Koliko prometnih traka ima cesta na slici?
Correct Answer
C. četiri
The correct answer is "četiri" because there are four traffic lanes visible in the picture.
Kojom najvećom brzinom na cesti smije upravljati vozilom mladi vozač koji posjeduje vozačku dozvolu B kategorije?
Correct Answer
B. Brzinom do 80 km na sat
According to the question, the young driver who possesses a B category driving license is allowed to drive at a maximum speed of up to 80 km/h.
Što označuje ovaj prometni znak?
Correct Answer
B. Završetak autoceste
This traffic sign indicates the end of an expressway or motorway.
Vozite cestom u naselju brzinom 50 km na sat u situaciji kao na slici. O čemu morate voditi računa?
Correct Answer(s)
A. O pješaku
B. o potrebnom razmaku
While driving at a speed of 50 km/h in a residential area, it is important to pay attention to pedestrians. Pedestrians may be crossing the road or walking alongside it, so the driver must be cautious and ready to yield if necessary. Additionally, the driver must also maintain a safe distance from other vehicles on the road, as this allows for proper reaction time in case of any sudden changes in traffic. Therefore, both the presence of pedestrians and maintaining a safe distance are crucial factors to consider in this situation.
Kako ćete postupiti u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer
A. Omogućiti sigurno uključivanje autobusa u promet
In the given situation, the correct course of action is to enable the bus to safely merge into traffic. This means allowing enough space for the bus to merge without causing any obstruction or hindrance. It is important to prioritize the safety of all vehicles on the road and ensure a smooth flow of traffic. Using a warning signal and increasing speed or abruptly braking would not be appropriate or safe in this situation.
S koje se strane, u pravilu, obavlja pretjecanje?
Correct Answer
A. S lijeve strane
In most countries, overtaking is done from the left side of the road. This is because the majority of countries follow right-hand traffic rules, where vehicles drive on the right side of the road. Overtaking from the left side allows the driver to have a better view of oncoming traffic and ensures safer overtaking maneuvers. However, it is important to note that there may be variations in traffic rules and regulations in different countries, so it is always advisable to follow the specific rules of the country you are driving in.
Dali je vozač dužan uključiti pokazivač smjera kada se namjerava vratiti na prometnu traku kojom se kretao prije pretjecanja?
Correct Answer
B. nije dužan
The driver is not obligated to use the turn signal when returning to the lane they were in before overtaking.
Kako ćete postupiti u slučaju požara na vašem vozilu za vožnje u tunelu?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Zaustaviti vozilo i isključiti motor vozila
B. Ako se požar ne može ugasiti, napustiti vozilo i krenuti prema skloništu
In case of a fire in your vehicle while driving in a tunnel, the correct course of action is to first stop the vehicle and turn off the engine. If the fire cannot be extinguished, you should then exit the vehicle and proceed to the nearest shelter. This is the safest approach to minimize the risk of injury or further damage. Continuing to drive until exiting the tunnel could worsen the situation and put yourself and others at greater risk.
Vozite cestom u situaciji kao na slici. Kako ćete postupiti?
Correct Answer(s)
B. Predvidjeti postupak vozača nailazećih vozila iz suprotnog smjera
C. Usporiti i voziti što više uz desni rub kolnika
In this situation, the correct answer is to predict the actions of oncoming vehicles, slow down, and drive as close as possible to the right edge of the road. This is because the question implies that there may be some potential obstacle or hazard on the road, and it is important to be cautious and prepared for any unexpected actions from other drivers. By predicting their actions, slowing down, and staying close to the right edge, the driver can increase their safety and be better prepared to react if necessary.
Kako ćete tijekom vožnje postupiti u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer(s)
A. prilagoditi brzinu vožnje uvjetima vožnje
B. Predvidjeti mogućnost uključivanja vozila na cestu kojom vozite
In the given situation, the correct approach would be to adjust the speed according to the driving conditions and anticipate the possibility of another vehicle merging onto the road you are driving on. This means that you should slow down if necessary and be prepared to yield or make space for the merging vehicle. Additionally, there is no indication or context provided in the question that suggests making a right turn at the junction, so that option can be disregarded.
Koje opasnosti možete očekivati na cesti izvan naselja, u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer(s)
A. nailazak na prijelaz ceste preko željezničke pruge
B. Nailazak na nepregledan zavoj
In the given situation, the potential dangers that can be expected on the road outside the settlement are the crossing of the road over a railway track and the encounter with an unobstructed bend. These hazards pose a risk to the driver's safety and require extra caution while driving.
Koje opasnosti su moguće u vožnji na cesti izvan naselja?
Correct Answer(s)
A. često mokar i skizak kolnik
B. na pojedinim dionicama mogući odroni kamenja
The possible dangers in driving on roads outside of settlements are often wet and slippery road surfaces and possible rockslides on certain sections.
Kojom prometnom trakom, u pravilu, vozač obavlja skretanje ulijevo iz ceste s jednosmjernim prometom?
