertumbuhan dan penetrasi melalui tanah. Kaliptra melindungi akar dari kerusakan fisik dan infeksi oleh mikroorganisme. Dengan adanya kaliptra, akar dapat tumbuh dengan aman dan terlindungi saat menembus lapisan tanah yang keras dan berbatu.
Perbedaan tumbuhan dikotil dan monokotil seperti di bawah ini, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
D. Dikotil batang tidak bercabang, monokotil bercabang
dikotil batang tidak bercabang, monokotil bercabang
dikotil batang tidak bercabang, monokotil bercabang
dikotil batang tidak bercabang, monokotil bercabang
The correct answer is "dikotil batang tidak bercabang, monokotil bercabang". This statement is incorrect because the opposite is true. Dikotil plants have branching stems, while monokotil plants have unbranched stems.
- Berikut ini perbedaan antara tumbuhan dikotil dan monokotil adalah ...
Tumbuhan dikotilTumbuhan monokotil-
Terdapat kambiumTidak terdapat kambium-
Akar terdapat endodermisTidak ada endodermis-
Terdapat xilemTerdapat floem-
Terdapat jaringan parenkimTidak mempunyai parenkim
Correct Answer
A. 1
The correct answer is 1 because it states that one of the differences between dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants is the presence of cambium in dicotyledonous plants and the absence of cambium in monocotyledonous plants.
Daya isap daun adalah salah satu proses untuk mengangkut air dari akar ke daun, yang dapat terjadi karena ....
Correct Answer
A. air di daun menguap sehingga daun mengambil air di pembuluh.
The correct answer is "air di daun menguap sehingga daun mengambil air di pembuluh." This is because transpiration, or the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, creates a "pull" that helps to draw water up from the roots. When water evaporates from the leaves, it creates a negative pressure or tension in the xylem vessels, which helps to pull water up from the roots and through the plant. This transpiration pull is essential for the movement of water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves.
Perbedaan tumbuhan dikotil dan monokotil seperti di bawah ini, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
D. Dikotil batang tidak bercabang, monokotil bercabang
The given answer states that the difference between dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants is that dicotyledonous plants do not have branching stems, while monocotyledonous plants have branching stems. This is incorrect because the correct difference is that dicotyledonous plants have branching stems, while monocotyledonous plants do not have branching stems.
Xilem dan floem pada batang terdapat pada bagian…
Correct Answer
B. Silinder pusat
The correct answer is "silinder pusat". Xylem and phloem are found in the central cylinder of the stem, which is also known as the central vascular bundle. This region is responsible for the transport of water, minerals, and nutrients throughout the plant. The cortex is the outermost layer of the stem, the pith is the central part of the stem, and the endodermis is a layer of cells that surrounds the central cylinder.
. Di bawah ini merupakan factor-faktor yang menyebabkan air dan mineral dapat naik dari akar ke daun, kecuali…..
Correct Answer
D. Osmosis
Osmosis is not a factor that causes water and minerals to move from the roots to the leaves. Osmosis is the movement of water molecules across a semipermeable membrane from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration. In the context of plant physiology, osmosis is involved in the movement of water into the root cells, but it does not directly contribute to the upward movement of water and minerals through the xylem vessels. The correct factors that contribute to the upward movement are root pressure, leaf suction, and the capillary action of xylem vessels.
Apabila batang pisang yang berada di dekat tanah dipangkas, maka pada daerah pemangkasan akan keluar air. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa air yang keluar itu disebabkan oleh adanya….
Correct Answer
C. Tekanan akar
The correct answer is "tekanan akar" (root pressure). When the banana stem near the ground is pruned, water will be released from the cut area. This indicates that the water is being pushed out by the root pressure.
Penyakit yang menyebabkan kerusakan pembuluh tapis pada jeruk adalah….
