Komanda Table tool emertohet:
Correct Answer
C. Mjete per tabelen.
The correct answer is "Mjete per tabelen" because the given options are different actions that can be performed using the "Komanda Table tool". The first option "Shto rresht" means "Add row", the second option "Vizato tabele" means "Draw table", and the fourth option "Ruaje si faqe web-i" means "Save as a web page". However, the third option "Mjete per tabelen" means "Tools for the table", which is the most appropriate description for the "Komanda Table tool".
Dritarja dialoguese Find and Replce mundeson:
Correct Answer
A. Gjej dhe zevendeso.
The correct answer is "Gjej dhe zevendeso" because it is the only option that makes sense in the given context. The other options, "Numri i gabimeve" (number of errors), "Kerkim i perparuar" (advanced search), and "Shko te" (go to), do not fit with the phrase "Dritarja dialoguese Find and Replce mundeson" (Find and Replace dialog box allows). Therefore, "Gjej dhe zevendeso" (Find and Replace) is the most appropriate option.
Komanda Advanced find eshte:
Correct Answer
B. Kerkim i perparuar
The correct answer is "Kerkim i perparuar" because it is the translation of "Advanced find" in Albanian. This suggests that the "Komanda Advanced find" refers to the option or command for advanced searching.
Cili prej opsioneve te meposhtme nuk perfaqeson nje te dhene
Correct Answer
C. Paint
The option "Paint" does not represent a data type, as it is a software program used for creating and editing images. The other options, "Text", "Numbers", and "Audio", all represent different types of data that can be stored and manipulated.
Cili nga shembujt e meposhtme eshte pjese software (program)
Correct Answer
A. Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word is a software program that is used for creating and editing documents. It is a word processing software that allows users to type and format text, insert images and tables, and perform various other tasks related to document creation. Therefore, Microsoft Word is a valid example of a software program.
Programi Logo eshte:
Correct Answer
B. Gjuhe programimi
The correct answer is "Gjuhe programimi" because Logo is a programming language that was specifically designed for drawing graphics and creating simple animations. It is commonly used in educational settings to teach children the basics of programming and problem-solving. Logo allows users to control a turtle-shaped cursor on the screen, giving them the ability to draw shapes and patterns by giving commands in the programming language. Therefore, "Gjuhe programimi" accurately describes Logo as a programming language.
Cilat nga menute e meposhtme gjenden edhe ne programet e tjera te Microsoft Windows
Correct Answer
B. File
Shkrimi i nje procedure ne programin Logo fillon dhe mbaron me fjalet angleze:
Correct Answer
A. Before dhe End
The correct answer is "Before dhe End" because the question is asking for the English words that are used to start and end a procedure in the Logo programming language. "Before" is used to start the procedure and "End" is used to end it. The other options mentioned are not the correct words used in Logo programming.
Cili nga butonat nuk eshte pjese e dritares Commander?
Correct Answer
C. Enter
The correct answer is "Enter" because it is the only button that is not typically found on the Commander window. The other three buttons, "Trace," "Execute," and "Edal," are commonly used in the Commander window for various functions. Therefore, "Enter" is the correct answer as it is not part of the Commander window.
Perdorimi i vidiokamerave dhe mikrofoneve ben te mundur bashkebisedimin e njerezve permes internetit.
Correct Answer
A. True
The use of video cameras and microphones enables people to communicate through the internet. This means that individuals can have conversations and interact with each other in real-time, regardless of their physical location. Video cameras capture the visual aspects of the conversation, while microphones capture the audio. These devices allow for the transmission of both video and audio data over the internet, facilitating communication between individuals who are not physically present in the same location. Therefore, the statement is true.
Per te pasur nje adrese elektronike nuk eshte i nevojshem interneti.
Correct Answer
B. False
This statement is false. In order to have an email address, it is necessary to have access to the internet. Email addresses are used to send and receive electronic messages, which requires an internet connection. Without internet access, it is not possible to access or use an email address. Therefore, the correct answer is False.
Motorret e kerkimit jane programe qe ndihmojne ne gjetjen e informacionit.
Correct Answer
A. True
Motorret e kerkimit jane programe qe ndihmojne ne gjetjen e informacionit. Kjo eshte e vertete, sepse motorret e kerkimit jane algoritme te dizajnuara per te skanuar dhe analizuar internetin per te gjetur dhe paraqitur informacionin e kerkuar nga perdoruesit. Keta motorre kerkimi perdorin indekse te internetit dhe algoritme komplekse per te kategorizuar dhe renditur rezultatet sipas rregullave te caktuara. Kjo ndihmon perdoruesit te gjejne informacionin qe kerkonin ne menyre efikase dhe te shpejte.
Nga kerkimi ne motore te ndryshem rezultatet jane te njejta.
Correct Answer
B. False
This statement is false because when searching on different search engines, the results are not always the same. Each search engine has its own algorithms and criteria for ranking and displaying search results, so the results can vary. Additionally, search engines may have different indexes and databases, which can also affect the search results. Therefore, it is not accurate to say that the results are always the same when searching on different search engines.
Fjalet kyce nuk sherbejne per kerkim pa adresen e faqes.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is in Albanian and it translates to "Keywords do not serve for searching without the website address." This means that keywords alone are not enough to conduct a search without knowing the website address. Therefore, the answer "True" is correct as it aligns with the statement.