Correct Answer
A. Prometnom trakom koja se prostire uz lijevi rub kolnika
The correct answer is "prometnom trakom koja se prostire uz lijevi rub kolnika" because when making a left turn from a one-way road, the driver should use the lane that is closest to the left side of the road. This ensures that the driver is positioned correctly to make the turn safely and allows other vehicles to continue moving in the other lanes without obstruction.
Što treba predviđati vozač tijekom vožnje u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer
A. Na svojoj strani ceste vozilo iz suprotnog smjera koje pretječe
While driving, it is important for the driver to anticipate potential hazards and make predictions about the actions of other vehicles on the road. In the given situation, the correct answer suggests that the driver should anticipate the presence of a vehicle from the opposite direction that is overtaking another vehicle on their side of the road. This scenario poses a potential risk for a head-on collision, and the driver should be prepared to take appropriate actions to avoid it.
Koja su bitna obilježja vožnje u gradu?
Correct Answer(s)
B. Složenost prometne situacije
C. Velik broj različitih sudionika prometa
The correct answer is "složenost prometne situacije, velik broj različitih sudionika prometa." This is because driving in a city involves dealing with complex traffic situations and a large number of different traffic participants. This can include pedestrians, cyclists, buses, taxis, and other vehicles, which can make driving more challenging and require increased attention and caution. Additionally, the presence of a large number of vehicles in a city can contribute to congestion and slower traffic flow.
Prema prometnom znaku i oznakama na kolniku, u situaciji kao na slici, u kojem smjeru je dopušten prolazak raskrižjem?
Correct Answer
A. ravno, lijevo ili desno
Based on the traffic sign and road markings shown in the picture, it is allowed to pass through the intersection in any direction, which includes going straight, turning left, or turning right.
Što morate imati od navedenog kao obveznu opremu u osobnom automobilu?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Sigurnosni trokut
B. Rezervne žarulje
The explanation for the correct answer is that both the safety triangle and spare bulbs are mandatory equipment in a personal car. The safety triangle is used to warn other drivers in case of a breakdown or accident, ensuring safety on the road. Spare bulbs are necessary to replace any malfunctioning lights, which is crucial for visibility and signaling while driving. Therefore, both items are essential for maintaining safety and complying with regulations while driving a personal car.
Što označuje žaruljica na instrumentnoj ploči sa simbolom kao na slici?
Correct Answer
B. Tlak motornog ulja
The correct answer is "tlak motornog ulja." This is because the symbol being described is typically used to indicate the oil pressure in a vehicle's engine.
Što povezuje spojka?
Correct Answer
B. Motor i mjenjač
The correct answer is "motor i mjenjač" which translates to "engine and gearbox" in English. In a vehicle, the engine provides power and the gearbox helps to transmit that power to the wheels. The clutch is a component that connects and disconnects the engine from the gearbox, allowing for smooth gear changes and efficient power transfer. Therefore, the correct answer is the connection between the engine and the gearbox.
Koja svjetla spadaju u uređaje za označivanje vozila?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Stražnje svjetlo za maglu
C. svjetlo stražnje registarske pločice
The lights that are mentioned in the answer, "stražnje svjetlo za maglu" (rear fog light) and "svjetlo stražnje registarske pločice" (rear license plate light), are both types of lights that are used for marking or identifying a vehicle. The rear fog light is used in low visibility conditions to make the vehicle more visible to other drivers, while the rear license plate light is used to illuminate the license plate for identification purposes.
Gdje se postavlja sigurnosni trokut za vrijeme vuče neispravnog vozila?
Correct Answer(s)
A. S prednje strane vozila koje vuče
C. Sa stražnje strane neispravnog vozila
The safety triangle is placed in front of the towing vehicle to warn other drivers of the presence of a malfunctioning vehicle being towed. It is also placed behind the malfunctioning vehicle to provide additional warning to drivers approaching from behind.
Smije li se zaustavljati ili parkirati vozilo na mjestima u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer
B. Ne smije
Based on the information given in the question, it is not allowed to stop or park the vehicle in the depicted situation.
Kada je za vozača iznimno važna prilagodba očiju na svjetlo i tamu?
Correct Answer
B. U noćnoj vožnji
When driving at night, it is crucial for the driver to adapt their eyes to the darkness. This is because the reduced visibility during nighttime driving requires the eyes to adjust to the low light conditions in order to perceive objects and hazards on the road. By allowing the eyes to adapt to the darkness, the driver can improve their ability to see and react to potential dangers, ultimately enhancing their overall safety on the road.
Kako ćete automobilom krenuti po skliskom kolniku?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Sa što manjim gasom i mekanim puštanjem papučice spojke
C. prema potrebi u drugoj brzini
To safely drive on a slippery road, it is recommended to use minimal gas and release the clutch pedal gently. This will help maintain traction and prevent the wheels from spinning. Additionally, it is important to adjust the speed according to the conditions, which may involve driving in second gear when necessary.