Correct Answer
CVPD (Citrus Vein Phloem Degeneration) adalah penyakit yang menyebabkan kerusakan pada pembuluh tapis pada jeruk. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh infeksi virus yang menghancurkan jaringan pembuluh tapis, sehingga mengganggu aliran nutrisi dan air dalam tanaman jeruk. Gejala yang muncul termasuk daun yang menguning, pertumbuhan yang terhambat, dan produksi buah yang berkurang. Oleh karena itu, CVPD adalah penyakit yang menyebabkan kerusakan pada pembuluh tapis pada jeruk.
Cara yang tepat untuk mengatasi hama tanaman berupa serangga adalah menyemprot tanaman dengan menggunakan….
Correct Answer
A. Insektisida
The correct answer is "Insektisida". Insektisida is the appropriate method for addressing plant pests in the form of insects. Insektisida refers to pesticides specifically designed to control and eliminate insect infestations on plants. It is a chemical substance that targets and kills insects, effectively managing the pest problem and protecting the plants from further damage.
. Hama walang sangit merusak tanaman padi di bagian….
Correct Answer
D. Bulir padi
The correct answer is "bulir padi" because the sentence states that "Hama walang sangit merusak tanaman padi di bagian..." which translates to "Walang sangit pests damage rice plants in the..." The word "bulir padi" means "rice grain" in English, so it is the only option that makes sense in the context of the sentence.
Sulur pada markisa tumbuh membelit, gerakan ini termasuk gerak ….
Correct Answer
A. Tigmotropisme
Tigmotropisme adalah gerakan tumbuhan yang disebabkan oleh sentuhan atau rangsangan fisik. Sulur pada markisa tumbuh membelit, yang menunjukkan adanya gerakan tigmotropisme karena sulur tersebut merespons sentuhan atau rangsangan fisik dengan membelit.
Pernyataan yang menggambarkan gerak fototropisme positif adalah …
Correct Answer
C. Gerak batang dan daun yang mengarah pada datangnya cahaya
The given correct answer states that "gerak batang dan daun yang mengarah pada datangnya cahaya" which translates to "the movement of stems and leaves towards the direction of incoming light". This is known as positive phototropism, where plants exhibit a growth response towards light. They bend or grow towards the light source in order to maximize their exposure to sunlight for photosynthesis.
Contoh gerak tigmomonasti pada tumbuhan adalah …
Correct Answer
A. Menutupnya daun puteri malu setelah disentuh
The correct answer is "Menutupnya daun puteri malu setelah disentuh" because the movement of the leaves of the mimosa pudica plant, commonly known as the puteri malu or sensitive plant, is a classic example of thigmonastic movement in plants. When the leaves of the plant are touched or disturbed, they immediately fold up or close, which is a defensive mechanism to protect the plant from potential harm or predators.
Bunga tumbuhan pukul empat (Mirabis jalappa) akan mekar hanya pada pukul 4 sore. Gerak mekarnya bunga tumbuhan tersebut termasuk gerak …
Correct Answer
B. Fotonasti
The correct answer is fotonasti. Fotonasti refers to the non-directional movement of plants in response to light. In this case, the flower of the Mirabilis jalappa plant blooms only at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, indicating that it is responding to a specific light stimulus. This response is not dependent on the direction of the light source, but rather the presence of light itself. Therefore, the movement of the flower can be classified as fotonasti.
Gerak kantung semar menutup ketika ada serangga masuk adalah gerak...
Correct Answer
A. Haptonasti
Haptonasti is the correct answer because it refers to the movement of plants in response to touch or contact. The statement in the question describes the movement of the kantung semar (a type of carnivorous plant) closing when an insect enters, which is a form of touch-induced movement. Haptotropisme refers to directional growth in response to touch, higroskopis refers to movement in response to moisture, and taksis refers to movement in response to a stimulus.
Gerak kloroplas pada hydrilla sp jika terkena sinar matahari menunjukkan gerak…
Correct Answer
B. Fototaksis
Fototaksis refers to the movement of an organism in response to light. In the given question, it states that the chloroplasts in hydrilla sp move when exposed to sunlight. This movement of chloroplasts is known as chloroplast phototaxis or phototaxis. Therefore, the correct answer is fototaksis.
