Odgovor na pitanje da li se softver razvija ispravno se dobija ako se izvrsi:
Correct Answer
A. Verifikacija softvera
The correct answer is "verifikacija softvera". Verifikacija softvera refers to the process of evaluating a system or component during or at the end of the development process to determine whether it satisfies specified requirements. It involves activities such as reviewing design documents, conducting inspections, and performing walkthroughs to ensure that the software is developed correctly. Testiranje softvera, plan testiranja, and validacija softvera are also important processes in software development, but they focus on different aspects such as testing the software, planning the testing activities, and validating that the software meets the user's needs, respectively.
Program prihvata na ulazu broj a zatim se vrsi validacija na sledeci nacin: vrednosti ispod 10 I vece ili jednake 22 se odbacuju, vrednosti od 10 do 21 se prihvataju. Koji set ulaznih velicina je izabran metodom granicnih vrednosti:
Correct Answer
C. 9, 10, 21, 22
The correct answer is 9, 10, 21, 22 because it includes the boundary values of 10 and 21, which are the minimum and maximum values that are accepted according to the validation rules. The values below 10 and greater than or equal to 22 are discarded, so they are not included in the set.
Provera rada Sistema kada mu pristupa veliki broj korisnika se vrsi preko:
Correct Answer
D. Testova naprezanja
The correct answer is "testova naprezanja". When a large number of users access the system, it is important to ensure that the system can handle the stress and strain caused by this high volume of users. Stress testing helps in evaluating the system's performance under extreme conditions and identifies any potential issues or weaknesses that may arise when the system is under heavy load. By conducting stress tests, the system's ability to handle a large number of users can be assessed, and necessary improvements can be made to ensure its smooth functioning.
Proveriti da li se unosenjem neispravnog korisnickog imena ili lozinke korisnik vraca na stranicu za prijavljivanje. Ovako dat test slucaj je primer:
Correct Answer
A. Osnovnog negativnog test slucaja
The given correct answer states that the example provided is an "osnovni negativni test slucaj" which translates to "basic negative test case" in English. This suggests that the test case is checking for the behavior of the system when an incorrect username or password is entered, specifically if the user is redirected back to the login page. This type of test case is important to ensure that the system handles incorrect login attempts correctly and provides appropriate feedback to the user.
Gubitak podataka u sistemu je kriticnost
Correct Answer
C. Visokog nivoa
The given statement states that data loss in the system is of high level. This implies that the loss of data is significant and can have severe consequences. It suggests that the system is highly vulnerable to data loss and measures should be taken to prevent it.
Koji od navedenih iskaza je tacan:
- Postoje razni alati kojima moze da se provere vizuelne transformacije u softveru,
2. Rucno testiranje je danas prevazidjeno,
3. Rucno testiranje je po hijerarhiji na nizem nivou od automatskog testiranja (vrsi se pre automatskog)
4. Nije preporucljivo da se rucno I automatsko testiranje kombinuju
Correct Answer
C. Ni jedno od navedenih
The correct answer is "ni jedno od navedenih" because none of the statements mentioned in the options are correct. The first statement is about the existence of various tools for verifying visual transformations in software, which is not mentioned in the given statements. The second statement claims that manual testing is outdated, which is not true as manual testing still plays a crucial role in software testing. The third statement suggests that manual testing is performed before automated testing, which is not always the case as the order of testing can vary depending on the specific project and requirements. The fourth statement states that it is not recommended to combine manual and automated testing, which is also not true as both types of testing can complement each other and provide more comprehensive test coverage.
Kod potpunog regresivnog testiranja:
Correct Answer
A. Pokrecu se svi testovi iz prethodnih iteracija i testovi iz tekuce iteracije
The correct answer states that in complete regression testing, all tests from previous iterations and the current iteration are executed. This means that all previously created tests are rerun to ensure they are still functioning correctly, and new tests for the current iteration are also executed. This approach helps ensure that any changes or updates made in the current iteration do not negatively impact the functionality of previously tested components.
