1. Perhatikan pernyataan berikut!
1) Harga barang ekspor lebih rendah daripada negara lain yang mengekspor barang yang sama
2) Pemberlakuan perdagangan bebas antar negara-negara dalam kawasan tertentu
3) Kebijakan harga barang ekspor suatu negara ke luar negeri lebih rendah daripada di dalam negerinya
4) Kondisi politik suatu negara yang tidak stabil
5) Pembatasan jumlah ekspor dan impor barang dari suatu negara
Faktor yang menghambat perdagangan internasional adalah pada angka ....
Correct Answer
C. 2), 3) dan 5)
The correct answer is 2), 3) and 5). These factors can all hinder international trade. The first factor (1) states that the price of exported goods is lower than other countries, which can actually promote trade. The fourth factor (4) mentions political instability, which can have an impact on trade but is not directly related to the factors mentioned in the question. Therefore, the correct answer includes factors 2), 3) and 5) as they all contribute to hindering international trade.
2. Berikut adalah manfaat perdagangan antardaerah dan internasional:
(1) Persahabatan antarnegara semakin erat
(2) Memperoleh keuntungan
(3) Memperoleh barang yang tidak dapat diproduksi melalui impor
(4) Menyediakan alternatif alat pemuas kebutuhan bagi daerah
Manfaat perdagangan internasional yang paling tepat adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. (1), (2), dan (3)
The correct answer is (1), (2), and (3). This is because international trade promotes closer relationships between countries, allows for the acquisition of profits, and enables access to goods that cannot be produced domestically through imports.
3. Perhatikan pernyataan berikut!
(1) Menyiapkan insentif untuk memacu pertumbuhan industri kreatif berbasis budaya
(2) Membuat Road Map Industry
(3) Memberikan perlindungan hukum dan insentif bagi karyawan kreatif
(4) Membentuk Indonesia Creative Council
Salah satu satu upaya meningkatkan ekonomi kreatif oleh pemerintah dengan melakukan identifikasi kompetensi inti industri dan identifikasi fasilitas lainnya merupakan penjelasan dari poin ....
Correct Answer
A. (1)
The correct answer is (1) because preparing incentives to drive the growth of the cultural-based creative industry is an effort to enhance the creative economy. By providing incentives, the government aims to encourage and support the development of this industry, which can contribute to economic growth. Identifying the core competencies and other facilities in the industry is a crucial step in understanding its potential and formulating effective strategies for its development.
4. MEA merupakan pasar bebas di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Pemberlakuan MEA bertujuan ....
Correct Answer
A. A. Meningkatkan harga jual produk lokal di pasar Asia Tenggara
The correct answer is A. Meningkatkan harga jual produk lokal di pasar Asia Tenggara. The implementation of MEA aims to increase the selling price of local products in the Southeast Asian market. This suggests that the free market in the region will lead to increased competition, which in turn can drive up prices for local products. By eliminating trade barriers and promoting economic integration among ASEAN member countries, MEA can provide opportunities for local businesses to expand their market reach and potentially command higher prices for their products.
5. Berikut ini yang bukan merupakan karakterisitik ekonomi kreatif,adalah….
Correct Answer
A. A. Berbasis pada ide atau gagasan
The correct answer is a. Berbasis pada ide atau gagasan. This is because the characteristics of the creative economy include being based on ideas or concepts, having temporary concepts, and having unlimited development in various business fields. However, it does not always receive funding from banks.
6. Sambutan rakyat terhadap proklamasi kemerdekaan ditunjukan dalam bentuk...
Correct Answer
A. A. perlawanan terhadap tentara Jepang
The correct answer is a. perlawanan terhadap tentara Jepang. This is because the question asks about the form in which the people's response to the proclamation of independence was shown. The resistance against the Japanese army is a historically accurate representation of the people's reaction to the proclamation of independence, as they fought against the Japanese occupation in order to secure their freedom.
7. Rumusan dasar negara Pancasila dikemukan oleh tiga tokoh utama pergerakan nasional ...
Correct Answer
A. A. Ir Sukarno, Moh Hatta, dan Supomo
The correct answer is a. Ir Sukarno, Moh Hatta, dan Supomo. The basic formulation of the Pancasila state was proposed by these three main figures of the national movement.
8. Janji Jepang memberikan janji kemerdekaan ditindak lanjuti dengan membentuk....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is a. BPUPKI. BPUPKI stands for Badan Penyelidik Usaha-usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia, which translates to the Investigating Body for the Preparation of Indonesian Independence. It was formed by the Japanese government in 1943 to discuss and plan for Indonesia's independence. The formation of BPUPKI was a result of Japan's promise to grant independence to Indonesia. Therefore, it is the most logical choice as the answer.
9. Latarbelakang terjadinya peristiwa Rengasdengklok ialah...
Correct Answer
A. A. di bom atomnya dua kota di jepang
The correct answer is not related to the given question. The question is asking about the background of the Rengasdengklok incident, which refers to a meeting held on August 16, 1945, where a group of young Indonesian nationalists kidnapped Vice Admiral Maeda Tadashi of Japan to demand the release of Sukarno and Hatta, who were being held by the Japanese authorities. The correct answer option, "a. di bom atomnya dua kota di jepang" (the atomic bombing of two cities in Japan), is not relevant to the Rengasdengklok incident.
10. Perummusan teks proklamasi berlangsung di rumah Laksamana Muda Maeda jalan ...
Correct Answer
A. A. Penggangsaan Timur no 56 lakarta
The correct answer is a. Penggangsaan Timur no 56 lakarta. This is because the question asks about the location where the proclamation text was made, and option a provides a specific address in Jakarta. The other options do not mention a specific location or are not related to the proclamation text.