Gerak menutupnya daun turi karena berkurangnya intensitas cahaya matahari disebut…
Correct Answer
B. Niktinasti
Niktinasti is the correct answer because it refers to the movement of plant parts in response to changes in the duration of light and darkness. In this case, the closing of the turi leaf is a response to the decrease in sunlight intensity. This movement is not dependent on the direction of light, as in fotonasti, but rather on the duration of light. Termonasti is not relevant as it refers to movements in response to temperature changes. Tigmonasti is not applicable as it refers to non-directional movements in response to touch or mechanical stimuli.
Gerak pecahnya buah polong-polongan karena perubahan kadar air pada buah ppolong-polongan disebut ....
Correct Answer
B. Higroskopis
The correct answer is "higroskopis". Higroskopis refers to the ability of a substance to absorb moisture from the air. In the context of the question, the bursting of the fruit pods of legumes is due to the change in water content within the pods. As the water content increases, the pods become swollen and eventually burst open, dispersing the seeds. Therefore, higroskopis is the most appropriate term to describe this phenomenon.
Geotropisme negatif merupakan respon pada tumbuhan berupa ...............
Correct Answer
B. Pertumbuhan tunas
Geotropisme negatif adalah respons pada tumbuhan di mana tunas tumbuh menjauhi gravitasi bumi, menuju ke arah yang berlawanan dengan gaya tarik gravitasi. Hal ini terjadi karena terdapat zat hormon yang terdistribusi secara tidak merata di dalam tumbuhan, sehingga tunas tumbuh ke arah yang lebih tinggi. Oleh karena itu, pertumbuhan tunas merupakan contoh dari geotropisme negatif.
Pertumbuhan ujung akar yang bergerak kearah yang berair adalah, contoh ...............
Correct Answer
C. Hidrotroppisme positif
Hidrotroppisme positif adalah pertumbuhan ujung akar yang bergerak ke arah yang berair. Hal ini terjadi karena akar merespon stimulus air dan bergerak menuju sumber air yang ada.
Fotosintesis merupakan perubahan energi....
Correct Answer
C. Cahaya menjadi energi kimia
Fotosintesis adalah proses di mana tumbuhan menggunakan energi cahaya untuk mengubah karbon dioksida dan air menjadi glukosa dan oksigen. Energi cahaya dari matahari digunakan oleh klorofil dalam tumbuhan untuk menghasilkan energi kimia dalam bentuk glukosa. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah "cahaya menjadi energi kimia".
Persamaan reaksi fotosintesis yang benar adalah....
Correct Answer
B. 6 CO2 + 6 H2O ------------ C6H12O6 + 6 O2
The correct equation for photosynthesis is 6 CO2 + 6 H2O → C6H12O6 + 6 O2. This equation represents the process of photosynthesis, where carbon dioxide and water are converted into glucose (C6H12O6) and oxygen (O2) using light energy. This equation follows the balanced stoichiometry of photosynthesis, with 6 molecules of carbon dioxide and 6 molecules of water reacting to produce 1 molecule of glucose and 6 molecules of oxygen.
Proses fotosintesis terjadi pada bagian sel yang dinamakan....
Correct Answer
B. Kloroplas
The correct answer is kloroplas. Photosynthesis is a process that occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll, which is responsible for capturing light energy and converting it into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis. Therefore, kloroplas is the correct answer as it is directly involved in the process of photosynthesis.
Organisme dikatakan autotrof apabila....
Correct Answer
B. . dapat mengubah zat anorganik menjadi zat organik
An organism is said to be autotrophic when it is capable of converting inorganic substances into organic substances. Autotrophs are able to produce their own food through processes such as photosynthesis or chemosynthesis, using energy from sunlight or chemical reactions respectively. This ability to convert inorganic substances into organic substances allows autotrophs to sustain themselves without relying on other organisms for food.