Proces kojim se proverava da li definisani zahtevi predstavljaju ono sto je stvarno potrebno korisniku je:
Correct Answer
B. Validacija
Validacija je proces kojim se proverava da li definisani zahtevi za nekim proizvodom ili uslugom zaista odgovaraju stvarnim potrebama korisnika. Ovaj proces se obično sprovodi nakon verifikacije, koja se fokusira na to da li su zahtevi ispravno implementirani. Validacija je važna kako bi se osiguralo da proizvod ili usluga zadovoljava očekivanja korisnika i da će biti prihvaćena i korišćena na pravi način.
Testovima naprezanja se proverava
Correct Answer
D. Rada softvera u extremnim uslovima
The correct answer is "rada softvera u extremnim uslovima" which translates to "testing software under extreme conditions." This means that stress testing is used to evaluate the performance and stability of software in extreme or unfavorable conditions such as high loads, limited resources, or unusual user inputs. It helps identify any weaknesses or vulnerabilities in the software that may arise in such scenarios.
Program prihvata na ulazu broj a zatim se vrsi validacija na sledeci nacin:
vresnosti ispod 10 i vece ili jednake 22 se odbacuju, vrednosti od 10 do 21 se prihvataju.
Koji set ulaznih velicina je izabran metodom pokrivanja klasa ekvivalencije:
Correct Answer
C. 3, 10, 22
The chosen set of input values represents the equivalence classes for the given validation method. The first equivalence class includes values below 10, which are discarded. The second equivalence class includes values from 10 to 21, which are accepted. The third equivalence class includes values greater than or equal to 22, which are also discarded. Therefore, the set of input values 3, 10, and 22 covers all the equivalence classes and represents the chosen set for testing.
Negativni test slucajevi sluze da bi se utvrdilo da softverski sistem:
Correct Answer
A. Ne radi ono sto ne bi trebalo da radi
Negativni test slučajevi služe da bi se utvrdilo da softverski sistem ne radi ono što ne bi trebalo da radi. To znači da se koriste za testiranje grešaka ili neispravnosti u softveru kako bi se osiguralo da sistem ne vrši nedozvoljene ili neželjene radnje. Negativni testovi pomažu identifikaciju problema i omogućavaju razvojnim timovima da isprave greške pre nego što softver bude pušten u upotrebu.
Sta od navedenih poslova obuhvata staticka analiza (staticko testiranje):
1. pronalazenje promenljivih koje su deklarisane a ne koriste se
2. pronalazenje sigurnosnih propusta u kodu,
3. detektovanje gresaka vezanih za krsenje standardnih pravila u programiranju,
4. pronalazenje procedura i funkcija koje se ne koriste
Correct Answer
A. Sve navedeno
Staticka analiza obuhvata sve navedene poslove. Pronalazenje promenljivih koje su deklarisane a ne koriste se, pronalazenje sigurnosnih propusta u kodu, detektovanje gresaka vezanih za krsenje standardnih pravila u programiranju, kao i pronalazenje procedura i funkcija koje se ne koriste su sve deo staticke analize.
Usporenje rada sistema u nekom duzem vremenskom periodu je kriticnost
Correct Answer
C. Niskog nivoa
The given statement suggests that the slowdown of system performance over a longer period of time is considered critical. It can be of high, medium, or low level depending on the system. The correct answer, "niskog nivoa" (low level), implies that the slowdown is not severe and does not pose a significant risk or impact on the system's functionality.
Koji od navedenih iskaza je tacan:
1. regresivno testiranje treba da se vrsi svake nedelje,
2. regresivno testiranje se vrsi nakon promene softvera,
3. regresivno testiranje se vrsi sto je moguce cesce,
4. regresivno testiranje se vrsi kada se promeni okruzenje
Correct Answer
A. 2 i 4
The correct answer is 2 and 4. This means that regressive testing is performed after software changes and when the environment is changed. The other options, 1 and 3, are incorrect as they state that regressive testing should be done every week or as frequently as possible, which is not necessarily true.