Kako ćete postupiti ako dođe do klizanja vašeg vozila, a na cesti su zimski uvjeti?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Pritisnuti papučicu spojke i maknuti nogu s papučice gasa
B. Ne kočiti
In case of a skid on a slippery road, the correct action to take is to press the clutch pedal and remove your foot from the accelerator pedal. This will disengage the engine from the wheels and prevent further acceleration. It is important not to brake suddenly as it can worsen the skid and cause the vehicle to lose control. Therefore, the correct answer is to press the clutch pedal and remove your foot from the accelerator pedal, and not to brake.
Zbog čega prva kiša predstavlja opasnost za sigurnu vožnju?
Correct Answer
C. Zbog vrlo skliskog kolnika
The first house represents a danger for safe driving due to the very slippery road.
Kada se smiju u naselju upotrebljavati duga svjetla za osvjetljavanje ceste?
Correct Answer(s)
A. kada nema vozila iz suprotnog smjera
C. kada je ulično osvjetljenje nedostatno
Duga svjetla se smiju upotrebljavati u naselju kada nema vozila iz suprotnog smjera, što znači da nema opasnosti od zasljepljivanja drugih vozača. Također, duga svjetla se mogu koristiti kada je ulično osvjetljenje nedostatno, što poboljšava vidljivost ceste i smanjuje rizik od nezgoda.
Kako ćete postupiti približavajući se vozilom policijskom službeniku u situaciji kao na slici koji je prsima okrenut prema vama?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Obvezno zaustaviti vozilo
C. Pratiti znak policijskog službenika
When approaching a police officer who is facing you with their chest, it is necessary to stop the vehicle and follow the officer's instructions.
Koji od prometnih znakova na slici pripada znakovima opasnosti?
Correct Answer
A. 1
Prometni znak broj 1 na slici pripada znakovima opasnosti.
Na što ukazuje ovaj prometni znak s dopunskom pločom?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Na položaj ceste s pravom prednosti prolaska
B. na obvezno zaustavljanje
This traffic sign with an additional plate indicates that the driver should yield to the traffic on the road they are entering. It does not indicate mandatory stopping or a mandatory direction of travel. Therefore, the correct answer is "na položaj ceste s pravom prednosti prolaska."
Koji od prometnih znakova obavješćuje vozača da prestaje voziti cestom s prednošću prolaska?
Correct Answer
B. 2
Traffic sign number 2 informs the driver that they must stop and give way to vehicles on the main road. This sign is used to indicate that the driver should no longer continue driving on the road with priority.
O čemu vozača obavješćuje prometni znak na slici?
Correct Answer(s)
B. O udaljenosti do određenog mjesta
C. o potvrdi smjera kretanja nakon prolaska raskrižja
The traffic sign in the picture informs the driver about the distance to a specific location and confirms the direction of travel after passing an intersection.
To za vozača znači upaljena dopunska svjetleća strelica u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer
A. Slobodan prolazak vozilom u smjeru označenom strelicom
The correct answer states that the illuminated supplementary flashing arrow indicates that the vehicle is allowed to pass freely in the direction indicated by the arrow.
Koji od prometnih znakova najavljuje približavanje raskrižju na kojemu se prometom upravlja prometnim svjetlima - semaforima?
Correct Answer
A. 1
Prometni znak broj 1 najavljuje približavanje raskrižju na kojemu se prometom upravlja prometnim svjetlima - semaforima.
Kako ćete, kao vozač crnog automobila koji vozi ravno u situaciji kao na slici, postupiti na raskrižju cesta iste važnosti?
Correct Answer
A. propustiti crveni automobil
As a driver of the black car, you should give the right of way to the red car. This means that you should let the red car go first before proceeding through the intersection.
Kako ćete postupiti u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer
A. propustiti crveni automobil
In the given situation, the correct answer is to "propustiti crveni automobil" which means "yield to the red car" in English. This means that the driver should wait and allow the red car to pass before proceeding. This is a common traffic rule where drivers are required to give right of way to vehicles already in the intersection or approaching from the right side. By yielding to the red car, the driver ensures safety and avoids any potential accidents or conflicts.
Kako ćete postupiti u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer
A. propustiti autobus
In the given situation, the correct answer is "propustiti autobus" which means "miss the bus" in English. This implies that the person should not try to drive ahead of the bus, but rather let it go first.
Kako ćete postupiti ako je na semaforu upaljeno žuto trepteće svjetlo u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Propustiti motocikl
C. Voziti prije autobusa
In this situation, the correct answer is to "propustiti motocikl" (yield to the motorcycle) and "voziti prije autobusa" (drive before the bus). This means that the driver should allow the motorcycle to pass first and then proceed before the bus. The yellow flashing light indicates caution and warns drivers to be prepared to stop if necessary. In order to ensure safety and avoid any potential accidents, it is important to yield to other vehicles and follow the appropriate traffic rules.