Jaringan yang berfungsi mengangkut hasil fotosintesis adalah....
Correct Answer
B. Floem
Floem adalah jaringan yang berfungsi mengangkut hasil fotosintesis dari daun ke seluruh bagian tumbuhan. Floem terdiri dari sel-sel yang disebut elemen floem, yang terhubung satu sama lain membentuk saluran pengangkutan. Sel-sel floem memiliki dinding tipis sehingga dapat memfasilitasi aliran zat-zat organik seperti gula, asam amino, dan hormon tumbuhan. Dengan demikian, floem merupakan jaringan yang tepat untuk mengangkut hasil fotosintesis dari daun ke tempat-tempat yang membutuhkan energi dan nutrisi.
Klorofil pada daun banyak terdapat pada jaringan....
Correct Answer
C. Palisade dan bunga karang
Perhatikan gambar !Percobaan tersebut bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa fotosintesis...
Correct Answer
B. Menghasilkan oksigen
The experiment shown in the picture aims to prove that photosynthesis produces oxygen. This can be inferred from the presence of the oxygen bubbles in the test tube, which indicates that oxygen is being released as a byproduct of the photosynthesis process.
Perhatikan Gambar !Setelah ditetesi lugol maka bagian daun yang....
Correct Answer
B. Tidak ditutup berwarna biru tua
The correct answer is "tidak ditutup berwarna biru tua" which means "not covered and dark blue" in English. This suggests that when the leaf is not covered and is tested with iodine solution, it turns dark blue in color.
Pada proses fotosintesis, dari udara bebas tumbuhan mengambil gas ..
Correct Answer
C. karbondioksida (CO2)
During the process of photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide gas from the atmosphere. This gas is used by the plants, along with sunlight and water, to produce glucose and oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. Therefore, the correct answer is carbon dioxide (CO2).
Pada percobaan mencangkok, bagian yang di sayat dan dibuang kulitnya setelah beberapa waktu terlihat adanya tonjolan berwarna putih pada keratan bagian atas. Hal ini membuktikan…….
Correct Answer
A. Hasil fotosintesis diangkut melalui floem yang terdapat dikulit
The correct answer is "Hasil fotosintesis diangkut melalui floem yang terdapat dikulit." This is because the presence of white bumps on the upper part of the graft indicates the transport of photosynthesis products, which are sugars, through the phloem. The phloem is responsible for transporting sugars from the leaves, where photosynthesis occurs, to other parts of the plant, including the upper part of the graft. The xylem, on the other hand, is responsible for transporting water and minerals from the roots to the leaves and does not play a role in the transport of photosynthesis products.
Pada percobaan Sach, perlakuan merebus dalam alcohol bertujuan untuk ....
Correct Answer
D. Melarutkan butiran khlorofil
The treatment of boiling in alcohol in Sach's experiment aims to dissolve chlorophyll granules.
Pengangkutan air pada tumbuhan secara berurutan adalah…
Correct Answer
A. Rambut akar – xilem akar – xilem batang - daun
The correct answer is "rambut akar – xilem akar – xilem batang - daun". This is because water is absorbed by the root hairs (rambut akar) and then transported through the xylem vessels in the root (xilem akar) and stem (xilem batang) to reach the leaves (daun). This sequential transport of water is essential for the survival and growth of plants.
Pernyataan berikut yang menunjukkan proses pengangkutan pada tumbuhan biji adalah…
Correct Answer
B. air dan garam-garam mineral diangkut dari akar ke daun melalui pembuluh xilem
The correct answer is "air dan garam-garam mineral diangkut dari akar ke daun melalui pembuluh xilem." This statement accurately describes the process of transportation in seed plants, where water and minerals are transported from the roots to the leaves through the xylem vessels. The xylem is responsible for upward movement of water and minerals in the plant.