Prednosti Monkey testiranja
Correct Answer(s)
A. Otkrivaju se specificne greske koje se uobicajenim metodama tesko otkrivaju
B. Jeftino je
F. Realizacija je jednostavna
Monkey testiranje ima nekoliko prednosti. Prvo, ova metoda otkriva specifične greške koje se teško otkrivaju uobičajenim metodama testiranja. Drugo, monkey testiranje je jeftino jer ne zahteva velika ulaganja u resurse. Treće, ovaj metod je brz jer se može izvesti u kratkom vremenskom periodu. Četvrto, reprodukcija grešaka je relativno laka, što omogućava detaljniju analizu i ispravku. Peta prednost je što se otkriva veliki broj grešaka, što doprinosi poboljšanju kvaliteta softvera. Konačno, realizacija monkey testiranja je jednostavna i ne zahteva posebno stručno znanje.
Treba da se testira aplikacija koja omogucava korisnicima(firmi) da upravlja podacima o svojim expoziturama i proizvodima se nalaze u njima. Prema CRUDL listi koji je najmanji broj test slucajeva koji treba da se definise
Correct Answer
D. 10
The correct answer is 10. The question asks for the minimum number of test cases that need to be defined according to the CRUDL list. CRUDL stands for Create, Read, Update, Delete, and List. These are the basic operations that need to be tested for the application. Since there are five operations in CRUDL, and each operation needs to be tested at least once, the minimum number of test cases would be 5. However, since the question specifies that the application is for managing data about expos and products, we can assume that there are additional operations specific to this application. Therefore, the minimum number of test cases would be more than 5 but less than 15, and the closest option is 10.
Koji od sledecih iskaza je tacan
Correct Answer
C. Kada se koristi strategija crne kutije, posmatra se sta sistem radi a ne kako
The correct answer is "kada se koristi strategija crne kutije, posmatra se sta sistem radi a ne kako". This statement explains that when using the black box strategy, the focus is on observing what the system does rather than how it does it. This means that the internal workings and implementation details of the system are not considered, but rather the input-output behavior and functionality are observed and tested.
Koje tvrdjenje je tacno
Correct Answer
C. Integralno testiranje se vrsi nakon jedinicnog
The correct answer is "integralno testiranje se vrsi nakon jedinicnog" which means "integration testing is performed after unit testing". This statement states the correct order of testing, where unit testing is conducted first and then followed by integration testing.
Koji od navedenih stavki predstavljaju glavi zadatak test plana
1.utvrdjivanje obima i rizika testiranja i identifikacija ciljeva testiranja
2. utvrdjivanje tehnika, predmeta ispititvanja, pokrivenosti testovima i metodologije testiranja,
3. pregled osnova testova - zahtevi za sprovodjenje testiranja, arhitektura testova, dizajn testova ...
4. odredjivanje kriterijuma za zavrsetak testiranja
Correct Answer
C. 1, 2 i 4
The correct answer is 1, 2, and 4. This is because these three options cover the main tasks of a test plan. Option 1 involves determining the scope and risk of testing, as well as identifying testing objectives. Option 2 involves determining the techniques, test items, test coverage, and testing methodology. Option 4 involves determining the criteria for ending the testing process. Therefore, options 1, 2, and 4 collectively represent the main tasks of a test plan.
Koji od sledecih iskaza je tacan:
1. Smoke test se radi na pocetku razvoja ili pre ulaska u novu fazu
2. Smoke test je dubok i fokusiran
3. Smoke test se realizuje iskljucivo rucno
4. Smoke test treba da bude dobro dokumentovan
Correct Answer
A. 1 i 4
The correct answer is 1 and 4. This means that both statement 1 and statement 4 are correct. Statement 1 states that a smoke test is conducted at the beginning of development or before entering a new phase, which is true. Statement 4 states that a smoke test should be well-documented, which is also true.
Za metodu pokrivanja svih aktivnosti koje se koristi kod testiranja algoritama vazi sledece
Correct Answer
D. Ne postoji pravilo o broju test slucajeva i broju aktivnosti koje se testiraju u jednom test slucaju ali treba voditi racuna o optimizaciji i da se kroz svaku aktivnost prodje barem jednom
The given answer states that there is no specific rule regarding the number of test cases and activities that are tested in a single test case. However, it is important to consider optimization and ensure that each activity is covered at least once. This means that while multiple activities can be tested with a single test case, it is essential to ensure that all activities are covered adequately.
Metodom crne kutije testira se modul koji prihvata ocenu. Ocena je prihjvatljiva ako je u intervalu od 1 do 5([1, 5]). Koliko test slucajeva ce biti definisano ako se koristi metoda granicnih vrednosti
Correct Answer
A. 4
The given question is asking how many test cases will be defined if the boundary value testing method is used to test a module that accepts a rating. The rating is considered acceptable if it falls within the range of 1 to 5, inclusive. The answer is 4 because the boundary value testing method requires testing the lower and upper boundaries as well as one value below and one value above each boundary. In this case, the lower boundary is 1 and the upper boundary is 5, so the test cases would include values 1, 2, 4, and 5.
Metoda odredjivanja klasa ekvivalencije je metoda koja se najcesce koristi:
Correct Answer
A. Kod strategije crne kutije
The correct answer is "kod strategije crne kutije". This is because the method of determining equivalence classes is most commonly used in black-box testing, where the internal structure and implementation details of the system being tested are not known or considered. In black-box testing, the focus is on testing the system's functionality and behavior from an external perspective, which makes the identification and testing of equivalence classes important.
Correct Answer
C. Greska - ukljuceno
The correct answer is "greska - ukljuceno." This answer is based on the given information, which states "greska - ukljuceno." This implies that there is an error or mistake, and it is turned on or enabled. Therefore, the correct answer is "greska - ukljuceno."
Koji od sledecih iskaza je tacan:
1. Kod Monkey testiranja tester pokusava da obori aplikaciju
2. Kod Monkey testiranja postoji okvirni scenario testiranja
3. Monkey testiranje se realizuje iskljucivo manuelno (rucno)
4. Monkey testiranje se vrsi na pocetku kada sistem jos nije dobro postavljen
Correct Answer
C. Samo 1
The correct answer is "samo 1" because in Monkey testing, the tester tries to break the application by randomly clicking on buttons, menus, and other elements to test its stability and robustness. This type of testing is done to uncover any unexpected errors or crashes that may occur during normal usage. The other options are incorrect because Monkey testing does not necessarily require a predefined scenario (option 2), it can be performed both manually and automatically (option 3), and it can be done at any stage of the system's development, not just at the beginning (option 4).
Test slucajevi kod testiranja prihvatljivosti se definisu prema
Correct Answer
B. Zahtevima
Test slučajevi kod testiranja prihvatljivosti se definišu prema zahtevima. Prihvatljivost testiranja se odnosi na to da li softverski proizvod zadovoljava specifikovane zahteve i očekivanja korisnika. Test slučajevi se kreiraju na osnovu zahteva koji su postavljeni za softver i koriste se kako bi se proverilo da li softver ispunjava te zahteve. Na osnovu zahteva se definišu inputi, očekivani outputi i ostali uslovi koji se koriste prilikom testiranja softvera.
Correct Answer
A. 1
Kada se koristi metoda odredjivanja klase ekvivalencija, za kreiranja ttest slucajeva iz svake klase ekvivalencije:
Correct Answer
D. Uzima se po jedan podatak
When using the equivalence class partitioning method, one data point is taken from each equivalence class. This ensures that all possible scenarios within each class are covered. Additionally, the total number of data points taken should be greater than twice the number of equivalence classes. Therefore, the answer "uzima se po jedan podatak" (one data point is taken) aligns with the principles of this method.
Testiranje delova sistema koji predstavljau celine i mogu da se izoluju naziva se
Correct Answer
A. Jedinicno testiranje
The correct answer is "jedinicno testiranje". This is the testing of individual components or units of a system in isolation. It involves testing each unit or module of the software independently to ensure that it functions correctly. This type of testing helps to identify any defects or errors in the individual units before they are integrated into the larger system.
Koji iskaz je tacan
Correct Answer
D. Validacija se oznacava kao dinamicko testiranje i realizuje se izvrsenjem koda
The correct answer is "validacija se oznacava kao dinamicko testiranje i realizuje se izvrsenjem koda" because validation is a type of dynamic testing that is performed during the execution of the code.